[3830] CQWW CW KB1H M/2 HP

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Mon Nov 26 09:12:40 EST 2012

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: KB1H
Operator(s): KB1H, W1UJ, NB1U, K1EBY, NR1X, UA3AGW, AA1CE, KM1X
Station: KB1H

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: 05
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  100    15       53
   80:  798    25      102
   40: 1290    34      116
   20: 1475    38      143
   15: 1501    35      128
   10:  791    29      120
Total: 5955   176      662  Total Score = 14,277,006

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


I think this was our best weekend and highest score in this contest. Not without
equipment problems but for a change plenty of

Things started off Thursday evening with W1UJ and NR1X picking up Dima, UA3AGW,
at Logan Airport in Boston. Unable to
find a station in KP4 to operate Dima emailed us to ask if he could join us. He
has had an open invitation since meeting him
in 2007 at Dayton.

The crew gathered Friday during the day and by 0000Z Saturday most everyone was
here. K1EBY, NB1U, UA3AGW, KM1X,
and KB1H. W1UJ had a long two or three days at work and had to crash a few
hours at home to get some energy back.
NR1X came after his shift at work around midnight. With a house full of friends
from Canada (non-ham types) KB1H finally
went to bed about 0130 local time. W1UJ made it here about 0430 local time.

The start was OK except on the 40M station the function keys kept locking up so
for the first 10 hours most of the sending
on this important band was by hand key only! When W1UJ finally came he located
the problem and we were all set the rest
of the weekend.

In the morning Saturday KB1H looked up at the 15M top antenna and wondered why
it was pointed south during a European
run. Unknown before the start we were still suffering from Hurricane Sandy
damage, The 15M antenna was spinning on the
mast. Expecting AA1CE to show sometime Saturday an urgent text went to Dave,
"When are you comng and guess why?"
The reply after hearing the problem was "Dumb hobby for dumb people!" Dave had
to climb in wind blowing about 30 MPH
and temperature of about 35F The bolt through the mast and Tailtwister was

Our new full size 3 element 40M beam worked GREAT! Designed by K1DW and built
by the crew (especially N1WK) that
effort really paid off. This 450 lb (maybe more!) monster kept us on 7012 for
many hours.

>From this point on there were minor problems and the list of repairs has been
made. Lots of antenna alignment to do. Both 
the 15M and 40M indicators are not right.

With a full crew and Dima to inspire the guys we charged on and as I mentioned,
probably our best score ever in M/2.
Thanks to the crew and supporting Barnstormers like N1WK and KE1LI. Again Live
scoring added motivation.

Thanks for all the QSOs and looking forward to ARRL DX contests and hopefully
all will be repaired by then.

Dick KB1H

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