[3830] NCCC Sprint W6YX(K6UFO) QRP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Fri Sep 23 09:49:51 PDT 2011

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - Sep 23

Call: W6YX
Operator(s): K6UFO
Station: W6YX

Class: Single Op QRP
Operating Time (hrs): .4

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   1      1
   80:   2      2
   40:   7      6
   20:  16     12
   15:   4      3
Total:  30     24  Total Score = 720

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Total trouble this week - a really banged-up ending to the Ladder!

There were four guys at the club station setting up for RTTY 
this weekend. Then, they did the RTTY practice at 0200Z.
When I grabbed one station at 02:25Z to switch over to NS
I found I had to switch the cables and com ports, reboot, and 
change some other settings. I finally made my first QSO at 
four minutes in. Four minutes at the start of NS is a L-o-n-g 
time to miss!  After that I felt like I was always trying to 
catch up with the crowd which was a band or two ahead of me.  

Also, most antennas were pointed at Europe where the RTTY 
practice guys were still practicing, so maybe I was loud in 
Montana, but not on the East Coast.

I copied the log onto a USB stick, and figured I'd do the 
report later at home. At home, I find the NCCC Sprint Module is 
not working, and I had to reinstall and export/import the log to 
see the QSOs, and even then it wasn't counting Multipliers.
After a couple tries - I gave up and totaled them up by hand.  

Congratulations to K7SS on his great QRP score. Maybe someday 
I can keep up with his fine pencil-pushing!

The Ladder was great fun, see you again on Thursday nights and 
in the next ladder in December. 


W6YX Stanford University:
15m: 6 el yagi at 70 ft
20m: 6 el yagi at 60 ft
40m: 4 el at 60 ft
80m: inverted vee at 50 ft
160m: Double L Antenna off side of tower.
Yaesu FT-1000MP turned down to 5 watts.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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