[3830] TBDC W1WBB Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Jan 1 12:14:13 EST 2013

                    Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: RI - FN41
Operating Time (hrs): 11.5

Total:  QSOs = 275  Total Score = 1,270

Club: CT RI Contest Group


Another enjoyable Stew Perry TBDC...the scoring/exch format remains one of the
best in contesting!  Concur with others that more activity is still needed,
esp. during these 'down years' on the low bands...I expected a bit more
participation post-Holidays and with the favorable solar/geomagnetic condx for
the contest period.  Recruiting of others to get active in this fine event for
next year should be a goal of many Topband contesters.

Overall rate 'running' at the start for me @ 2130Z (10 mins after S/S) was
GREAT...had 100 QSOs in about the first 100 mins!  Over 1/3 my final contact
total.  Much of the susequent 9 1/2 hours was spent S&P with just a few very
short runs able to be generated in-between.

Had a couple nice runs in my 2 hr pre/post S/R activity period...unfortunately
KH6ZM never peaked enough for him to hear me as he called CQ without answer. 
Missed XE2S too near my S/R as pileup was too big when I found him.

Worked 14 total DX stns (11 Eu and 3 NA/SA):  9A, E7, EI, F(2), G(2), GM(2),
SP, UA + FM5, KV4 & CE1.  Had 28 total 10-Pt or > QSOs (per N1MM Logger).  All
improvements over previous year 2011, but not as good as peak years 2009-10.

Longest DX worked:  1) CE1   2) RL3   3) E7  

Mild Nor'easter hit here just before start...Inv 'L' became ice/snow covered
and required *much* more frequent tuning due to high SWR.  Apparent snow static
combined with an intermittent (mostly "on") S-6 to S-8 hash noise across all but
lowest few kHz of band really kept my rates down...could only S&P on louder stns
during these long periods - quite frustrating.  Took multiple breaks during
mid-evening until noise mostly abated after local midnight.

The N7GP 10-pt QSO out west to DM52 @ just 2330Z jumps out as pretty amazing
considering it was well before sunset there.  Nothing else to the West worked
nearly that far until N2IC, N7DD and N5RZ over 1 1/2 hrs later!

Propagation to the westerly grids seemed quite good this year.  Not sure it was
always 2-way as many 'alligators' were out there...easily 50 plus louder stns
just CQ'd away without even a "?" to my calls!  Very low A/K indices, low solar
winds and quiet geomag readings along with no NA thunderstorms appeared to have
band in pretty decent shape this night.  Signals not as strong as two nights
earlier though when Eu was quite loud/workable on one call with LP.  

Thanks to all I heard and worked... and to the sponsors/donors for their
support of this FB 160m event.

-- Equip:  'tired' Icom 737 at 100w, 3/8 wv Inv 'L' TX/RX ant (<40' up, 150'
over) with vy compromised on-ground radial system on 100' x 200' lot, N1MM

73 & HNY,  Bill  W1WBB

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