[3830] ARRLDX CW Soapbox

Michael Dinkelman mwdink at clearwire.net
Mon Mar 17 14:28:09 EDT 2014

built 3-17-2014

Call: 3V8BB             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,233,000
Score and QSO number this year were well below expectations. First night was
promising but less activity was experienced in the second night. 80 and 160
were extremely noisy and untouchable! 20m never closed the first 24 hours and
high bands were live!
>From 8 to 12 is a dead period here towards W/VE. On Saturday and while I was
making some experiments, the SO2R device started to behave very strangely
(continuous tune instead of CW signal,...). It took me some time to figure out
the problem and realize that; if it did work HP without filters, that
shouldn’t be valid in all frequencies. So I switched off the device and
continued to use a single radio.
FT870 is definitely not the best radio for CW and I should consider better
setup. A lot of dupes and non-contest “long” QSOs slowed down the rates.
Another “confirmed” learnt lesson; not getting very excited before the
contest is the KEY for you to be able to take few hours rest before it starts.

Audio recording of the contest is available with searchable database - see my
website below.

73 and see you in the next one "insh'allah"


Call: 4K6FO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 145,926
used IC-745 100 watts GP,thanks for very nice contest,but evry take over 1 kw
stay on DX-freq from 000-010!!
not listen,take cq over,before not ask QRL
best 73 all cu

Call: 6W/G3TXF          Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 370,638
10m is certainly open a lot longer to W/VE from Senegal than it is from the UK!

Was working the West Coast on 10m right up to the closing bell at 2359z on
Sunday night.

73 - Nigel G3TXF

Call: 6Y2T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,990,517
First, thanks to Josh (6Y5WJ) and Jenny for hosting me again this year!

Equipment and antennas were pretty much the same as last year. Forgot to bring
my SO2R box, but Josh keeps so many parts and wires at his place, so it was
just a matter of 2 evenings with soldering iron to assemble fully finctional
basic SO2R interface (combined with RigExpert TI-5) on the spot from scratch.
Hearing a lot of rumours from previous CQ WW DX CW about what might be done
with 48 hour-dual CQ'ing I was eager to try it. Probably as a result my score
was way down from last year (and I am some 700 Q's short), because I can't
blame it on conditions which were good to excellent both days.
Another possible reason of the lower score (or maybe a combination with #1
reason) - declined activity... Have to agree with John K6AM on that. Just could
not get it going up untilvery end... (Oh! to usual 200 Q/hr. rates)

Multipliers. Got almost everything I could get. Missed VE5 on 80, but never
heard one, and couldn't catch a good timing to move anyone from another band.
Same with ND and VE4 on 160, though I tried real hard to move some guys. BTW,
thanks a lot to those who moved for me, especially to Rick VO1SA for rare NF
6-bander. Last mult worked was MS on 10 (thanks to N5TF).

Sorry for being rusty on the 2nd night - fatigue and sleepiness took over.
Slept 45 min on the 1st night and a bit ver  hours on the second.
Had fun anyway... Lots of good ops. Wish you all good luck in the Phone part.

P.S. I devoted this operation to the memory of Don, VE3RM who passed away last
week. Don was a very good friend and a mentor many. RIP O.M.

Call: 8S0DX             Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 882
Really bad conditions.
Night 1 = 21 QSOs with RST 339, except for VY2ZZ (579)
Night 2 = 0 QSOs, but I could hear 2 stns: VY2ZZ with 559 and W3LPL with RST

Thanks to all of you for making the 21 QSOs possible.
Looking forward to better conds next year

Power = 1 kw
TX ant = top loaded vertical standing on very thin (!!!) ice in the Baltic Sea
RX ant = beaver 130 m long

Call: 9A1UN             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 236,640
Another great weekend is over, sharing a 6x2m shack with 9A6XX at 40m, 9A2NA at 20m
and 9A8WW at 10m is fun indeed. We planed M/M but unfortunatly lost low band
due to bad WX last week.
Nice regional competition with 9A5Y,9A3TR,E71A...

I love this game

73 Dave 9A1UN

Call: 9A4WY             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 164,000
Nice fun for weekend... :-)
I always enjoy the pileups from US
first 3 hours on Saturday worked 47 states and, band was closing down already,
W7SE came to my CQ for last US state :-) (tnx Walt)
Saturday was wide open to West Coast till 19:00 UTC
Sunday much worse

Call: 9A5Y              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 222,666

This contest cost me nerves as none has so far :) Couple of times i was at
the verge of queeting, but always come back in the game. At least 10 times I
have lost TX on my FT1000MP (some relay promleb) which lasted from 10sec to
25min, in total I was lost over an hour.

Despite that, It was pure pleasure to operat ARRL in such good conditions and
compete with 9a1un and others "local" station. Dave, enjoy your
victory for next two weeks ;)

EQM: FT1000MP, 6el @ 22m + kw

Vedran, 9a7dx

Call: 9A6XX             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 223,728
Thanks all for QSOs and hear you in two weeks!

QSL via KU5B

Hrle - 9A6XX

Call: 9A8M              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,775,552
We managed to beat our score from last year and that was the target.
Thanks to all stations for QSO, to 9A8DX for setup support and to 9A3XU for
climbing the tower 3 times during a ctest.

73 to all and cu in ssb part.

9A8M team

Call: 9A8WW             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 220,284
Nice runs to NA. Best hour 151 qso's . On Saturday band opener was WE3C at 10:54
UTC. Last NA station in log at 18:43 was W1UE. I made all my MTP's on first day.
Almost all ctest in RUN stile and done minor S/P. Because of that, i probably
missed VO1SA calls.....But his trip on 10m was vy short looking at RBN spots.
Murphy really never sleeps, so some antenna problems on evening and a lot of
work to put antenna down and up again on Sunday. Because of that i missed a bit
of opening and logged the first qso at  11:43 UTC. It was W4RM. At that time
east coast was already wide open to EU. Last contatct logged at 18:36 UTC was
N2TTL. After that, feeling was, like someone switched some 60dB ATT between
southern EU and NA. Only K3LR was heard, but with vy week sig.
Interesting things were happening , when we were testing single phase power
line, if it stays up with three run stations with kw out on Sathurday morning.
A lot of stations keying : "Too early"...
Thanks to ALL NA stations who answerd my call. It was great!
Congrats to DL6FBL and others for nice scores. I missed a bit the 9A record
from 1999  :( Maybe i will have another chance in next 10 years....

Equipment used:

S58A BP filter
single 6 element OWA yagi

CU in next one (probably RDXC or WPX because i don't like much ssb :)  )



S55M (9A8WW my Croatian call)

Call: 9L1A              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 846,768
Delayed CW submission, SSB contest still ongoing.

Limited hours due to the lack of electricity and problems with the generator.
Managed to operate for the first 6 hours with the oil leaking, but had to stop.
The weekend before had electricity full time, but during the CW ARRL it was off
for the whole weekend. I even added some wire antennas for 80 and 160, but
could not fix the generator till Sunday, when it was too late for the low
bands. Not an easy job with simple wire verticals and low Inv V for 80/160m
bands, but I've tried to give out 9L to as many as possible. 9L1A (Ivo,
9A3A/E73A op)

Call: 9M6XRO            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 395,967
My Rig: Transceiver Yaesu FT-1000MP and VL-1000 Quadra Linear @ 400w.
Ants up 27m (HF) 2-el Lightning Bolt Quad (LF) Butternut HF2V Vert.
Band conditions were really good for most of the time, especially 10m with
huge signals coming in, even some LP to the East Coast after midnite local
time. A solar disturbance on Saturday nite here caused some peculiar 20m
I made just ONE QSO on 80m due to my high power line noise level. No 160m ant.
Many thanks to the Contest Organisers & Volunteers. 73 from Borneo!

** I used the latest version of N1MM Logger which worked flawlessly as usual **

Call: AA1K              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,139,960
Storm Saturday evening made for very noisy low bands. Was a good time to take
our 3-hour nap.

Good conditions overall despite solar distrubances.

Station info at www.aa1k.us

Call: AA2A              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 9,911,832
Thanks to Dave, K1TTT, for the use of his fine station.

Call: AA2ZW             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 80,908
First time on this one. Lots of stations on the air. Did not find the ZR.

Call: AA3K              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 501,804
Not my best showing.  The vertical primarily for 40 and 80 was just a bit off.
I do not know if it is the foot of snow around it or if there is a feedpoint
issue (that has happened before).  With the weather, it is difficult to check
properly.  The weather has also prevented me from putting up my 160m antenna
and gainig the points and mult there.

Call: AA4GA             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 24,000
I knew I only had a limited time to devote to the contest, so I decided to try
to see how many countries I could work at 900 milliWatts output to an 80m
doublet.  Looks like there were actually 49 countries worked.

The 7 dB reduction from 5 Watts felt about like the 13 dB reduction from 100
Watts to 5 Watts...I kinda doubt I'll try this again at 100 milliWatts!

Call: AA4LR             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 756
160/80/40m trap inverted L at 10m
80/40m trap dipole at 10m

Elecraft K3/100 w/ KAT3 running 100 watts


Just spent a little time looking for DX on 80m. Since I used assistance,
category is SO Unlimited. About an hour Saturday morning, an hour Saturday
night, and an half-hour Sunday morning.

It is hard to work 80m DX with just 100 watts. A lot of stations just couldn't
hear me.

Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 169,248
Didn't expect to operate any of this contest, so to be able to put in 13 hours
was a real pleasure.

73, Don AA5AU

Call: AA7A              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,041,780
Well, I had a plan. Started the week on travel to Eastern PA and was supposed to
travel home on Thursday to rest up for the contest. However, 24 inches of snow
threw a monkey wrench into the plan. Drive acorss PA to find an open airport. I
finally made it home Saturday. Being a little travel weary, I didn't get started
until Saturday evening.

Bands were good at times. Always enjoy time in the chair.


Call: AA7XT             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 101,175
Wanted to see if I could work 100 countries on 10m with the Force 12 XR6 in
between weekend household chores and office work - got to 95.  Felt sick
Saturday around noon and went for a "nap" only to wake up 17 hours
later so missed a lot of Pacific and Asian mults (didn't work VK, for example).
 Antenna worked great - will make a bigger effort in the SSB weekend.  I used
packet so I guess my entry doesn't count?

Call: AA8R              Class: SOSB/40 LP               Total Score = 41,400
Missed most of Friday night.  Saturday night was real slow.

Equip:  K3/P3, MKII, N1MM, Mosley PRO67B.

Randy, AA8R

Call: AA9A              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 4,943,736
160 and 80 results were disappointing.

Call: AB1J              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 230,910
This was a casual operation to keep my code speed up AND watch the Olympics with
my wife on yet another snowy weekend.  Conditions were good and I had so much
fun that I operated more than planned.  Still, my wife wasn't a weekend ham
radio widow as she was the weekend before in the RTTY contest.

I had to take down my 40m antenna as it might break under a load of wet snow so
"all band" for me meant 20-10 and I stuck tighter to 15 and 10 since
they were so good.  Guess I missed out on some really good 20m conditions.

It's always fun to see the power levels, which ranged from 1500 to 00.  I gave
them both 599.  I like interesting exchanges, like power, age, or first year
licensed.  Serial numbers are interesting to gauge how well others (i.e.,
competitors) are doing.

At some point in the contest I sat back and reflected on the wonders of
computer logging.  I was sitting there merrily logging away with nary a care in
the world.  It's something I take for granted now, but I date from the ancient
era of pencil and paper and a great big dupe sheet taped to the desktop (a
physical desktop) and plenty well remember all that misery.  What a mess!
Logging nowadays is a smooth and pleasant activity.  Thanks to N1MM in my case
and to others in general.

Thanks for all the QSOs.  Might be in the Russian contest and certainly hope to
be in the WPX-CW in May which is my favorite CW contest.

Attic dipoles

Ken, AB1J

Call: AB2E              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,126,650
Rig: Icom IC-756 Pro III to Acom 2000A amp
Antennas: All wires.
          160m inverted - L
           80m inverted - L
           40m delta loop, 20m delta loop, 15m delta loop, and G5RV for 10m.

Had a lot of non-radio activities this weekend, so put in what hours I could,
which tended to be both nights after 7P local and Sunday afternoon. Set a
modest goal of 1K Qs and 1meg points and made both.

Great to get so many stations on 6 bands this time!
Set up the band decoders and ICE419 filters to prep for SO2R, but will begin
phasing that in slowly. Pleasant surprise was the performance of the 15m delta
loop (put up hastily Fri afternoon at only 15ft at the apex. Fed it 1/3 way
down the one side from the apex and it worked like a champ considering how
close to the ground. Got a number of weak mults including Asia on the first
call with it.

Call: AB3CX             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 4,610,838
Conditions were terrific leading up to Saturday afternoon, but deteriorated
sharply, making the low bands pretty painful to listen to or make progres on
Saturday night.  I should have done more on 160M Friday night, but hindsight is
better than foresight. By Sunday morning, all was good again.  Another limiting
factor for me was that one of my 2 rotors was frozen in place, so I had no
rotating antenna for 10, 15 or 40M that was pointed anywhere except EU.
Despite that, many mults were still possible, leaving the far east for the most
part on the table on 15 and 10M.  Plenty of good times.

Call: AB4B              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 717,048
Another P/T effort after an unsuccessful attempt at recruiting op's for a multi
effort. Must have been all the extreme WX we have had recently. Hpe to man a
multi-op effort for SSB weekend of this event. Propagation was good and lots of
activity here in NA (North Alabama). Hope my  'Bull in a China shop"
operating style didn't affect to many ops. I am still trying to find myself on
this mode. No running was attempted by me during the time spent as that would
have been a real " train wreck". One day I will venture into that
mode of operation on CW...I can only hope Hi Hi. Enjoyed the time spent es will
see all in the SSB weekend this coming month.  TNX for putting up wid me es TNX
for the Q's

Tim, AB4B

Call: AC0C              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 547,230
Tons of activity on the high bands - a lot of fun.  Low bands were a mixed bag.

Ran assisted and just hunted countries with about 6 hours total op time over
the weekend.  I'd never worked "a DXCC in a weekend" and SH5 reported
110 unique counties total!

Starting off the first night, the low bands looked to be in good shape
unfortunately Valentines evening kept me out of the shack.  Unfortunately
Murphy popped in with a solar event of some kind and on the second night 40 was
weak; 80-160 were nearly dead.  Lesson there is to work 'em when the bands are
open - tomorrow may literally be too late!

Call: AC4CA             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,494,336
Two things stand out...

1) I actually heard Saturday noon's CME shockwave pass the Earth while working
10m. "What the heck was that?" I thought. Later I saw the timing of
the shockwave and realized what it was. 'New experience.

2) Sunday morning I was eating my Great Grains Pecan Crunch, mindlessly staring
out the back window, when I realized I was chewing and crunching to the rhythm
of "CQ TEST." 'Scary.

Fun contest. Wish I had the stamina to do more than 28+ hours. I could easily
have added another 700 QSOs.


Call: AD1C              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 1,449,072
Radio:     Yaesu FTDX-5000 (100W)
Antennas:  HyGain AV-640 vertical, 1/2 G5RV in attic
Software:  WriteLog


This is the best score I've ever made from Colorado, and double my previous
personal best in 2012.

Conditions for the first 24 hours were perfect.  I can't say the same for the
second 24 hours.  There was no real enhancement to Europe on 40 meters at their
sunrise, and 10m didn't quite measure up Sunday morning.  In fact I think there
was a 1/2 hour period around 15z where Europe kind of just went away, but later
came back.  I am glad I spent so much time on 10m Saturday morning.

My most memorable QSO was HS0ZKX on 10m Saturday evening. I gave up on the band
too early, but was rewarded when I returned. This is only the 2nd Thai station
I've worked from CO, and my first on CW.

Thanks to everyone who struggled to pull my call out of the QSB and QRM.
Special thanks to my wife Carol who let me have the house to myself, even
though it was Valentine's Day weekend.

Callsigns worked on the four bands I operated:


Count of countries worked, by band:

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    3V                     1      1      1      1       4
    4O                                   1              1
    4X                                   1              1
    5B                                   1      1       2
    6W                                          1       1
    6Y                     1      1      1      1       4
    9A                     7      5      9      6      27
    9K                                          1       1
    9L                     1      1      1              3
   9M6                     1             1      1       3
    BY                                   2      2       4
    C6                     2      1      1      1       5
    CE                     2      2      2      3       9
   CE9                     1             1              2
    CM                     3      1      3      1       8
    CN                     1      2      1      1       5
    CT                     1      2      1      2       6
   CT3                     1      1      1      2       5
    CU                     1                    1       2
    CX                            1      4      3       8
    D4                            1                     1
    DL                     9     15     45     29      98
    DU                                          1       1
    E7                     1      1      3      1       6
    EA                     6     13     15     12      46
   EA6                     1      2      1      1       5
   EA8                     2      4      3      3      12
    EI                     1      1      5      2       9
    ES                     1      2      1      2       6
    EU                     1      2      3      1       7
     F                     2     11     19      9      41
    FG                     1      2      1      1       5
    FP                                   1              1
    FY                            1                     1
     G                     3      6     11     11      31
    GI                            1      2      1       4
    GJ                                   1              1
    GM                     1      2      3      4      10
    GU                                   1      1       2
    GW                                   1      1       2
    HA                     7     10     12     12      41
    HB                     2      2      3      1       8
    HC                     1      1             1       3
    HI                            1      1      1       3
    HK                     2      1      2      1       6
    HL                                   1      1       2
    HS                                          1       1
     I                     7     13     30     13      63
    IS                                   1              1
    J3                     1      1      1      1       4
    JA                    28     19     60     71     178
    JW                     1      1                     2
     K                     1             3              4
   KH2                     2      1      3      2       8
   KH6                     5      6      9      6      26
    KL                     4      5      5      5      19
   KP2                     4      4      4      4      16
   KP4                     3      4      3      4      14
    LA                     2      2      5      2      11
    LU                            4      3     16      23
    LX                                   2      1       3
    LY                     1      2      5      1       9
    LZ                     3      3      6      3      15
    OA                     1      1      1      1       4
    OE                     1      2      1      1       5
    OH                     4      9     10      3      26
    OK                     4      9     16     10      39
    OM                     3      4      5      3      15
    ON                     3      2      6      3      14
    OX                                          1       1
    OZ                            1      3      3       7
    P4                     3      3      3      3      12
    PA                     1      3     11      7      22
   PJ2                     1      1      1      1       4
   PJ4                     1      1      1      2       5
   PJ5                     1      1      1      1       4
    PY                     5     15     15     18      53
    S5                     5      7     15     11      38
    SM                     2      6     11      3      22
    SP                     3      4     19      7      33
    SV                     1             1      1       3
    TF                                   1              1
    TI                     1      1      1      1       4
    TK                                   1              1
    UA                     4     17     14      2      37
   UA2                            2      2      1       5
   UA9                     5     19     14      9      47
    UN                            6      1              7
    UR                     1      5     13      3      22
    V2                     1      1      1      1       4
    V3                     1      1      1      1       4
    V7                                   1              1
    VE                                          1       1
    VK                     2      2      4      3      11
  VP2E                     1      1      1      1       4
   VP5                     1      1      1      1       4
   VP9                     1      1      1      1       4
    VR                                          1       1
    XE                     2      2      1      1       6
    YJ                     1      1      1      1       4
    YL                     1      1      1      1       4
    YN                     2      1      2      1       6
    YO                     1      3      5      2      11
    YS                     1      1      1      1       4
    YU                     2      7      6      2      17
    YV                            1                     1
    Z3                            1      1              2
    ZF                     1      2      3      2       8
    ZL                     2      2      3      4      11
    ZS                            1      2      1       4

Call: AE4O              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 18,834
Ten-Tec Eagle @ 70W. Wires. S&P. N1MM. Thank you! Great operators!

Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,444
This was another chance to practice my meagre cw skills.  Rather than use a
skimmer and ear as I did in cqww cw, I decided to do it all in my head.  This
took anywhere from 3-10+ attempts.  Although anything more than about 30 was
just passed over.  It was hard work, but a good challenge.

As it took me a while to get the call I spent some time sitting on some run
freqs.  A good portion of people calling were calling at a slower speed.  What
would be ideal, maybe just for me :), is that if a running station is not
getting much response they should throw in the odd slow call...

Call: AF9T              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 68,145
K3 @ 100W
C3SS @ 40FT

Call: AG2AA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 78,324
That was fun. casual effort. Decent conditions. some new countries.

Call: AG4W              Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 5,967
FTDX5000D,AL-1200 Top Loaded 58 ft vertical, NE and NW beverages. Friday night
was ok on 160M. I wish I heard more from Europe. Saturday was not worth the
effort. Very few could be heard that I didn't hear the night before and those
were much weaker. Had to work during the day so an all out effort was not going
to happen.

Call: AK2MA             Class: SOSB/15 QRP              Total Score = 25,650
Since moving to MA from Alaska, I've spend the vast majority of
my time unpacking and getting settled back here in the lower 48.
My antenna's and equipment are still mothballed and I don't see
any real station for me anytime soon. I've pulled my portable
equipment out and that's my current station setup.

Spending 9½ years as KL8DX at Denali, this was a very different
experience for me. And to make it more extreme, I decided to give
QRP a try. That in itself can be challenging but what made it even
more challenging was operating with an indoor antenna. I decided
on 15 meters for my single band entry as I figured that would offer
me the best conditions and the most multipliers for my QRP effort.
My evenings were busy so my strategy was to get the best bang for
my QRP buck.

It seems the Alaska weather has followed me. As in the case over
the last few weekends, I spent a large part of this weekend clearing
10+ inches of fresh snow which took up the vast majority of my contest
effort. I did not get on the air until Saturday morning so I knew going
in, this was not going to be a all out QRP effort.

I won't bore you with the details of my QRP struggles but operating on
this side of the pileup and running QRP has been a humbling experience.
So many great stations / operators / receivers that pulled my weak signal
out for a contest QSO. I missed more multipliers that were loud but could
not hear me, but I expected that. I'm still satisfied with my limited
effort. Sorry to EC2DX & IB9T for the dupes. My filtered IC-703+ handled
the busy band quite well. Many European stations had my Icom bouncing on
the kitchen table they were so unbelievably strong.

73, Phil AK2MA
Station: Kitchen table setup consisting of IC703+ @5W or less
Antenna: Buddipole Deluxe in upstairs hallway
Sofware: Mini Dell using N3FJP's Contest Log
Work: http://www.nps.gov/bost/index.htm
Blog: http://ak2ma.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.ourwindingroad.net/

Call: AL9A              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 758,160
Disappointing propagation on Sunday, particularly on 10M and 20M. Total chair
time was equal to last year, but QSOs were down slightly while total score was
up considerably. Did a better job of chasing the mults this year. Still a fun

When I did manage to get a few runs going the pile ups were pretty demanding.
Just kept trying to remind myself this is good practice for when we have our
turn at the W1AW/KL7 operation. Really looking forward to being able to work
split in that event to spread out the pile!

Call: C6AKQ             Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 203,406
Entered SB80, but spent some time on other bands to collect some points for FCG
(approx 2.4M).  Friday night started very slow with 65 QSOs in the first hour,
but then maintained at about 120/hr for the next few.  Saturday night was
extremely slow, so slow that I got bored and spent several hours on 40 &
160.  Still the SB80 score seemed like the best way to submit..  Ran a K3 and
ALS-600 to a dipole at 100 feet for 80M.  Station and antennas worked

Call: CN2AA             Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 7,946,862
Seems, enough low activity from USA...
Lost 4SQ on 40 and 80,located on the beach, Saturday aftenoon due to storm and
INV.L on 160 on Sunday.

Anyway, have fun!


73, RV1AW

Call: CR2A              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 365,085

 Bad flu threatened to hamper a serious effort from the Azores but, with the
project already underway, it had to be put aside for an earnest WRTC test run
on 10M. Breaking the previous 10M EU record from the Azores was targeted with
all the advanced work that goes with such an effort.

