[3830] CQWW CW NQ4I M/M HP

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Mon Nov 26 08:56:09 EST 2012

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: NQ4I
Station: NQ4I

Class: M/M HP
QTH: Griffin, Georgia
Operating Time (hrs): 48.0

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  229    21       72
   80:  821    29      109
   40: 1757    37      142
   20: 1878    39      150
   15: 1763    38      134
   10:  933    33      134
Total: 7381   197      761  Total Score = 18,885,054

Club: South East Contest Club


I had one of my op's to read my comments and he suggested I edit them...so this
is the "lite" version of my earlier comments.

One must use a yard stick with which to measure one's performance. 

NQ4I 18.88 mil  7381 q's 197 zones 761 countries

NQ4I 26.8 mil 9329 q's 207 zones 834 countries

K3LR "HF Radio conditions were quite good, which allowed some big fun on the
higher bands."

NQ4I comment inserted ...."Conditions were not what they were in 2011, and
definately were not realized equally in different parts of the country."

K3LR's score was down from last year by approximately 8.7%
W3LPL'S score was down from last year by approximately 11% 
NQ4I's score was down from last year by 29.6%

This was a contest with which we were really proud of the way we approached the
contest. One operator cancelled the morning of the contest and left us a little
short handed. Won't happen again. The station had the least inter-station
interference we have ever had. There has been a massive prorgam in place to
replace all coax cables with 100% shielded cable and to use generous amounts of
ferrite beads on all cables entering and leaving the station. The next round of
improvements will address audio ground loops and improvements in transmit

Stations were manned around the clock...skimmers were monitored....reverse
beacons were constantly interrogated and viewed...score posting sites were in
full view across the station...there are many other stations in our category
who have the technical abilites to post their scores, can't see why they refuse
to engage.....

I want to thank the many operators at NQ4I who gave up their Thanksgiving
weekend with their family to fly and drive the long distances to middle Georgia
and be a part of our team...a real fun time was had by all....

160 M...Op W4SVO...Mr 160 Meters...had some illness related problems but had
some serious BIS time. Score way down for us with huge atmospheric noise most
of the weekend. EU was unworkable Sat night. We have always been very
competitive on 160 in the past...conditions play a large part in our success
and they did not favor us in the least. We did not get any skimmer spots from
EU in this contest. 

80m...The Drubber, W4IX was stuck working without a Mult op...he still managed
a very decent showing. The off duty guys would filter by and fill in all
through the night to help out. The 12 element LPDA remains un-fullfilled. It is
still not at it's design height due to the tower that fell in early Sept. As
soon as the tower is removed from the trees and salvaged, it will be rebuilt
and the fromt end of the LPDA will go up to 145 ft. 

40m...VE7ZO and team mate Kevan N4XL really synched to produce a very decent
score on 40m. They manned the station many more hours than I felt was
necessary. It is amazing to look at reverse beacons in EU and track the opening
of the band. We are approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes behind the rest of the
east coast in making it to EU...so we have roughly 2.5 hours less propagation
during the contest on this band. Nothing left on the table here.

20m...Dean W8ZF, Doug KY4F, and Glen WW4B teamed up and did a marvelous job.
They scoured the band...there were numerous times that they had worked
everything that skimmer was reporting and that we could hear. I studied the
reverse beacon network and the NE US stations had nearly 3 hours each night
into EU and we could not generate a single skimmer spot...thats 6 hours less
propagation into EU that we could not make a single qso. Not for not trying. 

15m...Rick K4TD and Marty W1MD made up "Team Delta Force". These two guys had
so much fun as they cleaned the band. Not a single qso or mult escaped their
eagle eyes. Nothing left on the table here either. Rick Had a 183 Q hour on
Saturday morning. Not shabby!! Last year K4TD and W1MD worked a world high 162
countries on 15m. This year we were unable to replicate the numbers. 

10m....Charlie K1XX and Steve AG4W spent countless hours working this band.
They really mopped up every possible qso. Nothing left here either. 

On a sadder note, my youngest sister Janet age 54 passed away Wed before
Thanksgiving and the services were Friday before the contest. So little
attention to contesting leading up to the contest. Everything started up on
autopilot so to speak.  

I was real happy with the equipment...no failures...some minor repairs by W4DD
the first day..thanks Jeff.....your contributions are really appreciated...

Our Chief Operator Jim VE7ZO had to leave early Sunday morning for a business
trip to EU and was missed at then end of the test...

Of course the post contest Mexican Food Fiesta, cerveza's and margarita's was
enjoyed by op's staying the night on Sunday. Our annual trips to El Charro are
enjoyed by all!

This contest, the CQWW CW is without a doubt the greatest contest there is. To
participate as a group is really an honor....I have been doing this contesting
thing since 1962....we started the M-M in 1983 or so...over the years I have
participated as Single Op All Bands, Multi-Single, Multi-Two, and Multi-Multi.

To all who worked us this past weekend...Thank You very much...we could not do
it without you....as always QSL via LOTW.

73, Thanks, and Happy Holidyas from NQ4I

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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