[3830] Rus DX Soapbox
Michael Dinkelman
mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 4 14:56:02 EDT 2014
Rus DX Soapbox
built 4-4-2014
Call: 3V8BB Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 5,890,280
Second attempt to break the world record in SOAB-SSB-LP Catergory, this time was
successful after score reduction bringing my 2011 score below the 4.4 million
threshold set by LZ9W.
It was a nice opportunity for SO2R SSB operation. I'm amazed with the things I
can do with this device despite it's not the "last fashion". 72 QSOs
were made on second radio for rare mults or when rates go down.
Thanks for my fiancé for her patience with no phone call for 24h. She don't
understand a lot in our hobby, but she feels better when I say
"Multi-Single"! :)
73 de Ash KF5EYY
Op. 3V8BB, 3V8SS
Call: 4O3A Class: SOSB/15 HP Total Score = 1,956,978
Plan was to operate SOAB as usually, but due some technical issues, I made
SOSB15 accidentally. Nice opening to West Coast.
Used new tribander stack 4xJP2000 and HP Triplexes system as main direction.
Still working to replace all other monobanders with tribanders.
Most of the time my 4/4 stack was useless comparing with tribander stack
Call: 9A2AJ Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 5,851,384
TS-870+OM 2500 to Inv.L (160-80-40m) and 2 El.Moxon (20-15-10m)
Call: 9A4WY Class: SOSB/40 HP Total Score = 548,608
conds not so good.
interesting...UA0Z(KT) worked before my sunset, and missed UA0K(CK)(heard but
UA wall was too much for me for this short period).
this contest was my new antenna test, and I am very satisfied :-)
I need bigger variable capacitor for phasing box for my verticals.
Using now var.cap. from old AM tube radio and can run only 400W.
Still testing LC phasing box on the bench (135 deg and lower angle phasing)
...in the future box will go out with shorter coax to antennas and optimal
phasing for my needs :-)
Call: 9A5K Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 9,386,832
Great fun as usual.
Used this one to test new beta version of DXLog.net.
CU next one!
Chris - 9A5K
Call: 9A5W Class: SOSB/15 HP Total Score = 1,964,761
Nice opening to West Coast and Hawai. Great activity as usual.
Thanks to all who called me. See you in WPX SSB but in another category.
73, Nikola
Call: 9A6XX Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 2,339,033
My 17th Rus DX Contest.
Very interesting conditions! Stayed only on SSB this time but it seems most of
the action was going down on CW.
Hrle - 9A6XX
Call: 9A7DX Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 2,261,490
Just for fun & some equipment test, mostly in S&P mode.
73s Ved
Call: 9A7T Class: M/S HP Total Score = 10,189,220
This was great RDXC again. Great propagation on all bands. Great signals from
Far East Russia on 40-10 meters. We broke our club record for more than 3
million points and 120 multipliers. CU again next year!
73 de Zlatko, 9A2EU
Call: 9A7ZZ Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 3,410,001
Yaesu FT-450 & antennas: OB11-3 for 10,15,20, vert.quad for 40 (20m high),
vert. oblong for 80 (upper line on 20m) and inv. V for 160.
Call: AA3B Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 7,823,764
13396 QSO Points. I had to manually score this as WriteLog Version 11.19D was
incorrectly valuing European Russian QSOs as 5 points.
Call: AB2E Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 162,068
Rig: Icom 756 Pro III//Aoom 2000A
160m inverted L
80m inverted L
40m delta loop
20m delta loop
Great time w/lots of activity. Lots of fun for short time that I was able to
Thanks to all who worked me.
73 Darrell AB2E
Call: AE7DW Class: SOSB/10 LP Total Score = 252
TX: FT897 @ 100w
ANT: JTV680 @ ~ 25' (rooftop)
Call: CR6K Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 826,512
Call: CW5W Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 9,848,682
Great to have the visit of Fabián LU1AEE, Lucas LU1FAM, Diego LU8ADX and
Marcelo CX2DK at El Mangrullo CW5W.
First time doing Multi Two in the station and seems all is OK to do more
operations like this. Minimal interaction and few things to fix.
Call: DF1LX Class: SOSB/40 LP Total Score = 333,396
Only CW - Only 40m - 100W from TS590S . Antenna only a vertical Delta Loop
monoband -
D3, EX, 4S, BY, VK and HK0 heared but not reached.
Next year I will be in all band again for more fun (like last year)
Call: DH8BQA Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 778,000
Made a few QSOs on the other bands, too.
Full story on http://www.dh8bqa.de in a few days ...
73, Olli
Call: DK3T Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 948,336
station info: www.qrz.com/db/dk3t
Call: DL1A Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 18,514,171
Due to the excellent highband condx we were able to improve last years score by
about 0.8 million. However QSO number is nearly the same and the score
improvement is mainly due to higher country multiplier. Oblast were again
difficult for us especially on 160m. Lowbands were perceived worse compared to
last year, but maybe it is due to longer opening on highbands.
As usual 20m is short of QSOs because 10m and 15m were wide open.
Many thanks for all the QSOs, as usual great activity from Russia !
73 Maik DJ2QV for the DL1A Team
Call: DL3ANK Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 790,126
Many thanks fer nice Contest.
TS590S + ACOM 1000
40m 1/4wl vertical
20m v. quadloop
15m dipole
10m dipole
vy 73 de Norbert DL3ANK
Call: DL6FBL Class: SOSB/20 HP Total Score = 2,433,364
I decided to try the 20m Single Band category this year. The WORLD HIGH SCORE
was at roughly 2.0M points and 2.200 QSOs (4L8A last year). I thought I'll give
that a try since 20m is the best band here at DR1A. It seems to have worked
out... :-)
Propagation had the most influence on the progress - both in a negative, and a
positive way. Negative impact of the GOOD propagation: not many people were on
20 meters when the contest started at 1200z, because everybody made use of the
10m and 15m propagation, of course. So I didn't have the high rates in the
beginning that I had hoped for... Positive impact of the GOOD propagation: the
band stayed open all night and produced good signals and good rates into North
America long after propagation into Russia had died. (I took 30 minutes off in
the 0300z hour for my personal maintenance, hi...) In fact my best rate hours
were AFTER the band had died into Russia... ;-) All those QSOs were worth 5
points, and added up to a good score. Quite some people told me all through the
night I was about the only station on the band doing the contest, and they just
called in to say hello and give out a number... :-)
Well, the contest evaluation software will have great fun with my log: I will
definitely have the highest number of "Unique QSOs" of all logs: I
counted 217 stations giving me 001, 90 stations giving me 002, and 63 stations
giving me 003. This sums up to 370 out of 2287 raw contacts (equals 16
percent). Go figure... ;-)
Total number of Russian QSOs = 692
European Russia (282xCW + 199xSSB = 481)
Asiatic Russia (112xCW + 88xSSB = 200)
UA2 (5xCW + 5xSSB = 10)
RI1AN (1xCW = 1)
Total number of W/VE QSOs = 873 :-)
Missed Oblasts: UA1P(NO), UA4U(MD), UA6E(KC), UA6P(CN), UA6Q(IN), UA9Z(GA),
73 Ben
Call: DM0B Class: M/2 LP Total Score = 8,598,500
It was a true WRTC operation and station test. Win DK9IP has mastered nicely
everything regarding technic. Perfect funktion.
We slept over the night, both of us longer than 5 hours, but the rest of the
time we were serious with hourly rates 100-160 QSO.
Nice to see many others in WRTC fever. Thanks to all!
For the DM0B Team
73 Suad, DK6XZ
Call: DR4A Class: M/S HP Total Score = 12,067,380
Great to see the bands in that good shape again. We didn�'t even hope to reach
the existing German M/S-Record (12,066 Mio). As every year it made a lot of
fun; thanks to all callers
73 de
Wolfgang DK9VZ
Call: ED3V Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 5,279,064
Finally I (re-)discover that operating low power can be a great fun ! Especially
when you have access to a nice station at a nice location, near Barcelona Spain.
I was hoping for a world record in the SSB Low Power category, but when I saw
3V8BB also looking for the same goal, I knew it will be really difficult as he
will have advantage of being outside Europe and in a rarer multi location ..
well congrats to Ash and also to Daniel E73M, we are really close in score !
Station setup:
Elecraft K3 (no SO2R available)
Optibeam OB17-4
Sloppers for 80m
Dipole for 160m + beverages
Vincent F4BKV
Call: EF5Y Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 8,431,290
Equipment: FT1000MP & K3 + OM Power
Antennas: 160m: 35m high shunt fed tower + extension pole
80m: GP
40m: 2 ele shortened Optibeam @ 25m
20/15/10: Optibeam OB-11-3 @ 28m
15m: 5 el yagi @ 17m
K9AY receiving loop
Thank you for all the calls and the activity.
See you in next year. 73,Yuri
Call: EF8O Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 67,095
mainly busy with BARTG RTTY Contest this time
Call: EF8R Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 7,588,086
Very nice contest!!!.
I loose a lot of multipliers on 80m. We haved a problem with 160m antenna, the
telescopic-mast "die" on saturday before the contest, and the dipole
it was very low. Impossible to be competitive on 80/160 with 100 watts, we are
so far to multipliers zones on this contest, specially with low power.
2068 QSOs and 561 Mults
Antennas: 4 Elements monoband on 10,15 and 20m
3 Elements "wire" monoband on 40 and 80m
1 "almost underground" 160m dipole
Many thanks to my dear friend Pekka EA8AH for a lot work with antennas before
the contest.
Many thanks to all for the QSOs !!! I hope to hear you in the next test.
Call: EI7M Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 9,203,400
Super cond!
Call: ES5G Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 20,371,770
Not a full time operation, testing WRTC setup and rules. Everything like in WRTC
but bigger antennas and HP. No cluster, no SCP. 2 Radios with 1 VFO used. Was a
lot of fun with such good propagation.
