[3830] ARRL June VHF K1TEO Single Op HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Wed Jun 13 05:49:24 PDT 2012

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: K1TEO
Operator(s): K1TEO
Station: K1TEO

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  660   201
    2:  296    53
  222:   84    34
  432:  109    34
  903:   32    19
  1.2:   39    18
  2.3:   19    10
  3.4:   14     9
  5.7:   12     9
  10G:    8     7
Total: 1273   394  Total Score = 695,804

Club: Northeast Weak Signal Group


Fun contest with 6M conditions though as many have observed the rest of the
bands suffered a great deal with everyone on 6. I also had major problems on
both 2304 and 3456 which put a bit of a dent in my score this time. It was fun
to run EU on Sunday afternoon - reminded of the F2 days in 2001. Both days we
had long openings to the upper midwest. I thought I would have worked everyone
in WI and MN but looking at the 3830 listings I sure missed a bunch of you! In
fact, one interesting observation for me is how few of the stations reporting
on 3830 I actually worked. 6M was good here but there were many times during
the weekend that I would listen to stations to the Northeast of me (K1WHS,
K1TOL etc) working stations one after another while the band was closed for me.
I even heard W3EP working openings a couple of times when nothing was coming
through and Emil is only 60 or 70 miles from me. 

I have been following the discussion online about scoring for the contest and
the lack of activity on other bands when 6 is open. I do enjoy 6M openings a
great deal but also enjoy working all the bands. I prefer some balance between
the two if that's possible. My experience is that once six opens that is it for
the other bands. The 64K question for me is how to balance to between 6 and the
other bands. I probably spend a bit too much time on the other bands trying to
build a higher total on 2M and up. A good example is that I spent over a half
hour working K1DS/R in FM28 and 29 during the strong 6M openings on Sunday
evening. Working Rick was great (and fun) for the microwave totals and he
provided over 25 qso points in both grids and several new multipliers. I
probably would have worked as many qso points staying on 6M  and perhaps as
many new grids. So this was a good tradeoff but of course hurts the 6M totals.
Other times I called a lot of CQ's on 2M and had much lower rates than had I
stayed on 6M. Seeing some of the other New England totals on 6M suggests I
probably should have spent more of my time on the band.  

It was great to work the 2M Es opening Sunday night. Much of the time it was
open I was on the microwaves with K1DS but I caught the tail end of it and
managed 4 qso's and better yet 3 new all time grids on 2M (EN04, EN05 and EN22)

Tnx for the qso's and CU in the CQWW and Sept contests.


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