 The previous record was surpassed by 17 percent, and the new record stands
high even in a global context. With the Azores situated way up north as it is,
the location limits 10M coverage and keeps the US footprint always quite
challenging. This time around, during the entire 10M opening, the skip barely
covered the East Coast - signals were buried in the noise with only a few

 The focus of the effort was to test Yaesu's FT DX 3000 as a potential WRTC
radio, and we found that it coped with crowded bands and the presence of strong
40M signals (CR2X by OH2PM)quite well. It seems that this radio comes very close
to FT DX 5000 performance together with a remarkably convenient traveling size.
In addition, a beefed up version of Win-Test was used and it performed well.
Thanks to Bob, N6TV for working hard on that.

 Now on Radio Team Azores' home turf, we are happy to run these tests here and
make plans with our support team so we can travel to Boston as a closely-knit

 Thank you from dropping by to work CR2A. With a new Azores slogan "FEEL
ALIVE" it is hoped the old contesting stalwarts rev up their engines for a
great race. See <www.visitazores.com>

Call: CR3L              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 7,037,046
Congrats to the CN2AA team for their great score.

Call: CS2C              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,117,310
The biggest race of my life. I started racing in 1964 (19 years old - OK1ALW).
Thanks to all who called me and help me to achieve this result.
Murphy visited me one day before the contest, but in the end I was able to
solve it just before the contest.
It was probably my last ARRL contest in the category SOAB. During the whole
contest I was not able to sleep and in the end my „young“ body was really
I hope there will come time when the category SO-lowbands and SO-highbands will
come(? back again).
Cu in CQ160M SSB and ARRL SSB (MS) with my friend Pavel, OK4PA.
73 !

Call: CT1AOZ            Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 134,676
Tks fer all contacts...
Tks to all the 6's... fer 71 contacts with California
Rig was Icom IC-7200 Antenna TH3MK3, 100 watts


Date          Hour          Total         CT1AOZ        Running Total
2014-02-15    13            4             4             4
2014-02-15    14            19            19            23
2014-02-15    15            78            78            101
2014-02-15    16            50            50            151
2014-02-15    17            108           108           259
2014-02-15    18            114           114           373
2014-02-15    19            28            28            401
2014-02-16    13            31            31            432
2014-02-16    14            47            47            479
2014-02-16    15            89            89            568
2014-02-16    16            67            67            635
2014-02-16    19            103           103           738
2014-02-16    20            36            36            774
Total         All Hours     774           774           0

By section

Sect          Total         CT1AOZ
AB            4             4
AL            8             8
AR            2             2
AZ            19            19
BC            5             5
CA            71            71
CO            23            23
CT            25            25
DE            3             3
FL            31            31
GA            8             8
IA            4             4
ID            4             4
IL            18            18
IN            4             4
KS            7             7
KY            3             3
LA            5             5
MA            35            35
MB            1             1
MD            25            25
ME            4             4
MI            21            21
MN            21            21
MO            11            11
MS            3             3
MT            4             4
NB            3             3
NC            11            11
ND            1             1
NE            5             5
NF            1             1
NH            21            21
NJ            32            32
NM            8             8
NS            3             3
NV            6             6
NY            46            46
OH            21            21
OK            4             4
ON            23            23
OR            12            12
PA            41            41
PEI           1             1
QC            7             7
RI            5             5
SC            4             4
SD            3             3
SK            2             2
TN            19            19
TX            57            57
UT            4             4
VA            21            21
VT            4             4
WA            15            15
WI            18            18
WV            4             4
WY            3             3
Total         774           774

Best 73

Call: CT9/R9DX          Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 312,936
Elecraft K3 + ACOM2000A + 4el Yagi

Call: CX2DK             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 147,552

Happy with the score, better than the 2013.

I see in the next!

Marcelo CX2DK

Call: CX9AU             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 999,378

ARRL DX CW - 2014-02-15 0000Z to 2014-02-17 0000Z - 1691 QSOs
CX9AU Max Rates:

2014-02-15 0108Z - 4,0 per minute  (1 minute(s)), 240 per hour by CX9AU
2014-02-15 0154Z - 3,1 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 186 per hour by CX9AU
2014-02-16 0027Z - 2,5 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 152 per hour by CX9AU

 Callsign length
Length Callsigns QSOs
4 680 61.54 % 1114 65.88 %
5 335 30.32 % 457 27.03 %
6 85 7.69 % 113 6.68 %
7 1 0.09 % 1 0.06 %
8 2 0.18 % 2 0.12 %
9 2 0.18 % 4 0.24 %

1 NA K United States 1589 94%
2 NA VE Canada 102 6%

Call: DF1LX             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 409,248
VY2 on 160 worked with 80m Dipol - great ...
Missing SD :(

5 Band 7 Stn
4 Band 41
3 Band 39

Call: DF3FS             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 602,784
My goal was to perform better than last year. At first: be on air
longer and second to test my new homemade Hexbeam. Thank you for
calling and see you next year. Vy 73 DF3FS Bertrand

Call: DF5RF             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 136,017
Rig in use: K2, KX3, 3ele Mini beam, short dipole
Really nice condx - If I only would have more time..
tu cu!

Call: DH8BQA            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 83,820
Icom IC-7100, Elecraft KPA500 + small 4 ele Yagi @ 8 m height

I had planned to go the 700 km to our QTH to participate in ARRLDX-CW this
year. Due to QRL on Monday I could not take the day off to drive back so I had
to cancel my plans.

Nevertheless I wanted to hand out a few points so was QRV with my small remote
station setup (which is completely separated from the rest of the station to
avoid trouble with local usage by other OPs). What can I say? Conditions were
quite nice on Saturday. So my plan of doing maybe 50 QSOs each day had to be
revisited. ;-) Concentrated on Saturday to work as many states as possible so
almost all day just S&P'ing. Finished with just missing DC, DE, KY, OR, WY.
I had heard OR & WY already but pileups were too big to spend much time
there. Caught DE & KY on Sunday but due to Aurora condx were much worse on
Sunday so never heard any OR & WY again. Also never ran across a DC, was
there nobody QRV on 10 m this time? Besides this I sometimes felt like
participating in the Maryland QSO Party ... man there are so many of you! ;-)

Band opened 11.15z on Saturday here with VY2ZM & VE9AA, the usual suspects.
;-) Closed around 19z after a nice hour running mid-west and west coast
stations. Sunday was distinctly worse with 12:30z opening and 18z closing and
no west coast at all, i.e. California. Just two very weak WA and a few likewise
weak AZ stations. Concentrated a bit more on running on Sunday just for the fun
of it.

So after all some fun time and about five times as much as I originally wanted
to do. ;-) Well, it's all about using and enjoying 10 m as long as it still

Will be at the big station for ARRLDX-SSB in two weeks, let's keep fingers
crossed for condx to return! See you ...

73, Olli - DH8BQA

PS: As there are no single band assisted categories in ARRLDX this single band
effort goes into the all band unlimited category. No CAT control, no skimmer,
but a few cluster spots at times so ...

Call: DJ8OG             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 714,000
Actually I didn't want to do this but then I had a QSO with DJ5EU and thought I
give it a try. Erected a 80m GP in the garden on thursday after work (finished
in the dark, wasn't straight at all but worked). I was QRV when time and sleep
permits. I wanted to test the 80m GP but it was not as expected (house to the
US within a couple of meter???). The Goal was to make at least 500 QSOs. Mostly
S&P as CW is not my best mode :-) but from time to time tried some running
to keep the fun up. Ended at 1000 Q's on sunday afternoon and dismantled the
80m GP again. All in all a relaxed "contest" weekend.
Also thanks to K3LR, W1UE, W5MX and WE3C for all bands. I tried hard to
maximize the lowland QSOs but conditions were not at is best. Heard W3LPL but
they couldn't copy me on top band. No other hears here.
Hope to see you during the upcoming contests again,
Matt - DJ8OG

Call: DK0ALC            Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 1,815,360
First night good conds on the low bands. Sunday a firework on 10 and 15. We made
almost twice the number of QSOs as in 2011, with the same team and the same
setup. TNX to all.
73, Arno

Call: DK6XZ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 77,556
Thinking WRTC2014:

In order to shortly "get some filling" about operating technics
needed when low power used for transatlatic communication, I had a try of
roughly 5 hours after high-bands opening. It worked well. Expecially 10 m band
was yielding fruit. And, it was fun.

The day before I heard we losed Anti HA3OV. An extraordinary CW operator (HST),
a great contester and a very pleasent person. It hurts knowing we will not be
hearing or seeing him any more. Our sincere condolences to the living family
& close friends!

73 Suad, DK6XZ/E77XZ

Call: DK8EY             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 130,302
ICOM IC-7400
5-ele-beam, 2x 23m dipole
N1MM Logger, Toshiba Portege R700

Call: DL1A              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,144,185
Another great ARRL-CW Contest with improved conditions on the highbands but very
poor propagation on 80m and 160m. No W6/W7 on 80m and every single 160m QSO felt
like EME on VHF...
In the end about 250 QSOs more compared to last year but missing 5 Mults
results in a score improvement of about 150k. Not too bad for the fact that the
K-index jumped to 5 on sunday morning.

Maik DJ2QV for the DL1A team

Call: DL1NX             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 304,200
Well, I'm surprised to get so many QSOs with a bunch of wires over the roof that
are not stretched out, but 10m dipole. 99,9% S&P operation.
First day on 10m I have worked almost all US States in 3 hours, I missed WY
that I couldn't take over the pile up and DC that I didn't even hear on 10m.
I had to have a lot of patience to be heard, every time a nice signal comes to
my radio and if another station called together I have to wait and wait.

I was never copied on first try, I can't say never but when a very low signals
comes I tried and get them on first call, weird...
I tried to run 2 times and was terrible bad, just 2 or 3 comes back to my
calls. That reminds me the good song from KT8K, "I want a big

Thanks to all that made some efforts to copy me and I hope to see you on the
next one.


Call: DL2MDU            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 402,948
Good conditions on 10m, 80m was poor

Call: DL3FCG            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 148,428
Nice contest on 10m at our contest QTH @DP6T. On Saturday all went well except
when the PA caused the shack�'s fuse to fail. Luckily it was after SS and the
QSO rate was already very low. I was using a spare PA for the remaining Qs
after sunset and than the same setup for Sunday. With FT1000 and Mosley 4ele I
was happy to log all states. Only some northern VE mults are missing. Thanks
for all the QSOs!

Call: DL5ME             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 493,038
IC-746 + PA, 3-Beam

Call: DL6FBL            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 240,642
There is no Single OP / Single Band / Assisted Category. So this log goes to the
full Single OP Unlimited Category. Nevertheless I just wanted to know what can
be done on 10m single band this weekend. Since I had some business and other
projects over the weekend, 10m was my choice to have some fun in our
I sat it out in the evenings, and it was amazing to see what was still going on
after "the band had closed"... Saturday night last contact was AA9LC
(IL) at 2110z, and Sunday it was W7VXS (WA) at 1943z - local sunset was at
1650z... ;-)
Missed the VO1 (NF) multiplier, and I guess VO2, VE8, VY1 and VY0 were not on
or not workable from here...
Some West Coast statistics: 28xAZ, 101xCA, 6xID, 4xMT, 8xNV, 17xOR, 9xUT,
30xWA, 4xWY, 3xVE6, 9xVE7, plus the Dakotas: 3xND, 6xSD.

73 Ben

Call: DL6KVA            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 708,288
Nice condx, especially the first day!

TRX: Kenwood TS-590
Ant: GAP Titan DX Vertical

Call: DL7BY             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 80,304
Made also on 20 and 40 some QSOs, but just for fun as checklog. I used the
possible last good chance for running on 10 mtr for the next years. The condx
before the contest were amazing and made hope for a great weekend. The first
day began very good with some nice runnings and for long time again many
stations from the westcoast. The band was open till 19z. Sunday was much
difficult, westcoast was not possible and the middlewest was really rare. The
eastcoast signals were mostly s3 or less. The band closed abt. 18z. So it is,
the sun made trouble 1 day to early. :-(((.
On 40 mtrs I had with my windom better runnings as with the beam om 10 mtrs!
Thanks for the fun and the QSOs.

TRX: Ft920 PA (running abt.700w)
ANT: A4S at 10 mtr.
Log: UCX-LOG 7.34

73s es best DX

Ben - DL7BY-

Call: DL8ZAW            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 736,668
This is my best score so far. Worked all US states for the first time in this
contest - even my difficult ones (ND, SD, ID and WY) on serveral bands!
Propagation on 160m and 80 was very poor compared to last year. I was unable to
make a single QSO on 160m. But had a lot of fun on 40 upwards.

73, Frank, DL8ZAW

Call: DP1POL            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 532,512
I sure had fun in the ARRL DX Contest this year. Even though Saturday and Sunday
were normal working days here at Neumayer-Station III, Antarctica, and the
geomagnetic storm in the second night really killed the rate, I finished with
just over 1000 contacts and about half a million points. Thanks to everyone who
called me! Logs have already been uploaded to Logbook of The World.

Call: E20AE             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 62,040
Thanks to John, HS1CHB for the use of the Club Station E20AE. His hospitality
made an otherwise tedious contest bearable. This was a difficult contest
running LP. Despite wise warnings from N2IC, I had little understanding of US
band openings available here in SE Asia. First night was productive but the
second night here was much quieter because of solar activity.

Thailand is not Japan. Once I figured out that running stations using LP was
out of the question, I began a multiplier hunt. I thought this would be the
only way to post a respectable score from here. Running LP seems more like QRP
even though the station has a TH5 at 20 meters and a full size 40M vertical
mounted high in the air. Operation of the station would be entirely different
in the CQ WW as I would not have to concentrate only on US stations 10,000
miles away. I heard lots of Asia and EU stations in the mix, USA was far more
difficult to come by except for the usual well known big guns.

Aside from mosquitos constantly chewing on me, It was still a good experience.


Call: E71A              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 235,248
Setup: ts590 + comander hf2500,
       Ant. 5 el.by E73M on 9m boom/UP 12m

73, CU

QSL via: QRZ.com

Call: E7DX              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 4,102,860
Some technical problem which could be solved on the fly, but in stead to use
full station setup inducing inband station with stuck long time old fashion way
with only one runner.
Nice competition with especially IR4M and others OM7M, EA5RS, OE2S....etc
TM6M is for sure another world and even we could give our best we were at
500 QSOs behind. Congratulation on that big score!

Condition were good except on 160/80m were was no good  opening to far west
from here.

Thanks for QSO and cu in CQ160m SSB and ARRL SSB!

Braco E77DX
for E7DX Team

Call: EA1WX             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 288,960
StepIR vertical 10-40 & 400 Watts

Call: EA2RY             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 45,390
TX/RX: FT-2000
ANT: Vertical SteppIR BigIR

Call: EA5DFV            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 426,018
Nice conditions. Near all the contest S&P. Thanks very much for copy my

73 de Jose

Call: EA5KV             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 156,870
73, Vic.

Call: EA6FO             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,580,779
Funny contest.

Only one radio and two operators as M/S category ??? :--))One operator
releaving each other time to time.

160 m antenna is broken when trying first qso on this band  and no reparing
option during contest. This Murphy appearation punished our score harshly, 35
plus multis and some more qsos, is our estimation, close to 0,5 MM points

Thanks for calling us.

73s Juan, EA5BM & Julio EA3AIR

Call: EA8AH             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 335,820
FT1000MP, ACOM 2000A, 3 X 4-el

Call: EC2DX             Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 6,443,208
Best 73!

Call: EC4TA             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 1,320,921
My favourite contest of the year.
Murphy visited me lasting 3 hours for the end of the contest, just when I was
going from 15 to 20M and my Elecraft K3 decided to stop working (12V ERROR).
Without this fail, I surely would have made more QSO on 20M band (I stopped
with only 199 Q's). Well, thats a lesson for next year: have a backup rig.

The rest of the contest, a lot of noise on 80M, and ¡¡ What a blast on 10M!!
Sunday afternoon was great.
Sorry all who I didn't catch their callsign at first call and had to repeat it
to me. I'll continue improving.

My conditions:
Antenna: 3 elements SteppIR with 40M kit @ 10m above ground. Inverted V for 80M
@ 10m also.
Rig: Elecrat K3 @ 100W. Microham MK2.

Oscar - EC4TA.

  160     0   0   0       0  0.00
   80   104  29   0     312  3.00
   40   425  50   3    1275  3.00
   20   199  50   1     597  3.00
   15   504  55   2    1512  3.00
   10   595  57  11    1785  3.00
TOTAL  1827 241  17    5481  3.00
     TOTAL SCORE : 1 320 921

Call: ED7P              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 5,296,119
Due to family affairs our host Pepe, EA7PP, once the set up was finished, he
couldn't operate during the entire contest. In spite of that we decided to run
M2 as initially planned.

For different reasons during 13 hours there was only 1 station running and for
almost 5 hours none. Needless to say we ended up shattered ;-), I'm getting old
for this marathon type...

Nothing to do with big stations in rare locations, CN2AA and CR3L, it was
particulary challenging to watch at the on-line scores (cqcontest.ru) the
dog-fight with our closets rivals in Europe IR1Y, SK3W and DL1A, thank you

A couple of solar CME were forecasted to hit the Earth at any time during
Saturday. The Aurora was sticked up in the North, so the top band figures were
going to make a gap between us. Winter Sporadic E was around 10m during the 2
days, hearing close EU countries booming off the back. Probably this was the
reason why our most favoured band didn't make the expected difference.

Definitelly ED7P is not a fancy call for contest. While S&P'n half of the
stations didn't get the call at first, even keying at 28 wpm.

As it happened often, few seconds after a mistaken spot as an "8",
ED8P suddenly produced an unexpected big pile-up at the second afternoon and a
bunch of duplicates. A Good Samaritan's spot correction afterwards don't work
as most people don't see on screen an already worked country or QSO.

We did not hear a single VO1/VO2 on any band.

57 stations worked on 6 bands: AA1K, AA2A, AA3B, AA9A, AC4G, K0DQ, K0KX, K0TV,

Thanks to everybody for calling us.

73 de EA7KW

Inverted L on 160, no rx-ant.
Inverted V on 80.
2 ele on 40
2 tribanders for 10-15-20
4 ele for 15
6 ele for 10

FT1000 MK5 and TS590 rigs - OM POWER and TL922 amps

CU in the phone part

Call: EF8O              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 540,930
100W (IC-756PROIII)
GPA-50 (trap-vertical) for 10/15/20m
dipole for 40m

Call: EF8USA            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,788,965
Thanks for qso,s, a great time doing cw as ever and a lots of friends on air.
Really here a lot of problems,strong rain and wind all weekend. My qth is in a
remote place in north of my island with difficult access. I miss my 160m before
the contest begin and the first night the wind break my 40/80m vertical and I
can put on air again a few hours later in the night, Im alone in this qth and I
need to stop the contest for repair. The spiderbeam was all contest very low,
abt only 3 meters high for the strong wind. For all this Im very happy with the

My rig: icom 7410. Antenas: spiderbeam 10-15-20. Vertical fishing pole coax
trap 40/80 homemade.
Some video here: http://vimeo.com/86745967. More info soon in www.ea8ay.com.

Thanks to my good friend Jose Cruz for the video and Mike W2GR.
CU next contest, for my WPX CW.

Call: EU1A              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,107,045
Was busy on Saturday day and evening. So missed great condition on 15-10. A lot
of noise on 80. Great condition on 40 first night and last our of the contest.
Incredible condition on 20 on Saturday at 2300Z.
Thanks to all US stations for calling!
See you in the phone part! Hope I will operate full time.
73! Serge EU1A

Call: F/E73CQ           Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 16,074
Two hours entry on Sunday afternoon to "feel a bit" contest and to
test improvement of my antenna position.

Thank you all for copying my callsign.

QRP: Flex-1500 and signe el. delta loop (7 mtrs high)

73 CU Fudo

Call: F1IWH             Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 4,368
First participation contest ARRL DX CW - Thank you all for qso's and also for
QRS. Contest for the fun.

Call: F5IYJ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 53,550
Less then 3h this Sunday to work NA OM's.
Need to better manage my contest time next year.

Call: F6ARC             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 223,200
My goal was to test the equipment before FG in March.
Less than 5 hours on Sunday(no activity on Saturday)but good pileups with low

Thanks all for calling.

Rig: FT-897D + WKUSB interface
Ant: DXBeam DXT201510-6mx

Call: F8CRS             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 507,861
great propagation on saturday, just miss AR on 10m (heard but no qso).

G5RV for 40-80m and MA5B for high bands. 500w.

see you next time
73 david F8CRS

Call: G0ORH             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 185,094
Saturday, tower carrying the SteppIR beam was only at 25ft due to the storm
raging through through West Berkshire, and I didn't chance it.
Sunday was fine,light winds so the tower went back up.
I gave away a few points on 20 and 15m while waiting for 10m to open.
My first qso on Sunday morning was at 12:14, stopped at 12:40 for Lunch, my
neighbor and I, took out my front storm damaged hedge, and I got back active at
14:30 to 19:00 when I closed down.
I generally worked all dupes.
Could have worked double if I had the time! though my 7hrs was good fun none
the less.
Missed DC, heard DC on Saturday but he was taking his time getting through
callers and I forgot to check back...doh.
The rest missed was VE Mults.
K3 - KPA500, N1MM, Micro Keyer 2.
10m SBHP, unassisted.

Call: G3SXW             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 269,640
First ever entry to a QRP contest. Great fun! Apologies to all who struggled
with my super-weak signal! Will do it seriously next year. 73 de Roger/G3SXW.

Call: G3Y               Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 260,946
Part time entry - restricted by high wind meant I could only put the
mast up at 1800z on Saturday and no LF antennas. Geat condx though -
could even run with LP.

Call: G4BUO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 208,560
Could only devote a few hours to the contest, and it's a bit different now with
100w and a doublet but I was pleased to be able to get a few mini-runs going.
Great conditions on HF, pretty poor on LF.

Dave G4BUO

Call: G4IIY             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 98,010
A part-tume effort fitted around domestic commitments.  The only NA State that I
mised was North Dakota, plus a host of Canacian provices that should have been
easy.  I did not hear a VO1 or VO2 station all weekend on any band.

I made a further 200 Qs on 10/15m.

FT1000MP, plus amp
40m dipole at 17m

Call: GW4J              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 112,695
A busy weekend so decided to try 10m only, conditions were pretty good. The high
winds in North Wales only abated enough to raise my Cobwebb antenna by around
14.00 on Saturday but this seemed luckily to coincide with the propagation
taking off to NA which was repeated on Sunday. On both days NA tailed off by
18.30 giving around 4.5 hours operating each day.

K3/Acom 1000 and a Cobwebb nested dipoles at around 30ft. Thanks for Qs, really
enjoyable. Saturday was lively with some nice runs; had every US state logged
except NE and DC by close on Saturday and managed NE on Sunday but DC eluded
me. Worked a few on 20m with the doublet on Saturday morning while waiting for
the 10m antenna and propagation.

Call: HA1ZZ             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 109,395
RIG: TS-830s+2xGI7B
ANT: GP and K9AY

73! Sanyi

Call: HA3NU             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 196,446
Decicated to my friend HA3OV (SK)

Call: HA3OU             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 5,850
Hello OMs!
Deceased childhood friend of mine, Anti HA3OV (SK) remembering minimum power 4W
QRP working over the competition.
Rest in peace my dear friend!


Call: HA3UU             Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 115,830
Part time effort. The noise was s5-s6 from time to time.

Thanks for Q’s to All of you from NA!