By band - By mode
QSOs (without dupes) - By time
| Hr |160 |160 | 80 | 80 | 40 | 40 | 20 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 10 | 10 |Total
| | CW |SSB | CW |SSB | CW |SSB | CW |SSB | CW |SSB | CW |SSB | |
| 12 | | | | | | | | 9 | 96 | | 47 | 9 |161 |
| 13 | | | | | | | | 76 | 26 |107 | | 10 |219 |
| 14 | | | | | | | | 22 | |148 | | 91 |261 |
| 15 | | | | | | | | 36 | 52 | 98 | | 57 |243 |
| 16 | | | | | | | 1 | 29 |103 | | 21 | 62 |216 |
| 17 | | | | | | |103 | 9 | 24 | 87 | 11 | 1 |235 |
| 18 | | | | | |106 | 50 | 81 | 18 | | | |255 |
| 19 | | 2 | | 2 | | 13 | 1 |146 | | 60 | | 1 |225 |
| 20 | | | 4 | 32 |127 | | 15 | | | | | |178 |
| 21 |124 | |119 | | 35 | | | | | | | |278 |
| 22 | 49 | 70 | 21 | 55 | 38 | 4 | | 2 | | | | |239 |
| 23 | 57 | 31 | 75 | 32 | 9 | 1 | | | | | | |205 |
| 00 | 25 | | 49 | | 63 | | 6 | | | | | |143 |
| 01 | 18 | 4 | 11 | 53 | 67 | 40 | | | | | | |193 |
| 02 | 4 | 20 | 5 | 16 | 57 | 44 | | 5 | | | | |151 |
| 03 | 18 | 1 | 23 | | 16 | | 54 | 5 | | 1 | | |118 |
| 04 | 8 | | 22 | | | 28 | 42 | | 26 | | | 16 |142 |
| 05 | | | | | | | 6 | 41 | 28 | 17 | 28 | 14 |134 |
| 06 | | | | | | 1 | | 11 | 5 | 58 | 86 | |161 |
| 07 | | | | 1 | | 2 | | 43 | | 32 | 7 | 94 |179 |
| 08 | | | | | 3 | | 23 | | 1 | 48 | 44 | 21 |140 |
| 09 | | | | | | | 93 | | 16 | 1 | 2 | 49 |161 |
| 10 | | | | | | | |113 | 7 | 35 | 13 | 9 |177 |
| 11 | | | | 1 | | | 65 | 51 | 2 | 31 | 21 | 10 |181 |
| |303 |128 |329 |192 |415 |239 |459 |679 |404 |723 |280 |444 |4595|
Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
ES5G - Continents
By band - By mode
QSOs (with dupes)
| Band / Mode | EU | NA | SA | AF | AS | OC |
| 160 CW | 82.9% | 5.6% | | | 11.5% | |
| 160 SSB | 89.8% | | | 0.8% | 9.4% | |
| 80 CW | 80.7% | 5.4% | 0.6% | 0.6% | 12.7% | |
| 80 SSB | 86.5% | 2.1% | | | 11.5% | |
| 40 CW | 65.9% | 21.4% | 0.2% | 0.5% | 12.0% | |
| 40 SSB | 66.1% | 15.3% | 0.4% | | 17.8% | 0.4% |
| 20 CW | 65.2% | 16.8% | 0.9% | | 16.8% | 0.2% |
| 20 SSB | 67.8% | 17.6% | 0.6% | 0.6% | 12.8% | 0.7% |
| 15 CW | 52.6% | 26.3% | 0.5% | | 20.0% | 0.7% |
| 15 SSB | 42.8% | 35.1% | 1.0% | 0.4% | 18.9% | 1.8% |
| 10 CW | 49.6% | 10.7% | 2.1% | | 35.7% | 1.8% |
| 10 SSB | 30.4% | 28.9% | 4.0% | 2.0% | 33.1% | 1.6% |
Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
Worked oblasts
| 160 | 80 | 40 | 20 | 15 | 10 | TOTAL
SP | 3 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 24
LO | 7 | 7 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 35
KL | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | | 2 | 8
AR | 3 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 14
NO | | | | | | |
VO | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 9
NV | | | 2 | | 1 | 1 | 4
PS | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 4
MU | 1 | | | 3 | | | 4
KA | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 14
MA | 11 | 14 | 8 | 17 | 10 | 10 | 70
MO | 13 | 15 | 20 | 31 | 9 | 10 | 98
OR | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 9
LP | | 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 12
TV | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5
SM | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 8
YR | 3 | | 1 | 2 | 3 | | 9
KS | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 3
TL | | | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 8
VR | 8 | 9 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 33
TB | 7 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 23
RA | | 3 | | | | | 3
NN | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 10
IV | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 13
VL | 3 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 16
KU | 2 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 11
KG | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 12
BR | 5 | 6 | 1 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 24
BO | 1 | | 3 | 6 | 1 | | 11
VG | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 1 | 15
SA | 1 | 3 | 8 | 13 | 5 | 1 | 31
PE | 4 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 38
SR | 3 | 3 | 9 | 13 | 10 | 1 | 39
UL | 2 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 3 | | 19
KI | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 16
TA | 2 | | 7 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 17
MR | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 13
MD | | | | | | |
UD | 3 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 30
CU | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | | 9
KR | 3 | 9 | 14 | 16 | 13 | 7 | 62
KC | | | | | 2 | | 2
ST | 2 | 3 | 4 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 27
KM | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6
SO | | | 1 | 1 | 2 | | 4
RO | 3 | 6 | 9 | 15 | 8 | 6 | 47
CN | | | | | | |
IN | | | | | | |
AO | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6
DA | | | | | | |
KB | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 5
AD | | | | | 3 | 3 | 6
CB | 8 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 17 | 72
SV | 9 | 9 | 9 | 18 | 18 | 8 | 71
PM | 2 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 5 | | 16
TO | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 13
HM | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 15
YN | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 9
TN | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 16
OM | 1 | 4 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 10 | 33
NS | 3 | 4 | 8 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 35
KN | 4 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 25
OB | 2 | 5 | 7 | 11 | 8 | 1 | 34
KE | | 2 | 3 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 33
BA | 4 | 5 | 11 | 16 | 14 | 1 | 51
KO | 3 | 5 | 9 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 29
AL | | | 2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 17
GA | | | | | | |
KK | 3 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 28
HK | | | 1 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 13
EA | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3
SL | | | | 1 | 4 | 2 | 7
MG | | | | | | |
AM | | | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3
CK | | | | 1 | 1 | | 2
PK | | 1 | | 2 | 3 | 8 | 14
BU | | | | | | |
YA | | | | | | |
IR | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9 | 21
ZK | | | 1 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 11
HA | | 1 | | 1 | 1 | 2 | 5
TU | | | | | | |
KT | | | | 1 | | | 1
AN | | | | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4
FJ | | | | | | |
| 164 | 202 | 244 | 366 | 272 | 219 | 1467
Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
Worked DXCC
DXCC|CT|160C|160S| 80C| 80S| 40C| 40S| 20C| 20S| 15C| 15S| 10C| 10S|TOTAL
1A |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
1S |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3A |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3B6 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3B8 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3B9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3C |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3C0 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3D2 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3D2/c|OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3D2/r|OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3DA |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3V |AF| | 1| | | | | | | | | | 1| 2
3W |AS| | | | | | | | | 1| | | | 1
3X |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3Y/b |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
3Y/p |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
4J |AS| | | | | 1| | 1| | 1| | 2| | 5
4L |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
4O |EU| | | | | | | | | 1| 1| | | 2
4S |AS| | | | | | | | | | | 1| | 1
4U1I |EU| | | | | | | 1| | | | | | 1
4U1U |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
4U1V |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
4W |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
4X |AS| | | | | | 1| | 1| | 1| | 2| 5
5A |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5B |AS| | 1| | 1| | 1| 1| 1| | 2| | 3| 10
5H |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5N |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5R |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5T |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5U |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5V |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5W |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5X |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
5Z |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
6W |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
6Y |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
7O |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
7P |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
7Q |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
7X |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
8P |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
8Q |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
8R |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9A |EU| 7| 1| 3| 1| 7| 2| 4| 12| 6| 7| 3| 4| 57
9G |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9H |EU| | | | | | | | | | 1| | 1| 2
9J |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9K |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9L |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9M2 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
9M6 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
9N |AS| | | 1| | | | | | | | | | 1
9Q |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9U |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9V |AS| | | | | | | | 1| | | | | 1
9X |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
9Y |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A2 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A3 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A4 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A5 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A6 |AS| | | | | | | | | 1| | | | 1
A7 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
A9 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
AP |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
BS7 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
BV |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
BV9P |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
BY |AS| | | | | 1| | 2| | 2| 2| 4| 2| 13
C2 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
C3 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
C5 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
C6 |NA| | | | | | 1| | 1| | | | 1| 3
C9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CE |SA| | | | | | | | 1| | 1| | 3| 5
CE0X |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CE0Y |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CE0Z |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CE9 |SA| | | | | | | 1| 1| | 1| | 1| 4
CM |NA| | | | | | | 1| | 1| | | | 2
CN |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
CP |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CT |EU| | | | | | 1| | 2| | 3| | 3| 9
CT3 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CU |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CX |SA| | | 1| | | | | | | 1| 1| 1| 4
CY0 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
CY9 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
D2 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
D4 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
D6 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
DL |EU| 32| 13| 27| 18| 35| 12| 35| 58| 30| 34| 9| 8| 311
DU |OC| | | | | | | | | | 2| 1| | 3
E3 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
E4 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
E5/n |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
E5/s |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
E6 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
E7 |EU| 2| 1| 3| 1| 4| 1| 3| 1| 2| 4| 1| | 23
EA |EU| 2| 2| | 4| 2| 3| 2| 8| 1| 10| | 12| 46
EA6 |EU| | | | | | | 1| | 1| | 1| | 3
EA8 |AF| | | 2| | 2| | | 2| | 2| | 3| 11
EA9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
EI |EU| 1| 1| 1| 3| | 1| | 2| 1| 3| 1| 2| 16
EK |AS| | | | 1| | 1| | 2| | 3| | | 7
EL |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
EP |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ER |EU| 1| | 1| 2| 1| | | 3| | 3| | 1| 12
ES |EU| 1| 1| | 2| | 1| 1| 2| 1| 2| 2| 1| 14
ET |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
EU |EU| 6| 2| 11| 3| 6| 4| 7| 5| 2| 1| 6| 2| 55
EX |AS| | | | 1| 1| 1| | 1| | 1| | 1| 6
EY |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
EZ |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
F |EU| 5| 1| 2| 1| 5| | 5| 5| 6| 6| 2| 3| 41
FG |NA| | | 1| | 1| | 1| | | | | | 3
FH |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FJ |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FK |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FK/c |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FM |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
FO |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FO/a |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FO/c |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FO/m |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FP |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FR |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FS |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/g |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/j |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/t |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/w |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/x |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FT/z |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FW |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FY |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
G |EU| 4| 1| 5| 4| 3| 5| 8| 22| 9| 18| 4| 2| 85
GD |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
GI |EU| 1| | 1| | 2| | 1| | 1| | | | 6
GJ |EU| 1| | 1| | 1| | 1| | 1| | | | 5
GM/s |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
GM |EU| | | 1| 1| 1| | 1| 2| 1| 3| 1| | 11
GU |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
GW |EU| | | | | | | | | | 1| | | 1
H4 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
H40 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HA |EU| 9| 1| 9| 2| 12| 1| 12| 6| 3| 2| 4| 2| 63
HB |EU| 1| | 1| 1| 2| | 1| 5| 3| 6| 1| | 21
HB0 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HC |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HC8 |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HH |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HI |NA| | | | 1| | 2| | 2| | 1| | 1| 7
HK |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HK0/a|NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HK0/m|SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HL |AS| | | | | 1| 1| 1| | 1| 1| 3| 2| 10
HP |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HR |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HS |AS| 1| | | | | | | | | 1| | 1| 3
HV |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
HZ |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
I |EU| 5| 3| 5| 4| 7| 3| 6| 34| 8| 27| 1| 7| 110
IG9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
IS |EU| | 1| | 1| | 1| | 1| | 1| | 2| 7
IT9 |EU| 1| 1| | 1| | 2| 2| 4| | 4| | 5| 20
J2 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
J3 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
J5 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
J6 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
J7 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
J8 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JA |AS| | | | 1| 5| | 7| 3| 21| 44| 33| 61| 175
