[3830] NMQP NI5T Multi-Op LP
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Mon Apr 14 01:53:46 EDT 2014
New Mexico QSO Party
Call: NI5T
Operator(s): N5IA N5BG W5CF K7JEM
Station: NI5T
Class: Multi-Op LP
QTH: Hidalgo Cnty
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Band CW Qs Ph Qs Dig Qs
80: 15
40: 33 88
20: 29 342
15: 30 100
10: 5 8
Total: 97 553 0 Mults = 92 Total Score = 138,942
Club: Virden Contest Club
The Virden Contest Club had not been able to meet the scheduling of the NMQP for
5 years. Fortunately this year the date and timing came together for a few of
the club members. Last minute cancellations due to sickness and other
obligations limited the operator corp to four.
We set up four operating positions with each position doing a single band, both
modes, with the exception of the 10 Meter/80 Meter position which did both
The only disappointment of the 12 hours of fun was the unexpected very poor
propagation on the upper bands. Ten Meters was expected to be a great Q
contributor with the recent super world wide propagation in mind. Not so. The
first contact on 10 Meters was a CW contact with New Zealand. The 2nd 10 M
contact was with N5UL in southeastern NM. And only 11 more Q's after that. It
was a real let down as we had specifically installed new, stacked, 4 element
antennas for that band.
One of our club members has the last name of MURPHY, so being he has broad
shoulders we will blame everything on him. But Dan did super on his county
line expedition operation to contribute to the club score.
Everything else went well with the balance of the operation. This station is
not designed for multi-band, multi-mode contesting and we encountered two minor
cross band/cross mode interference problems. Those problems will be corrected
with stubs prior to the next outing.
We missed Catron, Chaves, Dona Ana, Rio Arriba and San Juan counties in the
state. I understand not making contact with the two rural counties, but Chaves
(Roswell), Dona Ana (Las Cruces) and San Juan (Farmington)???????
We missed CT, RI, DE and WV for a WAS sweep.
We did not contact MB, NL, NU, PE and YT in VE land.
Due to poor propagation DX was limited to contacts with 3D2, 9J, A3, CM, DL, I,
J6, JA, KH2, KP2, KP4, V5, XE and ZL.
We worked 174 contacts the first two hours. The next 10 hours yielded just 476
additional contacts. That is quite poor for a 4 station operation; just an
average of 47.6 contacts per hour. That equates to just shy of 12 contacts per
hour per station. 80 CW produced ZERO contacts in more than 30 minutes of CQing
during the last hour.
20 Meter SSB carried the load, providing 52.6 percent of the total contacts.
That stat really shows how poor the propagation was on the upper two bands.
Thanks to the in-state mobiles and portables for a super job of filling the
voids. K7IA let the pack with 14 band/mode contacts. KK6MC and K9GAJ were
right behind with each mobile providing us with 12 band/mode contacts.
Top out-of-state stations calling in were N5RR, WM5H, WA6KHK, and W0BH tied
with 4 band/mode contacts each.
Thanks to everyone for the Q's. The club is looking forward to next year and
better conditions.
73 de Milt, N5IA
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