73 CUL in next year!

Janos HA3UU

Call: HA5JI             Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 44,604
Tnx Peti/HA8RM


Call: HA7GN             Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 234,030
This was the 4th ARRL CW round from the Matra mountains with very good band
conditions this time. Both Saturday and Sunday nights were productive (with
s7-9 signals) and nice additions at sunrise. No 3kW needed as some people
think, but good antennas and patience to wait till US turned their antennas
back towards Europe.
Rates were quite slow at normal daytime due to the 10/15m traffic. Got
frustrated by QRM-ers and people who started to call CQ without asking QRL,
explaining for how long they've been using the freq..while I spent the entire
day on that same QRG.
The result is my personal best; but still plenty of room to improve.
Congratulations to OH8L and 9A2NA for their excellent scores.

FT2000 with AC0C filter upgrade
KT36XA(M2) + 4L monobander @ 812m ASL


Call: HA8JV             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 180,090
Thanks for all callers!
73 Pali

Call: HA8LLK            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 119,298

      160        0        0           0
       80        0        0           0
       40       57      171          19
       20       84      252          29
       15      107      321          34
       10       89      267          36

     Totals    337     1011         118  =   119,298

Call: HB9ARF            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 511,200
K3  100 W

Antennas : Force 12 C-4s for 28/21/14 and 7 MHz
           Butternut HF-9vx used for 3.5 MHz

Phil - HB9ARF

Call: HB9FAP            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,608,128
Thanks to all the U.S. & Canadian stations who worked me.
A lot of fun, UFB conditions. I can't remember when last time the CW part had
so UFB condx, probably back in the year 2000 or 2001.
I take part every year since 1994 as SOP in the ARRL international DX contest
CW, for the first time I didn't find any single VO1 station.
See you next year, I love this contest!

Call: HC2AO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 841,698
I was testing a new RX antenna on 160. I guess I was able to log 98% of callers
this time. Since conditions on TB weren't all that great I went on higher
to give mults. I'm still deciding whether I should claim SOSB 160 or SOAB LP

btw K1LT and K0DQ were loud on TB but they couldn't hear my petty station.
FT1000MP at 85 watts
Inverted L with 6 radials

Call: HG0A              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 133,332
Tnx Peti/HA8RM

73, Gyuri/HA5JI

Call: HG1A              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 179,832
RIG: Kenwood TS-870s PA: 2x500 watts ANTs: 4+3 el. 18m@

73! Zsolt ha1zn&hg1a

Call: HG7T              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,413,638
Vy 73! Tibi HA7TM

Call: HI3LFE            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,225,440
RIG: Elecraft KX3 12W, antennas TA33, G5RV and End Fed 123.5'

Call: HL1VAU            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 1,995
Having fun with simple QRP transceiver(FT-817) and low wire dipoles.
It was great propagation during the weekend.

Call: HS0ZKX            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 255,204
Short,sporadic opening's to NA from here.Band's closed about 10:00am local time
and would remain closed until 4:45 pm when you could start to hear the East
Coast again on 40.Congrat's to K3LR and WE3C for giving me 5 bands each with
outstanding signals on 80m LP the second day.40m a mess here with all the
SSB'ers,OTH radar and SSTV. 160m never opened but listening intently to try to
make a sweep with K3LR and WE3C which would have been a first for me here in SE
Asia. Running 200 watts to a C3,40m inverted V,80m Delta Loop and a 160m
vertical. Thanks to all for the qso's. Peter,HS0ZKX

Call: IB9T              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 194,346
I run the contest normally connected to the cluster network, having a SOSB-15
Assisted category in my mind. It was wrong and then this log goes in the right
Single Operator Unlimited, High Power category.
Medium to good conditions on saturday, with nice runs to the west coast.
Absolutely poor propagation on sunday..... a real pity.
Missed LB, NU, NWT and YT.


Call: IC8FBU            Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 47,232
Saturday afternoon run with very bland answers, best Sunday open until 20.00, 48
were not bad, I enjoyed it to the next.
100 W.

Call: IK2CIO            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 743,280
Operated only 12 hours. but with Fun

CU next Year.

73 de Vini IK2CIO

Call: IK3ORD            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 609,504
Yaesu FT 920 - Ant TH7 10/15/20 + loop 40mtr. + dipole 80 mtr + inverted L 160

Call: IK7JWY            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 162,279
Great fun for my first ARRL-DX CW on 10m after a long time. Worked all States
the first day. FT1000MP, 2x6 elements OWA homemade antennas and amplifier. See
you next time. 73 de IK7JWY Art

Call: IR1Y              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,772,937
This year in M2 for the first time !
We enjoyed high bands, but bad conditions on low bands, especially second
Last qso on 20m, at beginning of contest was later than 0300 z .
Thanks to Flavio IK1SPR and Filippo IZ1LBG for joining the crew !
As usual, field day style in IK1YDB's location. Finished dismantling today at
14 z.
Amazed how a three element delta-loop @10 m. height  could give us so much
qso's on the best band that we had in this week-end : 10 m.
We are quite sure that we could not do more than this score.
We squeezed the station at the top with two inband radio's  on each band and a
fift  radio on not running band.
Thanks for all stations that called in giving us a very nice week-end.
Nice to follow up and down with competitors on cqcontest.net.

Enjoy IR1Y Fb page :
https://www.facebook.com/pages/IR1Y/168295293294571?ref=ts&fref=ts  we'll
upload some pics.

one of IR1Y - Carlo IK1HJS

Call: IR4B              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 350,796
It was a pleasure to be in this 2014 ARRL CW contest even if not at full time.
Great propagation, I operated low power 100W. with my TS-590 only, 3 el
Ultrabeam antenna. I got a good rate on 10m and 20 meters when I started
calling. I was pleased to get even some pile up.  See you again and 73 de
Sergio IR4B (IK4AUY).

Call: IR4M              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,935,616
Great conditions on high bands, with the best 10m opening we can
remember. It's fantastic to hear W6/7's so loud for so long!

Quite the opposite must be said for 80 and 160m, which were generally in
bad shape. On top-band, due to poor conditions we stupidly missed the
short opening during the first night, hoping to see better signals the
night after. Big mistake! Conditions on Saturday night were even
worse... lesson learned.
Top-band must have been quite noisy also on the U.S. end, as we lost
some mults who couldn't hear us.

The competition on cqcontest.net was nice as usual, with our friends at
OM7M and the solid E7DX team! Good job guys!!

It's a pity to see this amazing tool still so underused.
Standing at the window, just watching the competitors, looks like there
is something to hide...

Ok, you want to keep your strategy secret, but, at least in CW, the
reversebeacon network can catch you everywhere after the first CQ.

We don't understand why some teams entered (manually and sporadically)
only the total score data. We are pretty sure that Wintest is able to do
it automatically... or not? (Bad internet connection? :)

Finally, it's unbelievable how this year we had no snow but sunny and
warm weather! During the last few years, during ARRL we always had snow
(2 meters in 2012)!

                              IR4M TEAM

Call: IV3BCA            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 444,528
I operate 18 hours on Yaesu FT1000D 100 Watt
Beam Mosley 20/15/10 Rotative Dipole 40 Meter
NVIS 80 meter RX and Vertical TX
Wonderful propagation on 15 and 10 meter sunday
Best 73 de IV3BCA Paolo iv3bca at iv3bca.it

Call: J38XX             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,314,785
thanks for the QSO's

73 Ulf, DL5AXX

Call: JA1BJI            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 768,600
Since I had another appointment on Saturday, I initially planned to participate
in the contest as a part time effort. However, the appointment was cancelled
due to snow storm, I could participate almost full time except three hours for
snow shoveling.
The high bands especially 28MHz condition was excellent for the first day and
7MHz was good also, though I could not hear any W/VE signal on 1.8MHz.
It was great fun. See you next time. 73
Taro - JA1BJI

Call: JA1BPA            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 116,256
This is my 3rd consecutive year in this contest as SOSB/10mb,
and the propagation was certainly the best!

We had the record breaking amount of snow in Tokyo area on Friday,
which closed the access road to the usual JG1ZUY contest station.
Instead, I visited my own small shack where it was rain-storming.

As the contest started at 00UTC on Saturday, the wind was gusting
up to 80mph, and I obviously could not crank up the tower or turn
my antennas.  I could still work several big guns from New England
before the band closed around 03UTC.
I managed to work several stations via long path between 11~13UTC
including VY2ZM and KI1G for new multipliers, but stations were
mostly working with Europeans.

The band started to open at 21UTC around our sunrise.  This was a
stable opening with all areas of the US heard very strong.  Later in
the morning, there was a weird auroral opening to VE1, VE2, VE9 area
around 01~02 UTC, with VA2EW heard CQing with genuine S=9.  VE9AA
thankfully called for a new multiplier, but nobody from VE1 or VO1.
The band was decently open until 04UTC, but people seemed to have
assumed that it was closed.  The propagation was really good, but
there were not sufficient number of stations to sustain a good run.
In the local evening, there was no real opening via long path.
I could hear several, but Europeans who were calling them were
much stronger this time.  The propagation was deteriorating...

As I had been afraid, at our sunrise (21:30UTC), US stations were
weakly heard from the path skewed to the south (via Hawaii).  This
was certainly a bad sign.  The path got back to normal after 22UTC
(more than half an hour later than the previous day), but signals
were weaker.  I could only work about 120 stations, mostly from
the West Coast during 2.5 hours before the end of the contest.

With the solar cycle nearing its peak, this was probably the
best that I could achieve on 10mb before the next cycle.
I really enjoyed the great opening, but wish there had been
more US stations to work with.

Thank you all for the QSOs and see you all again at RDXC.

Best 73,

Icko, JA1BPA

Call: JH3PRR            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 97,185
Thanks to The SUN, I enjoyed 10m single band very much. As soon as the contest
began, I was called by lots of east coast stations. Next morning (JST, Japan
local time) was even better. I was lucky enough to be called by VY2 and VE9. I
missed ME and DC though. The last morning (JST) was not so good but I still
worked east coast. Hope this was NOT the last time I enjoyed running east coast
on 10m in my life;-) Thanks to all who worked me. See you in Dayton contest
dinner and contest super suit on Thu, Fri and Sat!

IC-7800 and 1kW linear amplifier, 5 el Yagi side-mounted at 24m above the
ground. Located on top of the mountain 2600 ft above sea level.

Masa JH3PRR aka KH8B and M0ITU

Call: K0AP              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 865,458
Excellent conditions on Saturday. Not so great on Sunday due to the solar
Had few very nice runs on 10 and 15m. 40m was great the first night. Taking
advantage of the high band openings while they last.

2el HEX Beam at 40ft, 80/40m Inv Vee.
IC765, TL922 and N1MM logger.

73 Dragan K0AP

Call: K0DQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 8,638,812
A walk on the Dark Side

First, Thanks to Paul, K8PO, and his lovely bride Jackie for their superb Down
East hospitality.

Paul's station is a contester's dream.  This was my second effort from the
Maine Battle Cruiser.   After CQWW CW we had discussed a few minor changes, all
of which were accomplished.  (For some unknown reason the proposed 3 element 160
yagi at 400 feet didn’t materialize in the two month interval).  The net
result is that I'm out of excuses . . . any and all remaining shortcomings are
between my ears.

While change in your seventieth year of life is to be done with a certain
amount of prudence, I purposed to try something new.  With apologies to a
certain retired Navy Master Chief Radioman I decided to see what it would be
like to do a dedicated operation as “Just a boy and his radio . . . and the
Internet” and see just how much “assistance” the assisted category
provided.  The general motivation included: (1) to see what the fuss was about,
(2) to see if it would minimize my “local propagation knowledge deficit”
(since I don’t have a home station and only do 2-3 contests a year from New
England), and (3) to hopefully cause less stress on old bones (I was still worn
out from CQWW CW).  (As an aside, I take it that “unlimited” is the
politically correct term for assisted now.  Guess that makes traditional
unassisted efforts “limited” by definition?)

Overall, it was actually a pleasant enough experience.  I operated in the same
run mode as unassisted but used the spots almost exclusively for mults.  Ended
up with about the same number of Q’s as last year’s unassisted record with
the added bonus of another 40 mults and 400K points �" all in fewer hours
and with less work. I especially didn’t mind doing without all that pesky
tuning and dupe checking on the second radio. (That comment probably gives the
“unlimited” experts a clue that I haven’t really figured this out yet.)

Was feeling pretty good after the contest.  Paul reported that I was ahead of
the real experts, K3WW and AA3B when I went to sleep.  Woke up at 0400 and, on
a whim, checked 3830 to find out that KI1G had demolished me by 36 mults and
400K.  Hmmm . . . maybe there’s more to this than meets the eye?  I probably
needed to work harder at tuning for people who aren’t spotted as well as
moving mults.  Also, realized that if the mult wasn’t on the primary or
secondary radio band map, it would scroll out of sight quickly. There’s
nothing like on the job training.

Aside from the personal novelty of “unlimited” the more interesting story
was propagation.  This was my fourth ARRL DX and 12th contest from New England
since reactivating three years ago.  If memory serves, of those dozen contests
only four enjoyed relatively stable conditions with flares and the dreaded
geomagnetic storms predominating in the others.  Thus I was a little gun shy
when the NOAA forecast predicted both blackouts and geomagnetic storms both

Perhaps violating the 10th commandment (coveting), I tend to judge a contest
weekend by the propagation I don’t have.  I’ve seen the New England
Nightmare scenario when the mid-Atlantic gets propagation before New England,
but that’s generally been on 10 meters.  This year had an interesting twist.
About two hours before sunrise Saturday I noticed K3CR and others running Europe
on 20 meters but I couldn’t hear a thing.  Then at 0922Z I noticed that guys
in southern/western W1 were also running stuff I couldn’t hear.  That lasted
almost an hour until I finally started being able to run Europe up here in
Maine at 1017.  Not looking for sympathy since Maine generally gets the
openings early, but it was a cautionary note.

By 24Z on Saturday, I had managed to cobble together 3249 QSOs, which was about
100 below last year’s ARRL number, and about 200 down from the recent CQWW CW
number at the same point.  I noticed that the K index was up, the bands were
sounding funky and rates plummeted.  The “Polar shopping mall” was clearly
open and the JAs and SE Asians were coming through on 10, 15, and 20 with
noticeable screech.  Having seen this movie, I wondered if the whole shooting
match was essentially over.  So I gave myself a pass to take four hours off for
a shower and sleep, half expecting to come back at 05Z and find the bands closed
down.  That was not the case, however, and when I got back on 160 and 80 were
wide open with decent signals, although the noise level was high.  That was the
second cautionary note.  It appears a solar flux of 160 is not easily deterred.

All in all, it was a fun weekend.

Congrats to KI1G.  If I do this assisted thing again looks like I’ll have to
go to school.

Scott, K0DQ


2 x K-3 / ACOM-2000A
Win-Test software (with thanks to N6TV for extensive scripts)
DX-Doubler, Six Pack

Full size vertical with 100 (300 ft) radials
Receive reversible beverages NE, SW, NW, SE
RX four square NE, SE, SW, NW

Transmit Four Square NE, SE, SW, NW
Same RX as above

40 (120' tower, shared with 10 meters)
2 X 2 element shorty forty yagis, lower fixed Europe

20 (100' tower)
3 X 5 element yagis, lower two fixed Europe

15 (100' tower)
4 X 5 element yagis, lower three fixed Europe

10 (120' tower shared with 40 meters)
4 X 5 element yagis, lower three fixed Europe

Call: K0EJ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,152,020
part-time but FUN time!

73, Mark K0EJ

Call: K0EU              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 748,410
Could only play for a little while in this one. Too bad as it seemed like
conditions were outstanding. I never went below 20M, so not sure how the
lowbands were. When all you do is operate during high rate hours to Europe and
Japan, it makes for an extra fun time.

Call: K0IO              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 769,113
R-8 Vertical, 80 meter inverted vee -- top at 60 '  160: Inverted L - 180' long,
60 feet vertical

Call: K0OU              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 117,348
The beam antenna is broken so running only the vertical. QRP to a vertical is
tuff, but some very good ears out there managed to pull me out. also, don't
know how I got 13 hours into this as I was not home Saturday or Sunday morning.
Just ran in and out of the shack as time permitted. Was fun making any contacts
at all.

Call: K0PK              Class: SOSB/20 LP               Total Score = 152,424
Was in and out of the shack all weekend so just played around on 20 as I had
time. Heard quite a bit of AU-distortion on most sigs Saturday night. Otherwise
condx. were pretty good here. Even worked a few EU QRPers. A good time, as

FT2000 / IC756P2 / TH3-TA33-TH3 stack

Thanks for the Qs!  73 - Paul, K0PK

Call: K0RF              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 9,381,645
We decided to take advantage of the fact that I am not coaching Volleyball Club
this season and get on for the ARRL CW. This weekend is one of the big VB
tournaments in Colorado and I am usually in the middle of it. I didn't have the
energy to make a M/M effort for this one, so our little 4-man crew decided to
give M-2 a go for the first time. It was a different deal for us.  We are used
to being able to take whatever is available on all bands without compromise.
But, it turned out to be fun. Everybody made lots of contacts. Wayne and George
really were joined at the hip and were Kurt and me.What a great group of
friends. It couldn't have been better. Very little sleep happened around here
this time!

Thanks for all the QSOs.

See you in the next one.


Chuck and the crew.

Call: K0TT              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,644,331
Good condx the first 24 hours. Things got interesting around 0000 UTC on Feb 16
when the recent CMEs started to affect the ionosphere. I was on 10m at the
time, when US backscatter signals suddenly changed to a rough aurora type
sound. Asia was still coming thru, but signals were unstable. I was still able
to work QRP stations in Japan during this time. 20m and above seemed to be back
to normal by around 1200 UTC.

The disturbance apparently enhanced 20m propagation over the pole after
midnight local time. I was about to stop for the evening around 06 UTC because
40m and 80m were poor, when 20m opened up with strong signals over the pole.
Worked 70/hr for the next 2 hours into EU and Asia. The propagation was often
one way with many barely readable stations calling me. Note that I am only
using a dipole at 75' on 20m!

Heard many MN stations during the weekend. I missed the MWA group VP5S on 160m,
but I didn't spend much time on that band. I am basically deaf on 160m and 80m
with the ongoing power line interference issue. The power company recently
asked their retired noise troubleshooter to help with the problem. He confirmed
the RF noise is coming from the pole I identified and described it as
"terrible." Unfortunately, they have not yet resolved the problem.

Call: K0TV              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 7,987,302
Conditions this year were outstanding and everyone here had a great time. We
welcomed K1WD back to the team after he took a few years off. Two new
operators, KB1SNB and NM1C came to the station for the first ARRL DX CW contest
for both of them. NB1N came through in exciting style running 15 meters both

We had a snowstorm two days before the contest and I was unable to get the
walkway cleared so the trudge to the shack door involved going through a foot
of snow. Everyone who came is to be commended for the effort.

We decided to pass on M/2 this time and go M/M for the extra points. With only
three stations we are competing against much larger stations in this category.
We're in it for the fun and everyone sure had lots of fun.

MVP for this contest goes to NB1N for braving the snow storm on Thursday to
drop off his K3 to complement the station equipment. He also made 1225 of our
QSOs. We were very happy to have Sandor operating here and we look forward to
seeing him again in the fall.

Thanks for everyone who called in and we'll look for everyone in two weeks for
the SSB weekend.

73, Jerry - K0TV

Call: K0UK              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 177,744
Didnt want to do a all band effort. Did 10mtrs. only assisted. It was fun and
had some good runs to EU and JA.
 Thanks to all the great ops who heard my little station. A3S antennas. PTL
bill K0UK

Call: K0VBU             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 693,489
IC746, TH6DXX @50', G5RV @25'
Great conditions! High bands just wouldn't quit!
Thanks to all!

Call: K0VG              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 326,136
All S&P

Call: K0VXU             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 767,970
IC-746PRO - TL-922A - TH6DXX, Slopping Vees (80,40), Inverted L (160), Beverage

Thanks to all who provided me QSO.  This was really an unexpected pleasure as
conditions were very good in the middle of the country.  Lots of activity and
signals were strong.  With the band conditions being fairly poor in the run up
to the test, I was expecting poor signals and not much activity.  Was I

As per my usual I was on limited time but did find 20 hours to play in the
test. All S&P.  Fun to work XW0YJY, 9V1YC and 8Q7KB in the test.

Good to see many of the other KCCCer's in the test.  K0VBU certainly caused
some confusion when we both would call in a pile up.  Great fun, though.

See you all next year....hopefully with the same band conditions.

Russ - K0VXU

Call: K0ZR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,444,086
Originally I was not available to work the contest, but that all changed when
the latest snow storm to hit the east coast changed things.  My out-of-town
plans were thus changed making it possible to work the contest, but then I
learned Friday my California brother was held up at Washington-Dulles airport
due to the storm; he was to be with us Friday night.  Complications,
complications, so was only able to operate some 20 hours.  Conditions were
magnificent most of the contest, but I never heard any opening on 160m. I am
thankful I was able to operate as much as I did.

Call: K0ZX              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 81,396
This was one where i sure wish i had more time to play, especially on saturday
when conditions were great before the CME arrival.

Call: K1AR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 5,639,772
Another contest from the AR home QTH. Antennas are: 160M Inv-L, 80M dipole, 40M
Inv-V with a MN-2000 tuner. Had a blast cracking pile-ups!

73, John, K1AR

Call: K1EO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,386,903
Thanks to all the participating stations.  Best 73 K1EO

Call: K1ESE             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,014,768
Great conditions except for Saturday night.  Operated about half of the 48
hours.  No problems with the equipment and almost twice as many QSOs and more
than twice as many points compared to last year.
73 de K1ESE

Call: K1GI              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 4,446
K1GI Masa,

Call: K1GQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,139,098
K3 KPA500 Dipoles SkookumLogger

It is well past time for HF transceivers manufacturers (and product reviewers)
to turn their focus from receiver performance to transmitter cleanliness. Our
now-excellent receivers cannot remove phase noise, clicks, and spurs
transmitted by stations otherwise well outside our passbands.

Call: K1HI              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 35,235
Busy weekend - no radio time!  Ant Switch broken, limited to tribander @ 100
ft., K3, AL-1500.

Call: K1KI              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 6,787,674
Very nice conditions this year!  Especially enjoyed the after-midnight runs on
20m each night.   KM1P operated about 30 hours, K1KI about 18 hours (10pm until
7am).   One station, one operator at a time.  Maximum fun.

Call: K1KNQ             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 847,044
XCVR - Yaesu FT1000D
Antennas: 80M 4sq verticals, 40M 2el, 20M C3E, 15M/10M 4el quad.
Software: N1MM
Only Friday night for low bands.
New quad worked great, very satisfied
Now I'm thinking of a quad on 20M rather than a yagi.

Call: K1KP              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 4,309,284
I did not accept contacts, copy callsigns correctly, or correct miscopied
callsigns through the use of manual telnet spots.

Call: K1LT              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,583,656
At the beginning of this contest, I didn't have any goal and I was
questioning my motivation.  After the first couple of hours, I felt
much more like doing my best.  So the goal became to beat last year's
score.  Sometime during the first night I resolved to spend more time
CQing and less time tuning for multipliers.  Also, I saw that a CME
was expected, so I thought I might try to emphasis the high bands a
little more than normal.

I started on 10 meters and worked my way down doing a "first time on
this band" scan for each band.  10 and 15 were both good enough that I
spent several hours there, including about an hour running on 15.  20
was not so interesting, although the band was open to everywhere.  40
was quiet so after tuning for 60 kHz, I CQed for half an hour.  Its
kind of cool to work all continents in less than an hour, partly by
CQing, with only a vertical!  By the time I got done tuning 80, I was
pressed for time, so I skipped CQing and went to 160 slightly late for
the magical 0500-0700Z window.  After tuning, I tried CQing but that
didn't last long.  One more pass across each of 80 and 40 found me
getting into that weird sleepy state where I find myself zoned out in
front of the radio when I'm supposed to turn the knob.  So at 0739Z,
with 538 QSOs and 174 multipliers, I slept for 3 hours.