JD/m |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JD/o |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JT |AS| | | | | | | | 1| | 1| | 3| 5
JW |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JW/b |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JX |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
JY |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
K |NA| 16| | 15| 2| 78| 30| 64| 104| 92| 241| 25| 116| 783
KG4 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH0 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH1 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH2 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH3 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH4 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH5 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH5K |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH6 |OC| | | | | | | 1| | | | | | 1
KH7K |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH8 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH8/s|OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KH9 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KL |NA| | | | | | | | 1| | | | | 1
KP1 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
KP2 |NA| | | | 1| | 1| | | | | | | 2
KP4 |NA| | | | | | | | | | 1| | | 1
KP5 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
LA |EU| 2| 2| 2| 3| 2| 1| 2| 5| 1| 2| 2| 1| 25
LU |SA| | | | | | | | 1| | | 2| 4| 7
LX |EU| 1| 1| 1| 1| | 1| 1| 1| | 1| | 2| 10
LY |EU| 3| 2| 6| 3| 1| 3| 4| 2| 2| 1| 2| 1| 30
LZ |EU| 3| 2| 5| 5| 8| 3| 12| 8| 8| 9| 4| | 67
OA |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
OD |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | 1| 1
OE |EU| 1| | 1| 2| | 1| 2| 9| | 3| | 1| 20
OH |EU| 6| 2| 6| 2| 2| 2| 4| 3| 2| 2| 5| 6| 42
OH0 |EU| 1| | | 1| | | | | 1| 1| 1| | 5
OJ0 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
OK |EU| 10| 2| 10| 2| 13| 2| 16| 7| 2| 2| 2| 3| 71
OM |EU| 2| 1| 7| 1| 4| | 4| 4| 1| 1| 1| 1| 27
ON |EU| 1| 1| 2| 1| 4| | 2| 15| 3| 8| 1| | 38
OX |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
OY |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
OZ |EU| | 1| 3| 2| 3| 1| 4| 5| 1| 1| 2| | 23
P2 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
P4 |SA| | | | | | | | | | 1| | 1| 2
P5 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PA |EU| 7| 1| 3| 1| 6| 3| 6| 28| 4| 9| | 2| 70
PJ2 |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PJ4 |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PJ5 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PJ7 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PY |SA| | | 1| | 1| 1| 3| 1| 2| 3| 3| 8| 23
PY0F |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PY0S |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PY0T |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
PZ |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
R1FJ |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
S0 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
S2 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
S5 |EU| 4| 1| 3| 1| 4| 1| 4| 2| 2| 5| 1| | 28
S7 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
S9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SM |EU| 8| 1| 12| 5| 5| 2| 9| 5| 3| 5| 4| 3| 62
SP |EU| 13| 5| 12| 13| 11| 3| 12| 18| 11| 14| 5| 3| 120
ST |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SU |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SV |EU| 1| | | | | 3| | 4| | 2| | 4| 14
SV/a |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SV5 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
SV9 |EU| | | | | | | | | 1| 1| | | 2
T2 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T30 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T31 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T32 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T33 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T5 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T7 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
T8 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TA |AS| | | | | | 2| | 3| | 1| | | 6
TA1 |EU| | 1| | | | 1| | | | 1| | | 3
TF |EU| | | | | | | | | | 1| | 1| 2
TG |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TI |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TI9 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TJ |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TK |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TL |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TN |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TR |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TT |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TU |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TY |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
TZ |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
UA |EU| 75| 47| 85| 59| 88| 84| 95| 149| 68| 81| 58| 42| 931
UA2 |EU| 1| 1| 2| 2| 1| 2| | 1| | 1| 1| 2| 14
UA9 |AS| 31| 9| 39| 17| 39| 34| 59| 68| 47| 78| 50| 68| 539
UK |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
UN |AS| 3| 2| 2| 1| 2| 1| 6| 5| 6| 4| 3| 3| 38
UR |EU| 19| 6| 21| 9| 15| 5| 19| 7| 14| 8| 8| 4| 135
V2 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V3 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V4 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V5 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V6 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V7 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
V8 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VE |NA| 1| | 2| | 10| 3| 12| 12| 14| 13| 5| 10| 82
VK |OC| | | | | | | | 4| 1| 2| | 1| 8
VK0H |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK0M |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9C |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9L |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9M |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9N |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9W |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VK9X |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP2E |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP2M |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP2V |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP5 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP6 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP6/d|OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP8 |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP8/g|SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP8/h|SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP8/o|SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP8/s|SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VP9 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VQ9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VR |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VU |AS| | | | | | 1| 1| 2| 2| | 4| 1| 11
VU4 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
VU7 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XE |NA| | | | | | | | 1| 1| 2| | 1| 5
XF4 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XT |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XU |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XW |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XX9 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
XZ |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YA |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YB |OC| | | | | | 1| | 1| 1| 8| 1| 5| 17
YI |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YJ |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YK |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YL |EU| 3| 2| 2| | 2| | 1| 1| 2| 1| 2| 1| 17
YN |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YO |EU| 7| 4| 4| 3| 9| 4| 6| 13| 5| 10| 3| 2| 70
YS |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YU |EU| 5| 3| 9| 1| 8| 1| 8| 8| 6| 7| 1| 2| 59
YV |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
YV0 |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Z2 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Z3 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Z6 |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Z8 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZA |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZB |EU| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZC4 |AS| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZD7 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZD8 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZD9 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZF |NA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZK3 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZL |OC| | | | | | | | | 1| 1| 3| | 5
ZL7 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZL8 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZL9 |OC| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZP |SA| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ZS |AF| | | | | | | | 2| | 1| | 3| 6
ZS8 |AF| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 304| 128| 331| 192| 416| 242| 463| 689| 409| 734| 280| 450| 4638
Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
Call: F4VPX Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 5,025,500
Great fun!
Hex-beam 10-20m @ 6mH
Dipole for 40m @ 6mH
Dipole for 80m @ 6mH
Started 1h after the contest begins because of Murphy who messed up some cables
73s cu next one
Filipe Lopes
Call: GW4J Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 132,894
A couple of hours practice on Sunday morning.....
Call: HA3DX Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 5,051,625
Nice contest again. We still need to install new antennas for Russia on 160m and
40m for better score.
Rig:FT2000+PA Henry 3K premier
Ant:: Delta loop for 160m for USA
Delta loop for 80m-For Russia
Lazy-H for USA
205BA, and X-Q.for 20m
155BA for 15m
105BA for 10m
K9AY for 160-80-40 mts (TNX HA5IW)
73's from Hungary
Charlie (HA4XH)
Call: HB9ARF Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 3,240,230
K3 100 Watts
Antennas Force 12 C-4s and Vertical Butternut HF-9vx used for 3.5 MHz
Call: HG6N Class: M/S HP Total Score = 15,174,944
Great conditions on the high bands and great activity!
It seems that the Russian activity (number of stations active) is declining.
Big show from most of their oblasts, Except NO, CN, IN was all heard.
A big storm arrived right when the contest started with well over 100 kmh
winds. It broke the rotator shaft of the main 20m/10m antennas and made them
spinning in the wind.
Too bad that the government comm site interference is still there, wiping out
10m to the east. We need our sunspot minima back !
Congrats to SJ2W for their score and their hard work to build that station.
Zoli HA1AG
160m: dipole on trees
80m: dipole on trees
40m: 2 el HB9CV
20m: 5 el
15m: 6 el
10m: 4 el on 6m waterpipe
inband: 3-band vertical dipols for 20/15/10 ~200m away
Call: HG7T Class: M/S HP Total Score = 11,285,824
Vy 73! Tibi HA7TM
Call: HI3CC Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 2,208,655
good contest
73 g dx
see you next year
Call: HI3LFE Class: SO CW QRP Total Score = 61,200
Elecraf KX3 QRP
Call: IK3ORD Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 4,218,795
Rtx Yaesu FT920 100W - Ant TH7, delta loop 40mt. dipole 80/160
Call: IQ1GE Class: M/S HP Total Score = 11,303,531
A last minute participation after the departure of Franco I1IOF, our storic
president in Ari Genova, with Club's callsign IQ1GE .
Contest was sacred to him. Bye Franco !
Thanks to Flavio IK1YDB for his effort in preparing a minimal setup at his
home, thanks to Jack IZ1RYS for his first participation in our crew, and thanks
to Tony always indispensable.
Good propagation on all bands.
Thanks to all for calling in.
73 de Carlo IK1HJS
Call: IQ1RY Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 18,923,992
First thanks to the work of Renato I1BEP Bruno IK1OJP anfd Salvatore IZ1PLH to
set up a new reveiving antenna that perfomed quite well! As well thanks to
Flavio IK1RQT and Flavio IK1SPR for the help on setting up the station!
Almost all contest were run by Andrea IK4VET and me Filippo IZ1LBG. The main
purpose for this contest was to have some train with WRTC rules but since my
teammate is in America I have no chance to train with him and I have asked to
Andrea to join me in this 2 op 2 radio contest. Flavio SPR and renato give us a
quick change during the moring.
Overall condition were really good whit strong opening on 10m and 15m both to
Russia as well to US, 20m did not close for whole nigth andow band perfom good
as well but not many station where there.
Thanks to all for QSO!
See you during WPX SSB!
Filippo IZ1LBG
Call: IZ2WFL Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 506,520
Thank's to all !!!!
Cu next year !
TX: FT-1000MP
Antenna Vertical @ 1,30mt. over the ground.
73s by Sal. IZ2WFL
Call: JA1BPA Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 7,039,780
My personal record for the number of QSOs (more than 2,000!) for
a 24-hour contest. It was amazing what high SSN combined with
quiet geo-magnetic condition could do.
10mb was really amazing. We had great opening to the East Coast
of the U.S. right after our local sunrise, and European signals
were strong until 2 hours after our local sunset. 15mb and 20mb
opened to Europe late at night as if we were in the mid-summer.
I had a hard time trying to find a time slot to work on 40/80mb
because higher bands were open all night! I tried to take
advantage of my SO2R setting, but it was sometimes impossible
to run 10mb and 15mb simultaneously because the propagation
was too good!
I am aware that this is a new claimed JA record for this contest.
I hope that the claim will survive the strict cross-check of
the organizer.
Thank you for all QSOs and for Russian stations who copied
my rusty Russian language on SSB.
Best 73,
Icko, JA1BPA
Call: K0RF Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 3,363,790
First time in this contest. It was fun.
Call: K1TN Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 240,000
Score is only an educated guess. I still stubbornly use NA software with an
ancient PC and a CW interface that work faithfully. I worked 43 different
oblasts over all bands. 81 of the Qs were with Russian stations.
I used 100 watts, without the 500-watt amp I've had the past few years. With
just two dipoles I worked virtually every station I heard and called. Maybe it
was conditions, or this particular contest, but this pointed out to me once
again that I just can't do much more from here without at least a triband beam.
Jim Cain, K1TN
Call: K3OQ Class: M/S HP Total Score = 754,392
The team had a blast in this contest. It seemed there was too much going on
with lots of activity in RTTY, VAQP and RuDX. Great time...station did well.
Call: K3WA Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 52,275
Good hour with good conditions.
Call: K4EU Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 55,877
10m Single Band -- 2 hours -- Thanks for the Q's..... 73....//Steve K4EU
Call: K5GN Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,718,010
This contest is a lot of fun with good sunspots! Condx Saturday sounded very
FB, even on 80m where signals were good enough to compete with the local
thunderstorm QRN. Even worked Europe on 160!
Local weather screwed it up for me. I had a leadership meeting at church
during prime time morning Europe opening so knew it would just be a fun fishing
weekend starting 1000QSOs behind. Then the rains came. It took double the
usual time to get out to the station, plus had to unplug everything shortly
after getting started due to an electrical storm passing overhead. The QRN did
not let up the whole time - even late at night.
