[3830] CoQP N0KE SOMixed HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Sep 4 08:29:43 PDT 2011

                    Colorado QSO Party

Call: N0KE
Operator(s): N0KE
Station: N0KE

Class: SOMixed HP
QTH: Garfield CO
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    1      1       
   80:   23      6       
   40:  106     26       
   20:  120    197      8
   15:   25     33       
   10:    1      1       
Total:  276    264      8  CW Mults = 70  Ph Mults = 73  Dig Mults = 8  Total Score = 133,635

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


Good activity considering it was the Labor Day holiday weekend. Personally I
think holiday weekends should be avoided avoided for contests, swaps or ham
conventions. I know several locals said they were going to get on but didn't
due to holiday events with the family.  The name as part of the exchange causes
lots of needs for repeats as it is unexpected in a QSO party. The majority of
out of state operators do not look at the rules or else they might choose a
nick name or tell you if they have an uncommon spelling on SSB. I had one guy
call me on SSB who was weaker than well water and it took several tries to just
get his call. Imagine trying to copy the name "Vincent" with phonetics when the
station is in and out of the noise. I probably could have worked at least 10
stations in the time that took! Why would you send Robert instead of Bob or
Charles instead of Chuck but people do! I would strongly suggest eliminating
the name from the exchange and avoid a holiday weekend! George, K5KG in FL,
gets my award for the most band slots with 7 QSOs with cw/ssb on 40 thru 15
plus CW on 80. I tried CQing on 20 RTTY and only made 8 QSOs but all were mults
at least. LW3EX was my only 10m CW QSO and also got him on 15 CW.   LU5FF was my
only 10m SSB QSO.         Thanks to PPRA for running the event again. 73 Phil
N0KE Garfield County (GAR)west of Glenwood Springs DM69em.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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