[3830] MoQP N0O Rover Multi-Op HP
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Sun Apr 6 22:25:01 EDT 2014
Missouri QSO Party
Call: N0O
Operator(s): N5WR K5YAA
Station: N0O
Class: Rover Multi-Op HP
QTH: 38 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 18
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
160: 0 0
80: 0 0
40: 248 2
20: 515 118
15: 466 6
10: 0 0
Total: 1229 126 Mults = 71 Total Score = 180,980
Club: Oklahoma DX Association
The total score for N0O includes 100 points for a contact with W0MA. We found 20
meters to be productive for in-state contacts - very uncommon. NW0M in Cole
County worked us all over the state mostly on 20. Go figure.
Here is the story of N0O - a Real Zero operating in the 2014 Missouri QSO
Party. The team of Erik, N5WR and Jerry, K5YAA enjoyed another FB radio weekend
motoring along the highways and roadways of Missouri. The mobile was again
nearly flawless even though three new antennas were deployed within 48 hours of
the start. The three were HP Hustler masts/resonators/springs on tri-magnet
mounts that performed well. The installation of those new antennas and leaving
the Tarheel tuned to 40 meters prompted K5YAA to install an automatic
band/antenna switching arrangement driven by the K3 and supported by a Top Ten
Antenna Selector plus a Six Pak Antenna Switch. Band changes were a snap as
the K3 did all the work. A small "tweak" to the 811H amplifier and a
new band was on the air. N5WR got fast at band changes because he did the amp
tweak while viewing the power meter during the first F1 CQ MOQP DE N0O on a new
band. One more day of the party and he would really be rollin....
Some of the "normal", seemingly unavoidable hiccups, occurred with
the software/laptop combination. A reboot (a couple of times) left, in
particular, K2DSW hanging wondering where we went to. Sorry Bob for not
getting you in the log in two different counties. Others likely tired of
waiting for the reboot. Hopefully we stirred up enough dust after the reboots
that they came back for a second try. Seems there is little that can be done
about a computer hitch once in a while. Actually there were very few times we
had any trouble. All the gear performed quite well except in one instance. In
Ralls County the K3 decided to go into ERR-PTT KEY mode. Transmit stayed
locked on regardless what we did. A configuration reload (twice) did not clear
the problem so we grabbed the spare K3 and placed it into service. Erik did
some of his surgery by removing cables and hooking up the second K3, he was on
the cable side where the steering wheel is. No radio problems after that. We
lost maybe 10 minutes with that change episode. Three 15 minute breaks were
programmed into our Saturday run so one was lost on that radio changeover. Not
a big loss. Onward we went to Audrain, Boone and Cole after the radio change.
YAA thinks he knows why the first K3 gave it up. Some loose hardware floating
around in the case likely found it's way to the PTT jack. An inspection of the
problem will be forthcoming this next week. The mobile environment is a harsh
environment for gear and operators. Part of the price for having so much fun.
We enjoyed the views of the beautiful Missouri countryside especially on Sunday
morning. A sunny day and the trees are starting to leaf out. We commented to
each other how FB it was to be mobiling along in the country, using the radio,
and talking all over the world. What a hobby ham radio is.
We only had one run in with Missouri law enforcement people. A young lady
Highway Patrol(person) stopped us in Washington County along a very narrow
road. She said we were going 70 in a 55! She seemed interested as to why we
were needing to travel so fast. We told here what we were doing and why we got
carried away. She collected our "picture cards" and insurance papers.
Her partner was inspecting our unusual setup. He seemed taken with such a
unique vehicle. We don't know what made the young lady do it, maybe our story
about talking all over the world, or the FB radio setup with all those antennas
on the roof, but she only gave us a warning and wished us a good day. We are
sure it wasn't our looks that influenced her decision but we were pleased she
let us go without one of those stiff pieces of paper that has a court date on
it. Kudos to the Highway Patrol of Missouri. Y'all know a good thing when you
see it! In addition, no gas station devices were upset this trip. We used
part of our break estimates to gas up when needed so no HP CW hammering of
those less than capable diesel pumps or store alarms went on during our gas
The band conditions. 10 meters produced NOT one QSO for us the entire weekend.