Apparently lightning took out the 80m and 15m antenna relays. Maybe also the
NE long beverage - need to figure that one out. 80m was solved inside the
shack with more time off the air, but the 15m relay box is up on the tower, so
only a few contacts made before the storm came through. Sunday morning
something went intermittent in the 12v system that basically stopped everything
from working properly with half an hour to go in the contest. It also kept me
from working the XZ on 20m after the contest. Ugh. It's more fun when things
are working.
I had just repaired ice storm damage on Friday: two broken beverages and put
the 75m inverted vee on a tuner for CW since one leg of the 80m inverted vee
was on the ground. Still to go from that event: replace a broken tip on the
low 10m yagi. The net of this weekend is the repair to-do list got a lot
longer instead of shorter. Lots of spring and summer station maintenance to
But a bad day fishing is better than a good day working, so it's all good.
Dave K5GN
Call: K5ZD Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 3,211,520
Always great fun to chase the Russian stations. Even more so this year with
such great conditions!
All bands were good except 160m.
Only SO1R for this one. Used the DX Cluster to chase multipliers. Never worked
so many Oblasts before.
Call: K6AW Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,526,355
Thanks to Ken for use of the station. RDXC always enjoyable if you are a cw
Call: K6CSL Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 3,672
Just 270pts shy of last years record in this event. However more mults,
especially RU Oblasts than last year. A fun contest. Bert, K6CSL
Call: K8GL Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,725,608
Great conditions! Great contest! Thanks for the QSO's!
Call: K9GY Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 88,290
Fun contest but some family commitments used up operating time. Enjoyed the time
I was able to put into it. First QSO was JT5DX on 20m CW....great start!
Yaesu FT-857D, Cushcraft vertical, and WriteLog.
Best of health to all,
Eric K9GY
Call: KB3WD Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 3,121,740
Always great fun to chase the Russian stations.
Call: KC1XX Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 8,895,444
Very nice conditions!
Thank you for all the calls and the activity.
I was surprised to not work more people on 80.
20 m was terrific over the pole to UA0 and UA9 in the middle of the night.
That doesn't happen much in the north east US.
See you all next year. 73, Matt KC1XX
Just SO1R one IC7700 AL-1200 and some aluminum!
Call: KO7X Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 196,792
Nice turnout, as always.
Call: LA2AB Class: M/S HP Total Score = 7,023,456
Nice contest, nice conds.
7r de Roy / LA5KO
Call: LI5O Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 3,930,060
Nice propagation
Still not finished with 15m & 10m antennas after damage of wind.
73s de LB3RE Rag
ex: LA6FJA
Call: LT7H Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 465,612
SO2R:Rig(1)FT840+3 El Yagui 40-20-15-10/Rig(2)FT890+3 El Yagui TB
CONDX were mild to good on Sat morning and noon (local) and deteriorated as the
prop in 10 meters dissapeared. 15 and 20 yield only good results for few hours
but then didn't sustain a run any longer. 40m proved to be very challenging
from my location and 80m didn't opened while I was in the contest. Stopped at
11pm (0200Z) when the rate turned into just a few Q per hour jumping in all
bands. Checked briefly by 7am local (1000Z) but just very feeble sigs heard in
15m and 10m (nothing in 20m and 40m) and no contact was possible. Final summary
will disclose but I believe participation of stations from NA and EU (outside
Russia) look as higher than the previous year. Got my plan, the lower end of
it, and few Q but higher M than the year before, so all in all was a good
Call: LU3MAM Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 32,686
See you next year!
Call: LX7I Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 10,119,996
After a few part-time operations in some contests, it was time for a serious
SOAB participation.
Beside some problems with my new SO2R setup everything worked fine.
thanks for all the QSOs,
73s de Philippe LX2A / LX7I
Call: LY10NATO Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 5,225,504
Lost 160m antenna just before contest.
QSL via LY5W
73! Andy LY2TA
Call: LZ1FY Class: M/S LP Total Score = 3,361,896
10/15/20 - 3el (up 12m)
40/80 - InvVee (up12m)
Call: M5E Class: M/2 LP Total Score = 13,670,613
Mark M0DXR and I operated M/2 MIXED CW/SSB from the Marconi site in Cornwall in
the far SW of England as M5E. We will be one of the two British teams at WRTC
so we used the RDXC as an opportunity to get to know each other a bit and to
operate together for the first time. We also wanted to test some hardware
required for WRTC. To that end we brought some automation and an Inrad
triplexer plus filters to use with two K3 radios and an A4S tribander at 40ft
for the HF bands. On 40-80-160 we used dipoles.
I think it is fair to say that we are reasonably happy with the exercise. The
contest was fun, conditions were good and we had no issues with inter-station
interference although the harmonics are of course not entirely eliminated with
the filters and triplexer but this was a marginal limitation. Except for a few
kHz around the harmonics we had no issues at all. The K3 with its low
phase-noise is a great radio for demanding multi-radio environments.
I really like the RDXC format. There are loads of multipliers (DXCC+Russian
regions) and much opportunity for strategy. The contest is very well managed,
they have a super website and they have the best rules in the business. The
rules are demanding: you are penalized if you get the call or exchange wrong
and you lose the QSO if the other guy busts your call or exchange. That's
excellent - you are rewarded for your two-way communication skills, you need to
adjust your speed and style to the ability of the guy at the other end, just the
way it should be. This rule also penalizes those who don't ID and those who let
their computer send too fast CW for their own good and it also takes care of
careless reliance on cluster and RBN spots. Let's hope that the CQWW and WPX
rules will evolve in the same direction.
Good fun, great operators and not many really bad signals.
73 Olof G0CKV
Call: MJ5Z Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 6,530,832
After severe winter weather, none of antenna at club station were working when I
arrived on Friday afternoon after my flight was delayed and waiting on tarmac
for 4 hours due to thick fog in the island. Thanks to club members, Phil
GJ4CBQ, Steve MJ0ULE, Paul MJ0PMA and Dieter MJ1CYD, 160m Dipole and Log
periodic which covers 20m and up are functional on Friday evening. Without
their efforts, I have to use my wires and ATU. I can tune 160m antenna to
40/80m using K3's internal ATU, not ideal but better than nothing.
Despite no proper antenna on 40/80m, it is my best score in RDXC. Thanks for
propagation and nice level of activity.
Just after the contest, shelf which supports rotator controllers and monitors
over the operating desk collapsed. I thought I can continue to BARTG RTTY
contest but this incident killed my plan.
Thanks for QSOs and see you in next one.
73 Kazu
Call: N0AC Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,997,640
Thanks to Toni for the use of his station.
Bill, N0AC
Call: N0KE Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 612,254
Part time effort. Good USSR turnout and also from JA. Some good polar path
Call: N2NC Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,617,840
Great equinox conditions. Very fun.
Call: N3QE Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 768,416
Starting to figure this contest out! Very much a "part time" operation
but getting an hour or two at a time always left me feeling like I was fresh
meat or there was fresh meat to find.
Nasty utility noise was gone on 40M when I came back from supper so just called
CQ and went with it! Oh what a joy.
Call: N3RD Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 2,393,942
I was not able to put in full time, but I found conditions to be very good when
I was able to operate. This is a fun contest.
Call: N3SD Class: M/S LP Total Score = 29,865
73, Greg N3SD
Call: N4PN Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 613,546
Thanks for a fun test...lots of activity and the Russians came out
in force...thanks also to the sponsors...
Lots of "good" DX called in - EX8MAT, VU2BGS, 4K4K, UN7CN, A71AE,
Logging a nightmare with Gen_Log...showed a dupe when working a
station CW that had worked earlier on SSB...
73, Paul, N4PN
Call: N5AW Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 782,276
First contest with new (to me) K3 as my second radio. I can already see that
having matched radios will help my SO2R capability.
Great conditions. Unfortunately I missed some of the prime time propagation on
10 and 15 due to other commitments. Lots of good ops in Russia!
Call: N5XZ Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 79,137
Fun contest between chores again. Good prop.
Rig: Elecraft K3/P3
Amp: ETO Alpha 78
Ant: SteppIR 4-el Yagi up 75 ft
S/W: N1MM v.14.1.0
Call: N6AR Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 540,330
Lots of fun with all the bands open. But fasmily visitors limited my time to
the 6 hjour category!
Call: N6RNO Class: SOSB/15 LP Total Score = 1,222
Now this was fun. Even with 100w into wire on the roof there were a lot of
stations to hear... too bad most could not hear me... worked about half of what
I could hear in 73 minutes... The Russians were all about 40wpm... everyone else
about 30wpm.
Call: N7MZW Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 4,524
First time in this contest. I operated for 2 Hrs. and 27 Min. from Cheyenne, WY.
using a 25 year old Kenwood TS-950SD, Heil ProSet with HC-5 mic. element, and a
102 foot home brew G5RV flat top up 50 feet, running N-S. Thanks for the
Call: N8HM Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 180
Just making a few Qs.
Rig - Yaesu FT-450D
Antenna - MFJ-1786 Magnetic Loop
Call: N8II Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 501,480
There were two birthdays in the family and I had made plans to be out Saturday
AM as well which fell thru, so it was a very part time effort here. Activity
followed propagation to Russia with very limited action left on 10 after
Asian activity seemed low around 24Z considering the excellent conditions on 15
and 10 M. I logged China and YB on both 10 and 15, and on 15 JT, BX, HS, and
VR2. 15 opened as far west as RQ9I and RJ9J around 0145Z, very rare for here.
20 CW was nearly devoid of activity at 24Z with the only Russians worked being
UA1O or AR Obl, but was in good shape with decent activity by 02Z working many
zone 17/18 Russians as well as UK8, JT, and UP's.
By next year, conditions will probably be not as good. Congratulations to all
of the ops making big score.
73, Jeff
Call: N8UM Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 756,723
This contest might have been best 10 and 15 meter conditions I experienced this
solar cycle. Great 10 meter Asian opening and 20 meter Asiatic Russian opening
at night. Did not start until T plus 9 hours into the test.
Call: N9NC Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 539,164
Very nice to see 10m continuing to hold up nicely.
73 Tom N9NC
Call: N9RV Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 4,109,585
15 meters was the band. 20 was never good here except for a few hours on Sat
night. 10 meters had signals from everywhere, but no volume to any runs there.
40 meters was very good to EU from here, a lot of fun there. When the polar
path is open it is fun, and with the great activity from Russia it was a
Thanks to all the UA's for making this happen.
Call: NA8V Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 2,301,549
What an excellent contest! Conditions were good to excellent and Russian
activity was high. I worked 66 different regions/oblasts total, much more than
I thought going in.
Things started out more slowly than I had hoped. between the effects of the
flare a couple days earlier and the Eurofest at the beginning rates weren't so
hot. The good news was the great propogation on 15 and then 10 very deep into
the Far East. I worked quite a few UA9/0's on both bands, with a JA and a BG
thrown in for good measure on 15 in the first hour. The high volume of 10
point QSOs and high Oblast count more than made up for not so fast rate.
The biggest surprise in conditions was 20 meters. All week, before the flare,
it had been wide open all night long. In the contest, there were good
conditions to Asia in the first hours of darkness but that didn't carry through
to Europe. 80 was very good right after sunset but between the high noise
levels and the Eurofest, couldn't do very much at all. When the band quieted
down and the skip got really good around 04z, there didn't seem to be much
activity from western EU. I heard many signals on 160 in the first hour after
sunset but had no luck at all.