At 1052 I got back on the radio and rotated through the low bands but
didn't CQ.  I was hoping to see more Asia and Oceania than I did.
Nevertheless, YJ, 9V, and KH2 are new 40 meter band countries for me.

After sunrise, I think I played the contest pretty typically.  On each
band, I searched and pounced.  When I found a potential hole, I would
CQ.  The morning runs would last about 90 minutes, and then the
spot-bursts would get less frequent until I decided to tune again.  I
rotated through 10, 15 and 20 trying to maximize time on the higher
frequencies (in case of CMEs) and to make sure I scanned each band at
least once.  After about 1900Z the rate would get low enough that
tuning seemed to be the only way to make contacts.  Saturday I stayed
on the high bands until about 0300Z.  Saturday night the low bands
were much less productive, although CQing on 160 lasted about 45

When zombie mode started to occur around 0730Z I slept 3 hours again
although the process took 3 and a half hours.  The sunrise low bands
were not very productive.  Just before sunrise I repeated the rotation
thing on the high bands, although the runs ran down quicker than on
Saturday.  Sunday afternoon I ran on 40 starting at 2230Z which lasted
about an hour.  I spent the last 30 minutes of the contest hunting for
multipliers.  I found a couple of Central American stations and
snagged DP1POL as my last contact and my last multiplier at 2359Z.
That's a nice way to end the contest.

The usual Sunday afternoon huge pileup bonanza of typically African
and Oceania multipliers did not materialize this year.  That and fewer
contacts on 160 knocked the multiplier tally down about 5%.  On the
other hand, by CQing more I made about 15% more QSOs.  I set a new
record for myself.

The surprise multiplier was XW0YJY long path at 1917Z on 20.  The
surprise not-a-multiplier was VK6HG at 2241 on 40 meters while running
Europe.  He wasn't a multiplier because I had already worked VK the
night before.  I only heard and worked JW/DL5CW once.  I hope he QSLs
via LoTW.

DX worked: 3V, 4J, 4O, 4X, 5B, 6W, 6Y, 9A, 9K, 9L, 9M6, 9V, A6, BV,
BY, C6, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, DL, E7, EA, EA6, EA8,
EI, ER, ES, EU, F, FG, FY, G, GD, GI, GM, GW, HA, HB, HC, HI, HK, HL,
I, IS, J3, JA, JW, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OE,
OH, OK, OM, ON, OZ, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PY, S5, SM, SP, SU, SV,
SV9, TF, TI, UA, UA2, UA9, UN, UR, V2, V3, VK, VP2E, VP5, VP9, XE, XW,
YB, YJ, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z3, ZF, ZL, and ZS for a total of 109
DXCC entities, not counting K and VE.

Equipment: K3, P3, Alpha 8410 with extra fans to suppress the internal
blower; Cushcraft X7 at 60 feet; Cushcraft A3S at 30 feet; 40 meter
vertical with 32 32-foot radials on the ground; 80 meter "cage"
around the 65 foot 160 meter "T" antenna with 70 125-foot radials on
the ground; and receive antennas and phased arrays and stuff.

Call: K1PQS             Class: SOSB/80 LP               Total Score = 20,160
Single band 80m. Strong coastal storm on Saturday produced
continuous S9 QRN that effectively wiped out the band all
night here. I put in 15 minutes for 1 qso and quit. Friday
was nice, though.

Call: K1RM              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 520,800
Limited by family commitments. Used my available time to rack up q's.  There are
so many outstanding cw operators in this world!

Call: K1RV              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,212,030
I really enjoyed this one. Condx were quite good and only problem was a logging
computer that kept crashing (4 times) requiring a re-boot. Also had to lose
some operating time while cleaning up from Saturday's snowstorm.

Rig is K3, P3, KPA500 and antenna is Steppir BigIR vertical and 160 meter
inverted L. Worked just about everyone I heard and was pleasantly surprised in
the pileups with the performance of the BigIR vs my previous QTH with tower and
TH-11. The sunspots definitely helped make it happen!


Call: K1RX              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 6,828,192
Just another fun weekend.  Casual M2 operation with two K3's. One failure a few
hours from the end with an amplifier.  Some recabling got things rolling
So many very good CW ops out there - really adds to the fun with great skills
in play -thanks!

N1YX operated 160, 40, 15 and I did the other bands - just the way the station
is setup.

Very enjoyable with conditions as good as they were.  Saturday evening tanked
with the high A and K values and helped push us to QRT for some good sleep.
Sunday morning was off to the races again (thank goodness) and made the
complete experience outstanding.  Apologies to those calling on 80 during this
period - heavy QRN killed us.

My thanks to all for a fabulous fun time!

73, Mark, K1RX

Call: K1TH              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 358,614
Conditions were delightful.  10 Meters especially good to the Pacific; 9V1; VK,
ZL, etc.  First time I had a power failure while operating during the Cape's
"almost-blizzard" on Sat night.  The UPS kicked in fine for the
computer/cable modem, etc. Still a bit surprising.

Call: K1TN              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 979,020
I did this with one antenna, a 40 Meter sloper fed with 600-ohm open-wire line.
The sloper is aimed northeast and seemed to work pretty well on all four bands

My antenna for 80/160, a 135-centerfed, broke about two weeks ago (feed line
came loose at the feed point). With more than two feet of snow on the ground
and sub-zero temperatures I just could not get it repaired. The locals say this
is the best winter for snow-mobiling they can remember except that some days
it's been too cold, even for them. I have been very grateful for a place to
live and a furnace that works.

At the start, I was able to load the sloper/feedline on 80 Meters, sort of.
Then it went to hell. I looked out and sure enough it was snowing again, heavy,
wet snow. The tubular plastic feed line spacers ended up with a half-inch of ice
on them (or inside them). This open-wire line (bought from that guy in Oklahoma)
isn't normally bothered much by ice on it but feeding it as a 2-wire random wire
just didn't work when it iced up.

I wish I could send all this snow to Sochi, or to California.

A gold medal to Russian contesters! Never worked anywhere near as many R and U
stations as I did this weekend.

Highlight was working XW0YJY on 15 Meters at 0330Z, right over several big-gun
stations :) ... The high bands must have been fantastic for anyone with a

Jim Cain, K1TN

Call: K1TO              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,813,130
Just a boy, his radio, and his F1 key.  No SO2R set up this time.

Very good condx most of the time and a very enjoyable time.

Noise is still an issue here, as evidenced by one cluster spot stating that I
can't hear.

Looking forward to being W1AW/4 for many hours starting in a few days, then
also looking forward to the SSB portion of this contest in 2 weeks when the
sunspots will be even more plentiful.

Thanks to all who called in and to those who made the effort to go someplace
rarer than home.

73, Dan

Call: K1TR              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 609,825
K3, P3, Tribander and wires.

Great condx!!

Call: K1VSJ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,611,495
Station: Icom 756 pro3,  Mosley CL-33 @55 ft,  40-80 Alpha Delta inverted V with
center at 35 ft.  Logging done on my trusty old windows 98 laptop and CT-9. No
internet, skimmer or any other such devices.  Strictly an "old
school" setup except for the logging.  BTW - did get the 8Q7 on 20 !!!

Call: K1ZZ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,396,046
Recovering from a bad cold and didn't want to put in full time. Noisy low bands
Saturday night led to a nice long break.

Call: K2AX              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,179,708
Rough weekend but made the best of it, Thanks guys

Call: K2DM              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 425,790
My first semi-serious effort from our deed-restricted retirement home in The
Villages, Florida.  Antennas were the driven element from a Mosley TA-33 (in
the attic), a 40M dipole (in the attic, with one element bent around a bit) and
a wire about 50 feet long behind the house fed with a remote antenna tuner (used
on 80M and 160M).  The TA-33 has a distinguished past, having been used from J7,
V4 and VP2M.
I was amazed at how much success I had.  I worked over 90% of the stations I
called, even though I had no reasonable shot at getting through.  Stations in
WL7, JA, KH6, ZL, NH2, CE and CX were worked fairly easily.  Throughout the
weekend there were a number of very weak stations who heard my call the first
or second time.  It was as though the competition and the QRM melted away at
just the right time.
Then there were the stations for whom I had to wait my turn - a turn which
sometimes failed to arrive before a packet swarm arrived.  It was like getting
stuck outside the draft at a NASCAR race.
I could have put in more hours and made more contacts, but I had very little
success CQing, and S&P gets old after a while.  I had set a goal of 500 Qs,
and I attained it fairly easily working a couple of hours each evening, a couple
each early morning, and a few more during each day.
I heard my brothers (Jeff, VY2ZM and Peter, K3ZM) on during the weekend, so
this turned out to be a great opportunity for operators to earn the coveted
WABB Award (Worked All Briggs Brothers).
A serious Thank You to ALL those ops who stuck with me to get my call and QTH
right.  I hope to work you all soon from VP2MDG.
George K2DM

Call: K2PO              Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 2,727,180
Thank you 10 meters!

Last year we managed only 43 countries on 10m.  This year we logged 94.  The
European opening on Saturday morning made all the difference.

Another bit of excitement was the 3 hour Saturday night 20m polar opening - 200
contacts went into the log during what are often our slowest hours.

Together, those openings made Europe our top continent, at 45% of our QSOs, vs.
32% last year.  (Asia was 37% this year, vs. 46% last year.)

Carl, WS7L, was a repeat from last year's crew, and operated multiple shifts
�" including in the middle of the night both Friday and Saturday.  Jim,
KI7Y, handled the tedious Sunday duty of combing the bands to find the weak
stations that the skimmers missed.

We envied N7OU and NE7D of our Willamette Valley DX Club, who escaped Oregon's
stormy winter for a summery DXpedition in Vanuatu.  We worked YJ0OU on five

Speaking of our stormy winter (e.g., winds of 55 mph were clocked on the tower
both Saturday and Sunday), the power went out for several hours early Sunday
morning.  We were able to power the rig and computer with a small Honda
generator, but op Carl missed niceties like heat and water for a while.

KH6LC, KH7XX, P40L, PJ2T, RT0C, RT0F, and TI5W.

Thanks to all,

Bill, K2PO
Portland, Oregon

Call: K2PS              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 152,139
I took a chance and put up my 4 element 10M yagi in the backyard of my home in
this antenna-restricted development.
I made sure to put up a sign for anyone creeping around to let them know the
antenna will be removed on Monday.

What a difference that made!  Even though I dared not raise it too high to be
seen (actually I realized after I got it raised that I couldn't turn it past
West because the ends bumped into the roof!), it made a huge difference over
the 10M dipole I had been using.

Although the rates weren't great, I was able to run quite a bit, even with my
100W.  Conditions were excellent, especially into Asia.  Since I'm new to
contesting from Florida, I can't be sure if the terrific JA opening was so good
because of the QTH, or if my buddies in SNJ and DC also experienced it.  Signals
were loud and lasted well past sunset, and along with many JAs I was able to
work BA, HL, and 9M6.

73, Pete, K2PS/4

Call: K2QMF             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,931,000
Sure nice to have 10 Meters again!

Thanks for the Q's...

Call: K2QO              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 98,643
Nice conditions this weekend! 10 and 15 were especially good and the Au on
Saturday made for some neat sounding signals. I kept checking 6 and 2 hoping
for some VHF+ action but there was none from my QTH in FN03ra. Guys east and
north of me were working Au.

Heard both Laos and China with good signals but they surely did not hear me. An
amplifier and stacked Yagi's may have helped :-)

K3 @ 5W, F12C4e, 220' CF dipole up ~45', W1FB Inverted-U for 160 (used on
Skookum Logger, WinKeyerUSB and a Mac Mini.

Mark K2QO

Call: K2QPN             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 93,744
I have been fighting a upper respiratory infection and feeling like crap.
Operating from the basement shack would only aggravate the situation. I brought
the IC7000 upstairs, ran some coax over the snow, and connected to the beam. I
pointed the beam towards Europe and operated between bouts of hacking and
coughing. I was pleasantly surprised how well the minimalist station worked.

I upgraded my laptop from XP to WIN 7. Found that none of my USB to serial
adapters will work. Had to use a PC with a real serial port.

Call: K2SSS             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 527,160
First day it was very nice condition 1086 q's and 99 mul.
Next day lot of static and noise.
Many qrp stn fron JA/EU.
Tnx every body for qso's cu next contest,

73 Zee

Call: K2TTM             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,649,778
Fantastic condx & great ops all around. Don't think I'll see the likes of
this one again.


Call: K2WK              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 436,254
That was fun.

Call: K2YR              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 50,220
Conditions seemed great on 15M.  Friday night pointed beam North and suddenly
seemed everyone could hear me!  Cool stuff.  HI
Thanks for the Q's

73, Carl, K2YR

Call: K2ZC              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,085,184
I'm getting too old for this. But even though it was exhausting for me, it was a
lot of fun. Thanks to all for the qso's. Now it's time to shovel snow.
73 es GL
Dave k2zc

Call: K2ZR/4            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 238,038
Rig: K2 @ 75 Watts
Antenna: 40M Windom w/clip over wire from short element to QTH gutters for
Log: N1MM

An all S&P operation with good conditions here in "Old Town" Key

Dick, K2ZR/4

Call: K3AJ              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,174,424
160M: Base Loaded 68 ft. vertical
80M: 68 ft. vertical
40M: 4-square vertical array
20M/15M/10M: 3-el SteppIR at 50 ft.
RX: 240 ft. beverages NE/SW, K9AY loop

Call: K3CR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,045,108
Had to call it quits early to preserve the global sanity. The whole thing wasn't
meant to be from the very beginning but had to give it a try. I did and I had
fun most of the time. Hope you did too!

Thanks to Jim, WA3FET for letting me use the station again.

73, Alex LZ4AX

Call: K3DCW             Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 58,500
I am not a CW op, and am still working on getting the code down.  This was the
first CW contest where I haven't picked around the edges. Decided to do a
10m-only effort with a goal of finishing my DXCC on 10m before the solar cycle
crashes. I had no other real goal for the contest other than to work what I
could and to have fun.

Friday night was a 30 minute quick scan of the band, Saturday afternoon I spent
about an hour in the chair.  Sunday brought some peace and quiet, and thus some
more serious chair time; totaling about 9 hours with breaks spread throughout.

All QSOs were S&P as I don't trust my CW ear enough to try and run a
frequency. The rig was my K3 running at 100w into my Inverted L antenna, using
a 250Hz filter setting on the rig.

I really enjoyed the contest and feel pretty good about the results.  I'm
already looking forward to the next CW contest.

Call: K3EL              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,066,428
K3/Acom 2000a
Steppir @ 42' - 3 ele 10-20 M dipole 40 m, 80 m delta loop, 160 m inv-L
N1MM logger

Call: K3IE              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,437,323
The 20 meter opening Saturday night (all night) was just plain fun - the band
was rocking over the pole.  Had a glimmer of a solar peak.

Just fell short of my 2k QSO goal but really enjoyed the weekend.

Thanks for the Q's - Hunter, K3IE

Call: K3JT              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,460,736
WOW. My best score from home ever.  What a blast!

Call: K3LR              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 19,367,640
What better way to spend a winter weekend than in the radio shack with a bunch
of good friends! Great fun and a few surprises from the sun made for a very
interesting radio contest. Another super close race once again! Congrats to all
of the Multi Multi teams. The score from the W3LPL team is very FB! We are
honored to compete along side the W3LPL team. Our scores are always close.

The contestmen at K3LR really pushed hard and made the most of the radio
conditions. No time to get discouraged when the K index shot up and the bands
appeared to die. I was very proud to host this special group of friends.

As always, thanks to my good friend Dave, W9PA who put in tons of hours working
on many projects here at K3LR to get us ready and keep us going. Thanks for all
of your help and inspiration Dave!

Also thanks to Greg, W8WWV for his help on several projects that continue to
improve our station capabilities. The work Greg did to improve our 160 RX is
really something.

This K3LR contest operation was dedicated to my father Dan Duffy, who passed
away last week. He always encouraged me to shoot for the stars and never give
up. His spirit lives on.

K3LR station details are at http://www.k3lr.com click on the HARDWARE tab.

We look forward to hearing YOU on the air and enjoying the ARRL
International DX Phone Contest in two weeks.

>From the K3LR Team - Very 73,
Tim K3LR




 160    141     59     K3LR
  80    798     96     K3UA + W5OV
  40   1896    124     N2NC + VE3EJ
  20   2388    134     W2RQ + VE3EY + N3SD
  15   2374    136     K1DG + N0AX
  10   1883    132     N3GJ + K9GY

Totals 9480    681  =   19,367,640

                             Continent Statistics

                160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America    25   41   54   59   59   54  292     3.0
South America     9   16   41   64   67   83  280     2.8
Europe          102  698 1458 1932 1722 1437 7349    74.4
Asia              0   39  358  430  530  297 1654    16.8
Africa            4   14   21   27   22   25  113     1.1
Oceania           3   19   36   50   48   29  185     1.9


HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

 0    23/17    90/31   214/49    90/54   119/30    55/17  591/198  591/198
 1     8/2     52/8     89/12    53/12   127/4      3/1    332/39  923/237
 2    10/8     64/13    66/11    84/13    64/1       .     288/46 1211/283
 3    16/5     61/7     78/7     67/3       .        .     222/22 1433/305
 4    11/7     54/5     81/1     52/5       .        .     198/18 1631/323
 5    16/7     58/5     81/6     36/3       .        .     191/21 1822/344
 6     3/2     50/2    105/2     69/1       .        .     227/7  2049/351
 7     1/0     33/4     83/3     85/1       .        .     202/8  2251/359
 8     1/0      5/2     82/3    123/7     .....    .....   211/12 2462/371
 9     2/1      3/3     72/2     79/1       .        .     156/7  2618/378
10      .       5/2     73/2     96/1     12/10      .     186/15 2804/393
11     1/0     17/0     58/3    122/3    136/35    48/20   382/61 3186/454
12      .      13/1     38/2     84/6    210/17   200/40   545/66 3731/520
13      .        .       2/0     58/0    174/2    180/19   414/21 4145/541
14      .        .        .      38/0    137/4    196/6    371/10 4516/551
15      .        .        .      32/2    103/3    142/3    277/8  4793/559
16    .....    .....    .....    43/0    108/4    132/0    283/4  5076/563
17      .        .        .      55/2     91/0     74/3    220/5  5296/568
18      .        .        .      78/2    119/4     47/4    244/10 5540/578
19      .        .       6/0     86/1     63/4     23/2    178/7  5718/585
20      .        .      48/1     64/0     40/1     10/2    162/4  5880/589
21      .       1/0     90/2     70/0     42/0     19/1    222/3  6102/592
22      .       7/0     69/0     42/1     55/1     80/0    253/2  6355/594
23     1/1     25/2     77/1     23/1     47/1     84/2    257/8  6612/602
 0    .....     9/1     16/1      8/0     39/0     31/0    103/2  6715/604
 1     1/1      9/1     22/3     13/1     17/0      2/0     64/6  6779/610
 2     4/2     13/1     26/2     24/2      8/0       .      75/7  6854/617
 3     3/1     14/1     24/0      6/0     14/1       .      61/3  6915/620
 4     2/0     20/1     25/1     25/0      7/0       .      79/2  6994/622
 5    21/1     48/1     34/0     34/0      1/0       .     138/2  7132/624
 6    15/2     47/0     36/0     37/0       .        .     135/2  7267/626
 7     2/2     23/1     54/2     45/1       .        .     124/6  7391/632
 8    .....     5/0     52/1     45/0     .....    .....   102/1  7493/633
 9      .       3/0     31/1     30/0       .        .      64/1  7557/634
10      .       2/0     27/1     49/0       .        .      78/1  7635/635
11      .       1/1      6/1     53/0     31/3       .      91/5  7726/640
12      .       2/0      8/2     52/3    101/1     76/2    239/8  7965/648
13      .        .       2/0     37/2     99/4    129/1    267/7  8232/655
14      .        .        .      22/0     90/0    111/3    223/3  8455/658
15      .        .        .      28/0     82/0     67/1    177/1  8632/659
16    .....    .....    .....    24/0     55/1     77/1    156/2  8788/661
17      .        .        .      23/0     64/0     47/1    134/1  8922/662
18      .        .        .      39/0     53/1     11/0    103/1  9025/663
19      .        .       1/0     30/1     30/2      9/1     70/4  9095/667
20      .        .      15/0     52/0     14/1      9/1     90/2  9185/669
21      .       2/0     28/1     41/2      3/0      8/1     82/4  9267/673
22      .      26/1     46/0     24/2     11/1      5/0    112/4  9379/677
23      .      36/2     31/1     18/1      8/0      8/0    101/4  9480/681
DAY1  93/50   538/85 1412/107 1629/119 1647/121 1293/120    ..... 6612/602
DAY2  48/9    260/11   484/17   759/15   727/15   590/12      .   2868/79
TOT  141/59   798/96 1896/124 2388/134 2374/136 1883/132      .   9480/681

                  QSO Counts By Band-Country


PRFX   160         80          40          20          15          10

 3A                                                     1
3B8                                         1
3B9                             2           1
 3V     1           1           1           2           1           1
 3W                                         2           1
 4J                             3           4           3           4
 4L                             1           1           1           1
 4O                                                     1           2
 4X                             3           9           7           8
 5B                 1           2           2           2           3
 5H                 1           1           1           1           1
 6W                                                                 1
 6Y     1           1           1           1           1           1
 8P                             1
 8Q                                         1           1
 9A     3           8          27          20          19          19
 9H                 1           1           1           1           1
 9K                                                                 1
 9L                 1           1           1           1           1
9M2                                         2
9M6                             1           1           1           1
 9V                             1           1           1           1
 9Y                             1           1           1           1
 A6                             1           2           2           2
 A9                                                     1
 BV                             1           3           4           1
 BY                             4           7          19           4
 C6     1           2           2           4           1           2
 CE                 1           3           2           3           6
CE9                             2           2           2           1
 CM                 6           7           3           4           2
 CN     1           1           1           2           1           1
 CP                                                                 1
 CT     1           1           2           3           4           4
CT3     1           1           1           3           1           3
 CU     1                       1           1           1           1
 CX                 1           3           3           4           4
 D4                 1           1           1           1           1
 DL     7         131         244         309         299         267
 DU                             1           2           2           2
 E7     1           1           9           9           7           6
 EA     6          23          48          63          54          54
EA6                 1           1           3           2           2
EA8                 6           8          10           9           9
EA9                             1           1           1           1
 EI     1           6          16          11          15          11
 EK                                         1
 ER                 1           1           1           2           1
 ES     1           4           7           9           8           5
 EU                16          22          26          25          14
 EX                                         1           1
  F     7          27          44          64          60          46
 FG     1           2           3           3           3           3
 FK     1           1           2           1           2           2
 FO                             1
 FP                 1           1           1           1
 FR     1           1           1
 FY                                         1           1           1
  G     8          44          78         101          96         100
 GD                 1           1           2                       1
 GI     1           2           3           3           4           5
 GJ                                                     1
 GM     1          11          14          26          22          18
 GU                             1           1           1           4
 GW                 2           4           4           4           5
 HA     5          20          45          65          46          43
 HB     2          11          13          25          24          16
HB0                                                     1
 HC     1           1           1           1                       1
 HI                 1           1           2           1           1
 HK     2           1           5           4           2           1
 HL                             3           5          13           2
 HP                                         1           1           1
 HS                 1           2           8           7           2
 HZ                             1           1           2           1
  I    17          43         130         176         153         120
 IS                 2           6           7           5           4
 J2                                                                 1
 J3     1           2           1           1           1           1
 J8                                                     1
 JA                31         282         252         382         228
 JT                             1           1           2
 JW                 1           2           4           2           1
 JY                                                     1           1
KH2                 1           2           2           3           2
KH6     2           7           6           8          12           9
 KL     2           5           6           8           9           9
KP2     5           5           5           5           5           6
KP4     3           2           5           7           7           5
 LA                 9          16          15          15          15
 LU                             7          12          12          22
 LX                 2           2           2           3           2
 LY     3          10          16          20          17          12
 LZ     1           8          23          25          32          31
 OA                 1           1           1           1           1
 OE     2           5          11          14          13           9
 OH     1          22          33          61          45          36
 OK     4          57          84          94          90          69
 OM     2          15          25          35          27          15
 ON     1          12          23          38          26          23
 OX                                         2           2           1
 OY                 1           1           1                       1
 OZ                10          15          18          12          19
 P4     2           3           3           3           3           3
 PA     5          27          60          79          77          79
PJ2     1           1           1           1           1           1
PJ4     1           2           2           3           3           3
PJ5     1           1           1           1           1           1
PJ7                                         1           1           1
 PY     2           4          14          29          34          36
 PZ                                                     1
 S5     4          21          38          38          41          27
 SM     3          15          44          60          51          43
 SP     3          27          55          60          65          59
 SU                                                     1
 SV     1           4           8           5           5           8
SV9                             2           2           3           2
 T7                                                     1           1
 TA                 1           3           5           4           2
 TF                             2           3           3           2
 TI     1           1           2           1           1           1
 TK                                         3           3           2
 UA     1          26         119         217         159          90
UA2                 1           2           3           2           4
UA9                 5          42          92          60          29
 UK                             1           2           1           1
 UN                             3          21          10           3
 UR     5          35         103         123         103          79
 V2     1           1           1           1           1           1
 V3     2           1           1           2           2           3
 V7                                                     1
 VK                 7          15          21          12           5
VP2E    1           1           1           1           1           1
VP5     1           1           1           2           1           1
VP8                                                                 1
VP9     1           1           1           1           1           1
 VR                             2           2                       1
 VU                             1           4           4           1
 XE     1           1           3           2           4           4
 XW                             1           1           1           1
 YB                             2           5           8
 YJ                 1           1           1           1           1
 YL                 5          10          11          12           7
 YN     1           1           2           2           2           2
 YO                15          25          39          36          32
 YS                 1           1           1           1           1
 YU     4          13          19          24          19          15
 YV                 1                       2           1           1
 Z3                 1           2           8           4           4
 ZB                                                                 1
 ZF     1           4           5           4           4           4
 ZL                 2           5           8           5           7
 ZP                                         1
 ZS                 1           3           4           5           5

Call: K3MD              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,234,696
Some of my cross-check exchanges are clearly in error... is ATT different than
99?  Is 70 or 80 correct?  Hit the wall at 0300 Sun. as usual.  Unbelievable
conditions!!!!!!  Solar storm on Saturday did not materialize.

