[3830] 2012 UKDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 17Jan2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Tue Jan 17 07:05:55 PST 2012

2012 UKDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 17Jan2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Feb 14, 2012
E-mail logs to: ukdxc at scotham.net
Mail logs to:
UK DX RTTY Contest Committee
P.O. Box 7469
Glasgow, G42 0YD
Scotland UK
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All M/S HP
S50XX             1095  2745   243    24    667,035 SCC
OH8F               538  1336   194    20    259,184 CCF
N2BJ               347   900    94     7     84,600 SMC

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
RG9A              1514  4547   324    22  1,473,228 SUCC
5B4AIF(5B4AIE)    1186  3624   261    24    945,864 
K4GMH             1081  3006   266    15    799,596 PVRC
MM0LID            1056  2985   222    16    662,670 Buchan Contest Group
VA2UP              950  2685   213    15    571,905 Contest Group du Que
OK2SFP             794  1880   202    20    379,760 
R9CB               530  1547   167    18    258,349 Ural Contest Group
LZ2PL              509  1246   174   ~11    216,804 
OH2BBT             538  1217   163  12.5    198,371 
LA1TV              515  1250   137          171,250 

PZ5RA              341  1052   107 07.12    112,564 
VK3TDX             304   911    82     8     74,702 VK Contest Club
AI9T               273   781    89   4.2     69,509 SMC
W4UH               188   425    66     4     28,050 FCG
KC2LST             143   287    45  8:34     14,924 
W4UK               175     0    48    11     13,344 SECC
F5CQ                22    64     8  0:41        512 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
OM0DX              326   775   127           98,425 
GM0FGI             362   764   126           96,264 GMDX Group
UT2IV              295   688   131           90,128 
UA4ALI             310   681   132  14.5     89,892 
S56A               237   602   138  6:30     83,076 
W4UEF              209   598   105     8     63,210 
VE2EBK             232   651    94  7:01     61,194 Contest Group du Que
F5RD               258   582    95           55,290 
W1BYH              210   523   101     8     52,823 CTRI
IK1DFH             237   534    75           45,924 RBLOB

LY5W               198   449    79     8     35,471 Vytautas Magnus Univ
YU8NU              157   379    83   4.5     31,457 YU CC
TF3PPN             202   483    64           30,912 
VE3XAT             164     0    72           29,448 CCO
DL1ZBO             163   365    77  4:39     28,105 DRCG
K0CMA              210   333    49  18.0     16,983 
K8SM               139   306    53     5     16,218 
YT1BX               97   296    45           13,320 YU CC
N2WN                89   251    53           13,303 TCG
TG9AJR              81   214    50    15     10,700 

WB2COY              94   209    50    14     10,450 
KS0M                84   173    34            5,882 
WB2RHM              50   104    25   2.5      2,600 Mecklenburg ARS
W3BUI               35    79    26   1.5      2,054 
N3BM                20    64     2     1      1,024 PVRC
KB4KBS              21    53    16  1:30        848 SECC
W4BCG               12    21     8              168 TCG
N8HM                 8    17     6     2        102 PVRC

OH8F         OH8JJ,OH8KVY
S50XX        S50XX,S53NW,S57BM,S57LR

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