webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun May 27 19:05:26 PDT 2012

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: WC1M
Operator(s): WC1M
Station: WC1M

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 36
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:    0
   40:  684
   20: 1185
   15: 1389
   10:   31
Total: 3289  Prefixes = 1050  Total Score = 10,807,605

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


I haven’t seen scores from K0DQ and KC3R, but I’m assuming congrats are in
order. Can’t wait to see who won the battle of the super stations. Those two
were well ahead of me late in the contest, so I have little doubt that one or
both of them went over 11 million points. And you never know who else might be
a contending single-op in this contest!

The explosion in WPX participation over the last few years is simply
mind-boggling, and we probably haven’t seen the best propagation of this
cycle. How high can the scores go? If you had told me a few years ago that a
score over 10 million points wouldn’t be good enough to win USA SOAB HP in
WPX CW, I wouldn’t have believed it. But it’s going to happen this year. In
fact, I’m wondering if it will be good enough for top five! I’ve already
seen four scores that topped the record set in 2009 by Alex LZ4AX @ KC3R, and
I’m sure there will be several more. Wouldn’t be amazing if the entire top
ten beat the record? Has that ever happened?

It was a great contest, with every corner of the world coming in at one time or
another. Had some good JA runs in both the mornings and afternoons, mostly on
15, and those prefixes really helped to pad the total. It was a pleasure to
finally have 15 wide open for more than half the day, with rates better than
20. 10 wasn’t there, but did provide some nice mults. 10 and 80 really
aren’t a factor in this contest anyway. The only disappointment was 40, which
is usually my go-to band. I really missed the six-pointers this year. I shudder
to think how high the scores would have gone had 40 been fully open to Europe.

As the rate sheet shows, the rate stayed high through most of the first 24
hours and was unusually good the second day, too. The pileups were never huge,
but it wasn't hard to keep the meter over 100/hr most of the time.

I’ve done a serious effort in this contest every year since 2000, and I must
say that this year might have been the most fun of all. Definitely top three.
It was a huge kick pushing hard to make the numbers roll over and realizing
that the new record would top 10 million points.

Thanks for all the QSOs, especially from our European friends who really make
these DX contests special. 

See you next year!

73, Dick WC1M

QSO/Pref by hour and band

 Hour     160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm

D1-0000Z  --+--   --+--  113/97    3/2    --+--   --+--  116/99    116/99  
D1-0100Z    -       -     98/73   13/11     -       -    111/84    227/183 
D1-0200Z    -       -     89/48   22/14     -       -    111/62    338/245 
D1-0300Z    -       -     94/50   17/12     -       -    111/62    449/307 
D1-0400Z    -       -     71/35   24/16     -       -     95/51    544/358 
D1-0500Z    -       -      9/4   121/50     -       -    130/54    674/412 
D1-0600Z    -       -     20/17   70/21     -       -     90/38    764/450 
D1-0700Z    -       -      6/2    44/14    1/1      -     51/17    815/467
D1-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     815/467
D1-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     815/467
D1-1000Z    -       -       -     34/10     -       -     34/10    849/477 
D1-1100Z    -       -       -     47/27   69/21     -    116/48    965/525 
D1-1200Z    -       -       -       -    146/30     -    146/30   1111/555 
D1-1300Z    -       -       -      1/0   130/30     -    131/30   1242/585 
D1-1400Z    -       -       -      5/2    98/25     -    103/27   1345/612 
D1-1500Z    -       -       -       -    107/35     -    107/35   1452/647 
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--    5/1    95/35   --+--  100/36   1552/683 
D1-1700Z    -       -       -      5/1    67/18     -     72/19   1624/702
D1-1800Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1624/702
D1-1900Z    -       -       -     70/16    7/3      -     77/19   1701/721
D1-2000Z    -       -       -     86/14   11/7      -     97/21   1798/742 
D1-2100Z    -       -       -     80/14   18/10     -     98/24   1896/766 
D1-2200Z    -       -       -     88/12   14/10     -    102/22   1998/788 
D1-2300Z    -       -     33/13   46/8      -       -     79/21   2077/809 
D2-0000Z  --+--   --+--   66/8     2/1    17/17   --+--   85/26   2162/835 
D2-0100Z    -       -     47/12   21/4      -       -     68/16   2230/851 
D2-0200Z    -       -     22/9    64/11     -       -     86/20   2316/871 
D2-0300Z    -       -     11/6    35/5      -       -     46/11   2362/882
D2-0400Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2362/882
D2-0500Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2362/882
D2-0600Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2362/882
D2-0700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2362/882
D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    2362/882
D2-0900Z    -       -      5/3    11/5      -       -     16/8    2378/890
D2-1000Z    -       -       -     43/8    13/2      -     56/10   2434/900 
D2-1100Z    -       -       -      3/0   102/14     -    105/14   2539/914 
D2-1200Z    -       -       -      3/1    87/9     6/3    96/13   2635/927 
D2-1300Z    -       -       -       -     87/7    10/7    97/14   2732/941 
D2-1400Z    -       -       -     11/4    81/14     -     92/18   2824/959 
D2-1500Z    -       -       -      3/2    59/14    3/2    65/18   2889/977 
D2-1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   14/3    43/7    --+--   57/10   2946/987 
D2-1700Z    -       -       -      1/0    20/3      -     21/3    2967/990
D2-1800Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2967/990
D2-1900Z    -       -       -     43/1    19/5      -     62/6    3029/996
D2-2000Z    -       -       -     36/6     4/1     9/2    49/9    3078/1005
D2-2100Z    -       -       -     67/14    9/4      -     76/18   3154/1023
D2-2200Z    -       -       -     37/6    17/4     3/1    57/11   3211/1034
D2-2300Z    -       -       -     10/1    68/15     -     78/16   3289/1050

