[3830] IARU KT8K SO Mixed QRP

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Sun Jul 13 22:10:43 EDT 2014

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: KT8K
Operator(s): KT8K
Station: KT8K

Class: SO Mixed QRP
QTH: EN82cg SE Michigan
Operating Time (hrs): 15:49

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    0      0      0       0
   80:   40      4      2       2
   40:   92     27      6      10
   20:   77     35     16      13
   15:   46      6     15       8
   10:    2      1      1       0
Total:  257     73     40      33  Total Score = 63,270

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Thanks to all for pulling me out of the noise.  It was tough going most of the
contest as my QRP signal was just too close to the noise level for comfort most
of the time.  At one point it took me 35 minutes to land one QSO.
It was fun but I have room to improve next year. Thanks to all those who work
hard to make this contest happen.

At times I was working the WRTC teams more than anyone else.  I didn't count
how many contacts I made with 1x1's from 1-land but it was a LOT.  Several
times it seemed like only the teams could hear me even though Eu, the West
Coast, and other places were pounding in here. Participation seemed up, which
was good. 

It was a good thing that I took down the tribander driven element and untangled
the ropes from around it before the contest  It took over the main antenna
duties for 10, 15, and 20 meters once I had it back vertical and about 55' up.
The 500+ foot horizontal loop zig-zagging through the trees did well and, as
usual, tended to equal the other antennas in performance with only a few
noticeable differences due to pattern.  If I only could have one HF antenna
that would have to be it.
The 20-40-80 meter 3-wire "W" antenna (sagging inverted vee, apex at
45 feet) was not performing well at all, especially on 20m, and I will have to
haul it down for inspection.  It did OK on 40 and better on 75/80 meters,
however, and I used the tribander element for the highest 3 bands with good
results in spite of the propagation.  (I had really hoped for better.)

I'm looking forward to the next one!  Thanks for the fun, everyone, and best
reception to all - Tim, KT8K

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