40 was also in great shape, with a couple UA9s plus lots of EU. It's a shame
the band is so crowded with data signals - it's hard for a LP station to do a
lot in only 40kHz of band.
I continue to be amazed at the lack of US activity in this contest. The
equinox is a great time of year for propagation and we had good conditions to
boot. Many folks complained a year or so ago about the length of the CQWW
contest and the 24hr "classic" overlay was a result. One would
think those folks who find the CQWW too long would be out in droves for this
one - 24hr time period, everyone works everyone, all the bands are in play,
good point value structure - what's not to like?? maybe thay were on
Call: NF8J Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 203,040
K3, TH11DX, N1MM, WINKEYER, KPA500. Always a fun contest. Could only operate 5
Call: NR5M Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 2,993,734
What a fun contest!
Call: NY4A Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 530,419
Wow, started out m/2 but antenna problems reduced us to single band.
CW only/CW forever.
73, Howie
Call: NY4A Class: SOSB/15 HP Total Score = 788,160
Howie and I started out planning to be M/2. However, when he moved from 10m to
20m we found a problem with the 20m antenna. Howie climbed the tower but
couldn't find the problem and in the process of debugging the 20m problem a new
problem appeared on the 40m antenna. Since I had been exclusively on 15m and
Howie had been on 10m, we decided to enter as two single band entries.
15m was great. I was still hearing Europeans at our sunset and stations from
Asia were still strong at 10:30 in the evening.
Alan - AA4FU
Call: OG6N Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 5,914,248
I took many short breaks and slept in the night time. This shows in the low band
S&P 99% of the time. I did not work much on SSB due to some voice problems.
Good activity and nice to see 10m open. Many stations worked on six bands.
Call: OH0W Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 16,826,208
RadioTeam Azores traveled to Aland Islands to set up a WRTC-like station to
test technology and put men into action. Ville, OH2MM/PY2ZEA flew in from
Brazil to run, share results and participate in a critical selection process
while Veijo, OH6KN took all gear and testing equipment from Radio Arcala
(OH8X) labs and drove to OH1-land to catch a ferry to Aland Islands.
The OH0W callsign was re-activated to lift the spirit and provide some OH0
variety. The suffix (W) used in 1982 was selected as a symbol of winning! As
the season's first Formula One (F1) car race took place in Australia on the
same weekend, the smell of kerosene was clearly in evidence in Aland Islands.
Two kinds of radio equipment were subjected to rigorous testing - FTdx3000
and FTdx5000 - as equipment selection is of crucial importance to WRTC
unique setup.
Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd of Japan, the team’s equipment provider, had put up
everything needed into this event. A professional testing report on radio
performance will be provided for future radio designs.
What fun it was to run like madmen for 24h but also have some hours off with
OH6KN doubling as a good operator and shouldering some shifts from two seasoned
Azores team members.
OH0W will be activated a few more times prior to WRTC-2014 and ultimately also
during the actual WRTC race. Additionally, the YOTA (Youth On The Air) event
will bring together fifteen (15) European youth teams to run their own WRTC -
known as ERTC-2014. These fifteen teams will stage a WRTC-like event on an
equal playing field �" that being in their case in Virtual Reality.
( www.hamsphere.com )
Next in line will be WPX SSB. Just follow the script…
Martti, OH2BH
For RadioTeam Azores
Call: OH1TM Class: SOSB/15 HP Total Score = 624,390
I think this is my first contest effort ever with this callsign I have owned
from 2007 and first contest effort for at least 10 years from my home QTH.
My home station antenna (Butternut HF9V) is not in very good shape at the
moment and I noticed just when the contest started that SWR is reasonable ON
15m. So I went for 15m SB.. First I operated LP but after a while I decided to
test if I can use the amp to get a bit better signal. 500W seemed to be OK and
there were no problems with TV or anything else.
The conditions must have been very good because I made much more QSOs than
expected. My original target was 300 qsos but when the contest was over I had
over 800 qsos in my log!
Thanks for the QSOs!
73 Timo OH1TM (also OH1MDR)
Call: OH2BH Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 1,129,450
Really strange to not feel any more tired after a contest than this! I'm used to
doing SOAB entries, so a single band entry is a nice way to take it easy when
needed. I hadn't touched a radio for 2 months so I thought I'd better get to it
again with a SOSB10 effort.
One is a bit handicapped when working RDXC on 10m from Finland, since European
Russia is mostly too close for proper skip => a lot of "ESP" QSOs.
However, Asiatic Russia is fine and DX conditions were good, with the band
closing around 21:30 local time (19:30z) on Saturday. I got up before sunrise
around 06:00 local on Sunday at which time the UA9 guys were already booming
I'm happy with the result, which is a claimed World and European record. Not
sure about the competition, since not too many SOSB10:ers were using the live
scoreboard. Anyway, the RDXC log checking process is quite brutal, so it will
be fun to see what the score minus penalties is good for!
Thanks again to Martti OH2BH and Leena OH2BE for letting me use the fine
station at their summer cottage. And naturally, thanks to all of you for the
CU from CQ8X in WPX SSB!
Call: OH2KM Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 2,292,682
Rig = FT-2000
Pwr = 100 w
Ant = Windom
Call: OH5TS Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 1,411,111
K3 plus 204BA and various wires.
73. Kari
Call: OK6MA Class: SOSB/15 HP Total Score = 335,455
This was my first ssb contest with a new ant. It works great, I was happy to
enjoy many DX (YB, JA, W6, XE) and surprisingy also local stations coming at my
call! Never worked so many DL's, SP's and I's on 15m.
FT-950 + home made PA 4xGU - 450W
4 element monoband yagi DK7ZB in 10m
Thanks every one for the QSOs!
I hope to meet you in the new OK/OM SSB DX contest - second weekend in April,
12:00 UTC April 12 - 12:00 UTC April 13. !!
73! Marek OK6MA
Call: OK7K Class: M/S HP Total Score = 14,669,666
First M/S Contest from OK7K QTH ever :-)
Used equiment:
FT-1000MP + PA ACOM2000A
FT-1000MP MK5 �" PA ACOM 1000
160m: Vertical @ 34m �" 120 Ground radials
80m: Vertical @ 34m �" 120 Ground radials
Dipol SSB USA @ 18m
Dipol CW USA @ 16m
40m: 4 el. Dipoles Sloper System
20m: Stack 5/5 el. ZX Yagi (ON4UN Design, 14,2m boom @ 27/15 m (upper fully
rotatable, bottom rotatable 280-060 deg)
15m: 6el. ZX Yagi (ON4UN Design, 14,5m boom @ 23m (fully rotatable))
10m: Stack 7/7/7 el. Yagi (G0KSC Design, 13,8m boom @ 30/24/18 (fully
5el OWA Yagi (G0KSC Design, 6m boom @ 15m (fully rotatable))
5el OWA Yagi (G0KSC Design, 6m boom @ 9m (fix to south))
RX Antennas:
Beverage 360m to USA (320 deg)
Beverage 700m to USA (320 deg)
Beverage 360m to Carribien (280 deg)
Beverage 360m to South America (250 deg)
Beverage 360m to Africa (170 deg)
Beverage 360m to VK/ZL (080 deg)
Beverage 360m to Japan (045 deg
Beverage 260m to North (015 deg)
Beverage 180m to near East (135 deg)
K9AY Loop
TNX for QSOs!
On behalf of OK7K group - Petr OK1BN
Call: OK7T Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 2,274,637
TRX: FT2000 100W, ANT: 3ele.Yagi tribander, Inv.V dipole. SW: TR4W
Thanks all for nice contest qsos.
73 Radek, OK1FHI
Call: OL3Z Class: M/S HP Total Score = 12,544,070
We prefer CW, SSB only in the last hour.
Call: OL4W Class: SO Mixed QRP Total Score = 705,410
Last week I received new Chinese X1M PRO. I dont sure if it is possible to run
contest with it. It was very interesting, but very sorry, that in Chinese dont
know, what is it CW traffic HI.
Call: OL8M Class: SOSB/20 HP Total Score = 1,575,504
I was there tired that I had to QRT at 22.20 UTC, even though Americans were
nice to hear and called me .... and I had to go to sleep ... then again QRV
until 0400 Z, it corresponds to this my score 73 Pavel
Call: OL9R Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 6,339,264
FT-10000MP MarkV Field
Home made multi band vertical antenna on balony.
Win-test 4.0.
73 Vaclav OK6RA
Call: ON6NL Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 2,255,900
First visited the big radio flea market in Rosmalen, Netherlands. So only
12 hours of this very vibrating contest. Condx were just fine on all bands.
Had to go out and repair a coil of my 160 trapped dipole in the middle of the
night. Then I realized it is still winter!
Rig: IC756P2, ACOM1000
Ant: KT34a, dipoles 40/80/160
Logging: N1MM
Call: OQ5M Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 8,095,584
My personal best in one of my favorite contests and I broke my own ON country
record by a wide margin.
Great Top Band signals from W (14) and VE (3). No noise, no QSB and S7 or more
on the meter. Too bad not more people were around on 160.
Call: OR2F Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 2,117,951
RIG= IC-7400
ANT= portable window vertical + Kenwood AT-200
The biggest enjoy is the unlimited number of Russian stations.
Thanks & 73 !
Call: OT2A Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 7,052,344
Thank you for calling me,call me again next time!
Call: OU2I Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 1,746,990
Good to be active again and good to meet familiar callsigns in the test.
Condx was fine Saturday evening and night but Sunday around 8 UTC it became
silent on all bands and every QSO was difficult to implement.
Thanks for a good test see you NeXT year.
Best 73 de OU2I Henning
Call: OZ4CG Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 657,992
RIG: Kenwood TS590+s (100W)
ANT: G5RV up 8m
Software: N1MM Logger V14.2.1
Call: PI4TUE Class: M/S HP Total Score = 4,160,160
* BATTLE of the SEXES *
- Select a contest: Russian DX
- Select a station capable of M2: PI4TUE
- Select two crews: boys (2) and girls (6)
and you can have your own "battle of the sexes"...
(want to know who won? read on... )
During the past few months we doubled the number of transmitters from 1 to 2
which involved some extensive shack work like interlocking and additional
(bandpass) filtering as well as placing all equipment in an ergonomic layout.
This enabled the use of 2 transceivers in-band or like M2 on different bands.
For ARRL CW+SSB we used the setup almost exclusively in-band. Short excursions
to other bands showed zero interference or RX blocking issues; the extensive
antenna coupling measurements a year ago and subsequent building extra (RX)
filters paid off!
But now back to the "battle of the sexes"... :-)
Since two years a group of enthusiast Dutch (X)YL op's began guest op'ing at
PI4TUE club station where they took part in several contests; SPDX, RDX, HADX.
This year they also wanted to continue their learning and fun curve in the RDX
contest. I already planned to enter this one my self and suggested to share the
station in a fun way: boys against girls. Of course the girls immediately
So... at 12:00UTC the Girls took off (in their special stunning almost eye
hurting team-polo-shirts) on 10M with the 3 EL SteppIR. We (the boys) had no
other option than to use the BigIR vertical on another band which was 15M. I
had offered the girl team first choice in band and antenna's... Since my team
mate Mark-PA5MW was not in yet and I had been preparing the two setups up to a
few minutes before the contest I offered myself a lunch before diving into the
contest arena. This gave the girls a 37 minutes head start during which they
made about 50 QSO's. It took me and Mark 2.5 hours to catch up in QSO count.
