[3830] NAQP SSB KL7RA Single Op LP

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Sun Jan 20 03:02:13 EST 2013

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - January

Call: KL7RA
Operator(s): KL7RA
Station: KL7RA

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Alaska
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    5     3
   80:   21     7
   40:  147    31
   20:  230    47
   15:  358    51
   10:  125    31
Total:  886   170  Total Score = 150,620




Kept waiting for 10 meters to open so I could start the contest but I finally
gave up and started on 15. Slow start but I finally got good rate which was
fun. 10 finally showed some life so I switched bands but it was back to slow
S/P again until it also peaked for a nice run. 

10 didn't last very long here in Alaska but it did fill in 31 mults. 15 by then
produced excellent rate for a few hours then died. 20 sounded great but no one
can hear me and the band was "full" so I ended up wasting two hours for just 30
Q's. Finally realized this wasn't working so I took 30 mins off time hoping 20
meters would get better which it did and allowed another two hours of super
rate at 180+. 

20 slowed and 40 wasn't ready so another lost chunk of time. Once we got a
little more dark soaked 40 was great and I ended up at the top band edge had
good rate. Never been that high on 40 before. I basically ran out of clock when
80 peaked and also lost 160 except for some moves. 

See everyone on topband next week where hopefully I will be a lot louder then I
was tonight and at the topband dinner at Dayton. 

Lucy the dog never came into the shack today, the SSB yelling must disturb her
naps I think.

73 Rich KL7RA

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