Call: K3OO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,260,720
Some running, some DXing, some shoveling.

Rick K3OO

Call: K3PA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,090,130
First DX test from new QTH.  Now for 80/160 antennas next year!

Call: K3PH              Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 2,632,500
First attempt at the multi-single, low power category.

Call: K3PP              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,262,460
It was a tough weekend to dedicate to a contest, but this is one of the big ones
and I just COULDN'T miss it! I had to do some work for a client and then my wife
and I had to clean up after Mother Nature's latest blanket of white. 100%

Call: K3STX             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 95,004
Wow, what a difference a day makes. The second night was BRUTAL. I am SORRY to
all the Eu guys that I tried to work before 0000Z on the second night; the
QRN/QSB/noise was so bad I thought it might be best to turn off the rig and
call it a night. But for some reason I kept at it. My sunrise was great, lots
of JAs made up for the lack of Eu on the second night.

I almost ALWAYS operate assisted; I thought I would try this out for
comparison. Still not sure how I feel; if there were at SOSB40A I would do it
(last year I did just that, only to find out there is no such category!). I
wonder how many Qs/mults I missed without Skimmer. I guess I will find out with
other scores.

Thanks for the QSOs, conditions really stunk here. Too bad.

Paul K3STX
Kenwood TS-590S; Ameritron AL-811 400 watts
40 M dipole up 50' to Eu; Pennant ant to Eu
100' long dipole up 50' N/S for SA/Asia

Call: K3TN              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,342,068
K3, KPA-500, 135' OCF Dipole at 45'

This was a Semi Single Op (was home for less than 1/2 the weekend)Semi Assisted
(the snowstorm took out our FIOS Internet for most of Saturday) Semi High Power
(500w) operation - but fully fun.

Great conditions, even the CME didn't disrupt things very much. I was on at
chunks of odd times - could always find a band to run on or do high speed SO2V
S&P - except for 160 which was stinko any time I checked.

Call: K3TUF             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,143,414
Had high hopes, then early Saturday pipe burst in garage and wiped out a lot of
Really enjoyed the time I had to operate.  The new 40 meter beam at 140 feet
73, Phil

Call: K3WA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,789,886
Great contest.  Conditions were outstanding at first but hampered by seriously
bad snow QRN on Saturday evening.  Spent 33 hours on the air with the rest of
the time shared betwwen shoveling snow and getting this old man some sleep.
The strangest part of the contest was getting in some pileups where K3WA, K3RA,
K3PA, and VA2WA were all competing for the same Q.  The Good Sportmanship award
goes to Drew, K3PA.  In one of those pileups he gave me a heads-up that the DX
was coming back to me.  He could have just as easily answered and likely taken
the Q away.

Thanks Drew!  I owe you one.

Call: K3WW              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 7,136,061
Down a bit from last year in Qs and Mults but at least made 1000 Qs on 4 bands
this time.

Call: K4AB              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,866,970
What a pleasant surprize to have the bands in great shape, despite
the dire predictions.  The low bands on the first night were the quietist
I can recall, and signal level were good.

One of the things I look forward to in this contest are the 2 A.M. local
openings over the pole.  The Asia/Europe pileups were massive.  And
everyone is calling zero beat on my frequency.  Plus add in the Arctic
flutter and the endless calling of some poor ops.  Still is it one of
my favorite things.

Larry K4AB

Call: K4EU              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 817,938
Missed all of Saturday after 1900Z to Sunday 1300Z due to family
responsibilities.  Believe would have easily gone over the million point
barrier if could have operated during this period.....  Lots of really good low
power/QRP signals worked....

Thanks for the Q's!!!

73....//Steve K4EU

Call: K4FJ              Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 27,720
Saturday was a wipeout.+

Call: K4GM              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 355,020
One dipole antenna but still had fun. Conditions were great.

Call: K4IKM             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,055,798
When I went to bed on Saturday night, I was on my way to a personal best for
ARRL DX CW and I hoped to break 4M points - but it was not to be. I believe
that propagation was down a bit but my real problem was a dead furnace and snow
removal - these cost me most of the day Sunday. We woke up Sunday am to find our
house was at 51 deg F and dropping. I called the service company but then had to
clear 8" snowfall with 24" drifts on our driveway so the tech could
get in to repair the furnace.

I had a really fun time on 20M from 0252Z to 0339Z when I ran 39 Russians, one
after another, on a dead band. There was absolutely no QRN or QRM whatsoever,
the band was quite dead. These signals were the merest whispers with lots of
flutter, I'd say they were Q5 S0 T9! In 55 years of hamming, I don't think I've
ever worked such weak signals! For me, this was amazing and was the highlight of
this contest.

I'm working on SO2V and making headway with that. Didn't use it much during
this contest but I plan to use in two weeks on the SSB event.

Even with the low operating time, I was happy with my score. This was a great

I want to thank all the DX who gave me their QSOs. Without them, my score would
be ZERO.


Call: K4LM              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,226,916
Operated all S&P with the Cluster. Enjoyed this one the best so far, a very
rich target environment.

TS-590S and LK-500, TH6-DXX at 60ft. and EDZ for 40 at 50ft. N1MM and HB i3
computer and Windows 8.1.  Mercury paddle and HB contest keyer with interface
to radio.

Call: K4LO              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 15,220
First submission for FCG.  Due to XYL health issues I couldn't put in the hours.
 Anyway here is my meager score.  Had fun though!

Call: K4MM              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 35,100
Just a in and out operation, as XYL's sister is here from Berlin, Ger. Condx
fair here. Still fun.
RIG: FT-950
AMP: Dentron 160-10L  TUNER: Dentron MT-200A (600 wts)
ANT: 160 M inverted "L" @ 40'

Thanks to all who worked me. 73 Til the next one.
Tom Colyard K4MM
Porty St Lucie, FL

Call: K4RO              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,302,720
Excellent conditions this year. Thanks for the QSOs.

Log submitted. Confirmation #: 4242849.arrl-dx-cw

Call: K4WW              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 11,700
100% S/P and nothing more to do, on a cold Sunday morning, before church.

Call: K4XS              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 747,360
Set out to break the 4th call are record and/or the USA record for 20.
Accomplished the first, but not the second...and I don't think the logs have a
big enough score to survive the usual points loss from log checking to
establish a new record for the 4th call area.

Fantastic condx, especially the first day.

One note:  Chief ops at MM, M2 etc....  Your station reputation can be marred
by some poor ops.  More than once, I called ?? or QRL a couple of times and got
no reply.  I proceeded to call CQ a couple of times and perhaps made a Q, only
to have a station come on from a MM or M2 claiming it was his freq.  Now we
both knew what was going on here.  The MM station left the freq to grab a mult,
or did not transmit while the S/P station picked up the mult.  This kind of
behavior sucks.  We all know the rule...use it, or lose it.

If any of the station owners want to know if I'm referring to operators at
their stations drop me an email and I'll let you know if there was a problem.

Call: K5BG              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,924,272
This was fun.
Thanks to the DX for showing up.


Call: K5FP              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 282,252
A problem popped up that has been giving me problems for a long time.  Just a
bad solder job on my coax to my main antenna. Got it fixed.  Not much time to
operate this year.
Fred  K5FP

Call: K5GN              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 441,960
A little fooling around with 100W to my 40m vertical led to a bit more time than
I planned, but its was lots of fun in the flutter.

Some very good ears out there!

Call: K5JX              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 189,618
This was great fun! The high bands were in great shape. There are some great DX
ops with super ears!
Elecraft K3, Ameritron AL82, Inverted V at 30 ft., N1MM Logger

Call: K5KG              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,452,904
Condx were excellent, especially for the first half of the contest.  On the
first night, there was little or now QRN on the low bands, and the high bands
remained open late into the night.  On the second night, QRN was high, which
made the low bands more difficult to work.

The statiion was a K3 + the KPA500 amp and KAT Tuner.  My high power amp is on
the fritz, so I was limited to the 500 watt amp.  Logged with WinTest.  The
Elecraft K-Line is fully integrated, so band changing is instantenous.  The
instantaneous band changing, along with the WinTest band map displaying
"mults only" made finding needed mults on any band very easy.

Close in stations such as C6, ZF, CO, YN, YS, and XE were difficult to work. At
times, I could hear and work them, but must of the time, they were too close in
to be copyable   I find this to be true in general from my SW FL QTH.  The
exceptions this weekend, were TI5W and V26M that were loud most of the time.
Also, PJ4X and PJ2T were smashing loud most of the time.

Antennas were C31, 7el 10m yagi, SteppIR Big Vertical on 40m, 80m Lnv Vee, and
160m Inv L.  Like my big amp is on the fritz, so is my 40m yagi, so I was
limted to using the SteppIR Big Vert on 40m; it performed extremely well.  Some
time during the contest, I disccovered that my 10m yagi went dead.  A quick trip
outsied revealed that the ring rotor had rotated past its stop, and ripped the
coax loose. I did not attempt to fix it since the C31 covers 10m.  For
receiving, I use a Pixel mag loop, and it did a wonderful job.  I would not
have had many of the low band contacts without it.  I even used it on 40m the
second night to cut thru the QRN.

73, George, K5KG

Call: K5KU              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,521,000
lot of fun...but developed some sort of strange s8 noise on 20 so the count is
out of whack as to what it could have been.

this is my 2nd arrl cw test since getting back on the air after 30 years of
inactivity. the station is still in development so hope to be more competitive
next time along with improved operating skills.

ants:   1.8   dipole
        3.5   shunt fed 70' tower
        7.0   klm 40m4 @ 80'
         kt-34xa @ 70'


Call: K5NA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,686,744
This contest is always fun.

73, Richard - K5NA

Call: K5NZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 716,703
TH6 Fixed North

Call: K5RT              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 4,106,775
That was fun! 20 meters Saturday night/Sunday morning was incredible!

No major problems other than some power line noise that really hurt the 160/80
meter multiplier totals.

This was a "classic" M/S: One station, rotating operators in the

Vy Sennytree
Red Truck

Call: K5YAA             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 649,788
This gang buster Multi-1 setup consisted of the following items:

Two high school friends - 1959 vintage
Two K3 units, one a Zero and one a Real one.
Two little remote black boxes
Two rather large aluminum aerials
A rotator stuck on a NE heading of about 30 degrees
A, at times fussy iNet connection between Dallas, TX and Claremore, OK
A well performing Tokyo HL 1.2Kfx Amplifier (800 powerful watts)
Two battery powered iPhone type units
Two coffee makers
Two small rooms with stool looking things in them and handles on them
Two comfortable chairs for older fellows
Two cooperative XYL types

The above arrangements made for a terrific weekend of fun for the two, now
older rascals that are retired and enjoying their lifelong hobby.  The bands we
had aluminum available for were limited to 10 and 15 meters (see all the zeros
in the various band boxes above) Those two characters worked their tails off
trying to work as many DX stations as they could on those two bands and in the
number of hours available what with grand kids and longtime understanding XYLs
that always come first.

The bands cooperated! 10 and 15 were as hot as the Oklahoma part of the team
has seen since 2002.  The P3 adapter owned by the Dallas end was well lit up
both days. Fun runs of Europeans occurred on both bands and both mornings for
several hours.  Rates hit as high as 300/hour at times and were a steady 190+
for long periods.  We enjoyed working those Europeans and were amazed at the
number of off the side and off the back yagi QSOs we logged.  Breaking pileups
at times to Africa, Oceania and South America.  On Sunday afternoon the
Caribbean and South America were hitting well over S9 - off the back and side
of the aerials.  The DX gods were shining on us since they know these may be
some of the last good years we have to enjoy our beloved CW.

We had worked the week before the contest getting the little remote devices
finely tuned.  The Dallas part of the team needed to install N1MM so we bugged
a couple of younger ops asking why N1MM didn't let us assign a port higher than
COM8 for RT interface.  With their help we figured out what we needed to do but
time was short so we didn't get Dallas running on N1MM and with all the little
black box remote cabling didn't set up the remote - Oklahoma end - with it's
normal N1MM radio interface - just CW keying which meant the Oklahoma end
needed to remember to change frequencies in the logging window of N1MM -
something he failed to do a couple of times before a handful of Qs were logged
on the wrong band.  Try editing freqs. in N1MM entries while smoking along with
a large pile of aggressive European callers.  The log got edited but not before
several delays in response occurred. Our apologies to those who had others to
work and got frustrated with our seeming inability to do CW.

Something noticeably different from earlier years in a major contest was the
lack of frequency fights.  The Oklahoma operator noticed only a handful of head
butts and they didn't last long.  One had to do with the Oklahoma guy trying to
entice a mult by scooting up a KC or so and hollerin CQ Test.  A QRL wasn't
broadcast, the frequency wasn't occupied at that instant second in time, so the
CQ Test went out. An aggravated East Coaster, I think, sent - YAA QRL QSY!
Oooops stepped on somebody.  An apology to whoever that was. Needless to say my
fishing expedition came up empty. I had tossed out my lure and immediately the
line on my reel became tangled!  A handful of radios had spurs and clicks. One
in particular had something terribly wrong with it.  A DX station it was.  At
keydown it sounded, right at the start that a rubber band was holding down the
tone.  Boing - the rubber band expanded and the rest of the exchange was good
tone and copy.  I sat and listened for a little while because it reminded me of
chirps, blurps and drifting signals I used to hear on the Early Warning barrier
in the North Atlantic coming from over the pole. I think they were from over
the pole. I suppose I was harkening back to my boyhood which my Dallas friend
and I did a lot during the contest and the week running up to it.

We had a good time, which is what the hobby is all about.  The latest
technology for radio control amazes even these two old guys who both have
technical backgrounds.

Thanks to all the DX stations for the terrific QSOs and multipliers. Their
activity is much appreciated.  The ARRL DX CW test is a special one.  A Q with
PJ5W and hearing the Doc send my name topped the list of friends K5YAA enjoyed
working in this one.

Till our next exploits with, hopefully a full arsenal of aluminum
73, de Bill AK5X (The Dallas Guy) and Jerry K5YAA (The Oklahoma Guy)

Our setup included:
Dallas - A K3/0 and a hand keyer that sends Charles Whiskey
Oklahoma - A K3, Tokyo Amp, 6el 15 meter Force and 8el 10 meter Force arrays
atop a 60' tower on an 70' Oklahoma cliff stuck pointing right at Central
A Dell Laptop that also sends Charles Whiskey with the the assistance of
N1MM logging <- A real piece of design work.

Call: K5ZD              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 6,565,110
I am little burned out on contesting.  Just in the middle of CQWW results, made
trip to Estonia for the Contest Club of Finland meeting 2 weeks ago, and
WRTC2014.  So couldn't get up for a full effort, but as it seems each time, the
great conditions lured me in for more operating than I planned.

It wasn't without challenges.  Spent the first 90 minutes on 40m with the amp
tuned to 10m.  I turned the amp on, but forgot to tune it.  Still worked a
bunch of guys but couldn't figure out why I felt so weak.  Duh!  Discovered the
TH7 mult antenna would not turn and didn't seem to pointed exactly south.
Something to work on when the snow melts.

Started getting the sniffles on Friday evening.  It had turned into a full on
cold with some fever by Sat morning. My whole station now needs to be
disinfected from the occasional sneeze...

All bands were good.  160m to 10m. I made myself take a nap the first night and
then took another off time at midday to go for a walk and get a haircut.  The
rates during the morning were incredible.  A personal best 60 minutes of 222!
Personal best clock hour of 219.  Could have been better, but the zero beat
problem often caused some delay in getting a callsign.

Had just settled into a perfect run frequency on 40m Sat afternoon when the
snow static started.  Wiped out 40 and pushed me back to 20m. Then I got the
dinner call and took a break.

With the cold, I figured it would be good to get some more sleep.  Didn't set
the alarm and figured I would probably sleep 8 hours or so.  I woke up at one
point and saw the clock said 10:43.  In my fog, I thought that was GMT and it
was the perfect time to wake up.  I was on the air making QSOs before I
realized it was local time and had only slept 3 hours.

It exposed me to the most incredible conditions of the weekend.  I happened to
listen on 15m at 0400z.  There were signals there!  Lots of them from Asia and
very loud.  Worked a JT1, BG2, XW0, UA0s, JAs.  Even wilder, I was alternating
making QSOs on 15m and 160m.  It was really noisy here on 160, but must have
been very quiet in Europe because everyone came right back on the first call.

About 0730z I ended up on 20m.  The band was open to everywhere over the pole.
I had one beam NE and one NW. Started off with some Eu and then the JAs started
calling.  JAs don't usually call me, much less have a real run.  Signals had a
polar sound, but were loud enough to get the whole call each time.  Even worked
some QRP JAs. This lasted until about 0930z.  Must not have been much activity
on the band because I had lots of callers.

Took a 90 minute nap and then came back on at 1130z. 15m was already rocking so
I went there.  More big hours.  Kept waiting for 10m to open, but it didn't
sound as good at 15m.  Heard K0DQ up in ME running guys before I could.
Finally made the jump around 1445z.

Some studly QSOs during the day.  Plenty of VU2s on 10-20m. Several HS0 called
in on 15m over Europe.  As did two VK6s.  The amazing QSO was JA1BPA calling in
on 15m LP at 1337z.

Using the cluster was fun because it allowed me to run like a maniac all the
time without missing too much.  Even with it, there weren't many new mults on
the second day. Mostly filling in band slots.

The ultimate proof of how good conditions were is the number of 5 and 6 band

Worked 44 stations on 6 bands:

Worked 86 on 5 bands.

It also means there isn't as much pressure on any one band.  With everyone
spread out across 3+ bands at a time, it was never difficult to find a
frequency.  No frequency fights the whole weekend!

Thanks to everyone who called in.  This was a great one for having fun running
rate and chasing DX.


QSO/DX by hour and band

Hour   160M     80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    Off

0000Z  --+--   --+--   87/34   24/21   --+--   --+--  111/55    111/55
0100Z    -       -     72/12   20/15     -       -     92/27    203/82
0200Z   1/1    80/34    5/1     2/0      -       -     88/36    291/118
0300Z  20/17   10/2      -     42/11     -       -     72/30    363/148
0400Z   5/5    74/14    2/2    19/4      -       -    100/25    463/173
0500Z   1/1    16/11   17/16   35/4      -       -     69/32    532/205
0600Z   2/2    76/4     7/3    32/5      -       -    117/14    649/219
0700Z   4/4     1/1    48/5    82/12     -       -    135/22    784/241
0800Z   3/3    --+--   54/2     3/0    --+--   --+--   60/5     844/246   28
0900Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     844/246   60
1000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0     844/246   60
1100Z    -      2/2     9/4      -    109/33     -    120/39    964/285    9
1200Z    -       -       -     11/5   169/11   28/19  208/35   1172/320
1300Z    -       -       -       -      8/4   211/23  219/27   1391/347
1400Z    -       -       -       -     14/9   175/9   189/18   1580/365
1500Z    -       -       -       -      4/4    21/18   25/22   1605/387   44
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    1605/387   60
1700Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1605/387   60
1800Z    -       -       -       -     70/3    21/12   91/15   1696/402   22
1900Z    -       -       -    140/5    27/11    2/1   169/17   1865/419
2000Z    -       -     27/0    87/3    12/6     6/3   132/12   1997/431
2100Z    -       -       -     78/2    16/3    13/6   107/11   2104/442
2200Z    -       -       -     19/0    12/2     8/0    39/2    2143/444   35
2300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2143/444   60
0000Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    2143/444   60
0100Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2143/444   60
0200Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2143/444   60
0300Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2143/444   60
0400Z  15/4     2/0    68/4     8/3     8/3      -    101/14   2244/458
0500Z  11/2    68/1    10/1     6/5      -       -     95/9    2339/467
0600Z   2/2    15/1    98/1     1/0      -       -    116/4    2455/471
0700Z    -      3/0    40/0    70/1      -       -    113/1    2568/472
0800Z  --+--   --+--    4/1   129/4    --+--   --+--  133/5    2701/477
0900Z    -      3/0     1/1    46/0      -       -     50/1    2751/478   12
1000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2751/478   60
1100Z    -       -      2/1      -     59/0      -     61/1    2812/479   36
1200Z    -       -       -      3/2   173/5     6/3   182/10   2994/489
1300Z    -       -       -      1/0   152/5    11/2   164/7    3158/496
1400Z    -       -       -       -     83/5    54/1   137/6    3295/502
1500Z    -       -       -      4/1     5/2   147/3   156/6    3451/508
1600Z  --+--   --+--   --+--    1/1    17/2   113/1   131/4    3582/512
1700Z    -       -       -      6/0    77/1    61/2   144/3    3726/515
1800Z    -       -       -     85/2    26/0    18/0   129/2    3855/517
1900Z    -       -       -     60/0     1/1    12/1    73/2    3928/519   23
2000Z    -       -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3928/519   60
2100Z    -       -      4/1     1/1      -       -      5/2    3933/521   54
2200Z    -       -     80/2    29/2      -      2/0   111/4    4044/525
2300Z    -     26/0    28/2      -     27/2     4/1    85/5    4129/530    7

Total: 64/41  376/70  663/93 1044/109 1069/112 913/105

By continent

          160M    80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    EU      45    337    589    806    904    791    3472    84.1
    AF       2      3      7     12     11     11      46     1.1
    NA      12     22     26     25     25     27     137     3.3
    SA       4      8     15     24     25     42     118     2.9
    OC       1      5      7     15     13      9      50     1.2
    AS       0      1     19    162     91     33     306     7.4


Elecraft K3 + Alpha 76CA
FT1000D + AL-1200

160m: 1/4-wave GP, shunt fed tower
80m: 4 square
40m: 2-el Yagi @ 110'
20m: 5-el/5-el @ 100'/50'
15m: 4-el/4-el @ 66'/33'
10m: 6-el/4-el/4-el @90'/60'/30'
South: TH7DXX @40'

Call: K6AW              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 249,912
Stopped at the end of day 1 because of equipment problems. Condx were unusual.
Thanks for the Q's and thanks to Ken for use of the station.

