[3830] FlQP K4OJ Multi-Multi-Rover CW LP - Preliminary results!
Christopher Blake
cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 22:10:51 EDT 2014
Hello FQP Fanatics!
Wow, what a super time we had! One suburban, 4 cw stations and antennas
and 5 crazy ops/drivers - it was a wild ride with both pleasant surprises
and 'learning experiences'.
For now this preliminary, raw score report will have to suffice:
*QSO's = 3943*
*Mults = 91*
*Total Score = 1.43M*
Our team members would like to sincerely thank the many dedicated ops both
in and out of state who traveled along by making QSO's with us along the
way - your participation made the ride so fun!
Much more to follow but it will likely be a couple of weeks before I can
get out a more complete report.
We're numb- going to be! Hope everyone enjoyed the party as much as we did!
vy 73/OJ,
Chris, NX4N
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