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Sun Oct 30 18:10:41 PDT 2011

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: N1CC
Operator(s): N1CC
Station: N1CC

Class: SOAB(A) LP
QTH: North Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    2     1        1
   80:    6     4        4
   40:   30    11       24
   20:   80    20       47
   15:   90    20       60
   10:  306    28       99
Total:  514    84      235  Total Score = 459,679

Club: North Texas Contest Club


FT-990 100W C3 @ 40', 160-80-40 Inverted Vee, 43' DX Engineering Vertical.
MFJ 1026 Noise Canceller, ClrDSP outboard Audio DSP.

Part-Time Effort starting late Saturday Night due to business trip.  Goal was
to beat last year's score with new antenna and station improvements, coupled
with a few more sunspots.

My local power company, one of the RUS outfits with no techincal expertise at
all never has been able to stop the noise from the illegal 8-line electric
gambling machines.  Within one mile of my QTH there are over 50 --- I have
written a bill for the Texas Legislature to force the authorities to close
these dens of "inequity" down.  But WAIT!  I finally beat the lousy line
maintenance and the noise from the gamblers.  The addition of the ClrDSP audio
filter combined with the noise cancellation box let me hear the weak ones!  And
such a quiet pleasure... turn the two boxes off and its a 20 over line sterady
with bursts from the gambling machines.  I have sorta won the battle but not
the war.

Conditions on 10 Meters were alluring, late Sunday I set a new goal ... to work
DXCC this weekend on SSB.  I almost made it, 99 countries worked on 10 and seven
others heard I could not beat the pileup to reach.  I did make the main goal,
tripling my score from last year.

73, Jim N1CC

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