John Huecksteadt johnh at beecreek.net
Sun Oct 30 19:30:35 PDT 2011

           CQWWSSB Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2011-10-28

    CallSign Used : AC4CA
      Operator(s) : AC4CA

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : SSB
 Default Exchange : 4
       Gridsquare : EM00LF

             Name : John Huecksteadt
          Address : 803 Funf Kinder Rd.
   City/State/Zip : Fredericksburg  TX  78624
          Country : USA

     ARRL Section : STX
        Club/Team : Central Texas DX and Contest Club
         Software : N1MM Logger V11.10.3

        Band    QSOs    Pts  DXC   Zn
         3.5      12      26    8    9
           7      74     202   16   44
          14     156     449   23   59
          21     354    1024   37  100
          28     553    1623   33  116
       Total    1149    3324  117  328

            Score : 1,479,180
              Rig : K3 & Titan 425
         Antennas : Force 12 C3SS & 80M CF Zepp

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