Total:     0/0     0/0   684/3771185/3171389/341  31/15

       160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    NA       0      0    179    206    227      8     620    18.9
    EU       0      0    481    889    991      0    2361    71.8
    AS       0      0      7     64    136      0     207     6.3
    AF       0      0      3      5      9      0      17     0.5
    SA       0      0     10     15     22     23      70     2.1
    OC       0      0      4      6      4      0      14     0.4

       160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    3V                                   1              1
    4J                                   1              1
    4L                     1      1      2              4
    4O                     1                            1
  4U1I                     1                            1
    4X                     1      3      4              8
    5B                     1      1      2              4
    6W                                   1              1
    6Y                                   1              1
    9A                    13     18     18             49
    9K                            1                     1
    A6                     1             1              2
    A7                            1                     1
    BV                                   1              1
    BY                                   4              4
    CE                            1      4      2       7
    CM                            1      2              3
    CN                            1                     1
    CT                     1      1      2              4
   CT3                     2             1              3
    CU                                   1              1
    CX                            2      3      1       6
    D2                            1                     1
    DL                    76    143    170            389
    DU                                   1              1
    E7                     4      7      7             18
    EA                    10     18     29             57
   EA6                     1      1                     2
   EA8                     1      2      5              8
    EI                     2      1      6              9
    ER                     3      2      3              8
    ES                     2      6      5             13
    EU                     8     18     16             42
    EX                                   1              1
     F                    10     15     24             49
    FG                            1                     1
    FM                     1      1      2      1       5
     G                    24     42     42            108
    GD                            1      1              2
    GI                     1      3      1              5
    GJ                                   1              1
    GM                     4      7      9             20
  GM/s                                   1              1
    GW                            1                     1
    HA                    14     25     24             63
    HB                     4      9     12             25
    HK                     1      1      1      1       4
    HP                            1             1       2
    HZ                            2      1              3
     I                    16     36     38             90
    IS                            1      1              2
   IT9                     3      5      6             14
    J3                                          1       1
    JA                           18     78             96
    JT                            1                     1
     K                   148    179    202      2     531
   KH6                            1                     1
    KL                            1      1              2
   KP2                     2      2             1       5
   KP4                     1      1             1       3
    LA                     4      6      6             16
    LU                     2      3      2      5      12
    LX                     1      1                     2
    LY                    12     15     16             43
    LZ                     9     20     21             50
    OA                                          1       1
    OE                     2     10      7             19
    OH                     4     15     22             41
   OH0                     1      1      2              4
    OK                    32     47     54            133
    OM                    15     24     21             60
    ON                     6     14     12             32
    OX                            1                     1
    OY                            1                     1
    OZ                     5      9      9             23
    P4                     2      1      3              6
    PA                     8     22     33             63
   PJ2                     1      1                     2
   PJ4                                   1      1       2
    PY                     4      4      6     11      25
    PZ                                   1      1       2
    S5                    20     19     28             67
    SM                    13     21     17             51
    SP                    17     36     43             96
    SV                     5      6      9             20
   SV9                     1      1      2              4
    TA                     2      3      1              6
    TF                                   2              2
    TK                     1             1              2
    UA                    43    124    135            302
   UA2                     1      3      2              6
   UA9                     1     25     31             57
    UN                            6      6             12
    UR                    51     73     77            201
    V2                     1             1      1       3
    V3                                   1              1
    VE                    26     17     14             57
    VK                     2      5                     7
  VK9L                     1                            1
    VU                            2      2              4
    XE                            1      2              3
    XU                                   1              1
    YB                                   3              3
    YL                     4      8      7             19
    YO                    11     23     27             61
    YS                                   1              1
    YU                    16     27     19             62
    YV                            1      1              2
    Z3                     1      3      2              6
    ZL                     1                            1
    ZP                            1                     1
    ZS                            1      1              2


160M  -  trapped vee @90' (not working)
 80M  -  delta loop @75, trapped vee @90' (not working)
 40M  -  Cal-Av 2D-40A @110', 4-square
 20M  -  4/4/4 SteppIRs @96'/64'/34' on TICs, C3E @50', 4-el @72'
 15M  -  4/4/4 SteppIRs @96'/64'/34' on TICs, C3E @50', 5-el @50'
 10M  -  4/4/4 SteppIRs @96'/64'/34' on TICs, C3E @50'. 6-el @115'
Tower#1:   Force 12 EF-610, Cal-AV 2D-40A, 4-el SteppIRs, 160/80 trapped vee
(not working)
770-MDP:   Force-12 EF-420
AB-577 #1: Force-12 EF-515
AB-577 #2: Force-12 C3E

Delta loop hung from a tree

dual 580' beverage aimed 20/220 degrees


Elecraft K3 + Alpha 87A, Elecraft K3 + LP-PAN + Acom 2000A, Writelog,
LP-BRIDGE, PowerSDR-IF, YCCC SO2R Box, homebrew Windows antenna
switching/tuning software ("AntennaMaster"), K1XM MOAS II USB Switch, TopTen
and KK1L SO2R switches, Green Heron and Hy-Gain rotor controllers, microHam
Stack Switch and StackMax

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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