[3830] NAQP CW K7KU(K0KR) Single Op LP

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Tue Aug 7 15:40:44 PDT 2012

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: K7KU
Operator(s): K0KR
Station: K7KU

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Wyoming
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   20    10
   80:  107    32
   40:  202    45
   20:  356    48
   15:  211    42
   10:   15     5
Total:  911   182  Total Score = 165,438




Historically, the August running of NAQP CW has been a sleepy, little backwater
of a contest, arriving (as it does) in the summer doldrums of HF activity.  The
"hot" running of NAQP, in terms of scores and participation, has been the one in

>From the perspective of the U.S. seventh call area, though, we might well be
witnessing the dawn of a new August-NAQP era.  Take a look at the official top
W7 scores, beginning in the year 2000:


2000  K6LL            716  191  136,756
2001  K5RC            694  206  142,964
2002  K6LL            742  193  143,206
2003  K5RC            655  184  120,520
2004  K7RC            745  189  140,805
2005  N6TR            770  185  142,450
2006  K6LL            671  161  108,031
2007  W7RN (N5OT op)  788  183  144,204
2008  K7RL            678  175  118,650
2009  K8IA            833  169  140,777
2010  W7RN (N7MH op)  729  192  139,968
2011  W7RN (N6TV op)  877  201  176,277

On the basis of this history, one sees that from and including 2000 through and
including 2010, the top W7 scores formed a relatively tight pattern, averaging
approximately 134K.  Things began to change in 2011, with the breakthrough
score of 176K+ from Tom Taormina's outfit at W7RN.  This impressive achievement
represented a whopping 31% increase over the average of the top scores for the
previous 11 years.

But, hold onto your hats!  Take a look at the W7 3830 claimed scores from this
past weekend.  We might well be witnessing a boom in scores (and in top level
participation) in the August event.  Some of this is no doubt attributable to
progress in SO2R technique, logging programs, and equipment.  But so much
advancement in a single year?  And a year, at that, when 10m underperformed for
almost everyone?

2012 TOP SIX W7 3830 CLAIMED SCORES (reported as of August 7):

W7RN (K7GK op)  940  205  192,700
K7RL            963  199  191,637
K8IA            976  184  179,584
K7KU (K0KR op)  911  182  165,438
N7XU (K4XU op)  841  184  154,744
W7CT            768  179  137,472

I hope I didn't overlook anyone.  

Consider, in particular, Dick Frey's excellent score at N7XU.  In any year from
2000 through 2010, inclusive, Dick's score would have been No. 1 in W7 by a
comfortable margin.  In 2012, though, his claimed score ranks a mere No. 5
among W7's.  Notice, too, that W7CT's sixth-place score was no slouch either,
as it bettered the average of the No. 1 scores in W7 for 2000 through 2010,
inclusive.  Four W7 scores topping 900 Q's each, when *NO* W7 previously in
this century had reached that threshold in August?  Wow!  Sleepy backwater? 

(My feeble excuse list:  I had only one radio; it would not put out more than
75W on any band; my 40m beam remains kaput; and important out-of-state visitors
arrived unexpectedly smack in the middle of my hottest run.  And what kind of
summer contest is it, exactly, when 160m outperforms 10m?)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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