[3830] FlQP WI9WI SOABMixed HP

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Mon Apr 28 17:02:49 EDT 2014

                    Florida QSO Party

Call: WI9WI
Operator(s): WI9WI
Station: WI9WI

Class: SOABMixed HP
QTH: Winter, WI
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   28      1
   20:  305     35
   15:   44      5
   10:    0      0
Total:  377     41  CW Mults = 67  Ph Mults = 27  Total Score = 74,918

Club: Minnesota Wireless Assn


Another great showing by all the Florida mobiles, those who came from out of
state to help, and the fixed stations.

Conditions were so-so from northern Wisconsin. They've been better and they've
been worse in the past. Twenty was open the whole time, though signals were up
and down. Fifteen was basically a  non-player on Saturday. It was better
Sunday, especially to the southern half of Florida, but activity was low. Ten
yielded nothing in spite of a few trips there.

I had all the counties except BRO and HOL by the closing bell on Saturday. I
picked up BRO with my first QSO on Sunday morning, but had to wait until KN4Y
showed up in HOL to complete the sweep. In the end I had at least 2 QSOs with
each county.

Tops on the mobile list were K4OJ (multi) with 43 followed by K4KG-33, N4GI-31,
N4UU-31, and M4MY-30. N4AO, K1XX, W4AN, NO5W, and K5YAA all had 20 or more. Also
thanks to KN4Y, N4DAB, W8UE and K4FCG. I didn't spend much time on SSB, but had
7 QSOs each with K4KG and K4FCG.

Always great fun

Thanks to the FCG and all the hard workers who put this together.

A special treat was a QSO with K4OJ's mom W1YL.



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