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Mon Dec 15 08:20:17 EST 2014

                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: ON7SA
Operator(s): ON3DI
Station: ON7SA

Class: SO SSB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:   43    19
  SSB:  585   110
Total:  628   129  Total Score = 173,118




A few days before this contest I was active at the clubstation with the call
ON175PD, a special callsign to remember a priest. I have spent a lot of time on
10m and I must say it was fun. I knew it would be difficult to have a nice
result with my own call ON3DI, certainly with the verticals and dipole antenna
for 10m at home. The clubstation has an optibeam OBW10-5, so 2 elements for
10m, much better ;-).

So the decision was made and I asked the president of the club, ON7GR, if I
could operate at the club. He agreed and tnx for that!

I started the contest at 7h UTC, the band wasn't open yet, so I made a few
contacts in cw. For example 9M2TO, he was strong, but after I worked him he
dissapeared. Anyway it is hard to contest in cw when you can't decode by
yourself, so I decided to go for a full SSB effort.
I was really surprised ho many Russian and Ukrainian stations were active on
the band. Quiete soon HZ1PS came back to my call and also VK4LAT, it was pretty
hard to copy him, but nice DX, good for the morale!
He was the only VK station I've worked.
Some other stations were really strong, XW4YT, unbelievable! He had a big
pile-up and I was afraid that it would have been difficult to work him low
power, but I was able to work him fairly quickly. The same thing for VR2XAN.

Now I was looking forwards to work USA in the afternoon, I found a clear spot
and N1IXF was the first one who came back. He told me that my signal was a real
59, nice! Some other big gun stations from South America came back like LP1H, so
I knew that everything worked fine.
The pile-up to USA lasted three hours and then the band closed, but during this
three hours stations like KU9C/VP9, HP2AT, NP2P, YN5Z, XE2YS ..., came back to
my call. It gave me a smile during the contest! 
Around 17u the band was closed, pretty soon... After day one I had 330 QSO's.

On Sunday I was back again around 7u UTC with the goal to work some Japan,
China, Thailand, ..., so I called CQ with the beam pointed to these countries.
The first station who came back was OO7P, we had a chat about the contest and
our setup and I told him about the goal of Japan. 
Anyway nobody came back so I did some S&P when I heard JH5RXS. I called him
but OO7P also. JH5RXS worked him, but OO7P was so kind to mention my call so I
was able to work Japan also. Very nice effort of my colleague!
I had the feeling the conditions were better on Sunday to the East, I worked
OD5PY (who came back to my call), BH4SCF, HS0ZHC, BW2/JP1RIW, ... al nice DX!

Around noon I had some visitors, first ON5YX. He is also a clubmember and he
was interested how the contest went. If I say that the other visitor is Murphy,
you know enough ;-)! The rates dropped, it was hard to make some QSO's. Calling
CQ had no effect, frustrating! Meanwhile we made some QSO's in cw.
I was hoping that I could have again a pile-up to USA and indeed at 14hour UTC
it was a fact. Worked 55 stations in 1 hour, and it was fun for the next 3-4
hours. The band was even longer open then on Saturday. Also a nice moment to
work W6SAN, the only station for CA, he came back to my CQ, the same for PJ2T,
Always fun when stations like that come back to your call.

I ended the contest with 585 QSO's in SSB, I think it is a good result for a
low power operation. Operating with a beam isn't the same a operating with
verticals, I was surprised of the antenna. She is really good and it is
unbelievable how many QSO's I made on LP.

The whole contest, I felt and heard the effect of a radar, pitty!

I had some fun during the contest, so we can make an appointment for next

It would like to tank ON7GR for the opportunity, also tnx ON5YX for the
Tnx to OO7P for the nice chats!
And tnx to everybody who worked me and spotted me!

All the best!


ON3DI - Pieter

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