[3830] GaQP DL3DXX(@DR1A) Single OpCW HP

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Thu Apr 17 08:16:57 EDT 2014

                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: DL3DXX
Operator(s): DL3DXX
Station: DR1A

Class: Single OpCW HP
QTH: Goch
Operating Time (hrs): 20

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:     19        
   40:    103        
   20:    179        
   15:     22        
Total:    323       0  CW-Dig Mults = 134  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 86,564

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


After winning GaQP since 2008 as DX entry CW participation was a must for me.
My own station is down since last year and on the move to new location.
Like last year I got the chance to take part from Germany�'s biggest contest
station DR1A close to the Dutch border in Goch loc JO31.
Propagation was more worse compared to 2013. Saturday allowed not a single
party QSO and ten meter wasn�'t open at all both days.
Difficulties with Gagarin cup contest interferences on 20 meters. Often had to
dig out weak mobile signals under CQ TEST calling stations from Europe. Also
annoying to hear party stations on 40m close to 7040 - the activity center of
PSK in Europe. I am sorry especially to K5YAA I called a lot of times but
always when he came back a QRMing PSK station started.
20m closed around 23z on Saturday, about 2 hours earlier as last year. 15m was
open only until 18z on Sunday. Not too many stations found out that the band is
actually alive. Special thanks to Norm W3DYA for quick QSYs.
80m was covered with commercial wideband QRM early hours of Saturday evening
but suddenly the QRM stopped and I was able to make 19 Q�'s (same as 2013)
including K5YAA 8x and N4N 2x.
N5NA had the best signal on 40m early Saturday evening and K5YAA had the best
signel in general. 2014 I reached 7 mobiles, last year 10.
Compared to 2013 I am down by 93 QSOs and 14 counties.
Thanks to all active Georgia stations, especially to the mobiles.
Mobiles worked: K5YAA (73 + 1 dupe), W4AN 45, W3DYA 40, N4N 32, KN4Y 25, N5NA
21, AD8J 11.
It was a great party again and it was fun to be part of it, nevertheless I had
to travel 1250 KM myself to get to DR1A and back home.
For sure I am back in 2015 !

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