[3830] NA Sprint RTTY K9MMS LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Mar 10 00:00:53 EST 2013

                    NA Sprint RTTY Contest - March

Call: K9MMS
Operator(s): K9MMS
Station: K9MMS

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2.5

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:   0         0
   40:  58    2.5  h
   20:   0         0
Total:  58     Mults = 29  Total Score = 1,682

Club: Society of Midwest Contesters



Worked 27 States plus VE2 and VE3

* * * * *

Radio: Elecraft K3 at 100 watts

All transmit RTTY generated by sending CW/Morse code with a Bencher paddle into
the K3 (FSK D mode).

Receiving via K3 panel LCD and with Elecraft Utility -- Terminal window (thanks
to AA5AU article for the tip).

All logging done manually with paper and pen.

All QSOs on 40 meters.  I tried 80 meters during part of the last hour, but
high noise did not seem to allow proper decoding of the TTY signals, so I
returned to 40 meters.

* * * * *

This was my first ever RTTY contest entry.  I am new to RTTY â€" after nearly
55 years in ham radio â€" mostly CW.  I started using the K3 with
CW/Morse-to-RTTY only a few days ago.  My first-ever RTTY QSOs were working
TX5K on 2 bands â€" then later working 3B9DX on RTTY â€" all QSOs working split
and sending CW/Morse into the K3 â€" fun!

Saturday afternoon a few hours before the sprint contest, I tried to get MTTY
working with AFSK and was going to use it with Win-Test.  Unfortunately, after
reading a few RTTY reference articles, I was unable to get AFSK working with
MTTY, the K3, and my PC.  At that point, I was going to forgo the Sprint, but I
decided to try the Morse-to-K3, FSK D method and see how it went.  I started
making QSOs, so I decided to hang in there for a while.  Even though mostly
manual mode, it was fun.  Most QSOs via S&P with only a few CQs.  I started in
the contest an hour late and also took a break during the event.  Total
operating time was only 2.5 hours.

Now I have a start on the digital portion of the ARRL Triple Play.  I have had
50 states confirmed on CW and Phone in the Triple Play for a couple of years
already â€" but no digital QSOs / QSLs.  Hopefully, the stations I worked will
upload their logs to LOTW.  I will have to manually generate an ADIF for LOTW
upload. :)

Thanks for the Qs, Ms, and new fun.


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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