[3830] GaQP W3DYA Rover Single OpCW LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Apr 23 11:23:41 EDT 2013

                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: W3DYA
Operator(s): W3DYA
Station: W3DYA

Class: Rover Single OpCW LP
QTH: Georgia
Operating Time (hrs): 14

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
  160:       0      0
   80:       0      0
   40:     402      0
   20:     947      0
   15:      30      0
   10:       0      0
    6:       0      0
Total:    1379      0  CW-Dig Mults = 48  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 132,384



Trivia:  DX and State QSO Count:
DX - 176, TX - 139, OH - 136, NC - 96, WI - 71, IL - 63, MO - 61, TN - 55, 
NY - 45, FL - 42, PA - 41.
Thanks to everyone for following me around.  Operating time is short because I
stop when it gets dark and had to quit early Sunday because Karen couldn't see
in the downpour.
My apologies to those waiting for me to ID before calling; I usually ID after
I've cleared the pileup.  If someone asks for my call, I will send it on the
next contact.
If anyone is following the performance of the "flying saucer" antenna
saga, no problem working all bands with the auto-tuner even in the downpour!  I
left my Hustler backup resonators at home, again!
Thanks to the contest sponsors for another great event - lots of fun in spite
of some weak propagation.
73, Norm, W3DYA

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