[3830] IdQP Soapbox

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Fri Apr 11 17:30:48 EDT 2014

IdQP Soapbox
built 4-11-2014

Call: K4BAI             Class: SOABMixed HP             Total Score = 912
FT1000MP, Alpha 78, zepp, dipole inverted vee.  Looking for my last three ID
counties.  Worked everyone in ID that I could find on any band.  Missed the
three I needed (CANyon, CLEarwater, LINcoln).  Thanks for all QSOs, to all
W1AW/7 ops, and the mobile ops.  73, John, K4BAI.

Call: KI0I              Class: SOABMixed LP             Total Score = 4,360
Wow ,I spent all night following Darryl WW7D around Idaho and 51 of
 my 68 Q's were with him! Great effort Darryl. Thank you all who put an
 Idaho county on the air,26 counties in my log. Hope everyone had fun
 like I did.Don't know why n1mm wud not take BEN as a county or mult
I had to force it down n1mm's throat! So I think score is off from reality.
 Thanks all 73 Mark KI0I

Call: KJ4LTA            Class: SOABSSB LP               Total Score = 143
Did not hear many stations this year. Thanks for the fun! 73's ED

Call: KN4Y              Class: SOABCW LP                Total Score = 494
Have most of the CW operators left Idaho or perhaps it was to cold for paddles
and required the use of mike mittens I worked two mobiles a sure indication
there would be dead air time for plenty of naps. Hope next year the motto will

Call: M5Z               Class: SOABCW LP                Total Score = 2
It seems 10m was open but no ID station heard here.

73 Kazu

Call: N6MU              Class: SOABMixed LP             Total Score = 6,069
Sparse pickings except for WW7D/m who gave me 52(68%)of my 76 Qs. Would have
been more but I couldn't hear him on 15 at all Sunday. Another display of skip
distance as K7TM/m was in the far northern counties and was loud Sunday on 15.
Thanks to those few who did participate. 73...

John, N6MU                     TS-570 & 5BTV

Call: OM2VL             Class: SOABMixed HP             Total Score = 3,672
Excellent condx on high bands. I try CQ on 10/15/20m and had really big pileup,
but unfortunatelly only few stations from IDAHO ...

I made 24 different counties.
Most QSO's with:

WW7D/M 21/16 (QSO/CTY)
K7TM/M 13/5
W1AW/7 12/6 (worked also on 80m!)

73 Laci OM2VL

Call: W1END             Class: SOABCW LP                Total Score = 570
Thanks to WW7D/mobile who provided over half of my 19 qso's.  This is probably
my best effort so far.  And thanks to the W1AW/7 stations for three more
Used FTdx5000 (150w) and Butternut HF6V.
Eldon - W1END

Call: WC7Q              Class: SOABCW LP                Total Score = 840
Doesn't Idaho have any cw ops. I only worked four during 9 hours of operation.
If it wasnt for WW7D mobile the test would have been a bust. Thanks Darryl, I
worked you in 12 counties and only missed you in CAN due to a weak sig. You
made the test a success for cw ops.

Sam WC7Q

Call: WW7D/M            Class: Mobile/RoverMixed LP     Total Score = 715,387
It was lots of fun activating 26 counties from Teton to Washington for the IDQP.
 Conditions seemed even better this year than last.   Many thanks to folks who
followed my progress and made QSOs over multiple counties.

The full write-up can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/WW7DIDQP14

Index of Calls
Call: AE7DW             Class: SOABSSB LP
Call: DL4CW             Class: SOABCW LP
Call: K4BAI             Class: SOABMixed HP
Call: KI0I              Class: SOABMixed LP
Call: KJ4LTA            Class: SOABSSB LP
Call: KN4Y              Class: SOABCW LP
Call: M5Z               Class: SOABCW LP
Call: N6MU              Class: SOABMixed LP
Call: OM2VL             Class: SOABMixed HP
Call: W1END             Class: SOABCW LP
Call: W5ASP             Class: SOABCW HP
Call: WC7Q              Class: SOABCW LP
Call: WW7D/M            Class: Mobile/RoverMixed LP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: Mobile/RoverMixed LP
         Call: WW7D/M

         Call: W5ASP

         Call: DL4CW
         Call: KN4Y
         Call: M5Z
         Call: W1END
         Call: WC7Q

Class: SOABMixed HP
         Call: K4BAI
         Call: OM2VL

Class: SOABMixed LP
         Call: KI0I
         Call: N6MU

         Call: AE7DW
         Call: KJ4LTA

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