webform at b4h.net webform at b4h.net
Sun Apr 27 11:40:26 EDT 2014

                    SPDX RTTY Contest

Call: VA7ST
Operator(s): VA7ST
Station: VA7ST

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:    1     1
   20:  199    54
   15:   17     6
Total:  217    61  Continents = 6  Total Score = 671,610

Club: Orca DX and Contest Club


Just 8.5 hours, which is a couple more hours than usual on this one. Mults were
up considerably thanks to 20M EU and SP stations, although 15M provided almost
no access the Europe. Worked ZS6WB for Africa on 20M after 0430z -- a
tremendous surprise as I didn't think I'd get that sixth continent this year.

Managed more than six times my 2012 score, and another few EU contacts would
have tripled my previous best ever from 2013. 

High bands were not in good shape. Fortunately, 20M had a bit of life though it
wasn't great. The polar path to Europe didn't offer too much until evening, when
I ran about 100 stations over two hours.

        Band    QSOs    Pts  DXC   Prv   Con
           7       1       5    1    0    0
          14     199    1685   39   15    5
          21      17     145    6    0    1
       Total     217    1835   46   15    6

2014  SOABHP    217     61     671,610
2013  SOABHP    130     46     239,890
2012  SOABHP     95     35     106,400
2011  SOABHP    111     27      77,328 
2010  SOABHP     49     13      10,374  
2008  SOABHP    159     13      41,912
2007  SOABLP     28      6       3,648
2006  SOABLP     78     23      41,492
2005  SOABLP     73     26      41,730
2004  SOABLP     79     17      41,565

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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