[3830] TnQP N4ARO SO FixedMixed LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Sep 5 05:23:23 PDT 2011

                    Tennessee QSO Party

Call: N4ARO
Operator(s): N4ARO
Station: N4ARO

Class: SO FixedMixed LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs  Mults
  160:    0      0      0       0
   80:   60      2      0      44
   40:  157     75      0      85
   20:  100     31      0      55
   15:    0      0      0       0
   10:    0      0      0       0
    6:    0      0      0       0
    2:    0      0      0       0
  222:    0      0      0       0
  432:    0      0      0       0
Total:  317    108      0       0  Total Score = 215,028

Club: Tennessee Contest Group


Great participation even though bands were not so hot. My cat "Fluffy" helped me
operaate most of the time by parking himself immovably right in front of me on
the operating table, ocassionally flicking his tail, hitting the Bencher and
sending out his own call. Even with this handicap of the second op, I managed
to rack up my all time best score in TNQP. nearly double my usual number of
QSO's in same time. Thanks to the mobile guys who make it interesting chasing
them from county to county and even band to band. Great work by all involved to
make this a really successful and growning party. Thanks to all.  Dick N4ARO

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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