>From that point onwards the QSO count lead (slightly) increased by the hour
pretty much up until the end where the difference was almost 400 Q's on a total
of 1300+. The difference in multipliers was even more significant: 280+255 for
us versus 158+173 for the girls. This boils down in a claimed score of 4M
versus 2M... If you ask us what could the girls have done better we would say,
change bands more often, do much more CW and don't just call CQ but work those
multipliers. It was definitely *not* lack of enthusiasm nor endurance :-)
Being used to a 3 EL Yagi on the high bands it was noticeable to run on a 1/4
wave vertical; more often than usual standing in line to work multipliers,
higher noise level and more QRM (no front to back ratio). Working other
continents on top-band was also difficult if not impossible this time, since we
didn't have any beverage or other RX antenna. All in all Mark and I really
enjoyed this contest because of the "female touch" and great activity
from all
around the world!
To conclude some statistics:
- the only 6-band QSO was made with OM8A
- six 5-band and fourteen 3-band QSO's
- 354 Q's with European Russia and 119 with Asiatic Russia
- 144 US stations logged followed by 81 DL's as the most worked countries
- Did not work the following Oblasts on any band: AN, DA, EA, FJ, GA, HA, IN,
MD, MG and TU
- Most worked oblast: MO with 44 Q's
Some pictures can be found here:
Setup used:
TenTec Orion + PA
1/4 vertical (BigIR) on 10/15/20)
40M dipole
80M loop
160M sloping 1/4 vertical (feed point at the top)
-- Mark-PA5MW & Aurelio-PC5A
Call: PI4YLC Class: M/S HP Total Score = 2,022,720
PI4YLC took part in the Russian DX for the second time. Our first participation
was in 2013, this time our goal was to top our achievements of last year.
Another competitive element: we were battling against the om's of PI4TUE
(Aurelio-PC5A and Mark-PA5MW): same location, separate transmitters, partly
seperate antennas, and band pass filters were only just installed, time to take
it to the next level of contesting! We were able to start at 12.00utc sharp and
we took part for the whole 24 hours with a total of six YL operators:
Claudia-PD5AX, Mariette-PA1ENG, Lisa-PA2LS, Monique-PD3MKT, Ineke-PD2CWM and
myself (Chantal-PA5YL). We operated both in Phone and CW and had a lot of fun
contesting in one room and socializing in the room next door!
And although we didn't achieve our two goals, top the score of last year and
beat the guys as well, we had a blast! Big thankyou to everyone who helped
building the contest station! Already look forward to the next contest
On behalf of the PI4YLC contest team,
Equipment used:
Orion + Acom
3 EL SteppIR, 40M dipole, 80M loop, 160M vertical sloping down
Call: PJ4LS Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,228,821
Only 11 hours operating time possible due to other commitments in the garden!
No Q's on 80 and 160 due to lack of good antenna's, will improve for next
Antenna rotor not OK so LPDA directed to NE.
Had some RFI problems in the shack and also some K3 hick-ups. Switched to
handkeying in stead of keyboard.
Enjoyed this contest, TNX for all the Q's SU next year.
73, Hans / PJ4LS
Call: PY2NDX Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 6,636,465
Rigs: FT-2000 + TS-850S
Amp: Acom 1010 + Hallicrafer HT-33B
Triplexer: 4O3A
Ant: 10/15/20 - TH7DX
40m - 2 el. Yagi @ 18m
80m - Dipole (mounted quickly in sunday 03Z!) @ 10m
Hi guys,
We attempt this contest to simulate how we will operate WRTC 2014. Obviously
there will not allowed amplifiers, but we used 'cause we are far away from
everyone and would be so hard to make QSOs with low power from here.
We knew that in RDXC rules don't have assisted or non-assisted category,
everyone can use DX Cluster with no restriction, but to be like in WRTC 2014,
we do not use DX Cluster.
Something wrong happened at station, we had a lot of interaction (S9 +++)
between two stations even with triplexer and bandpass filters. It make us
operate more M/S than M/2, but we had fun all the time.
Thanks all for QSOs.
PY2YU - Tom
PY2NDX - Rafael
Call: PY4ZO Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 307,248
Rig : Yaesu FT-897D 100w
Ant: 20/15m Rotary Dipole - 10m 5/8 Vertical
Call: RA1A Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 15,159,991
It's fun! Super Condx. No cluster as WRTC 2014 style. We lost 3 times about 20
min becouse el. power off. See you WPX SSB.
Vlad RW1A
Call: RT2A Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 4,132,893
Lost 6 hours between 23.30-05.30 UTC due to technical problems.
Thanks to Andrew UA3AB for letting me use his SETUP.
73! RV1AW/3
Call: RT3F Class: M/S HP Total Score = 8,293,434
More info http://goo.gl/kqW1jc
Call: RY9C Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 14,221,452
Call: S53F Class: M/S HP Total Score = 12,139,428
We work RDX every year with different call with quite same set-up. This year was
turn to S53F. Even some problems at Sunday morning with 1KW HM PA, we improved
our MS score for about 2M pts. RDX is great contest, with simple set-up is
possible to have average 100 QSO/h. TNX RDX organisers for great contest, and
all others for QSOs.
MULT station in same room was used without any filters. Thet is reserve to
improve score next year.
At last but not at least, MNI TNX goes to S54Os family for great hospitality.
RIG: TS 590+1kw HM, FT2000+IC2KL
ANT:3el ECO, 40m vertical, wires cca 10m AGL
On behalf of S53F team - 73 Damjan S52W
Call: S53MM Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 9,258,471
This was first test of station after I managed to rebuild all of the antennas
below 14 MHz, which were destroyed in ice storm at the begining of February.
I guess I ignored 160m too much as the multiplier is way too low there.
I started to publish score at cqcontest.ru, but then I found out that my score
was not correctly calculated as older Writelog version was computing EU Russia
stations for only 5 pts and I stopped that incorrect posting.
Call: S56A Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 4,834,375
Good condx except noisy 160 m so I slept longer then intended. Some QSB but
VK/ZL worked on 10 - 40 m. It was fun again!
73 de Mario, S56A
Call: SE3X Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 380,055
Just for fun betwen work hours saturday and sunday. Only wireantennas, but great
fun and lots of activity. 73 all and Thanx for all Qso/points! /Johan
Call: SJ2W Class: M/S HP Total Score = 17,131,205
We haven't done an effort in Russian DX for a few years but this time we decided
it was time to try to get the Scandinavian record now when we have some sunspots
and propagations were really good. We worked 2232 RUN QSOs, 657 S&P on the
Run band and 370 QSOs on the mult radio.
We also used the K3 for the first time on the "inband" position doing
S&P on the run band and we are very pleased with its performance. Now one of
the big summer projects is to get a tower up dedicated for that purpose so we
don't need to steal the antennas from the run radio when transmitting.
Cu in WPX SSB!
160m: 1/4 vert
80m: 4-SQ
40m: 3/3el + 2/2el + 4-SQ
20m: 6/6/6el + 5/5el + 4el @EU
15m: 6/6el + 5el
10m: 6/6el + 6el @46m
RX inband: 3-band vertical ~450m away + single verticals for 40 and 80
RUN: FT1000MKV + ACOM 2000A (Sponsored by Ojojoj Music AB)
INBAND (S&P on run band): K3
MULT: FT1000 MKV + ACOM 1000
N1MM Logger
Check the website for more information and continous updates of what goes on at
the station.
Call: SK3W Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 18,549,504
One more contest effort, this time in the Russian DX Contest. Once again we went
for the Multi Op/Two TX category. Still struggling to get a good multiplier
count. Probably need to invest some time to get an inband setup. The past
contests in Multi/2 we have had four radios active, two for Run1 and two for
Run2. All operating positions can be on any band, but not two radios on the
same band.
Things to be proud of:
We have a new claimed SM-record.
We have been serious in several contests this year.
The team will host a YOTA activity in the WPX Phone in two weeks.
To improve at the station:
Better amplifiers, we do not have full power on all bands.
Better TX antenna for 160m, current 4-SQ is not working.
Find the problem with the internal network.
Operators were:
Call: SM0Y Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 242,833
For the first time: I worked WAC in less than an hour, on the same band in the
same contest.
Call: SM5MX Class: SOSB/40 LP Total Score = 406,696
Rig: K2\100
TX-ant: GP
RX-ant: 2 x 10 m dipole
S/w: TR4W
It is a pity that there are no LP-categories for us SOSB-ers!
Call: SO9T Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 6,042,600
Thanks for QSO in very nice contest.
73 GL
Yaesu FT-1000MP
160m - invL
80m - delta
40m - 2el GP
20m - dipol
15m - 5el yagi
10m - 3el yagi
Call: SP2LNW Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 6,891,066
Tnx for the Q's. CU in next.
73 Slaw SP2LNW
Call: SP8K Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 3,033,030
No comment ...
73 SP8K
Call: SP8W Class: SOSB/80 HP Total Score = 507,416
Wszystkie pasma - Wszystkie emisje
Kraje DXCC - Wg czasu
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Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
Wszystkie pasma - Wszystkie emisje
Mnozniki - Wg czasu
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Powered by Win-Test 4.11.0 http://www.win-test.com
Call: TM4Q Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 5,552,597
As every years, a real happy time to be in this contest. My main problem : how
stay awake with constant performance during 24 hours. If someone has the
solution or any explanation, send me a mel... Thanks all of you for reports.
JPaul. F6FYA./.
Call: UA4HTT Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 1,931,386
Thanks to ALL for QSO's !!!
I will QRV in "Russian DX Contest" as UA4HTT SOAB�"SSB-LP from
mountain "Tip-Tyav" of 286 meters above ASL, QTH Loc: LO53CJ
"SR-03" for RDA.
I will use TS-570D 100wtts and Vertical-"CB" + Delta Loop (80M)
73'es CU in the next test !!
de Slava UA4HTT
Call: UA5C Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 7,621,130
Call: UR5LAM Class: SO Mixed QRP Total Score = 2,459,189
PWR: 5 watts
ANT: Zeppelin at 10m hight
Call: VA3EC Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 18,144
VA3EC and UA3EC are painfully close in CW.
Call: VE1RGB Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 1,401,301
Conditions unlike anything I have ever before seen!!
Call: VE4DRK Class: SO SSB LP Total Score = 10,824
First time on this contest, and only had a few hours. I run a very modest
station and am getting more into the sport and use a vertical. Still had fun.
Call: W1EBI Class: SO Mixed HP Total Score = 1,667,232
Personal best score. This contest just keeps getting better.
George W1EBI
Call: W1END Class: SOSB/10 LP Total Score = 16,684
Couldn't do a full-time effort so decided to hang out on ten meters a bit.
Conditions seemed pretty good.
Rig was FTdx5000 (100w) and Butternut HF6V vertical.
Thanks for the Q's. I think this is my first RU DX contest.
Eldon - W1END
Call: W1VE Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 2,072,526
A fun contest! High band conditions were great. Low bands were noisy.
Nice to have a bunch of loud Asians call in on 15 at my sunset.
Thanks to Andy, K2LE, for the use of his great station!
