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Sun Oct 27 20:07:33 EDT 2013

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: W2IRT
Operator(s): W2IRT
Station: W2IRT

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 37.7

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    7     5        7
   80:   90    18       55
   40:  191    29       82
   20:  294    35      118
   15:  534    38      127
   10:  790   162      530
Total: 1906   162      530  Total Score = 3,788,700

Club: Frankford Radio Club


What can I say. You couldn't have asked for anything better. 10 was a dream, 15
jammed from end to end, 20 wall-to-wall, not too much noise on the low bands.
Personal record for score, and close to last year's actual QSO count (more raw
QSOs than final QSOs last year but it was very close).

I spent the first 24 hours hunting mults exclusively, then the last 24 working
everything in sight. I did very well to Asia but as usual, my terrain to Europe
is problematic so very little running happened, and when I did, my rates were
noticeably lower than hunting S&P.

Almost everything in the station behaved itself, except for the computer that
went stupid about 10pm on Friday and took about 45 minutes to disembugger. My
rotor got a world-class workout! For once the weather fully cooperated with
benign skies, moderate temps, no snow, rain, wind or lightning, all of which
have hampered previous years' scores to some degree or another. And speaking of
storms, ol' Sol was very well behaved, too. High SFI, low noise and great
all-around propagation.

This year I'm doing CQWW-CW from home for the first time (I'm usually portable
for it), so here's hoping condx stay the same (or improve) in 4 weeks time.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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