webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Sep 25 17:28:18 PDT 2011

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY

Call: KK7PR
Station: K7ZS

Class: M/S HP
QTH: or
Operating Time (hrs): 34

 Band  QSOs  Pts   State/Prov  DX   Zones
   80:   62    77       26       6     5
   40:  202   353       37      24    15
   20:  392   667       49      49    25
   15:  448   903       42      46    21
   10:  221   416       36      37    19
Total: 1325  2416      190     161    86  Total Score = 1,055,792

Club: Willamette Valley DX Club



What a nice surprise - solar flux hitting new Cycle 24 heights, solar flares,
loaded bands.  THIS is fun!

And, great demonstration of the increasing popularity of RTTY!

Fun weekend with time taking off to sleep and recharge the body.  Thanks to Jim
KI7Y, Joe KT7E, Andy KE7AUB, Steve KE7IHG, Billy KF7DSN and Steve N7BEF for
their support of our club efforts!

Fair share of MURPHY this weekend, RTTY contests always find the weakest link
in the chain!  Spent a few hours on Tower One to replace a coax connector, made
a mistake and took out the front end of the mult station radio while tuning the
run radio, antenna switches failing.  You know, all the normal stuff!

Thanks for all the QSO's, see you in the SSB contest in 4 weeks after
fortifying the station!

73 Kevin K7ZS and the Portland Radio Contester Club gang, AKA KK7PR

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