Call: K6CSL             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 49,104
Wow! A new station record. The conditions were great. Hard work, but oh, so
I am running one new antenna, in place of my stealth wire across my back yard.
I installed a new Maldol HVU-8 Compact Vertical for 80-10m. It is only 8ft
tall, completely hidden behind the house. It works well on all bands, though it
still needs a little fine tuning. Bert, K6CSL

Call: K6GHA             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 6,804
I had a lot of fun for only a few hours of S&P effort.  A good time
capturing Morocco and Somalia on 10m QRP.

Call: K6III             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 18,318
Casual ops, all hunt-n-Pounce
350w F12c4 at 60ft, 40m dipole

Call: K6JEB             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 44,253
Considering this fell on Valentine's Day weekend, it's a wonder I was able to
operate.  But once the XYL and I returned from some Sonoma County wine-tasting
(again)I realized how excellent the bands were.  Ten meters was HOPPING with DX
workable on the first try, even off the side of the beam with the amp off!

Let's hope conditions stay like this for a bit longer.

Call: K6KYJ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 106,299
Happy, happy, happy! This is the first contest that I have enjoyed since 2009.
Just an old man and his hundred watt radio and a backyard full of wires. No
skimmers, no reamers, no boomers. And no Big Brothers to tell me how far short
of their expectations I have sunk.

This contest was one hundred percent pure California Organic Search and Pounce.
 All 279 Q's consummated by turning a dial and listening carefully for someone
sending "KW".  The only runs I made were to the room down the hall.
Next year will be my 60th year in amateur radio and weekends like this inspire
me to keep on chugging along.

Not all of us can be Big Guns, but we can still be Lil' Pistols with Attitude!

K2/100 (thanks, Al)
Single band dipoles 80m - 10m, quarter wave sloper 160m

Call: K6LE              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 59,508
K3 100W
90' wire at 35'
Logger = RUMPed for the Mac

10M was absolutely amazing on Saturday morning.

Call: K6LL              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,437,400
Saturday was fabulous!  Sunday, not so much.

Call: K6LRN             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 670,878
Thanks for the 'Qs'...always nice to say hello to friends around the world.

Call: K6NR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,110,888
Saturday morning had the best conditions to Europe I've heard in
a very long while.  Big pileup calling me for about an hour, managed
to work 140 stations then.  Great fun.    Low bands were "less

Thanks for the QSOs.    dana

Call: K6NV              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 172,436
Mostly S&P which worked out ok.  Clearly not a full time effort, only low
power on 20m, rest of the time 5-600w.

Call: K6RIM             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 704,781
The propagation numbers for the contest period looked discouraging, but I found
conditions good to excellent on all of the bands. From the West Coast, 40M had
good EU openings during the evening. 20M opened early to EU and stayed open in
the afternoon and evening. Even had some decent morning openings on 10M to EU.
But found little activity from Africa.

Normally, I run HP with an Alpha 9500. Recently, I acquired an Elecraft KPA500
as a backup amplifier, and I used the KPA500 during the entire contest. So I
ran 500 watts instead of 1,500.  How much difference could I detect? Virtually
none! The little KPA500 performed like a champ and I never found myself wishing
for more power.

Call: K6ST              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 7,440
Fun operating 10m and 15m Sunday from N6XI station.  Thanks Rick N6XI!

Call: K7ABV             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 354,024
had to give up all of sunday for family time, but sure had fun friday night and
saturday...10 was good, and you never know how long it will last...about 95%
was S and P time..enjoyed the nice opening to Europe on 40 Friday night, some
hugh signals...and no waiting..thanks to all for a fun time again...Eric K7ABV

Call: K7DR              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 8,442
FT-450  90w
CB GP Antenna
N1MM Logger

Call: K7EG              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 616,560
Fabulous  condx Sat. OK Sun.  100% S&P.  Quit early Sun PM.  Ran out of


Call: K7FA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,016,688
So many calls, so little time !
Cherry Picking - No serious effort here.

Highlights include Antarctica, South Africa, and others.
One Low-lite was an Iraq Pirate (YI5W) who distracted contesters.
Thanks for the contacts. 73, Tom

Call: K7HBN             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 204,750
Fun! 10 meters never better than Saturday morning

Call: K7IA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 510,078
All S&P--just picking red cherries from the spot list.

Call: K7JQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,079,481
Fun...beat last year. Could have been better if I didn't have to work on
Icom IC-7600, THP HL-1.5KFX, Ground-mounted screwdriver antenna.

Call: K7KU              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 372,696
I believe this to have been my very first try at a 20m single-band entry in any
ARRL-sponsored event.  It did not go as expected.

In each of 2011 and 2012, I participated in this contest as an all-band
entrant.  (I missed 2013.)  My hunch was that the 20m columns on my rate sheets
for the 2011-2012 go-rounds would provide something of an education regarding
20m single this year.  My hunch was right, but it was also quite wrong.

The right part:  QSO rates for my best hours proved to be remarkably similar
among 2011, 2012, and this year.  The wrong part:  the particular hours of the
day that delivered those rates varied considerably this year from what I found
in 2011 and 2012.

This year had another thing in common with 2012, and not entirely a good one.
Multi-path propagation to EU was pronounced over substantial spans of time,
with some paths being delayed relative to others.  The result?  The signal via
one path would fill in the spaces between dits and dahs of the signal from the
very same station via another path.  This produced an uncopiable blur on many
otherwise strong signals.  I've heard these auroral effects before, but never
as intense (or as long lasting) as in 2012 and this year.  Ah, the joys of DX
contesting from WY.

I've seen several comments to the effect that conditions -- particularly on 20m
-- were astoundingly good in North America this year.  I'm afraid the validity
of such comments rather depends upon where the heart of the auroral zone
happens to lie relative to the ionospheric pathways one expects to be most

I had another problem this year.  I couldn't find some of my usual multipliers
in the Pacific/Pacific rim.  No DU; no YB; no 9V1; no KH2.  And it's not
because I wasn't looking for them.  In fact, I worked only one Australian op,
and that was via long path during my afternoon.  No short path to VK for me.

And my final problem:  to make the most of a single 20m entry this year, one
would have needed to treat the contest as a full-bore, near-48-hour effort.  I
didn't expect that, and wasn't really up to it.  So I just did what I could
manage.  Plenty of Q's were left on the table.

Bottom line?  The disappointments were far outweighed by the thrills.  8Q7KB?
Yes!  A 9H1 answering my forlorn CQ in the last hour?  Yes!

Thanks to one and all!

Antenna:  5EL (44' boom) up 130'
Rig:  Kenwood TS-950SDX to an Alpha 86

Bob, K0KR
(op at K7KU)

Call: K7SV              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,769,460
Expected to be upgrading wiring at NR4M during the contest, but wx decided
differently. As a result I decided to see what I could do from the station
running low power. Problem is 20 never really closed so I didn't get a post Eur
sunrise nap. Ended up crashing shortly before beginning day 2. The runs on 10
and 15 were unreal.  Hope we'll have the gang together for M/M from NR4M next
year! Thanks to Steve and Caroline for hosting me!

Call: K7ULS             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 5,760
Powder Mountain (8000')
FT-897d (100w)
40 meter shortened dipole

>From the winter condo with the antenna only 16' off the ground. Operated late
Friday night and Sunday. Nice to work CR2X and EC2DX on 40 out to 5000 mi with
such a peanut whistle setup. No JA's a few ZL's and VK's on 10 and a very short
EU opening Sunday morning on 15 then the Caribbean in the afternoon. No records
broken here just a fun contest to break the winter doldrums.
de K7ULS

Call: K8AJS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 425,580
Propagation was excellent, making this an excellent contest for the few hours I
spent. I didn't plan to spend a lot of time, and wound up just working in the
daytime hours and getting the fun on the high bands.

10 meters was in excellent shape on Saturday, and contacts there were far ahead
of 15 and 20 by the end of that day. On Sunday I caught up on 15 and 20, pretty
much equalizing the efforts and results by the time I shut down.

Thanks to all the DX stations who heard my LP signal and gave me a contact. See
you in the next one!

Rig: K3/P3 100 watts
Antenna: Multi-band quad, 3 elements on 20 and 15, 4 elements on 10.
Software: WriteLog 11.16G

Call: K8BTU             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 860,520
Thanks for all the great ears pulling my weak signal out of the pileups!

Call: K8BZ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,009,323
I guess I'll have to get serious about this contest next time.  Man it gets hard
to stay in the chair after a few hours.  Do OK on the high bands but could use a
better antenna on 40 and 80.  Didn't even try 80 this time.  No antenna for 160
yet, but I'll correct that this summer.

Station used:
3 ele tri-band Yagi
N3FJP Log with CW interface

Thanks for the Q's.  73,

Steve - K8BZ

Call: K8CN              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 316,224
I had high hopes for for a "full on" effort in this contest after last
year's new personal record, especially since the local electric utility had only
two weeks earlier quenched a major power line arc source just up my street (try
contesting with S9 noise across every band from 160 - 6 meters!) - thank you
Public Service!

Murphy was not to be denied though - a nasty head/chest cold set in the day
before the contest start. I came home early from work on Friday, finished set
up of the radio and logger, then laid down for a nap.  Well, a half-hour after
the start I limped into the shack, still exhausted from the cold symptoms, eked
out a few Qs, bailed out after a couple of hours, and proceeded to sleep the
rest of Friday night, all day Saturday, and all of Saturday night.  The extreme
body fatigue finally relented Sunday morning, so I jumped back into the fray at
1400Z and managed to stay at it (with breaks only for dog walking) through to
the end.

Pleasant surprises? Yes, there were a few: the extended period of activity on
the high bands Friday night allowed me to postpone visiting the 40 meter jungle
for a while; the great conditions Sunday morning, although I gather from reading
here that Saturday was better; the extended runs I could maintain on both 15 and
20 meters on Sunday (it really helps to be fresh meat!); the joy of being
spotted (I presume) and being called by 4 or 5 stations simultaneously, all
exactly zero-beat on my frequency.

Out of curiosity I checked last year's log to see at what number of on-air
hours I reached 550 Qs.  It took 16 hours last year, but just 12 hours this
year.  Propagation conditions and my delayed entry into the contest surely
played a role - now if only I could maintain that kind of average rate for 30
or more hours, eh?

Thanks to all those great DX ops who dredged me out of the mud - your copying
skills are the stuff of legend.  The "K8CN Amazement Award" goes to
JF1NHD who must have employed mind reading in addition to superb weak signal
copying skills in giving me my only JA mult and QSO this year on 15 meters.

Next year: no illness, no (audible) power line arc sources, and 35+ hours in
the chair.  We'll see......

Mike, K8CN
Durham NH

Rig: K3 @ 5 watts; crippled Lazy H, hanging much lower than usual, and my
trusty Johnson Matchbox.

Call: K8GL              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,624,739
Rig: IC765 + LK500 amp      4BTV Vertical (10-40)  2 el vertical for 80
450' European beverage + short SA beverage

The low bands had much noise on Saturday evening. The minor disturbance turned
the bands upside down at around 02Z.  But the poor conditions were short lived.
20 Meters suprised me by being open all night. On Friday night 40 and 80 were

I had a great time with my simple station; no need to sit contests out is you
don't have a lot of aluminum up.

Call: K8GU              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 27,300
Just plain too much going on around the house this weekend to operate much more.
 Took the opportunity to fire-test my new K2/100 which will be replacing the
TS-930S at radio #2---when I will get the rest of the SO2R stuff working again
remains to be seen.  K2 did well.  It's not a K3, of course, but it's pretty
darned good and the size is right...


--Ethan, K8GU/3.

Call: K8IA              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 403,380
Ten meters was great Saturday and just so-so on Sunday out here in the West.
Finished Saturday evening with a respectable 1018 qsos. Only 227 q's more all
day Sunday. Ugh! Between activity and conditions, I just ran our of workable

But, this was one of those times where European qso's outnumbered Asian qso's.
588 to 490. That's quite rare here.

Nothing planned here for ARRL DX SSB, as family will be visiting then. Next
significant ooperation will be xyl Sandy N7RQ in CQWPX SSB in 5+ weeks.

73, Bob K8IA
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club

Call: K8MR              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 177,828
KX3 and a quarter wave vertical sitting in the edge of Sarasota Bay in Sarasota,

The first day I used the WinKey, paddle, and paper logs. Sunday I decided to go
with the computer for as long as it would go (I didn't bring a car supply to
Florida), so about 3+ hours on Sunday morning followed by lunch & tennis
with my wife while batteries charged, then more time in the afternoon. Sunday
morning there was significant line noise, though with QRP if a station is not
loud, they rarely hear me. so it didn't cost me much. In the afternoon things
were more quiet.

A different sort of fun vs. operating from a big station, but missing all the
cold & snow up north has been worth it!

73  -  Jim   K8MR

Call: K8ZT              Class: SOSB/10 QRP              Total Score = 7,812
Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
   3.5       3      9    3
     7      14      42   12
    14      36     108   29
    21      43     129   33
    28     126     378   62
 Total     222     666  139
Score: 92,574

Call: K9DR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 891,738
Icom 756Pro II, AL811H, 14 AVQ trap vertical and dipole in 30' palm tree.

Call: K9IA              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 228,603
100w to Flag Pole.

Call: K9MA              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,716,344
"Interesting" conditions.  Nice openings on 10 and 15, in spite of

Urban location, 18 by 36 meter lot.  (4,850 points per square meter)  K3
replaces the FT-1000D.


TH-7 at 21 meters
A3S at 16 meters fixed SE
40M rotatable dipole at 23 meters
Shunt fed tower on 80 and 160
RX loops for 80 and 160

Call: K9MMS             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 605,277
IC-756PRO3   AL-80B (800 W)  ;  Win-Test Logging

Just a part-time effort -- mostly S&P.  After a slow start, 160 meters
became fairly good Friday night, but it was very poor Saturday night.  Only
worked 2 DX on 160 the second night.  Did not operate in the mornings, and only
operated about 2 hours on Sunday.


Call: K9NR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,439,616
Lots of QRN on 40 meters, neighbors plasma TV on 20 meters but 10 meters was
particularly good!
I should have taken this contest more seriously...could have done much better!
Thanks for all the QSO's
73, Don Kerouac K9NR

Call: K9NW              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,001,158
Very nice condx in spite of the impending solar activity.  (That's why you play
the game!)

This started out as a High Power entry but just into the third hour the amp
faulted and it wouldn't reset.  So everything after about 0220z was with the K3
set at 100w.  Maybe we need a hybrid category?  I bagged most of the first night
as I'd been up since 4AM that morning and had been traveling all day.  Wish I
could have stayed awake to enjoy the VFB low bands then but it just wasn't
gonna happen.  (No 80/160 QSOs the first night...and very few on 40 either...)

Thanks for the QSOs!

73, Mike K9NW

Call: K9OM              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 2,262,588
Band condx from NFL on Friday night and Saturday were fantastic!  Best band
condx on 40-10 that I can ever remember.  Running low-power at 150 watts
created better pileups than most contests I've operated with the amplifier.
May these terrific band condx continue throughout 2014!

Dick- K9OM

Call: K9RS              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 4,492,395
Had fun with some wires in the trees at my new 'no antennas' QTH

Call: K9XE              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 94,107
Only able to operate on Sunday. Conditions were quite good on 10, 15, and 20. I
found 20 open to the Pacific before either 10 or 15 on Sunday afternoon.

Call: KA6JLT            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 12,240
[log removed from comments]

CREATED-BY: N3FJP's ARRL International DX Contest Log 3.4
NAME: Rob Walker
ADDRESS: 89502
EMAIL: ka6jlt at nvbell.net

Call: KB0EO             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 210,834
This is not my favorite contest, but I still wanted to get on for a few hours
and practice some pileups to EU and JA. Pretty good conditions on the higher
bands. Sunday 20 meters had very bad aurora - 10 meters was actually much

There were no rare DX stations on - pretty much the typical EU and JA stations.
Still fun to do some running.

73 and good luck!

Dan - KB0EO

Call: KB1H              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 7,053,000
Actually the crew was about 3.5 operators. KB1H had commitments both days so
operated around those. The statistics
did show that KB1H made entries for a total of 18 hours which is the most in
recent history! Unfortunately the hours were not when they
would have increase the score a bunch."Iron Pants" goes to NR1X who
made almost 1800 QSOs. Next was NB1U with almost 1400 and then K1EBY
with about 1200. One more operator would have been a big boost. Overnights were
usually only one operator and daytime suffered at times
as well. Speaking for myself, age is starting to require a little more sleep!

Just before the contest all rotors were not turnimg due to icing over of the
rotors. K1EBY had been here since Wednesday night at midnight
so he kept trying to turn things and check SWRs. By the start the antennas were
turning and the SWRs weere usable but not great. I can not
remember a contest where it has not snowed! Maybe IARU in July. As NB1U says,
if it's contest time at KB1H it's snowing! Using a wood
stove for heat in the barn was aalmost a full time job in itself. Thanks to
N1WK for filling the tractor bucket a few times.

Some great scores by other M/2 stations, congrads to those and also many thanks
for the QSOs.

Dick - KB1H

Call: KB7V              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 31,536
I had a good time with a casual operation on 10 and 40 meters.  I concentrated
on 10m to work some new ones to push me over 100 countries on this band while
the sunspots are still around - mission accomplished!  Conditions were very
good and I managed to work into Africa and Asia for some new ones, plus a
number of EU, SA, and JA stations.  10m very good here in late afternoon
Saturday.  I also played around on 40m before and after the 10m openings - this
band much better to EU the first night.
FT-2000 plus AL-80B 700 Watts
Inverted-L on 40m
Half square on 10m

Call: KC0DEB            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 397,218
Icom IC-746PRO, Hygain 3el Triband, Inv. V

    Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
   3.5       5      15    5
     7      49     147   30
    14     123     369   61
    21     197     591   72
    28     180     540   71
 Total     554    1662  239
Score: 397,218

Call: KC0VKN            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 219,857
Had a good time.  Bands were outstanding.

Call: KC4TEO            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 164,835
Snow, rain, and ice earlier in the week screwed up the traps on my A3S
tri-bander, giving me very high SWR readings.  I somehow managed to limp along
on 10 meters using my autotuner but 20 and 15 meters were awful.  So I
commandeered my 40 meter dipole for 15 meters and was able to tune my new
homebrew 17 meter rotatable dipole (but fixed) for 20 meters in order to
salvage those bands, but it sure wasn't fun.  Fortunately, conditions were dry
for the phone DX contest a couple of weeks later.

Call: KC7V              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 138,570
Not much time available due to work commitments but great conditions.

Call: KC9QQ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 183,375
My first contest with my new KX3 with matching KXPA100 amplifier.  This is a
really sweet CW rig.

Call: KD2BGM            Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 10,920
Awesome to be on the other side of the pileup for this contest.

See you next

Call: KD2MX             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 733,986
I hadn't really planned on spending so much time but it had been a few years
since I really played in this one and some pretty good conditions made for a
lot of fun. I was S&P almost the whole time.  I landed a few new ones and
was able to work most of what I heard pretty easily, always gratifying for a
little gun with 100w and a long piece of wire.

Call: KD2RD             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 375,114
Yaesu FT-1000MP MARK-V Field
Ameritron AL-82 Amplifier

Single Full-Wave Quad Loop @ 80 feet

Thanks to all for the contacts.
See you in the next one.
John - KD2RD

Call: KD3TB             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 326,040
Great contest on the higher bands. Tough working stations on 40 and 80 Meters.
I had to rebuild my low band vertical antenna in between storms. It lost the
battle to a tree in one of the ice storms.  It was so cold my fingers almost
stuck to the aluminum. This weekend it was more snow. I really need to find
some place next year.

Call: KD9MS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 349,500
Not the effort I wanted to put in, missed most all of Saturday morning for a
shopping trip (concessions for my wife's school) and had to work Saturday
afternoon and early evening. (Gotta support my radio habit!)

Bands sounded great Friday!, Saturday night, not so much. low bands weren't bad
but parts of 40 and 20 were fluttery from the CME that hit us. They came back
with a flurry on Sunday afternoon though, allowed me to make my goal of 500 on
such a messed up weekend time wise.

Need to work on the second tower rotor, it stopped about 2100UTC but
fortunately it stopped at 45 degrees so I could still use it for EU. It'll
start up again, I hope. Front end of FT450D takes a whoopin' is these contests,
especially when someone is 10kHz wide anyway. Learn to tune your amp! And don't
drive it so hard, YOU'RE 50 OVER ANYWAY!!! Even here in the black hole I can
hear you, very well!

Thanks to all the stations that were forgiving of me when I did decide to step
into the deep waters of calling CQ, it took me a few minutes, but I finally got
the hang of it (kinda). I have heard pileups before, been in bunches of them but
when you get that first one, its really cool!

Looking forward to the SSB, hopefully I will have more time.


Call: KE3X              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 1,336,440
This entry is dedicated to the memory of my friend Anti, HA3OV who suddenly
became Silent Key last week.   Anti was top-level competitor in HST and WRTC, a
good friend and mentor, and will be greatly missed.

My 18-year old son Kody did some operating this weekend, his last ARRL DX CW
before going off to college.   73,

Ken KE3X

Call: KE7X              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 2,334,375
Thanks again Ken K0PP and Rose N7HKN.

Call: KE8M              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 285,825
ARRLDXCW Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2014-02-15

    CallSign Used : KE8M
      Operator(s) : KE8M

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
             Band : 15M
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : CW
 Default Exchange : OH
       Gridsquare : EN81RQ

     ARRL Section : OH
        Club/Team : None
         Software : N1MM Logger V14.1.1

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
          21     925    2775  103
       Total     925    2775  103

            Score : 285,825
              Rig : Kenwood TS 2000 + Ameritron ALS-600 @ 250-450 watts
                    N1MM + dx cluster + RBN
          Antenna : 15M - Hy Gain LJ 155CA @ 42 ft

Call: KG4IGC            Class: SOSB/20 LP               Total Score = 1,740
Was not able to work this test until Sunday, Due to the ice storm that hit us on
Wednesday, February 15th, 2014. No power for four days and all but one antenna
came down with the falling branches. Worked a station from New Zealand which
was pretty cool. EU was coming through fairly well on 20 meters from 1 A.M.
until about 5 AM.

Call: KG7H              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,164,110
Conditions were ideal. I am still learning - In the final 5 minutes of the
contest, with 10 and 15 meters all cleaned out - I happened to check 40 meters
(2 hrs before sunset) and worked 3 quick European mults! I should have gone
there earlier. I also note that it was nice when I worked two Caribs on 80 -
they asked for a quick qsy to 160 - both worked - essentially a double mult for
each :-) Many thanks to the JA's who probably constitute 3/4 of my qso volume -
and thus score. 73 to all de Craig KG7H

Call: KG9Z              Class: SOSB/20 LP               Total Score = 23,250
New QTH.  Only MFJ vertical.  No amp.  Still was fun with limit time to operate.

Call: KH2/N2NL          Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,667,952
This is my best score in four years of doing this contest from Guam.  It is fun
to be able to operate part time, limited by propagation, able to sleep at night
after West Coast sunrise and to go to the beach in the local afternoons when the
high bands close.