A great disappointment since ten has been so hot these past few weeks. N6MU and
OM2VL asked us to try and try we did. Not a peep was heard and no one else
answered our quality CQs so back to 15 or 20 where all the action was. DX
contacts accounted for 27% of our QSOs. Like the OKQP there were times on 15
when nothing but Europe was calling us. Thanks to all you Europeans for your
FB QSOs. Even though only one DX multiplier is allowed for this party we
enjoyed working DX so much we said to heck with the lack of multipliers,
working this long distance stuff is a lot of fun! There were a few times, as
usual in the mobile environment, that callers were too weak to pull out. Our
apologies to those we didn't get logged. YAA thinks though that the new
antennas helped pull a few out of the mud. As predicted those serial numbers
were dogs too get copied at times whether DX or otherwise. Not an actual
complaint but we would be happy to see those go away in the next Missouri QSO
Our best rate hour was the very last one in McDonald and Barry Counties. That
hour stretch produced well over a hundred Qs which didn't happen more than
twice the entire party. The other QSO Parties going on plus the SP DX Contest
seemed to pull activity away from this one. Sunday was a lot better than
Saturday as far as rate. We attributed that to the fact the other two QSO
Parties were only a Saturday happening.
Each time we went to SSB we both had a good chuckle. Both of us are CW
operators at heart. A memorable comment on SSB came from a station on 20 SSB
out in El Paso, TX. He gave YAA a "Big 10-4". We laughed and said to
each other - "Roger on that Good Buddy". Another op commented on
having a Whiskey while he was working the party. YAA came back with - We like
Charlie Whiskey the best. Actually, 20 meter SSB produced a good run or two.
We got 20 over reports from several stations which of course made us feel
strong. When the rate dried up on CW we said "Shall we give SB a
try?". Against our better judgement we went up there and found a lot of
different call signs. Thanks to the folks who put up with us on SSB.
Here are a few statistics along with stations that made our log many times.
Of the 1,355 QSOs 365 were DX. 16 different countries were worked. They were
DL, HA, G, F, I, JA, LY, OM, OH, PA, PY, UA3, SM, SP, UT and YO. Many DLs were
on the air with their usual fine High Speed CW operation. Northern Europe came
in very loud at times. SPs, SMs, OHs and a PA. UA3AGW rolled in a few times.
LYs were loud also. One JA station made the log on 20 meters.
We worked 21 Missouri Counties. A fair number since we didn't go looking for
Counties at all. We may have found more on 40 but made very few Qs on that
band. The ones we worked called us while we were running - several on 20
Regretfully, only 3 Canadian Provinces made it in our log. VE2, VE3 and VE6.
Maybe some snow is still happening north of the border and that snow shovel
work had all the Canadians tired out. We missed your usual FB participation.
Thanks to those Canadians that did work us.
Not counting Missouri, 45 states were worked. We didn't log RI, NV, HI and SD.
Five ND stations worked us - a miracle on the radio. They kept showing up here
and there.
Here are the DX stations that worked us 10 or more times. Thanks to all the DX
that called in. We had a grand time putting you in the log. Hopefully you got
some new counties for your award efforts.
Call Q Count
OM2VL - 52
LY5A - 36
DL3GA - 35
DL6KVA - 30
DK3BN - 21
SP5SA - 19
DL5ME - 14
SM6VR - 12
DL8MLD - 11
HA8IB - 10
DM3ZF - 10
OH6NIO - 10
Stateside callers were numerous. Here are the ones that made our log 18 or
more times. Thanks folks for your patience and persistence staying with us on
the road all weekend. Several regulars on the County Hunter Nets were in the
pileups. We are glad you took time to join the party.
Call Q Count
N6MU - 57
WA6KHK - 41
WA2VYA - 32
N4PN - 26
W1DWA - 22
KN4Y - 20
NU0Q - 20
W1END - 20
K7TM - 18
KC3X - 18
That's about all of our story. Both Erik and I want to thank the Coordinators
of the Missouri QSO Party. In particular Randy N0LD for his untiring efforts
to bring the MOQP into the twenty first century. Several "special"
tools were put in place that made for good promotion. Thanks to those folks
that provided those FB tools.
Also, Jerry, K5YAA wants to thank Erik, N5WR again for his joining with him in
the mobile. It was again a pleasure having a FB op share operating and driving
duties. Erik even went in and fetched Subway sandwiches in Vernon County -
drinks, a small bag of cheetos and some Sun Dried chips of some sort, that made
up a welcome meal for both of us since our 7AM breakfast was beginning to wear
The next adventure for the Oklahoma Land Rush Mobile may be this next weekend
in the 2014 Georgia QSO Party. Stay tuned.
73 for now, Jerry K5YAA
The Rig:
Coined the Oklahoma Land Rush Mobile by K5YAA - it consists of a K3, an AL811H
amplifier, Tarheel and 3 Hustler "stiks" along with a Honda generator
and Dell laptop running N1MM software. Spares include a second K3 and AL811H
amp, a TS480 and an ICOM 706 plus a second Tarheel antenna and two more Honda
generators. Can't have enough of all that good stuff when on the road. At the
suggestion of N4CD, a true road man, a fire extinguisher was purchased and
loaded into the van. Hope to never need it but could be handy to have just in
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