[3830] NDQP OM2VL(@OM8A) Out of State HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Apr 23 14:12:26 EDT 2013

                    North Dakota QSO Party

Call: OM2VL
Operator(s): OM2VL
Station: OM8A

Class: Out of State HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   40:    3      1        0
   20:   18     16        0
   15:    1      1        0
Total:   22     18     Mults = 23  Total Score = 920

Club: Slovak Contest Group


It was a hard decision, but I had to make a decision that which one from 4 QP I
will “sacrifice”. At lest I decised to choose the MI QP. I have not
confirmed from MI only 8 counties, whilst I missed many counties from ND, SD
and NE. Of course I could not resist to make some QSOs on MI QP…. :)

MI QP: 219 QSO / 70 county
SD QP:  38 QSO / 28 county
NE QP:  19 QSO / 10 county

Top mobiles:

AF3X/M  16/12 (QSO/cty)
N0GC/M  14/10

Thank's a lot for the FB QSO's and new counties. Please QSL!!!

73 Laci

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