webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Mar 26 20:59:00 PDT 2012

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: NN4F
Operator(s): NN4F
Station: NN4F

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 6.5

 Band  QSOs
   40:  128
   20:   73
   15:   50
   10:   15
Total:  266  Prefixes = 213  Total Score = 143,998

Club: South East Contest Club


Planned to operate for the full 36, but Murphy and his several brothers had
other plans....

Friday afternoon, got the radio and software working, 1 hour before, the storms
started to roll into SC, just happened that the line of storms coming in from
GA, all came over head here... I stayed under the storm line for 5 hours, some
real bad lightening, didn't really want to put the lightening protection to the
test.. managed to get on about 2 am local, made a short runs on 40...and then
Murphy's brother number two hit, another storm, this time the power went out, a
little frustrated I went to bed...

6am sat, got up, connected all the antennas back up, just started on 40 again,
and then the satellite alert from work went off, (TV Station) my 4.5meter
steerable dish decided to lock up, so had to go into work... 8 hours later
we're back home, It was disheartening when I heard stations passing out serials
of over 1000, and i was only on, 124...then Murphy #3 Storms.... and More
Storms, in total I had 8 storms pass over here...the last sat over head for 6
hours again... I guess this just wasn't my year to enter a good score...

Some great scores by other SECC members, KT4ZB and N4XL, and an amazing score
by the boys down in PJ4 land...

So 29.5 hours short of the planned time, at least I got to spend some quality
time with my wife watching the rain and lightening...

Paul - NN4F - SC

Equip: FT1000MP MkV + Alpha 78
Mosley TA63 + Wires...

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