[3830] GaQP VE9AA Single OpCW HP

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Sun Apr 14 20:06:21 EDT 2013

                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: VE9AA
Operator(s): VE9AA
Station: VE9AA

Class: Single OpCW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:      1        
   40:     40        
   20:     81        
   15:      5        
Total:    127       0  CW-Dig Mults = 75  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 19,050

Club: Maritime Contest Club


WOW!~ The Georgians know how to throw a party.  My intention was to play for
"only 1 hour" but I heard a lot of mobile activity and there was no
way I could walk away.  Every time I came back to the radio it was a whole new
ballgame.  It was very addictive.  There were some FB mobile signals later in
the day.  Early on condx were waaaay down from up here and I could barely
detect some of the mobiles.
Special mention goes to W0BH...that guy can copy CW.  A few times I had the
keyer over 40wpm and he managed to pull my callsign out of the din, seemingly
without a problem.  I know I must have been weak there.  Whatever you are
doing, don't stop ! 

Thanks for all the fun.

On a serious note, this weekends contest activity is dedicated to the memory of
fellow MCCer Al, VE1AL(sk)

IC-7410 or IC-746
WinKeyer USB, Bencher Paddles
Heil BM-10 
HF Help: MLA-2500 (sometimes, depends on contest)
6m Help: SB-226 (King conversions Heathkit)
2m Help: VE1RG(sk) homebrew ~ 500w
2m: 17B2 or M2-15el
4m: (yes, 4m), RX only 6el from Mapleleafcom.com
6m: A50-6S @ 24\'
10m: Wire ground plane, base @ 25\' or LJ-105CA @ 25\'
15m: Wire Ground plane for 40m band, base @ 15\'
20m: Wire Ground plane for 80m band (5/16th wave on 80m), base @ 4\'
40m: Wire Ground plane, base @ 15\'
80m: Wire Ground plane, base @ 4\'
160m: Wire Inverted L (more like inverted U) base @ 1\' (50x1/4wl

73 de Mike VE9AA

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