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Wed Dec 3 05:44:57 EST 2014

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: EF8U
Operator(s): EA8RM
Station: EA8URL

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 46:32
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   42     7       24
   80:  546    16       65
   40: 1043    23       82
   20:  901    30       98
   15: 1503    34      120
   10: 1740    32      115
Total: 5775   142      504  Total Score = 11,122,828

Club: EA Contest Club


After a lot of works in our local radioclub, the station it is working FB. This
time everything it was ready for the contest and we added a K9AY to listen on
low bands. Finally, it doesn�'t work properly on 160m because a really bad
ground quality but did it very nice on 80m.

On friday when eveything was ready ,a big storm came to EA8. I spended 8 hours
at work then i went to check if the antennas was still up or not and rest 2
hours before the contest. At the begining i haved some troubles with N1MM+
keyer for few hours. Just started, the runs was ok but not like in 2013 edition
but i was pushing for pile ups. 
40, 80 and 160 gave many SWR problems during the contest by the storm, i haved
to take care with amplifiers.

On saturday i focused for to have nice pile ups on 10 and 15m and that was a

On Sunday 05am i haved the same number of QSOs than 2013 but i miss a lot of
multipliers and try to catch all them on sunday it is imposible, many of them
gone and in other way you�'re not fresh to listen both radios at same time with
the same accuracy. (It was a really bad strategy).

At 07am i haved to stop and climb up to the tower, the storm broke a rotator
and 20m and 40m antenas was "dancing" 360º i haved to lock antennas
to USA and roll out cables from mast, the SWR on these antennas came up a
little bit but they  still works. It was maddening how on sunday the pileups
and multipiers never came. 

Final conclusion:    Score = Bad Strategy + Storm.  

Many thanks to:  EA8URL Radioclub, EA8ZS, my ham friends and to all OM for the
QSOs, my apoligyze if i can not hear you.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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