The high bands were very good considering the CME arrival.  Signals came in
waves, often with an AU tone and solar noise.  The low bands, 80 and 160, were
in poor shape.  160 was absolutely miserable - seemingly with a big RF sponge
in the mid Pacific.  K3ZM was the only bright spot; an easy QSO the second day
while both W3LPL and K3LR were inaudible here (W3LPL gave me a "?"
the 1st day at their sunrise).

Long path on both 10/15m the 2nd day at 1400z (midnight local) was fun.  Hope I
surprised the few I could work through the NA-EU pileups.

I used KH2/N2NL instead of NH2T in order to accumulate a few more ARRL
Centennial points.  The longer call may have cost me a few QSOs, but I'm just
not comfortable with sending "TU" more than once without signing my
call.  I know what it's like on the other side of the pileup not knowing who
you're listening to.

I'll be QRV again for the SSB weekend, hopefully with better low bands
conditions to compliment solid 10/15m openings.  I only have a few months left
here on Guam, as I have received orders to transfer to Honolulu, where I will
be stationed for the next four years starting this summer.

73, Dave KH2/N2NL

Call: KH6CJJ            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 975,192
I have only been doing CW contests for a year and a half and this was my first
shot at this one.  I did much better than expected and am very happy with the
results.  I probably should have stayed up much later both nights to get more
mults on 40 and 80, but I'm getting too old for that! Had great fun and look
forward to other CW contests.  Thanks to K3LR, K0RF, WE3C, W1UE, W7RN, W2FU,
W1VE, W0AIH, N6MU, VE3JM, KA6BIM, and NR7Q for working me on all five bands.
Maybe someday I can figure out how to get a 160 meter antenna up in my "no
antennas allowed" subdivision.

Aloha, Kent

Call: KH6LC             Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 6,681,690
Another enjoyable weekend with a great group of friends.  A big Mahalo to our
off island guests: Gene KB7Q, Andy VE7AHA and Jim W6SC. Thanks for joining us.

Conditions were less than stellar and like everyone else, we made the best of
it. One bright spot is our 160 Mult count, ran up by Roby NH6V. Great job Rob!
Looking forward to ARRL SSB when we'll have old friend Ross Forbes K6GFJ
(ex WB6GFJ) here to join us.   Thank you for all your contacts.
73 & Aloha
Lloyd KH6LC, Curt AH6RE, Fred KH7Y, Rob NH6V, Gene KB7Q, Andy VE7AHA, Jim W6SC

Call: KH7M              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 687,225

Call: KI0I              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 412,500
Wow the high Bands! Wish I could have worked 10m on Sunday.Snuck a quick listen
before Leaving home for the day and Sigs from 28000 to 28150 with 100w EU
booming in.Made it hard to turn the rig off but the XYL's BDay dinner was a
must do! I know all who played had fun in this one, epic band condx..73 GL all
Mark KI0I
IC746 100w to HYTower vertical, N1MM and Begali keying

Call: KI1G              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 9,049,740
Wow! What a contest and great band conditions. The low bands were noisy Saturday
night with the snow storm but 20 meters never closed.

The entire contest was essentially one long run, will need to do some log
analysis to check the rates. First time breaking the 5000 QSO barrier.

Thanks for all the QSO's, time for some sleep.

Rick KI1G

Call: KI1U              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 20,538
Only had a couple hours to play in the contest. 10 seemed to be in good shape
this morning.

Call: KK4DZP            Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 1,440
24 QSOs worth 72 Points.....

Call: KL2R              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,137,951
There should be a special category for contests scheduled on Valentine's Day.
Balancing obligations to the XYL was a handicap in operating time.  When I saw
how good conditions were at the start, I set a  goal to make 1800 QSOs -- 100
for every hour I had available this weekend.  I nearly made it!  There were
some stupendous runs on Saturday.  Even a decent rate for a while on 40m on
Friday night. Couldn't be happier with the outcome. My XYL was happy, too, but
for different reasons.

Call: KL7RA             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,948,210
Few signals on the bands Friday morning before the start which was a worry. We
started on ten meters and I stayed way too long even seeking and pouncing mults

just in case it never came back which can happen here. We need the mults on
both 10 and 160 for a good score and there is always the risk one or the other

doesn't produce. Turns out 80 and 160 was absorbed the 2nd night but I did get

a good sunrise gray line to the east coast on topband the first night and then

ten opened at our sunrise for the 58 mults so it was mostly a rate fest to the


The first 24 hours would have been great conditions for the WW as we had 10-40

open to Europe past our sunset all night which doesn't happen often. 2nd night

we had the elusive 1300z 20 meter open to the lower 48 and had some nice runs
during hours that were producing very low rates the night before.

Three ops in somewhat scheduled shifts keep the SO2R position in run mode and
the logging program indicates almost all of the 48 hours was used. Thanks to
Wigi, AL7IF who has as much chair time as I do in his past 25 years of being
part of our team. Thanks to Steve, KL7SB who is somewhat a new member to our CW

crew here in Alaska. He was assigned a lot of the daylight rate hours. Being an

old ITT commercial CW traffic guy like Wigi he did an excellent job for us this

weekend. Added bonus, doesn't eat people food.

Next up NAQP RTTY then our favorite, the ARRL Phone DX where we have the
Dave, KA1NCN who calls everyday to make sure all is well with the station for
his flame throwing take no WB5 prisoners on ten meters. Or as we say here, the

crew will be Dave and the rest of us.

73 Rich KL7RA  North Pole Contest Group   W1AW/KL7  June 18

Call: KN3A              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 724,890
Sure was fun when the band is open like it was. For me, 20 meters didn't close
on Saturday night - Sunday morning. I was working Europe and Asia until 0730
UTC when I finally went QRT for the night. Even 160 meters came to life for a
bit on Saturday night. I wasn't planning on operating this much but with all
the snow and cold, why not stay inside and contest!

Hopefully for the ARRL Intl SSB contest I'll have a new Kenwood TS 590.

73 Scott

Kenwood TS 450SAT
160M Inv L
80M Inv L
40M Inv V
N1MM Logger

Call: KN4QD             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 709,050
Fine conditions on all the bands and nice to hear so many signals on 10 and 15.
Had a very nice run on 15 meters on Sunday morning which was enjoyable from
this low power station. Props to PJ2T for hearing my meager signal on 160
meters--indeed they were the only station I worked on 6 bands. 73 and see you
in the next one.

K3/100W, Hexbeam, OCF Dipole, N1MM logger

Call: KN4Y              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 49,446
The panhandle cold weather sequence: Operate the shack door latch, Operate the
light switch, Operate the coffee maker, Operate the space heater, operate the
antenna direction, operate the radio, operate the keyer, operate the logging
program. Control cussing, instead eat a cookie. Send in log. Naps as necessary.

Call: KO7AA             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,631,488
This was as good as it will get this cycle! I especially enjoyed the
5 hour sleep Saturday night, not having to worry about missing any Q's!

As the sun was setting Saturday evening, I noticed there were no spots
on 40M from the W6/W7 skimmers. Then the fluttery UA9's on 20M. There
would be no low band EU for the left coast on the 2nd night :(

As always, thanks to our contesting friends in Asia. (40% of my score)

73, Bill in Tucson, AZ

Call: KP2B              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,815,840
Thanks to Fred K9VV/KP2 for the hospitality  and the use of his station to
operate the contest.Thanks also to those who contact me during the contest.
73's and good luck to all.
WP3A - jaime
operator of KP2B

Call: KP2DX             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 359,046
Partime operation. cw is not my favorite mode but have fun for few hours.
thanks to all who call me during the contest..73's
KP2BH/ operator of KP2DX

Call: KP2M              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,708,043
Philip KT3Y

Call: KP4KE             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 4,703,400
Running the contest with 40 watts was fun we made a good score.
The ant used in the contest are : 160 full size vertical,  80m double bazzuka
at 70' , 40m delta loop at 70', 20m 4el, 15m 4 ele, 10m 5 ele.
TNX to all to coming to my frec.
see you next year
73& DX

Call: KR4F              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,844,592
This was a fun S&P packet hunt.  High bands were great!  Low bands worse
than last year.

Johnny, KR4F

Call: KR7C              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 45,012
A very part time S&P effort looking for new countries.  For my pop-gun
station, UP0L and ZR9C were highlights.  Good practice calling off frequency
and with smart timing.
73, Stan

Call: KS4L              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 56,784
Elecraft K3/100; 80m inv. vee.; 44' vertical dipole.  Enjoyed it!

Call: KS4X              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 244,776
Thanks for hearing My 5W signals.

Call: KT8K              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 4,452
Not much time for this one or next one, but got in to hand out a few Q's.
Hope everybody had fun.  73 de kt8k - Tim

Call: KU1T              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 737,658
Bands were cooperating - 80 and 160 on Friday were very nice. Saturday afternoon
and Sunday were marked by lot of distortion and scrreching sounds on polar path.

Thanks for all the Q's.

Call: KU2C              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 5,782,590

Call: KU2M              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 706,788
Got tired of the usual LP and decided to try HP this time...I must admit it's
definitely more fun, and the 3-500s keep the room warm, too! Good condx
overall; the opening to JA deteriorated a bit Saturday night compared to Friday
and Sunday, but at least there was one.

Call: KU7Y              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 390,456
I had a ball.  One of my best ever scores.  Great conditions on Saturday but
Sunday had lots of flutter toward EU.  Had a good JA run Saturday.  KH6LC gets
the nod for having the best "ears".... he managed to dig me out of
the noise on 160m!  Also want to thank the many stations who took the time to
pull me out of the noise and to those who stood by while the DX stations got my
call right.  No trouble with N1MM or the KX3 but the wind got up to 50 mph with
some gusts higher than that Saturday but the little crank up tower managed to
stay vertical!  Ron, KU7Y

Call: KU8E              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,868,346
I'm shocked how well I did using 100 watts and wires. I had planned on I just
playing around. I didn't even really start until late Saturday morning. Took
the wife to dinner Friday night and only operated about an hour then. As many
others mentioned the Condx were great and it was hard to quit. I don't consider
myself as an iron man operator but managed to operate all the way to the end
after starting Saturday which is an accomplishment for me.

This is the best I have ever done in DX contest from home.

Jeff KU8E

Call: KV4QS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 203,373
K3 / N1MM / 40 and 80mtr Delta Loops in Palm Trees
Many thanks to the ARRL and to all the participants for another great contest
weekend.  73  KV4QS

Call: KV8Q              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,294,137
Very good conditions for me all weekend.  There was always a band to
find Q's.  This old body needed to grab two four hour naps along the
way; but, I had a ton of fun.  It's sure nice to meet old friends and
say HI.  Thanks for all of the good ears out there and I look forward
to doing it again next year.  73  tom  KV8Q  ar

Call: KZ5OM             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,160
Casual ops.  All Hunt-n-Pounce
350w, F12c4 at 60ft, 40m dipole

Call: LI8W              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 135,125
Thank you for a fun weekend. Band died on me the second night. K-indices of
K7-K8 did the trick :-) Hope to see you next year. Always fun to run NA. 73
Bjorn LB1GB

LI8W: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution. Special QSL
card avaiable to the wanting. Buro or direct. LOTW to you who doesn't care for
a card.

Call: LJ1GB             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 167,910
On Saturday 10 meters was on fire. Not so much on Sunday but still fun. Thanks
for all the QSO's. 73 de Bjorn, LB1GB

LJ1GB: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution. A special QSL
card is available for you who collect cards. Buro or direct. LOTW to you who
doesn't care for one.

Call: LU1FAM            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 315,114
Thanks for all the QSOs!


Antennas: 6 El @24mh / 6 El @12mh

Rig: IC - 775 DSP

Amp: Drake L4B

Soft: N1MM

QSL via AC7DX or LoTW

CU on SSB and RUDX!

Lucas LU1FAM

Call: LU7HZ             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 640,680
Very good propagation on Saturday, not so good on Sunday. Saturday We southeners
waited till the USA-EU activity decrease in order to have a shoot, but were able
to held good rates after that. Sunday bring some substantially slower rates.
First time with a directional antenna for the rig2 which boosted the SO2R
operation in 15m substantially. Very poor propagation in 40m, unusable in 80m
with very high QRN/QSB. All in all very much fun to start the contest year

Call: LW5HR             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 217,500
Thanks all for QSO'S.

Diego - LW5HR

Call: LX7I              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 285,012
Wow, that was fun !

Condx were great on Saturday and only a bit worse on Sunday. The usable window
to NA was about 2 x 9 hours, not all that bad for February.
Was amazed by the quantity of West Coast stations, especially from WA, all
pretty loud.

The equipment with 6/6 15m NA beam worked just perfect.

Big thank you to Philippe LX2A for letting me using his station again.

73 Ron

Call: LY5W              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 565,656
80m - broken Dipole 28m, 40m - Delta 22m, 20/15/10m - KLM KT34XA 12m
Worked from my summer QTH with good old Kenwood TS-850S without filters.
Nice to work new states for my 5BWAS:
10m - Nevada
15m - Nevada, Wyoming, Kansas and South Dakota
PSE paper QSL's - I like them.

Next would be CQ 160m Phone with very serious effort from great location :)
73, Sam LY5W
p.s. sometimes in February I am on bands with special call LY16W.
Look to www.qrz.com

Call: M/SQ6MS           Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 121,158
Vy 73 de Maciek ... --.- -.... -- ...

Call: M3W               Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,246,370
Two storms - the first threatened the aerials and the second threatened the

Call: M5E               Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 216
ARRL CW gave me two new personal records. I made 9 QSOs on 160m SB and that is a
personal high in the category. It is also a new personal record low for number
of QSOs in any contest.

Operating from the Marconi site in Cornwall weather was again challenging.

A more detailed writeup on the fun is here:

Call: M5O               Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 15,504
This was really one for the masochists, especially if operating from southern
UK.  Olof G0CKV (M5E) has linked an excellent and highly descriptive piece on
the exceptional weather conditions to his SO 160 posting, which is recommended

Here in Sussex we are 20 miles from the coast and everything was a little less
extreme, although there were several 60mph squalls during the first night,
which caused the VSWR meter to swing wildly.

All my high band antennas were seen off by our December storms and the only
remaining radiator is a 250ft wire, sloping down to the shack from a 155ft
sequoia.  This runs over a pulley, weighted by a substantial log to counteract
over 20 ft of movement at the tree top in heavy winds.  The rig is a single
K3/P3/KPA500 running 400w.

So, on 160m, things started pretty slowly on Saturday morning and didn't pick
up until around 05.00 when signal levels started to improve. Despite diligent
searching, nothing was heard west of the zero states until daybreak, when a
propagation peak just provided a window for a good QSO with N7GP in AZ, before
the band faded out.  Apart from Jeff VY2ZM who was often as strong as many of
the europeans, signals were pretty scratchy all night.

The second night was much worse than the first and the last few hours before
midnight on Sunday produced nothing other than (again) good signals from Jeff
and some scratchy CQs from K3LR and W3LPL, who didn't sound as if they were
getting many takers.

Misses from the workable areas were DC, AL and IL(!).  Plenty of 8's but all in
OH . . .

Still, despite the weather and a pretty pathetic result, this was an enjoyable
event.  Thanks to all who called or responded.

73, Peter G3LET (M5O)

Call: M5Z               Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 204,789
Due to very bad weather, club's tribander was repaired twice but still not good
shape as radiator element was not horizontal, some 30 degrees off. No way to
fix this in stormy condition.

Used K3 and KPA500 with manual tuner in case heavy rain and wind cause high SWR
from time to time.

Day 1 started early, around 11Z then really picked up from 13Z. Signal was
still audible till 21Z but last QSO was just before 20Z. Made 700 QSOs and 58
MULT on day 1.
Day 2 started bit late, however, taking into account K index value, it was not
so bad. Slower but nice run till late. Last QSO was 20:36 on Sunday.

Thanks to Poldhu Radio Club (http://gb2gm.org/) for letting me use of station.

73 Kazu

Call: MX0OXE            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 542,184
Thanks for the Qs everyone.

Call: N0AC              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 14,100
I am greatful for every one of your QSOs.

Bill, N0AC

Call: N0BUI             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 777,096
That was a fun contest.  Thanks for all the Q's.  Sorry if you had to suffer
through one of my fat finger attacks.
73, Mike N0BUI

Call: N0HJZ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,145,277
I finally scored a million points from my home QTH.  The station is a 3 element
tribander at 30 feet, a small vertical for 40/80 out in the garden and a poorly
tuned L for 160M.  What a blast!  Thanks to everyone for pulling out my weak

Call: N0IJ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,055,835
After our M/2 was cancelled due to my poor health--nasty sinus infection,
decided to do what I could via remote.  The station is in far NW Wisconsin.  A
first serious contest effort via remote plus a first time using N1MM created a
situation where I'll be glad to get back in front of the radios.  Little things
just don't go as you are used to! Still, had a lot of fun, and the low band
condx Friday night were about the best I've seen. Sadly, I wasn't able to stay
awake to fully utilize them!

My regular screw ups with not knowing what to do in N1MM were embarrassing, so
sorry if I looked like a klutz and slowed you down.

John, N0IJ

Call: N0MA              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 2,008,710
Great conditions.  How long will this last?
This is the best effort for the CW OPs at the Radio Farm so far.
Thanks for all the Qs.

Call: N0VD              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 19,992
For the past 4 years I've done this contest from PJ2T, however, this year I
elected to skip the CW leg and do the SSB leg from PJ4.  Since I had no real
plans to operate, I decided to play around on 15M Sunday afternoon with the new
K3 & KPA500 just to make sure everything was cool before packing them up for
next week's travels.  Also managed to get my real time log and video stream
ready in preparation for PJ4.  Best surprise was having John, 9M6XRO call me.
See you in two weeks as PJ4D.

Kelly - N0VD

Call: N1CC              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 944,160
FT-990 100W w/MFJ-1026 (Mostly as Preamp for RX) Force 12 C-3 @ 64'.  80/40 Fan
Dipole @ 50', Inverted L for 160 w/elevated Radials, and the DX Engineering 43'
Vertical used only as a noise antenna.

Had good runs on 20/15/10.  I would notice a "run" slowing down, and
discover that a US Big gun had zero-beat my signal and was "stealing"
the run.  Pretty "petty" of the guy with big antennas and power ... I
would move as soon as I figured it out.  One guy, a VIP in Ham radio did it on
10 Meters and later on 15 Meters...I guess CT stations can't hear TX stations
beaming over their 50 dB over signals on my end... In part this is a detriment
to operating, and is mostly caused by the high end new receivers that don't
notice adjacent channel signals well - on purpose. (Tounge-in-cheek why the
1-land boys move in so tight)

All in all, a fun event, I more than doubled last years QSO total and overall
score...should have spent more time on 40.

73, Jim

Call: N1DC              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 876,096
I had planned on 30+ hours but ran into problems this weekend. Lost 3 hours on
Sunday due to snow removal. I averaged 54 QSO's/hr for 19 hours (mostly

Did have a nice run on 15M Sunday AM and had JA +ZL calling me while running
Great fun competing against with the big guns. I broke lots of pileups on the
first or second try using an offset "up" TX frequency.

Station:  TenTec Omni7 @ 100W, 4 element tribander @ 30ft, 80/40 dipoles
Computer:  Win 7 running N1MM,  WinKeyer USB

Thanks for the QSO's. Special thanks to the many QRPers.

Rick  N1DC

Call: N1EN              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 2,253,384
So, a while back I set my benchmark for “a good contest weekend” at 1000
contacts and 100 countries worked.

Maybe I need to revise that standard.

1845 contacts worked in 114 DXCC entities and 33 CQ Zones.

I spent the first 24 hours of the contest doing “double-fisted S&P”
(search & pounce on two radios).  Then I started hitting slow patches,
during which I decided to suck it up and run.  My code seems to have improved
to the point where it’s not terrifying to do so…but I apparently still
really suck at copying code and typing into a logger at the same time.  My
apologies to those who suffered through the experience.  (Hey, considering how
difficult CW has been for me, and considering I’m still a relative newbie,
I’m content with a “not horrible, but room for improvement”

Highlights of the contest:

* Having an understanding XYL willing to observe Valentine’s Day on Zulu
Time, rather than Eastern Standard Time.

* Practice with Morserunner starting to pay off.

* Conditions Friday night into Saturday afternoon.  Maybe not as good as they
could have been, but still pretty gosh-darned good.

* As my first beam went up only hours before CQWW…this was the first major
contest where I could really appreciate the wonders of long-path.

* Not only working Laos for an all-time new one (#267), but doing so by beating
a pileup, getting through on first call.

* Getting to work the VK6FZM/MM, on their way home from îsle Amsterdam.

Lowlights of the contest:

* All the bands going virtually dead for a time Saturday evening.  Old Sol has
a sense of humor.

* Having first the logger crash, and then the entire computer needing rebooting
and COM-port fussing as propagation started to recover from the aforementioned

* 40 and 80 meters having a disappointing amount of QRN due to regional weather
Saturday night.

* Interruptions in the RBN feed Sunday afternoon.  It would have been just an
annoyance to me, but a few folks have found my little AR Cluster node and so I
needed to make sure they were all set as well.  (Note to self: don’t try
managing AR Cluster connections while running.  It’s a bad idea.)

Work to do before next IARU…or at least before CQWW this fall:

* Replace, or at least improve, the temporary mast the hexbeam is currently
living on.   I didn’t think to secure the military mast sections together by
anything other than gravity.  While the situation has improved since CQWW, I
still have some “weathervaning” action, requiring me to get up and look
outside to see which way the mast is pointing every so often.  It’s not fun
to stick one’s head out the shack window when it’s snowing; it’s going to
be more of a problem when the weather warms and an air conditioner goes in that

* More practice running at CW.   Now that I’m over the “deer in the
headlights” sensation it is fun…but I really need to get to where I can get
better rates running than I can with “two fisted S&P”, and to do that, I
need to get the hang of copying callsigns and working the logger simultaneously.
  It’d be great if I could do true SO2R as well.

* I need to look at improving antenna switching and filtering in the shack.
And, if I’m going to be addicted to assistance, I need a more robust way to
operate an in-shack skimmer.

* I put together a nice pre-big-contest checklist.  Now I need to remember to
start it well before the contest, instead of “day of”.

Contact map & stats up at http://www.n1en.org/Blog/Post/18/ARRL-DX-CW-2014


K3 & Icom IC7100, both barefoot
Hexbeam @ 8m (don't laugh)
40m Delta Loop
80m Carolina Windom @ 20m
160m Carolina Windom @ 15m
Skimmer, fed through an FCD Dongle, fed by K3's IF output
In shack AR-Cluster

Call: N1EU              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 4,857,825
Great conditions on the high bands but was hampered by lousy antennas and high
noise level on 40, 80 and 160.  The Orion 2/RX366, Acom 2000A and 3-el SteppIR
were flawless and a joy to operate.

Thanks for all the q's and apologies to those I couldn't pull out, especially
on 40M due to my noise level.

Barry N1EU

Call: N1IX              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 1,008,084
Many thanks to Mark (K1RX) who fixed my rotor at 7:30 AM on Wednesday in
sub-zero temperature.
I finally broke the 1 meg barrier. It was quite hectic during the last hour
trying to find stations I hadn't worked already. I found HC2AO and DF1POL at
the end for mults that put me over the top.
My hours of work on the 160 antenna paid off with 3 Q's.

Call: N1LN              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 494,532
A M2 team was not able to be put together so thought I would try a single band
15 meter entry. That turned out to be a good choice. Initially, my goal was to
make a major effort but a few things got in the way on both Saturday and
Sunday. For example, the USA vs Russia hockey game, the Duke vs Maryland
basketball game, the State vs Syracuse basketball game and then on Sunday the
snow finally melted enough for me to continue working on my 80 meter phased
verticals so outside I went. Finally, Saturday evening I shut down about 0000
UTC and probably missed some Asia mults, for sure some Qs. As you can see, the
full time effort was not there. N1MM reported 19 hours and I am surprised that
I got that much time in.

