adam at svbravo.net
Wed Jul 16 21:50:24 EDT 2014
IARU Summary Sheet
Start Date : 2014-07-11
CallSign Used : K7ST/MM
Operator(s) : K7ST
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Band : ALL
Power : LOW
Mode : SSB
Default Exchange : 56
Gridsquare : RH93PF
Name : Adam Kerner
Club/Team : Western Washington DX Club
Software : N1MM Logger V14.4.1
Band QSOs Pts ITU HQ
3.5 1 5 1 0
7 56 246 15 5
14 85 371 21 5
21 14 44 6 5
Total 156 666 43 15
Score : 38,628
Rig : IC7000
Antennas : random length wire, approx 35' (insulated boat backstay)
Soapbox :
Wow, what an exercise in frustration. Using /MM instead of /3D2 since no Fiji license, and I was at sea in ZONE 56..
" ....no, NOT ZONE 06, it's ZONE 56, really!!!......No you have the call correct.......yes ZONE 56.......roger roger roger
Nearly every one of the 156 Q's challenged the zone, telling me I was in zone 6. (Only ones who didn't were the
terrific ops at WRTC.......course zones weren't mults for
them!!!) Couldn't get any rate going with 100w and a rando
m length wire (insulated backstay on the boat), even with th
e zone 56 "amplifier effect".....great contest, though, and
those WRTC ops, wow, the few I could hear, were doing an awesome job
. All of them sounded very equal from down under. 73, K7ST/MM, in
zone 56.....REALLY!!!!!
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