[3830] MiQP K8MAD/SANI(K8MM) Single Op LP

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Sun Apr 21 14:48:44 EDT 2013

                    Michigan QSO Party

Operator(s): K8MM
Station: K8MAD/SANI

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:    1       
   40:   75    118
   20:   35     10
   15:    1       
Total:  112    128  CW Mults = 55  Ph Mults = 65  Total Score = 42,240

Club: Thumb Area Contesters


Last year I decided to do a portable FD style operation from Tuscola county
since nobody had a planned operation from there. This year I decided to add
Sanilac county to the list as well. Both counties are close to home and an easy
half hour drive for me. 

Since the place I operated at last year in Tuscola county was under several
feet of flood water, I decided to use google maps to find another park to
operate from. I used the satellite view to see what the park looked like and if
there were any antenna supports (trees) close to a parking area. I found to
great locations this way.

The first place was Marlette, MI in Sanilac county and the wx was 32 degrees,
windy and snowing. As I pulled up to the spot I found on google and walked
around a little I found a great tree to hang the G5RV in. As I was getting was
hanging the antenna there was another car in the parking lot watching me do my
thing and as I finished hanging the antenna the white car and driver left. Just
as I was about to sit down and start operating I remembered that I had a
magnetic sign with me that said "amateur radio communications" so I
stuck it on the door facing the road. Finally I climbed into the car, started
it up, cranked the heat on high to thaw out and began operating. It wasn't a
mere 2 minutes after the white car left that I see the cops coming down the
street toward me. They pulled into the parking lot and took a look at the wire
and coax in the tree, then the sign on my door and after a brief pause they
left. So I didn't loose any operating time trying to explain to a local LEO
what I was doing....not that they would have understood anyway. ;-P

I was a few minutes late for the start of the contest and my first contact was
on 20M cw and it went into the log at 16:09z. I spent the next five hours
concentrating on calling CQ and working as many guys as possible to hand out
the SANI mult. It was always fun when I'd hit the dx cluster on a new band or
mode and the feeding frenzy would begin. The time went by pretty fast between
working guys and watching a bluebird making its next in a hollow tree. There
were constant snow flurries and at 21:26z the last qso went into the log and it
wast time to tear down and head west to Tuscola county.

Tear down was miserable, cold and wet, which is the opposite of last years
MiQP. I tried to make everything easy to deploy when I got to TUSC and it
worked out pretty well when I got there.

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