[3830] FlQP VE9AA SOABMixed HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Apr 28 18:14:17 EDT 2013

                    Florida QSO Party

Call: VE9AA
Operator(s): VE9AA
Station: VE9AA

Class: SOABMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 11:35

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   40      5
   20:  159     36
   15:   63     26
   10:    1      0
Total:  263     67  CW Mults = 63  Ph Mults = 31  Total Score = 55,272

Club: Maritime Contest Club


One of my favorite contests.  The home stations are loud and the mobiles are
numerous and moving around.  Like chasing cockroaches ! LOL!!!  I really enjoy
the QRQ mobiles (you know who you are)...sometimes I think NX4N was over
45wpm....I couldn't count the dits at times to know exactly what county he was
in...haha...all in good fun.  You guys rock.  Not sure how to do stats, but
there were some mobiles that really hit it out of hte park...N4AO, K4KG, NX4N,
AD8J, W5WMU, K4OJ, NO5W, N4FP, N4GI, K1XX, K5YAA, who am I forgetting ?  I will
always leave one out by mistake and I apologize.

HEard some big signals from further west.  Many VE3, 4 & 5's....also VE1OP
and VE1RGB.  Only managed 11.5 hours and that was a real struggle.  I was going
to take the weekend off as I am recovering from the flu, but VE1RGB urged me to
get on.  I did, but wasn't a full blown effort.  15-30 mins here and there,
then rest on couch.

10m = 1 lonely QSO..did hear a few W4's , but vy weak.
15m = some huge signals, but activity was super concentrated on 20m (I
20m= bread and butter band, though signals weak here through the middle part of
the day.
40m= signals mostly weak until very late.

All in all, considering how I feel (blaaaah) I had a great time in the FQP as
always.  Hope I did my part to pass out a rare mult.  I don't think I heard
another VE9 on this weekend ?!?!


IC-7410 or IC-746
WinKeyer USB, Bencher Paddles
Heil BM-10 
HF Help: MLA-2500 (sometimes, depends on contest)
6m Help: SB-226 (King conversions Heathkit)
2m Help: VE1RG(sk) homebrew ~ 500w
2m: 17B2 or M2-15el
4m: (yes, 4m), RX only 6el from Mapleleafcom.com
6m: A50-6S @ 24\'
10m: Wire ground plane, base @ 25\' or LJ-105CA @ 25\'
15m: Wire Ground plane for 40m band, base @ 15\'
20m: Wire Ground plane for 80m band (5/16th wave on 80m), base @ 4\'
40m: Wire Ground plane, base @ 15\'
80m: Wire Ground plane, base @ 4\'
160m: Wire Inverted L (more like inverted U) base @ 1\' (50x1/4wl
73 de Mike VE9AA

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