[3830] CWopsT KG5U LP

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Wed Dec 3 09:14:47 EST 2014

                    CWops Mini-CWT Test - 1300Z Dec 3

Call: KG5U
Operator(s): KG5U
Station: KG5U

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 1
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   8      7
   40:  29     23
   20:  36     15
   15:   8      2
Total:  81     47  Total Score = 3,807

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


Wow! Best score yet. Lots of activity--worked a few new members (new to me) and
a couple Euros and KP2Q. 20 was a bit slow opening, but then, got a couple of
great run there. 15 seemed to open up more in the last few minutes, but 20m
callers kept interrupting--which is a good thing. Many thanks for the most
QSO's I've ever made in CWT!

I did make a few changes to the station and they may explain the +10Q increase
over previous QSO totals: 
1) I added a triplexer to the feedline chain. I also included individual 10,
15, 20 BPF's at the triplexer (in the garage)--I have 6-band BPFs at the
station desk. Either the triplexer or the added BPFs made a whale of a
difference in cross-band noise when transmitting.  

2) I replaced my old 12AVQ (10-15-20) ground-mounted vertical with an AV-640
(6-40m) vertical mounted on the ground--even though they spec >6ft above
ground. Am using it just for 10-15-20 in contests. Am building a switching
system to let me bypass the bpf's, triplexer and six-pak for WARC band ops.
Still have a couple of minor SWR adjustment issues, but it seems to work
well--for a vertical.

I'm looking forward to this afternoon and exercising the triplexer a bit more.

Great fun, as usual.

73 de Dale/kg5u

Ten-Tec Omni VI/VI+ (2)
AV-640 ground mounted vertical (6-40)
40m inverted vee at 65ft
80m inverted vee at 70ft
N1MM Logger software

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