73. Gerry W1VE
Call: W2CDO Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 831,061
Limited operating time available. 80 meter antenna broken. Station: FT-1000MP Mk
V, Alpha 9500, hexbeam at 35', dipole + half square for 40. Thanks for the QSOs.
73 Peter
Call: W2UP Class: SO CW LP Total Score = 634,296
Many fluttery signals early in the day, which improved into the (local) evening.
Couldn't work anything on 40 until an hour or so before EU Russian sunrise,
then signals were tremendous. 80 - fuggedaboutit!
While it's nice to generate instant pileups as fresh meat on a band, the curse
of the zero-bear point and clickers struck again!
Barry W2UP
Call: W3DAD Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 133,947
Lots of Russians on the high bands. Static crashes drove me away from the low
bands though.
Call: W3LL Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 1,187,165
Utility work nearby on Tuesday left S-9 QRN/RFI. This lasted all day Saturday.
Waited for 40 and 80M to open.
Call: W4BQF Class: SOSB/10 HP Total Score = 122,775
Great conditions on 10m! Wish I could have had more time.
Thanks for the Q's and 73,
Tom - W4BQF
Call: W4EE Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 103,114
TS-440S es G5RV
N1MM logger
Tnx for the Q's
73, Jim
Call: W4KW Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 195,774
Limited time to operate.
Thanks to all for the contacts.
Call: W4VIC Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 116,144
Icom IC-756 PRO III, MicroKeyer II, ACOM 2000A
SteppIR DB-18 @ 50', Inverted "L" @ 35' for 80M
RF issues interfered with 15M computer logging operation. Amp didn't like 80M
so tried barefoot but not enough 'juice' on either receive or transmit to work
RU stations, which was main objective of my contest experience. I worked many
EU, etc. to make any kind of score, but objective was to make RU Qs, especially
on 80M, where I got skunked! Gotta make 80M DX antenna before Fall contest
season rolls around. Thanks for the Qs. 73, Vic, W4VIC
Call: W5MX Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 1,189,065
Had fun in contest, seems this one gets more popular every year. Would love to
have taken advantage of the high band openings and operated more but FB wx
condx here in central KY and an xyl wanting dinner altered my plans :-). Also
went over to John K4FT's qth to play around with his new FTdx3000 a little bit
and worked a few q's from his place. Seems to be a nice rig!
73's all
Bryan W5MX
Call: WA1Z Class: SO CW HP Total Score = 5,673,840
Two Elecraft K3, SO2R.
Elecraft KPA500 on run radio, ran barefoot on second radio
20-10M: Cushcraft A3S at 57' on AB-577 on loan from W6PH, various homebrew 2
and 3-element Yagis in fixed directions. Wires on the low bands.
Call: WB8JUI Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 527,072
Decent conditions, but it seemed like rather sparse activity during the hours I
was able to operate.
31.3% of total QSOs with Russia, followed by 8.6% USA, 4.3% Germany and 3.8%
Ukraine. A total of 40 different Oblasts worked.
Nice to catch BY, JA, VK and ZL late on 10M.
73 - Rick WB8JUI
Elecraft K3
Hustler 5BTV (10-80M) Ground mounted
160 Meter Inverted L
Call: WL7BDO Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 9,879
Enjoyable few hours, should allocate more time next year to this contest. Carl
Call: YO5AJR Class: SOSB/160 HP Total Score = 171,600
FT990 PA:old Russian R118-BM3 Abt:400 W. Ant:inv."L" - Soft:UcxLog.
Call: YP7P Class: SO SSB HP Total Score = 4,356,918
My best contest , see you next year .
More on http://yp7p.blogspot.ro/
73 ! robert yo7lfv / yp7p
Call: YT0W Class: SOSB/20 HP Total Score = 1,617,987
73 de Laki
Call: YT2AAA Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 1,918,576
Only two bands available for me this time :( But still pulled maximized effort
to increase points for club.
IC-746 PRO, 100 W
80m: INV-V
20m: wire GP
Call: YT3A Class: M/S HP Total Score = 10,782,250
This was a multi op attempt from this hopefully growing location for
the first time.
Lot of technical issues,starting with manual antenna switching,band
interactions,network...etc :)
Main problems, which mostly affected the score, were loss of an internet
communication after 10 hrs into the contest and ssb issues with ts-590.
Anyway,this was an old friends gathering and we decide to do this again.
Thanks to organizers for this great contest and to all for qsos.
73,Vojo YU7AV for the team.
Call: YT4A Class: SOSB/80 HP Total Score = 506,456
YAESU FT 847, GP, 8 x beverage 175 - 450 m, LPA 1,4 kw.
Call: YU0T Class: SOSB/160 HP Total Score = 189,906
I'm losted start off the contest, abt 3hour, and start at 2035 UTC.
TNX for calls and 73.
Call: YU1TY Class: SOSB/20 LP Total Score = 164,250
Rig: Icom 745
Power: 80 W
Antenna: Magnetic Loop
Call: YU5R Class: M/2 HP Total Score = 22,896,450
Thanks to all!
See you in next one!
73 members of YU5R
Call: ZF2DX Class: SO Mixed LP Total Score = 1,003,707
My first real experience of running a contest from the DX side. Some of the
pileups were really thick. Europe was LOUD on all bands. Especially 10, 20,
and 40 meters. I only had a few hours to put into the contest because my wife
still hasn't joined me on the island, which means I'm a single parent until she
gets here.
QSL via K0DEQ. Thanks for the contacts and thanks to ZF1EJ and the CARS for
the use of the FB station.
Kevin, ZF2DX/N5DX
Index of Calls
Call: 3V8BB Class: SO SSB LP
Call: 4K6FO Class: SO CW LP
Call: 4O3A Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: 5B4AIF Class: SO SSB HP
Call: 9A1AA Class: SO CW LP
Call: 9A2AJ Class: SO CW HP
Call: 9A4WY Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: 9A5K Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: 9A5W Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: 9A6XX Class: SO SSB HP
Call: 9A7DX Class: SO CW HP
Call: 9A7T Class: M/S HP
Call: 9A7ZZ Class: SO SSB LP
Call: 9A9A Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: A65BD Class: SO CW HP
Call: AA3B Class: SO CW HP
Call: AB2E Class: SO CW HP
Call: AE6YB Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: AE7DW Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: CR6K Class: SO SSB LP
Call: CW5W Class: M/2 HP
Call: CX2BR Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: DA0DX Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: DD8SM Class: SO SSB HP
Call: DD9WG Class: SO SSB LP
Call: DF1LX Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: DH8BQA Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: DK3A Class: SO SSB LP
Call: DK3T Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: DL1A Class: M/2 HP
Call: DL3ANK Class: SO CW HP
Call: DL4MCF Class: SO SSB LP
Call: DL5ZBA Class: SO CW LP
Call: DL6FBL Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: DL6KVA Class: SO CW HP
Call: DM0B Class: M/2 LP
Call: DR4A Class: M/S HP
Call: E73M Class: SO SSB LP
Call: E7A Class: M/S HP
Call: EA3CI Class: SO SSB HP
Call: EA8CNR Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: ED3V Class: SO SSB LP
Call: EF5Y Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: EF8O Class: SO CW LP
Call: EF8R Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: EI3HDB Class: SO SSB LP
Call: EI7M Class: SO SSB HP
Call: ES4A Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: ES5G Class: M/2 HP
Call: ES5KJ Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: ES5KJ Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: EU1A Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: EW/YU1EA Class: SO CW LP
Call: EW7SM Class: SO CW HP
Call: F1UVN Class: SOSB/160 LP
Call: F1UVN Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: F4VPX Class: SO CW LP
Call: F5IN Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: F5VHY Class: SO CW HP
Call: F8AEE Class: SO CW LP
Call: G4MKR Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: G4R Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: GI0RQK Class: SO CW LP
Call: GI5I Class: SO CW HP
Call: GW4J Class: SO CW HP
Call: HA3DX Class: SO SSB HP
Call: HA6OA Class: SO CW LP
Call: HB9ARF Class: SO CW LP
Call: HB9EP Class: M/S HP
Call: HG2A Class: SO CW LP
Call: HG5D Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: HG6N Class: M/S HP
Call: HG7T Class: M/S HP
Call: HG8C Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: HI3CC Class: SO SSB LP
Call: HI3K Class: SO SSB LP
Call: HI3LFE Class: SO CW QRP
Call: HS0ZKX Class: SO CW HP
Call: IK3ORD Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: IK3STG Class: SO SSB HP
Call: IQ1GE Class: M/S HP
Call: IQ1RY Class: M/2 HP
Call: IZ2WFL Class: SO SSB LP
Call: JA1BPA Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: K0AD Class: SO CW LP
Call: K0PC Class: SO CW HP
Call: K0PK Class: SO CW LP
Call: K0RF Class: SO CW HP
Call: K1LZ Class: M/S HP
Call: K1TN Class: SO CW LP
Call: K2QMF Class: SO CW HP
Call: K2SSS Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K2SX Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3IT Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3IU Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3OQ Class: M/S HP
Call: K3WA Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3WI Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3WW Class: SO CW HP
Call: K3ZJ Class: SO SSB HP
Call: K4EU Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K4FTO Class: SO CW LP
Call: K5GN Class: SO CW HP
Call: K5ZD Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: K6AW Class: SO CW HP
Call: K6CSL Class: SO CW LP
Call: K7BX Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: K8GL Class: SO CW HP
Call: K8GT Class: SO CW LP
Call: K9GY Class: SO CW LP
Call: KB3WD Class: SO SSB HP
Call: KC1XX Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: KN3A Class: SO CW LP
Call: KO7X Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: KP2B Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: KS1J Class: SO CW LP
Call: LA2AB Class: M/S HP
Call: LI3C Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: LI5O Class: SO CW HP
Call: LT7H Class: SO CW LP
Call: LU3MAM Class: SO CW LP
Call: LU5ULV Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: LX7I Class: SO SSB HP
Call: LY10NATO Class: SO SSB HP
Call: LY5R Class: SO CW LP
Call: LZ1FY Class: M/S LP
Call: LZ2A Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: LZ5K Class: M/S HP
Call: LZ9W Class: M/2 HP
Call: M5E Class: M/2 LP
Call: MJ5Z Class: SO CW LP
Call: N0AC Class: SO CW HP
Call: N0KE Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: N2MUN Class: SO SSB HP
Call: N2NC Class: SO CW HP
Call: N2SO Class: SO CW LP
Call: N2UN Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N3QE Class: SO CW HP
Call: N3RD Class: SO CW HP
Call: N3RR Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: N3SD Class: M/S LP
Call: N4DU Class: SO CW HP
