[3830] BARTG K4GMH SO Expert HP

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Sun Mar 17 23:24:33 EDT 2013

                    BARTG HF RTTY Contest

Call: K4GMH
Operator(s): K4GMH
Station: K4GMH

Class: SO Expert HP
QTH: va
Operating Time (hrs): 16
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Countries  Call Areas
   80:  109      17         15
   40:  253      37         15
   20:  331      49         23
   15:  200      42         15
   10:   57      23          8
Total:  958     160         76  Continents = 6  Total Score = 1,401,048

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


That was an interesting Contest for all the things that happened.  First the RF
continued to get into the computer even though the lines were all run through
ferrite.  The RF caused an error in Writelog. ini file which didn't allow the
"9" key on the keyboard to work.  After several attempts at trying to get the
keyboard working after restarting and reinstalling WL, restarting the computer,
Writelog.ini file was renamed and a new Writelog.ini file created with a restart
of Writelog.  The "9" keyboard key now worked.  However, all my shortcut keys,
etc, were not available and had to again generated.  After getting the .ini
file to where it was usable, it was too late for me to be productive and I
wasn't in a good frame of mind.  Did make a total of 100 QSOs before calling it
quits for the night.

Next morning started the Contest at 1400Z.  Still wasn't too excited about the
Contest after what occurred with the S/W.  Fortunately, there was some 10 meter
activity which made it nice way to start the day.  Still due to other
commitments couldn't put in as much time as I have in past BARTG Contests.  I
did enjoyed the time id was able to put into the Contest this weekend.  

The bands were better the first day.  Never did get a good opening to Europe on
15 the second day, much less 10 meters.  The MUF must have been just above the
20 meter band as did have good signals from Asia the morning of the second day.
 While working Phil, GU0SUP, on 20 he passed on information that the only
stations he was hearing on 15 meters were Europeans and no NA stations.  His
comment confirmed what I was experiencing - no Europeans, just USA stations. 
Glad put in the time on 10 meters the first day.  

Thanks for all the QSOs.

  Mike, K4GMH

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