[3830] JARTS VE9AA Single Op LP

webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Oct 20 20:37:54 EDT 2013

                    JARTS WW RTTY Contest

Call: VE9AA
Operator(s): VE9AA
Station: VE9AA

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: nb
Operating Time (hrs): 14:26

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   18      
   40:  101      
   20:  158      
   15:  181      
   10:  188      
Total:  646   192  Total Score = 318,528

Club: Maritime Contest Club


Hmmm, where to start ?
Well, I had no intention of ever spending more than an hour or two, but how
that ended up to ~14hrs for a "NON-RTTY" guy, I have no idea ! ! ! 

10m was amazing.  I was actually running stations with only 65w to either a
HF9V or very low 5el beam.

The weekend is a blur, as I split my time between WAG (also amazing 10m condx)
JARTS, Stew Perry warmup and 3 QSO parties.  Ummm, I even tried to get some
sleep and had meals with the family too.  Even took a jaunt into town.

Mostly a blur, but fast forward to T-2 hours....
I thought the bands were closed up just at dark here, so had a nice long supper
with the family and when I came back, I got on 20m, but it was nearly deserted. 
Thought I was gonna have to close up shop 2 hours early, so ventured through the
bands one last time. At 7:30pm local (7:30am in Japan) there were LOUD JA's on
10m....what the?  Worked a few with the HF9V, then spun the low yagi around to
work a dozen more.  Even Saipan made it into the log.  After a flurry of
activity and even some northern W0's tossed in for good measure, all signals
went down the tubes.  Perhaps an Es-F2 link?  Can't imagine others won't
mention this wonderful half hour of fun.  I haven't heard a JA on 10m in
probably a year, so it was real super fun to work a few.

After it died down, I went straight to 15m and worked some of the same guys,
before it totally went flat.  Trudged off to 20m, but it was bleak.

Got on 40m with an hour to go and tried to scare up some EU's and East Coast
and made a few dozen contacts, but things were generally noisy and lots of QRM
from QSO parties, other digi modes, SSB and whatnot, so I went back to 20m and
finished it out.

AL9A called in with only a Cpl minutes to spare. - Thanks !!

So, it'll be interesting to see what VA7ST and many others have to say about
condx this weekend.

Things I have to know: (keep in mind RTTY is real new to me)

-Why do you have to give my call, then yours (sometimes way too mni times) ?
-Why is there this huge delay from the time my rig unkeys until the other guy
starts to transmit.  Surely not everyone is a SO2R op ?!?!?
-Why, in a pileup (or even not) do you give your call 3, 4 or 8 times?
-If you call and I come back (and sigs are good), where did you go? (this
happened too many times to be coincidence)
-If I call you and you don't come back for 5-10 seconds, you can bet I am
usually gone. (a Cpl times I sat scratching my head, but then figured you were
a SO2R op, which is beyond frustrating-GRRR)

OK, that's it from here.  Looks like the new HF9V with 2 raised radials and 65w
is cutting the mustard and the LJ-105CA @ 24' works FB as always (except no
azimuth indication) so I hope to see you all in CQWW SSB and CW

Mike VE9AA IC7410 65w, N1MM

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