Call: N4PN Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N4XL Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: N5AW Class: SO CW LP
Call: N5XZ Class: SO CW HP
Call: N5ZK Class: SO CW HP
Call: N6AR Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: N6RNO Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: N7MZW Class: SO SSB LP
Call: N8HM Class: SO SSB LP
Call: N8II Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: N8UM Class: SO CW HP
Call: N9NA Class: SO CW HP
Call: N9NC Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N9RV Class: SO CW HP
Call: NA8V Class: SO CW LP
Call: NF8J Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: NK3Y Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: NP2P Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: NR3X Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: NR5M Class: SO SSB HP
Call: NY4A Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: NY4A Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: OE8Q Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: OG2A Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: OG6N Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: OH0W Class: M/2 HP
Call: OH1TM Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: OH2BH Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: OH2KM Class: SO CW LP
Call: OH2PM Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OH5TS Class: SO CW LP
Call: OK2BFN Class: SO CW LP
Call: OK6MA Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: OK7K Class: M/S HP
Call: OK7T Class: SO CW LP
Call: OL3Z Class: M/S HP
Call: OL4W Class: SO Mixed QRP
Call: OL8M Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: OL9R Class: SO CW LP
Call: OM8A Class: M/2 HP
Call: OM8AA Class: SO CW LP
Call: ON6NL Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: OQ5M Class: SO CW HP
Call: OR2F Class: SO CW LP
Call: OT2A Class: SO SSB HP
Call: OU2I Class: SO CW LP
Call: OU2V Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OZ4CG Class: SO CW LP
Call: OZ6TL Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: PI4TUE Class: M/S HP
Call: PI4YLC Class: M/S HP
Call: PJ4LS Class: SO CW HP
Call: PR7AB Class: SO CW LP
Call: PY2NDX Class: M/2 HP
Call: PY2UD Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: PY4ZO Class: SO CW LP
Call: PY8WW Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: R22ALS Class: SO CW HP
Call: R4FO Class: SO SSB HP
Call: R7MM Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: RA1A Class: M/2 HP
Call: RD8D Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: RJ4P Class: SO SSB HP
Call: RK3SWS Class: M/S LP
Call: RM3F Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: RT2A Class: SO CW HP
Call: RT3F Class: M/S HP
Call: RT4F Class: M/S HP
Call: RT5G Class: M/2 HP
Call: RU1QY Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: RY9C Class: M/2 HP
Call: S51F Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S53F Class: M/S HP
Call: S53MM Class: SO CW HP
Call: S56A Class: SO CW LP
Call: S57C Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S57C Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: SE3X Class: SO SSB LP
Call: SJ2W Class: M/S HP
Call: SK3W Class: M/2 HP
Call: SM0Y Class: SO CW LP
Call: SM5MX Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: SN7O Class: SO CW LP
Call: SN7Q Class: SO CW HP
Call: SO9Q Class: M/S HP
Call: SO9T Class: SO SSB HP
Call: SP2LNW Class: SO CW HP
Call: SP6YAQ Class: SO SSB LP
Call: SP8K Class: SO SSB HP
Call: SP8R Class: M/S HP
Call: SP8W Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: SQ2WHH Class: SO SSB LP
Call: TM4Q Class: SO CW HP
Call: UA2F Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: UA4HTT Class: SO SSB LP
Call: UA5C Class: SO CW HP
Call: UA6XDX Class: SO CW LP
Call: UA9R Class: SO SSB HP
Call: UP0L Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: UR5IFB Class: SO CW LP
Call: UR5LAM Class: SO Mixed QRP
Call: UW1M Class: SO CW HP
Call: VA2WA Class: SO CW HP
Call: VA3ATT Class: SO CW LP
Call: VA3EC Class: SO CW LP
Call: VE1OP Class: SO CW HP
Call: VE1RGB Class: SO CW LP
Call: VE3CX Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: VE3RCN Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: VE3RZ Class: SO CW HP
Call: VE3TA Class: SO CW HP
Call: VE3XAT Class: SO CW LP
Call: VE4DRK Class: SO SSB LP
Call: VE4VT Class: SO CW HP
Call: VE9ML Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: VK6AA Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W1EBI Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: W1END Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: W1KM Class: M/2 HP
Call: W1MSN Class: SO SSB HP
Call: W1VE Class: SO CW HP
Call: W2CDO Class: SO CW HP
Call: W2UP Class: SO CW LP
Call: W3DAD Class: SO CW HP
Call: W3LL Class: SO SSB HP
Call: W4BQF Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W4EE Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: W4GDG Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: W4KW Class: SO SSB HP
Call: W4VIC Class: SO CW HP
Call: W4WWQ Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: W5MX Class: SO CW HP
Call: W6AAN Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: W8CAR Class: SO CW HP
Call: WA1Z Class: SO CW HP
Call: WB8JUI Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: WL7BDO Class: SO SSB HP
Call: WX4G Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: YL2QN Class: SO CW LP
Call: YO5AJR Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: YP3A Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: YP7P Class: SO SSB HP
Call: YP9W Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: YR8D Class: SO CW HP
Call: YT0A Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: YT0W Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: YT1BX Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: YT2AAA Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: YT3A Class: M/S HP
Call: YT4A Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: YT7AW Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: YU0A Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: YU0T Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: YU1ED Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: YU1KT Class: SO CW LP
Call: YU1TY Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: YU2A Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: YU5A Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: YU5R Class: M/2 HP
Call: YU8NU Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: Z35F Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: ZF2DX Class: SO Mixed LP
Index of Calls organized by Class
Class: M/2 HP
Call: CW5W
Call: DL1A
Call: ES5G
Call: IQ1RY
Call: LZ9W
Call: OH0W
Call: OM8A
Call: PY2NDX
Call: RA1A
Call: RT5G
Call: RY9C
Call: SK3W
Call: W1KM
Call: YU5R
Class: M/2 LP
Call: DM0B
Call: M5E
Class: M/S HP
Call: 9A7T
Call: DR4A
Call: E7A
Call: HB9EP
Call: HG6N
Call: HG7T
Call: IQ1GE
Call: K1LZ
Call: K3OQ
Call: LA2AB
Call: LZ5K
Call: OK7K
Call: OL3Z
Call: PI4TUE
Call: PI4YLC
Call: RT3F
Call: RT4F
Call: S53F
Call: SJ2W
Call: SO9Q
Call: SP8R
Call: YT3A
Class: M/S LP
Call: LZ1FY
Call: N3SD
Call: RK3SWS
Class: SO CW HP
Call: 9A2AJ
Call: 9A7DX
Call: A65BD
Call: AA3B
Call: AB2E
Call: DL3ANK
Call: DL6KVA
Call: EW7SM
Call: F5VHY
Call: GI5I
Call: GW4J
Call: HS0ZKX
Call: K0PC
Call: K0RF
Call: K2QMF
Call: K2SX
Call: K3IT
Call: K3IU
Call: K3WA
Call: K3WI
Call: K3WW
Call: K5GN
Call: K6AW
Call: K8GL
Call: LI5O
Call: N0AC
Call: N2NC
Call: N3QE
Call: N3RD
Call: N4DU
Call: N5XZ
Call: N5ZK
Call: N8UM
Call: N9NA
Call: N9RV
Call: OQ5M
Call: PJ4LS
Call: R22ALS
Call: RT2A
Call: S53MM
Call: SN7Q
Call: SP2LNW
Call: TM4Q
Call: UA5C
Call: UW1M
Call: VA2WA
Call: VE1OP
Call: VE3RZ
Call: VE3TA
Call: VE4VT
Call: W1VE
Call: W2CDO
Call: W3DAD
Call: W4VIC
Call: W5MX
Call: W8CAR
Call: WA1Z
Call: YR8D
Class: SO CW LP
Call: 4K6FO
Call: 9A1AA
Call: DL5ZBA
Call: EF8O
Call: EW/YU1EA
Call: F4VPX
Call: F8AEE
Call: GI0RQK
Call: HA6OA
Call: HB9ARF
Call: HG2A
Call: K0AD
Call: K0PK
Call: K1TN
Call: K4FTO
Call: K6CSL
Call: K8GT
Call: K9GY
Call: KN3A
Call: KS1J
Call: LT7H
Call: LU3MAM
Call: LY5R
Call: MJ5Z
Call: N2SO
Call: N5AW
Call: NA8V
Call: OH2KM
Call: OH5TS
Call: OK2BFN
Call: OK7T
Call: OL9R
Call: OM8AA
Call: OR2F
Call: OU2I
Call: OZ4CG
Call: PR7AB
Call: PY4ZO
Call: S56A
Call: SM0Y
Call: SN7O
Call: UA6XDX
Call: UR5IFB
Call: VA3ATT
Call: VA3EC
Call: VE1RGB
Call: VE3XAT
Call: W2UP
Call: YL2QN
Call: YU1KT
Class: SO CW QRP
Call: HI3LFE
Class: SO Mixed HP
Call: 9A5K
Call: DA0DX
Call: EF5Y
Call: EU1A
Call: G4R
Call: IK3ORD
Call: JA1BPA
Call: K5ZD
Call: KC1XX
Call: KO7X
Call: KP2B
Call: LI3C
Call: N0KE
Call: N3RR
Call: N6AR
Call: NF8J
Call: NK3Y
Call: NP2P
Call: NR3X
Call: OG2A
Call: OG6N
Call: ON6NL
Call: RM3F
Call: UA2F
Call: UP0L
Call: VE3CX
Call: W1EBI
Call: W6AAN
Call: WX4G
Call: YP9W
Class: SO Mixed LP
Call: EF8R
Call: HG8C
Call: N4XL
Call: N8II
Call: R7MM
Call: VE3RCN
Call: VE9ML
Call: W4EE
Call: W4WWQ
Call: WB8JUI
Call: YT2AAA
Call: ZF2DX
Class: SO Mixed QRP
Call: OL4W
Call: UR5LAM
Class: SO SSB HP
Call: 5B4AIF
Call: 9A6XX
Call: DD8SM
Call: EA3CI
Call: EI7M
Call: HA3DX
Call: IK3STG
Call: K3ZJ
Call: KB3WD
Call: LX7I
Call: LY10NATO
Call: N2MUN
Call: NR5M
Call: OT2A
Call: R4FO
Call: RJ4P
Call: SO9T
Call: SP8K
Call: UA9R
Call: W1MSN
Call: W3LL
Call: W4KW
Call: WL7BDO
Call: YP7P
Class: SO SSB LP
Call: 3V8BB
Call: 9A7ZZ
Call: CR6K
Call: DD9WG
Call: DK3A
Call: DL4MCF
Call: E73M
Call: ED3V
Call: EI3HDB
Call: HI3CC
Call: HI3K
Call: IZ2WFL
Call: N7MZW
Call: N8HM
Call: SE3X
Call: SP6YAQ
Call: SQ2WHH
Call: UA4HTT
Call: VE4DRK
Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: 9A9A
Call: DH8BQA
Call: DK3T
Call: ES5KJ
Call: F1UVN
Call: F5IN
Call: K2SSS
Call: K4EU
Call: N2UN
Call: N4PN
Call: N9NC
Call: NY4A
Call: OE8Q
Call: OH2BH
Call: VK6AA
Call: W4BQF
Call: YT0A
Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: AE7DW
Call: CX2BR
Call: EA8CNR
Call: LU5ULV
Call: PY2UD
Call: PY8WW
Call: W1END
Call: YU8NU
Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: 4O3A
Call: 9A5W
Call: ES5KJ
Call: G4MKR
Call: NY4A
Call: OH1TM
Call: OK6MA
Call: S51F
Call: S57C
Call: YP3A
Call: YU5A
Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: K7BX
Call: LZ2A
Call: N6RNO
Call: YT1BX
Call: YU2A
Call: Z35F
Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: RD8D
Call: YO5AJR
Call: YT7AW
Call: YU0T
Class: SOSB/160 LP
Call: F1UVN
Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: DL6FBL
Call: ES4A
Call: HG5D
Call: OL8M
Call: YT0W
Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: AE6YB
Call: OZ6TL
Call: YU1TY
Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: 9A4WY
Call: RU1QY
Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: DF1LX
Call: SM5MX
Call: W4GDG
Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OH2PM
Call: OU2V
Call: S57C
Call: SP8W
Call: YT4A
Call: YU0A
Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: YU1ED
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