[3830] NHQP Soapbox
Michael Dinkelman
mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 4 14:57:40 EDT 2014
NHQP Soapbox
built 4-4-2014
Call: AD1T Class: MOMT LP Total Score = 74,700
W2IHY 8 Band EQ and EqPlus
MicroKeyer II
Heil ProSet
K1EL WinKeyer USB
Pro-67B @ 68 feet
TA-53M @ 43 feet
80M V @ 64 feet
40/80 Windom @ 40 feet
Array Solutions SixPak
Dunestar 600 Filters (X2)
N1MM Logger
Since adding a second tower and Bandpass filters, I've wanted to try a Multi Op
from my station. The NH QSO Party was the perfect opportunity and gave us a
chance to put the local Club call on the air. Plus we were a Bonus station.
The station performed flawlessly. Participation seemed to be down from previous
years but overall it was a huge success. Nice to see 10 meters continue to
provide good propagation.
Thanks to Neil, AE1P and Randy, N1KWF for making this an enjoyable weekend.
Also a big Thank You to Lee, my better half, for taking such great care of us.
Doug - K1ZO
Call: K1HI Class: SOST HP Total Score = 32,487
Low band antennas spent the contest on the fritz. Just had tribander!
Call: K4BAI Class: SOST LP Total Score = 12
FT1000MP, 100W, dipole, 88' cf zepp. Time was limited this year due to the
W1AW/4 operation from GA. Best wishes to the sponsors and all participants.
73, John, K4BAI.
Call: N4JF Class: SOST LP Total Score = 1,880
Call: N8XX Class: SOST QRP Total Score = 600
Nice, laid back QSO Party. Thanks for the contacts.
Call: NM1JY Class: MOMT HP Total Score = 91,512
Ran kind of a mini multi with 2 Transmitters and was assisted for a few hours by
N1AA. Otherwise, ran both radios by myself! Got a late start by missing the
first 3 hours doing errands around the area. Arrived just in time to greet my
second op at 2 PM. Could not do any thing past 9:30 AM Sunday morning as I had
to attend to other things but it was fun to put one of the bonus stations on the
air for others. Had some fun moving some of the more competitive
out-of-state/country stations to other bands to help their totals. Our sister
station, W1WQM (another bonus station) had a larger crew of ops and did a nice
job introducing a number of newer hams to this side of the hobby.
Thanks to the many that called in - hope you were able to work all the counties
this time!
73, Mark, K1RX
Call: VA3RKM Class: SOST QRP Total Score = 168
KX3, 5w, verticals and wires.
Call: VE3KJQ Class: SOST QRP Total Score = 15
KX3, Cushcraft R7
Call: W0PAN Class: SOST LP Total Score = 200
Cndx to AZ not very good from NH. QSB very heavy.
Call: W1END Class: SOST LP Total Score = 1,056
Lost the 20M band on my Butternut vertical and found the cause too late to fix
it in time. Thought I was shouting into an empty bucket on 10 & 15. 40M
had too much RTTY to make things go. Oh well, it was fun watching the snow
melt. Thanks to those who answered my CQs. We'll try again next year.
Eldon - W1END
Call: W3DYA Class: SOST LP Total Score = 210
Score includs four CW QSOs with bonus stations.
Just wanted to announce that I felt the QSO Party was a success: I got my last
NH County (3rd time).
73, Norm, W3DYA
Call: WN4AFP Class: SOST LP Total Score = 1,020
The increase in points came from working multiple club bonus stations on
different modes/bands. Decent activity from NH. See you next year.
Index of Calls
Call: AD1T Class: MOMT LP
Call: DL4CW Class: SOST LP
Call: K1HI Class: SOST HP
Call: K4BAI Class: SOST LP
Call: KJ4LTA Class: SOST LP
Call: KS4X Class: SOST QRP
Call: N4JF Class: SOST LP
Call: N8XX Class: SOST QRP
Call: NM1JY Class: MOMT HP
Call: VA3RKM Class: SOST QRP
Call: VE3KJQ Class: SOST QRP
Call: W0PAN Class: SOST LP
Call: W1CEK Class: SOST LP
Call: W1END Class: SOST LP
Call: W3DYA Class: SOST LP
Call: W7KAM Class: SOST LP
Call: WN4AFP Class: SOST LP
Index of Calls organized by Class
Class: MOMT HP
Call: NM1JY
Class: MOMT LP
Call: AD1T
Class: SOST HP
Call: K1HI
Class: SOST LP
Call: DL4CW
Call: K4BAI
Call: KJ4LTA
Call: N4JF
Call: W0PAN
Call: W1CEK
Call: W1END
Call: W3DYA
Call: W7KAM
Call: WN4AFP
Call: KS4X
Call: N8XX
Call: VA3RKM
Call: VE3KJQ
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