[3830] FlQP OM2VL(@OM8A) SOABMixed HP
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Tue Apr 29 17:55:58 EDT 2014
Florida QSO Party
Call: OM2VL
Operator(s): OM2VL
Station: OM8A
Class: SOABMixed HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs): 20:00
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
40: 49 1
20: 227 91
15: 179 100
10: 33 20
Total: 488 212 CW Mults = 67 Ph Mults = 58 Total Score = 148,500
Club: Slovak Contest Group
What a weekend .... Some years ago - in 2008 - I taked part in FL QP, but not
serial effort, only 7,5 hours.
This year I had plan to take part in full 20 hours. Usually my prior band at
the begenning is 20m, but in this weekend I was very disappointed with
condition on this band. No any FLorida signal, only simetimes I HRD some USA
stations working with somebody - I assume it was any mobil ...
Fortunatelly 15m was excellent.
Some minutes before the QP I had QSO with K4KG on 15m and with K4OJ on 15 and
10m - I noted his frq on paper. Because of the absolutly dead 20m I began on
15m. First QSO with K4KG/M on CW and suddenly ask to QSY to SSB. Back to CW and
HRD/WKD some strong stations. On 21048 I found K4OJ/M - I know he was M/M, I QSY
to 28041,5 (we worked here before the QP)and HRD him here excellent also.
I tried also on 14041,5 and 14048, but nothing heard. Back to 15m and S/P on
On 2nd VFO I had K4OJ frq 21048 and usually I checked it on which county is
When I made QSO on 15m, I QSY to 28041,5 and many times I can work with him
here also (sometimes I called, but no lucky he don't copy me) and after that
quick QSY to 14041 (I found here him at 17:28Z)
The "THOUSANDS time's" checked freq's was:
14.041 - 21.048 - 28.041,5 : K4OJ/M
14.042 - 21.042 - 28.042 : K4KG/M and every time to quick QSY on
14.040,5 - 21.040,5 : K5YAA/M
and many others.
Many times I tired SSB because of the SSB multipliers - thank you very much for
all station who called me! At this time I sure missed some CW QSO's, but got SSB
- last QSO on 10m was at 20:12Z with NF4A, on 15m at 22:09Z with K4KG(I HRD
some mobiles also after that time, but they'r don't copy me), 20m was open on
all the night!
- first QSO on 40m was at 22:32Z with W4AN
I finished first day with 399 QSO's and 66 counties - missed only HOLMES.
I knew that N4UU start his route on sunday on HOLMES. At 12:02Z on 21.046 I
found N4UU/M in HOLMES!
Thank you very much Martin for SWEEP !!!! It was first time, I never had it
CW sweep at 12:02Z
On SSB I worked with 58 counties (missed: BRA, FRA, GUL, HEN, HIG, HOL, SAN,
Most QSO's with mobiles:
K4KG 120/43 (QSO/CTY)
K4OJ 92/44
K5YAA 40/30
W4AN 31/24
K1XX 29/25
N4AO 26/20
W4MY 22/21
NO5W 20/18
N4GI 18/17
N4UU 14/12
K4FCG 10/10
N4CW 7/7
K1RQ 6/5
N4UM 4/2
N9RD 4/2
KN4Y 4/4
N4DAB 3/2
Statistic: QSO/hour:
Date Hour Total OM2VL Running Total
2014-04-26 16 41 41 41
2014-04-26 17 31 31 72
2014-04-26 18 48 48 120
2014-04-26 19 34 34 154
2014-04-26 20 33 33 187
2014-04-26 21 43 43 230
2014-04-26 22 39 39 269
2014-04-26 23 36 36 305
2014-04-27 00 52 52 357
2014-04-27 01 40 40 397
2014-04-27 12 25 25 422
2014-04-27 13 26 26 448
2014-04-27 14 23 23 471
2014-04-27 15 16 16 487
2014-04-27 16 27 27 514
2014-04-27 17 36 36 550
2014-04-27 18 35 35 585
2014-04-27 19 36 36 621
2014-04-27 20 39 39 660
2014-04-27 21 40 40 700
Total All Hours 700 700 0
Statistic: QSO/County
Exchange1 Total OM2VL
ALC 12 12
BAK 10 10
BAY 9 9
BRA 5 5
BRE 17 17
BRO 15 15
CAH 6 6
CHA 6 6
CIT 25 25
CLA 11 11
CLM 9 9
CLR 15 15
DAD 11 11
DES 9 9
DIX 13 13
DUV 9 9
ESC 6 6
FLG 13 13
FRA 4 4
GAD 5 5
GIL 8 8
GLA 7 7
GUL 2 2
HAM 4 4
HAR 7 7
HEN 6 6
HER 14 14
HIG 7 7
HIL 22 22
HOL 2 2
IDR 15 15
JAC 6 6
JEF 5 5
LAF 7 7
LAK 21 21
LEE 15 15
LEO 12 12
LEV 12 12
LIB 5 5
MAD 6 6
MAO 25 25
MON 7 7
MRT 12 12
MTE 14 14
NAS 5 5
OKA 6 6
OKE 8 8
ORA 19 19
OSC 13 13
PAL 29 29
PAS 16 16
PIN 19 19
POL 12 12
PUT 10 10
SAN 5 5
SAR 20 20
SEM 10 10
STJ 10 10
STL 11 11
SUM 11 11
SUW 6 6
TAY 8 8
UNI 6 6
VOL 13 13
WAG 2 2
WAK 7 7
WAL 3 3
Total 700 700
Thank you very much for the nice QP, for the excellent QSO's.
73 Laci OM2VL
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