[3830] WPX SSB S58WW SOSB80(TS) HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Apr 2 03:20:10 EDT 2013

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: S58WW
Operator(s): S58WW
Station: S58WW

Class: SOSB80(TS) HP
Operating Time (hrs): ~ 30

 Band  QSOs
   80:  922
Total:  922  Prefixes = 498  Total Score = 975,084

Club: Vrhnika contesters



First of all thanks for all QSOs.

My goal was 700 QSOs. Operating in the middle of village Dob in urban area with
high rf smog, many plasma TVs and high noise, 80 meters is challenge. Top of the
antenna was 17 meters high and that is all I can afford on my home location.
Since I was experimenting a lot, where feed my low loop antenna, I found out
that, it works the best for me when I feed it in the middle of long bottom

I didn't find good frequency for CQ first two hours of the contest. 
But that's the part of the game and part of our beautiful hobby.

Best contest on 80 meters from my QTH. I have another goal now... more than
1.000.000 points on 80. I will have to do something on receiving part of setup.
I have idea already.  

Setup:  IC 775 DSP(two INRAD f. + INRAD roofing f.) + OM2500 + vertical
triangle loop.

See you probably on one of the higher bands in CW part in May with my new X-7.
Thanks to all who had enough patience for repeating calls and serial numbers.

73 Pibo S58WW


I checked DX cluster history yesterday and checked my spoters. Many thanks to
all who send a spot.

SH6E            3663.9 S58WW                                           2317 31
S51A            3663.9 S58WW                                           2227 31
S54O            3663.9 S58WW        CQWPXSSB                           2136 31
S53BB-@         3663.8 S58WW                                           2128 31
9A3QM           3676.0 S58WW                                           1918 31
YO5OHO          3706.0 S58WW        WPX                                1647 31
E74WN-@         3706.0 S58WW                                           1638 31
S57MZ           3706.0 S58WW        now hr                             1617 31
S53DIJ          3715.0 S58WW                                           1545 31
SE0X            3667.0 S58WW                                           0107 31
ES2TI           3670.1 S58WW                                           2234 30
PA4PS           3669.9 S58WW                                           2108 30
DJ5AN           3670.0 S58WW                                           2035 30
DC9TH           3660.0 S58WW                                           1856 30
LY2KZ           3761.6 S58WW        tks ur patience :-)                1809 30
S53DIJ          3691.0 S58WW                                           0510 30
DJ5AN           3691.0 S58WW                                           0451 30
UT3UZ           3757.0 S58WW                                           0305 30
S54KM           3757.1 S58WW                                           0303 30
IK4VET          3657.7 S58WW                                           0131 30

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