[3830] FlQP K9NW(@K9UWA) SOAB(A)Mixed HP

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Mon Apr 28 22:27:14 EDT 2014

                    Florida QSO Party

Call: K9NW
Operator(s): K9NW
Station: K9UWA

Class: SOAB(A)Mixed HP
QTH: Indiana
Operating Time (hrs): 17

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   70      6
   20:  426    157
   15:   37      3
   10:    3      1
Total:  536    167  CW Mults = 67  Ph Mults = 58  Total Score = 154,875

Club: Mad River Radio Club


I had only expected to have a couple hours on Saturday to operate since I was
due to travel on Sunday.  Trip was postponed late Friday and suddenly I had
quite a bit more time available.  Missed the first 2:47 since I had to take
care of some work stuff Saturday morning before I got on the road.

It was mostly a 20m event except when 40m became workable in the evening and
early morning.  15m was spotty, sometimes the way southern FL guys would get
almost loud but only for a few minutes.  The few 10m QSOs were via backscatter.
 The excellent fleet of mobiles made for lots of action....many thanks!  Here
are the QSOs/mobile:

K4KG   87 (39ssb)
K4OJ   55
K1XX   42
K5YAA  37
NO5W   36
W4AN   36
N4GI   35
N4UU   35
W4MY   31
N4AO   27
N4FP   21
KN4Y   20
N4CW   13
K4FCG   8 (ssb)
K1RQ    5
W8UE    4
N9RD    2

Thanks for another great party!


73, Mike K9NW

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