[3830] ARRL June VHF WO9S Single Op LP
Jonathan L. Rosner
rosner at hep.uchicago.edu
Fri Jun 15 14:29:50 PDT 2012
ARRLVHFJUN Score Summary Sheet
Start Date : 2012-06-09
CallSign Used : WO9S
Operator(s) : WO9S
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Band : ALL
Power : LOW
Mode : MIXED
Default Exchange : EN61
Gridsquare : EN61ET
Name : Jonathan Rosner
Address : 5337 S. University Avenue
City/State/Zip : Chicago IL 60615
Country : USA
ARRL Section : IL
Club/Team : Society of Midwest Contesters
Software : N1MM Logger V11.12.0
Band QSOs Pts Grd
50 75 75 52
144 11 11 5
Total 86 86 57
Score : 4,902
Rig : Icom IC-706 (100W,6), Yaesu FT-847 (50W,2)
Antennas : Cushcraft R6000 (6, vertical polarization)
Low sloping 40 M dipole (6, horiz. pol.)
4-el Yagi in attic (2, horiz. polarization)
Soapbox : Now that the building formerly housing the
U. of Chicago club station is a pile of rubble,
I've been improvising from the home QTH. Can't
break every pileup on 6 but still managed to reach
both coasts with no trouble. Discovered the merits
of horizontal polarization for nearby stations on 6;
vertical does OK for Es QSOs but almost nothing for
I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
established for amateur radio in my country. My report is
correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be
bound by the decisions of the Contest Committee.
Date : 2012-06-15 Signature : Jonathan L. Rosner
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