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Sun Mar 3 20:54:25 EST 2013

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: ND0C
Operator(s): ND0C
Station: ND0C

QTH: Minnesota
Operating Time (hrs): 22:15

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:    3     3
   40:    8     8
   20:  112    57
   15:  164    65
   10:  130    48
Total:  417   181  Total Score = 226,431

Club: Minnesota Wireless Assn


I knew before the start that I wasn't really going to go "full bore" in this
one.  I had some commitments as well as spending time with my family, in fact I
didn't get on until 1 1/2 hours into the contest and missed over 3 hours
Saturday afternoon.  So things were pretty laid back.  
Conditions seemed to be pretty mediocre Friday night and Saturday.  In fact 40
and 80 were pretty tough here both nights.  I didn't hear much at all and
working anything was very difficult.  A noisy band, poor propagation, and
running 5 watts to a dipole at modest height is not a formula for racking up a
lot of Qs and mults on 40 and 80!
Conditions on Sunday seemed quite a bit better on 20, 15 and 10.  10 even
provided some nice EU contacts - a pleasant surprise.  And the N-S propagation
kept the LUs and PYs rolling in on 20, 15 and 10 all day.  
This one was entirely S&P - I never felt confident in trying to run (and hold a
frequency).  There were a few stretches when I felt loud, and even got some
unsolicited compliments on signal strength (and of course they didn't know I
was QRP).  But much of the time there were quite a few repeats and comments
like "you're weak" or "you're really down in the noise".  But on that note... I
am so grateful for the skill, persistence, and patience of the operators on the
other end.  They do a phenomenal job of pulling my weak signal out of
incredible splatter.  They do the real work!

The ND0C "super-station":
   Yaesu FT-897D running 5 watts 
   Wilson SY-3 three element triband Yagi up 15 meters; inverted vee (fed with
ladder line) with apex at 14 meters
   N3FJP logging program and Heil microphone/headset

Thanks and 73,
Randy, ND0C

"You don't have to be crazy to contest with QRP ... but it helps."
"A man has to know his limitations" (Dirty Harry)

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