[3830] SS CW N2IC Single Op HP

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Mon Nov 5 11:17:55 EST 2012

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW

Call: N2IC
Operator(s): N2IC
Station: N2IC

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: New Mexico
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:  124
   40:  506
   20:  327
   15:  390
   10:   94
Total: 1441  Sections = 83  Total Score = 239,206



Seems like this was a excellent year to be in New Mexico ! Got off to a great
start, and just kept my distance from the competition during the really slow
stretch on Sunday.

Started the contest on 10, but it was mostly "Hudson River" propagation. A
solar flux of 95 is just not enough there. 15 was the money band during the
daytime, and 40 at night. 80 was very noisy Saturday night from thunderstorms
just east of here.

Activity seemed down, but some of that was no doubt due to Sandy. The great
conditions in CQWW SSB a week earlier also have a negative effect on CW SS
activity. Burnout !

Thanks to the CCO for encouraging activity from the new Ontario sections. NNY
and NT were scarce, but thanks to K2NNY, WB9G and VY1EI for their
contributions. I understand VY1JA was also active.

Everything worked perfectly in the station. The only antenna change from
previous years was the addition of a 3 element 15 meter beam fixed NW. Very
useful for picking up WA/OR/CA stations that are off the side of the big

Radios: TS-590S (x2), Alpha 76PA, Alpha 76CA
10: 6 el @ 30'
15: 6 el @ 32', 3 el NW @30'
20: 5 el @ 65', KT-36XA @ 75'
40: 4 el M2 (linear loaded) @ 110', 2 el wire beam NW @ 45'
80: 2 el wire beam NE @ 105', inverted vee @ 105'
Software: N1MM Logger

See you next year !


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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