[3830] 2012 DLDC RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 15Jun2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Jun 15 06:56:20 PDT 2012

2012 DLDC RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 15Jun2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Aug 1, 2012
E-mail logs to: dldc at drcg.de
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt   Cnt   hr      Score Club
DL4R(DL4RCK)       747  7245   211     6    23  9,172,170 DRCG
DM5TI              610  6926   183     6    20  7,604,748 DRCG
N6ERD/1(@W1AN)     465  7275   142     6    21  6,198,300 CTRI
DJ3IW              292  5769   173     6 15:17  5,988,222 DRCG
GM0FGI             513  4348   160     6    20  4,174,080 GMDX Group
WB2RHM             335  5468   112     6    17  3,674,496 SECC
VA7ST              254  5230    92     6    12  2,886,960 Orca DX and Contest 
F5CQ               380  3860   111     6    10  2,570,760 Clipperton DX Club
N2BJ               261  3994    89     6   8.5  2,132,796 SMC
W6WRT              212  3571    73     6     6  1,564,098 

WA8RPK             150  2364    43    25  9hrs    937,728 

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt   Cnt   hr      Score Club
W4LC               243  3757    99     6    12  2,231,658 KCG
DJ1OJ              315  2656   137     6    12  2,183,232 DRCG
DL1ZBO             296  2506   120     6 15:00  1,804,320 DRCG
F5RD               299  1678   106     6        1,067,208 
WA1DRQ             110  1699    47     6     6    632,028 YCCC
W0RAA              138  1307    44     6     8    345,048 Grand Mesa
N7VEA               53   707    34     5     5    120,190 
K3FH                43   647    29     5     2     93,815 TCG
KH6GMP              31   625    23     4     2     57,500 
M0CFW(JK3GAD)       76   405    46     3           55,890 

AC0E                13   278     9     4 51min     14,456 Kansas City DX Club

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt   Cnt   hr      Score Club
NG7Z               202  3854    71     6     6  1,641,804 WWDXC
W1BYH              185  2851    86     6     6  1,471,116 CTRI
W9ILY              177  2565    67     6     6  1,031,130 METRO DX Club
AI9T               151  2682    60     5  4.25    804,600 SMC
DK6CQ              201  1490    87     5     6    648,150 DRCG
NW5P(W0YK)          90  1241    40     5     6    248,200 Loma Prieta Contest 
W6SX                71   767    25     5           95,875 NCCC
AA5VU               58   802    47     5     6     41,704 CTDXCC

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt   Cnt   hr      Score Club
W1ZD/7             135  2192    63     6   6.0    828,576 Arizona Outlaws Cont
S56A               243  1545    81     5     6    764,775 
GU0SUP             221  1418    84     6     6    714,672 DRCG
W8UL               109  1787    62     5  4:58    553,970 
VE2EBK             120  1841    52     5          478,660 Contest Group du Que
AB4SF               53   887    34     6     4    180,948 
KX7L                34   638    27     6     3     80,388 WWDXC
DF1LX               43   392    33     5           64,680 BCC


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