The part time effort was easier and more fun as the band was always open when I
got back in the chair. Friday night I was only on for about 1 hour to see if the
band was going to be open into Asia. One word, YES. When I got back on at about
1200 UTC Saturday morning it sounded like all of Europe was waiting for me to
show up.  The first CQ yielded zero responses. The second CQ resulted in one of
the largest pileups that I have experienced. Skimmer was working in Europe. My
rate did not reflect the quantity of callers nor how long the pileup lasted
because many were on my calling frequency. I finally tightened the K3 down  to
200hz and moved my RX frequency by about 40 hz which really helped. Sunday
morning started earlier, around 1100 UTC, but that was too early from this QTH.
The band opened around 1145.  Both Saturday and Sunday afternoon around 2100 UTC
I turned the stack fom EU to JA. The excellent conditions brought in some nice
Asia mults to add to the total. The multipliers kept coming right up to the end
with the last two being BU2AV and 9M6XRO. When the clock hit 2359 UTC on Sunday
I had almost as many JA Qs as DL, with the respective totals 142 and 176. Not
quite like the JA QSO counts when I lived in Texas, but the best so far from

This was definitely a IF ONLY or WHAT IF weekend.  What kind of totals would I
have if I operated for the entire time the band was open? Guess that will wait
for next time.

Thanks for all the Qs. Thanks to the many QRP stations that hung in there until
I got all the info correct. Sorry to the callers that I could just not pull out.
Thanks to the outstanding conditions, there were not many.

Acom 2000A
5 x 5 x 5

Bruce N1LN

Call: N1RR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,930,150
C31XR @ 70ft
2L40 @ 80ft
80 & 160 wire 4-Squares
EU & N/S beverage

Will,K6ND worked hard during the week leading up to the contest. We managed to
find a T/R problem in the amp plus did some re-wiring. Then the mast slipped
the rotor. Everything stayed together for the contest except me.
Felt sick starting at 10Z but too late to sleep. Struggled all day Saturday.
QRN from winter snow storm caused big QRN starting 22Z D1. Went to bed at 01Z
D2 and got back on the air at 12Z. That was the only time out of the chair.

In this contest Saturday felt like SUNDAY CONTEST DAY and Sunday felt like a
SATURDAY CONTEST DAY. That's never happened to me before. Only 34 hours.

Thanks to Mike WM1K for his support too.

Call: N1RU              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 81,420
Enjoyed the contest but family obligations limited my operating time. TS-590 at
5 watts to a full-wave 40M attic loop fed by ladder line. 73 Jamie (Northeast

Call: N1TM              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 392,148
Great conditions.

Call: N1UR              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 4,674,369
Wow, those were the best conditions since 2002 for sure.  And I was almost
not able to be there for it as I was flirting with getting stuck somewhere
in the thousands of cancelled flights as I was making my way back from the
West Coast.  With some route shifting, I was able to make it in just in
front of 20 inches of snow.  Other tan that, everything worked great at the
QTH which is not always the case for this contest which is after 3 solid
months of winter.

I ran for 40 hours out of my 44 hour operating time.  Probably half that time
was dedicated run and half SO2R.  Best hour was 165 - a new personal CW
record for me.  Best 10 minutes of 300 is probably also as high as I remember.
Just fabulous stuff for Low Power - heck even High Power.

Highlights were many.
Opening hour of 110 on 40M was a personal best opening hour for any CW
contest for me.
The 20M 04 - 08Z Asia and Northern EU openings were the best I have seen
in a contest from W1.
10M open big, both days in this contest FINALLY!  Sure Sunday wasn't as
good but last year Sunday wasn't as good and Saturday was zippo.
40M open straight through until 08 - 09Z to EU where usually there is
an MUF dip that kills it for a few hours each evening.
Calls from VU, 4K, XW, HZ, 9L just to name some off the top of my head.
Great JA and Asia Russian runs on 15.  Probably could have been on 10M
as well but I chose 15 for louder signals and deeper opening.
And enough mults on 160 and 80 to allow the big score.

It was clear from the outset the record could be broken.  And as I crossed
the halfway mark with 2.25 Million points, I was determined to do so.
I passed the record score Qs number of 3423 at 1930Z and exceeded my
personal best score of 4.25 Million points (gross) at 2025Z.  I passed the
record gross score of 4.35 Million at 2055Z and the rest was to put
distance on that score.  The final total of 4.674 Million exceeded my
expectations.  For 10 years I looked at that record and thought "how am I
ever going to match that score?".  When it all comes together, nothing
you don't get sick or stuck travelling, and there are no family or work
emergancys and the SFI is over 150...it does!

The W3/W4 boys had great openings..this isn't done yet until all of the
"usual suspects" check in.

I love this game.  Thanks for the Qs.


Ed  N1UR

Call: N21FF             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 698,034
Great conditions on a snowy weekend.  Some problems with band noise.
Low antennas because the were wind gust up near 50 MPH.  It was amazing that
all the stations seemed to be able tom hear me when I called.  This was a
packet pouncing effort.  Spent more time in the chair than usual. Good fun
the weather was bad!

I think this may be an all time high CW effort for me!  It was fun. On a number
of occasions I broke the pile after cranking the keyer up to 40 WPM.  I could
not believe how well my 40 meter dipole performed with only 100 watts. I still
think the baluns I installed have improved performance
although I ma not sure why.

Had I looked at my total score I would have hung in a few more minutes to break

Call: N2FF              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 698,034
Great conditions on a snowy weekend.  Some problems with band noise.
Low antennas because the were wind gust up near 50 MPH.  It was amazing that
all the stations seemed to be able tom hear me when I called.  This was a
packet pouncing effort.  Spent more time in the chair than usual. Good fun
the weather was bad!

I think this may be an all time high CW effort for me!  It was fun. On a number
of occasions I broke the pile after cranking the keyer up to 40 WPM.  I could
not believe how well my 40 meter dipole performed with only 100 watts. I still
think the baluns I installed have improved performance
although I ma not sure why.

Had I looked at my total score I would have hung in a few more minutes to break

Call: N2GC              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 200,889
Too little time to play.

Call: N2IC              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 6,097,176
Considering the dire propagation forecast for a trio of CME's to hit just before
and during the contest, it was an amazing weekend !

Conditions on 10-40 were just fabulous, with Saturday being the better day on
10 and 40, and Sunday being the better day on 20. 80 and 160 were, well, awful.
A small price to pay.

Thanks (or, maybe, no thanks) to Skimmers and the RBN, European pileups were
instantaneous and all exactly zero beat when hitting a band for the first time.
Please, folks, it only takes about 50 Hz to spread things out, which results in
everybody getting a QSO much faster. Both major contest loggers have the
capability to automatically randomize your frequency +- 50 Hz from the spot
frequency. Otherwise, I found the operators to be mostly excellent, and very
few instances of stations not signing their call frequently.

In 30+ years of operating from Colorado and New Mexico, I have never heard 20
meters so good across an entire weekend. Afternoon absorption to EU (after 10
and 15 closed) was low both days, and the unexpected bonus was a solid
all-night opening on Saturday night (Sunday GMT) from 04Z-11Z. It started with
JA/UA9 and moved westward as sunrise advanced across Europe. As a result, I
only made 130 QSO's on 40 meters on day 2....But that is perfectly okay with 20
so hot.

Thanks for all the QSO's !


Radios: TS-590S (x2), Alpha 76PA, Alpha 76CA
Antennas: 160 sloping dipole, shunt-fed tower; 80 2 el wire beam switchable
SW/NE, rotatable dipole; 40 4 el (M2 40M4LLDD); 20 5 el; 15 6 el; 10 6 el;
Software: N1MM Logger

Call: N2MM              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 4,472,670
Time to get a new alarm clock. Went to sleep at 8PM Saturday, set the alarm for
11:30 PM. It never went off. Ended up awakening at 12:30AM. Found 80m &
160m exceptionally noisy.I should have spent more time there Friday night.

Lots of operating mistakes. Rather than starting on 40m like I usually do, 15m
was the place to be. It was wide open to Asia and the Pacific until 0300z. I
also should have stayed longer on 15m, but, expecting poor conditions by
Sunday, I opted to go to 10m too early. Both days, the correct time to be on
10m should have been after 1400z.

First time using skimmer for mults. I had no choice since the packet cluster
wasn't working correctly.

Thanks for all the qsos. I will upload my log to LOTW shortly. Please no qsls
via the bureau for this contest. Direct is also still fine.

Call: N2NT              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 6,885,114
It seemed like the best conditions ever, but the score is down from last year.
Before the flare, great. After flare, not so great.

Snow on Saturday was the good and bad. No line noise when it rains or snows.
I could hear everything on 10m. But with the snow comes snow static, which made
160/80 useless on Saturday night.
It was sunny on Sunday, which brings back the line noise. No more QRPers for me

I love this contest from home, non stop DX. Thanks for all the activity.
My favorite was HA8LLK who took the time to tell me he worked me on 4 bands
with a whip antenna on his balcony. And of course all the QRP boys who come out
in droves.

Andy N2NT

Call: N2SR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,159,385
Had some good runs.  I'm getting better and picking calls out of the pileups.
Thanks for the Q's and thanks for being patient with me.  Lots of loud 100W
stations and even good copy on some 5W stations.  There were a few that I just
could not get out of the noise.

Call: N2VW              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 128,770
Don't usually make excuses, but the haevy snow cover apparently screwed up my
antenna system. RF all over the shack. It chopped up the CW keying. My signals
intermittently locked up the radio and amp in transmit. I keep telling myself
that this is fun. Really!

Call: N2WKS             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,796,504
ARRL DX CW is my favorite contest because everyone is pointing at the US so I
get to run and work a lot of great DX.

This was almost all run.

The low bands were a bit a noisy and not quite as productive as last year but
at least I felt like people could always hear me with the new 80 wire

Was really excited to work YJ0OU for a new one on 4 bands....just wished JD1
would have been active.

I'm pretty sure I had a personal best rate on CW with two 160+ hours and a max
60 min rate of 176.  Guess my CW is improving but for some reason, some calls
leap onto my screen and others really mess me up....sorry if it took me a
couple of times to get your call, thanks for sticking in there.

20 and 40 had the best conditions to JA that I can remember with nice loud
signals and there were a lot more russian and northern europe stations in the
log this year.

Thank you to all the DX stations and dxpeditions for making this such a great

Thank you to K2TTT for letting me play with his toys and for taking such great
care of me!


K3 - 2500DX Magnum
F12 10/15 duo bander
4 ele 20
Magnum 240
Dipoles for 80/160
1/4 elevated wire vertical on 80
RX Beverages to NE/W + K9AY loop

ARRL DX CW - 2014-02-15 0000Z to 2014-02-17 0000Z - 2148 QSOs
N2WKS - Off Times >= 30 Minutes

2014-02-15 00:00Z - 2014-02-16 00:29Z     24:30  (1470 mins)   (Start late)

Total Time Off 24:30  (1470 mins)
Total Time On 23:30  (1410 mins)

ARRL DX CW - 2014-02-15 0000Z to 2014-02-17 0000Z - 2148 QSOs
N2WKS Max Rates:

2014-02-16 1240Z - 5.0 per minute  (1 minute(s)), 300 per hour by N2WKS
2014-02-16 1359Z - 3.4 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 204 per hour by N2WKS
2014-02-16 1316Z - 2.9 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 176 per hour by N2WKS
-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0     39      0      5      0     44     44    2.1
0100       0     31     17     16      4      0     68    112    5.2
0200       4     14     20      0      0      0     38    150    7.0
0300       3      0     90      0      0      0     93    243   11.4
0400       0      9     92      0      0      0    101    344   16.1
0500      25     24      0      0      0      0     49    393   18.4
0600       5     20      0     73      0      0     98    491   23.0
0700       9      0     55     22      0      0     86    577   27.0
0800       0      0    122      0      0      0    122    699   32.7
0900       1      3     22     22      0      0     48    747   34.9
1000       1      1      5     48      1      0     56    803   37.6
1100       1      0      1    131      0      0    133    936   43.8
1200       0      0      1     17    142      0    160   1096   51.3
1300       0      0      0      0     81     81    162   1258   58.8
1400       0      0      0      0      8    109    117   1375   64.3
1500       0      0      0      0    105      2    107   1482   69.3
1600       0      0      0      9      5     48     62   1544   72.2
1700       0      0      0    128      0      0    128   1672   78.2
1800       0      0      0     25     28     17     70   1742   81.5
1900       0      0      0      0     79     10     89   1831   85.6
2000       0      0      4     76      7      1     88   1919   89.8
2100       0      0     17     82      1      2    102   2021   94.5
2200       0      0     49      4     10      6     69   2090   97.8
2300       0      2     17     20      8      1     48   2138  100.0

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands     925
2 bands     252
3 bands      93
4 bands      46
5 bands      30
6 bands      16

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

KH6LC       TI5W        OM7M        9A1A        E7DX        OL7M
HG7T        PJ2T        VP5S        CN2AA       EC2DX       LZ9W
HB9FAP      HK1NA       P40L        OL5Y

Call: N2WQ/VE3          Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 498,372
The benefit of stacks becomes very apparent during band openings and closings.
My single tribander @ 105' did great, except during the first and last one hour
of the 15m being open. I could watch NQ4I and VE6WQ run while I could not make a
single QSO. I could hear EU, but they could not.

Watching the competition live on cqcontest.ru makes all the difference in the
world; it is so much more fun! I wish more stations would post their scores in
real time.

Rudy N2WQ

Call: N3BB              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 145,350
S/O HP All Band. Part Time
KW Amp
Two six element yagis in phase for 10 meters (65 and 32 feet)
4 Hours operating time

No antenna at all for 20 or 160 meters so I just dabbled on 80, 40, and 15
mostly S&P. Got on when 10 meters was open to EU, and sat on a freq and
called CQ and ran. Did that until I got tired and stopped. On Saturday,
when I got on, the band was so crowded that the first time I found a little
space (not a lot to start with) was up on 28073. On Sunday, I lucked into a
spot someone had left on 28025, but there was a persistent RTTY signal on
my frequency (28025) off and on for most of the time. The RTTY QRM at times
moved a little higher in frequency (28026) but rarely went away for more
that five minutes.

One of the several interesting aspects of the ARRL DX contest is the power
received from the other station. Usually, the KW stations were the
strongest, but there were times when 100W stations in the same areas just
boomed in. Also, it's fun when the 5W QRP stations are clear and reasonably
loud. There were plenty of times on 10 meters when these guys were super
plentiful. When you get those conditions, it's so much fun.

Nice to hear many radio friends, and after a period of low activity, to get
lots of hellos, etc. Thanks for the fun, and congratulations to the serious
folks who hit it hard and with great skill.

73, Jim

Call: N3BNA             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,952,432
The weather has made this one of the most difficult contests of the many in
which I have ever participated.

First of all I left Haiti a few days before the contest and came back to find
my car battery dead, but in addition the entire car was coated in thick ice and
the trunk and hood were totally encased...I spent several hours  outside from
midnight to 2:00AM, (with single-digit temperatures just after getting off the
plane from Haiti) chopping my hood and windshield free from ice, then digging
the 18-24 inched of hardened snow that was encasing it.

In the contest K3QF and I also fought the terrible weather (My lane was
impassable and vehicles has to be abandoned somewhere along the lane and hoof
it up the steep snowy hill). We also had visits from Murphy...falling trees all
over the place and lost the south beverage.  Also A huge branch (12inches)
landed on the roof of the cabin..likely damaging the roof, but its been too
cold to know if there will be any damage or leaks. Looks like a tornado went
through.  Everything now under additional snow.  Lot of work when it gets

One rotor stuck on north half way through the contest...South beverage is
totally dead...somewhere out there in the deep snow it is broken...Probably a
downed tree.  Jon and I made a great effort to do our best despite the weather
problems.  And I actually got my car stuck after the contest and had to dig
myself out alone in the cold.
Near the end of the contest I started smelling the distinctive smell that
indicates that the propane heater is running out of fuel. Next job will be to
drag a propane tank up to the shack and hook it up..Propane company refuses to
deliver up my lane...did a lot of digging and salting today. I dont think I
worked this hard before I retired!

40m was extremely noisy and with poor hearing it was almost torture, but I
think we did the best that was humanly possible. Wonder what future adventures
await.  Thanks for all the QSOs and mults, especially the YJ0 who had good
ears. See you in the next contest!


Dale - N3BNA

P.S. Haiti would have been more fun, but would have been less points for our
contest club. I would rather have stayed in Haiti and played DX, and I
certainly regret not doing so.  However, there is a much better point
differential for DX stations in the CQ contests than the ARRL contests.  For
ARRL contests, a decent station in NA can get a better score at home.

Call: N3EN              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 1,013,025
The skimmer spots always provided someone to call.. 100 watts to a dipole @40ft
was good enough to work anyone when the pileup was small.  The low bands were
poor, so I went to bed early both nights.  Must enjoy 10 meters when it is

Call: N3KCJ             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 173,901
Murphy found me just after D1 ENDED.

Call: N3KCJ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 58,500
SOAB LP and very antenna challenged.  Ran a wire from my tuner to the
gutters just out the window and it loaded on 10-15 and 20M.  Kind of
like going QRP!!  CU next time with High Power and real antennas!!
TU to all the patient OPs who pulled me out.... Foster N3KCJ

Call: N3QE              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,739,000
I could write on and on about my ongoing 120Hz utility impulse noise on 40M and
20M, or how crappy 160M seemed (but maybe 80M and 40M were subpar too? Didn't
have as many night hours this year) or about how wonderful 15M was after dark
or the opening to Asia was Saturday night on 10M, but I think the final
equation comparing my score to last hour is this:

10 percent less BIC time results in 10 percent less score

Call: N3RS              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 5,824,728
Following the ice storm of the ages and all the snow, I had to listen on 160M
and 80M with the transmit antennas.  All the Beverages were down or not
functioning following the ice storm.  Also had a problem with my lower 10M
yogis not rotating up to the NE, so it was not the best weekend from the
standpoint of antennas available.  Propagation was excellent, albeit hampered
by very high QRN levels on the LF bands.  This was a single radio event,
although there were many unused radios in the shack.  Good thing the usual
multi-op effort fell through for lack of operators.  There would be nowhere to
park additional cars, as the piles of snow are blocking the way.  Congrats to
KI1G, and all the other participants in the SOA category.  It was a lot of

73 de Sig, N3RS

Call: N3ZZ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 117,774
Best condx here for some years.  Thanks for the Qs.

Call: N4CF              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 151,392
Once again, I was amazed at how well QRP CW works. Only got 14 hours due to
conflicting family activities. Set a personal goal of 100K, and surpassed that
on Sunday afternoon. Bumped the goal to 150K, and barely made that with two
minutes left in the contest. i['m pleased!

Call: N4CR              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 119,928
First CW contest

Call: N4CW              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,841,648
What fun!!!!

Call: N4DJ              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 610,995
I thought I would try Low Power Assisted this time. After all 90 watts is only 9
dB down from my usual 700 watts. The low power did better than I expected. That
was fun!  I was even able to get some good runs in, especially on 15 meters
where my best hour was 91 Qs. One advantage of being assisted was I could see
myself being spotted by the skimmers. Not sure that got me any points though.
According to N1MM, exactly two thirds of my Qs were S&P and one third

I did not hear much on 160 and 80. Much more noise there this weekend than I am
used to.


Call: N4DW              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,534,350
After an awesome two hour run on 20, I now have a much deeper respect for
dxpedition operators.

Call: N4DXI             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 106,596
Nice openings to Europe on 10 and 15 meters.  All S & P, working KW European
stations.  Lots of Balkan countries for some reason...direct pipeline into
Inglis, Florida?

73...John Bescher, N4DXI

Call: N4FP              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 64,746
Used this contest to experiment with various configurations:  Flex 3000, 100
Watts to 22' flagpole fed thru SG-237 tuner at base of flagpole; TS-440SAT, 100
watts to 20 meter loop fed thru Dentron tuner; TS-440SAT driving Ameritron
AL-811H to 22' fishing pole fed thru Dentron tuner.  The Flex 100 held its own
wherever I used it.  The TS-440SAT to the loop was a disappointment.  Tried
higher power to the loop and blew out a new W2AU balun.  TS-440SAT with high
power to the 22' fishing pole was a lot of fun on 10 meters, worked Guam and
Japan.  If I had it to do over, I would stick to the Flex 3000 at 100 watts to
the flagpole and spend the time used to experiment with other antennas and high
power on actual operating.  I spent way too much time trying to build/modify
antennas during the contest. Still a very fun Ham Radio Weekend.

Call: N4JF              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 88,000

Call: N4KG              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,657,458
In the 2013 CQ WW CW I worked to maximize my multipliers resulting in the
highest country multiplier I have ever achieved (586?) but noticed a great
reduction in my multi-band contacts due to focusing almost exclusively on the
N1MM "available multipliers box".

In this contest, I mixed my focus between the N1MM Band Map and Available
Multiplier Box resulting in contacts with 50 stations on all 5 bands from 80
through 10 meters with my best hour producing 85 contacts by the
'point-and-click' method.

That's sort of fun at the time BUT, I have less of a 'feel' for who is where
and a definite loss of satisfaction from finding the mults on my own.

My guess is that the Single Operators in the unassisted category get the
greatest feeling of accomplishment.  I'm still sorting out how I want to play
this game with the N1MM Logging Program and declining capability to push as
hard as I used to along with a definite need to get away from the chair (and
radio) to 'recharge my batteries' as I enter my 6th Sunspot Cycle of DXing and
Contesting.  I'm still recuperating from this contest and it's Wednesday!

Tom N4KG in North Alabama

Call: N4KH              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 168,960
Other priorities really limited me to a very P/T effort. Conditions on 80m late
Friday night were the best I've heard in a very long time. I was able to easily
work all the big guns in Europe and everywhere in between running 100 watts.
Hopefully I'll get a few new confirmed countries out of that. The rain really
cut back on local noise. I decided to try to run for a while on 10 meters
Sunday morning before heading to church and had lots of fun with that with many
EU and AF callers. Thanks for all the QSO's.

Call: N4LF              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 150,732
Got a few hours in between visitors, chores and stomach flu!

S&P only.

K3 to Allband doublet

Call: N4LZ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 66,381
All S & P.  Hard to sit in the chair when you feel yuckey.  Had fun!!

Call: N4NX              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,023,198
K3, KPA500 ( 500 watts ), 4 element SteppIR, wires

Missed large chunks of time due to other activities.

worked PJ2T on all 6 bands ( Hal, N4GG was op on several of the QSOs )
Almost all Search & Pounce.

Call: N4OGW             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 607,074
Fun! Wish I could have operated more.


Call: N4PN              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 507,990
Just couldn't be better....WoW! Go 10 meters.
Fighting a stomach virus all week, but tried to stay in the ole chair..
56 - 5W contacts - only on 10m....plus 2 - 2w contacts...
Lots of great DX in the mornings....
Thanks to all who showed up for a great show...
73, Paul, N4PN

FT1000MP/AL1200 - 1200W
TH-5 Tribander @ 70'
Logging w/CT

Call: N4QX              Class: SO Unlimited QRP         Total Score = 6,900
Rig: FT-817ND, 5 watts
Antennas: mobile whips
QTH: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze on top, exterior floor of Clarendon Market Common
west parking garage, FN18kv

I entered the weekend with 69 entities confirmed on Logbook of the World and
thought I'd make an effort to finish DXCC this weekend, with the benefit of
other people's antennas.  I didn't quite make it, due to a combination of short
hours and poor targeting--I was surprised to hear large pileups for Peru and
Corsica, and spent too much time failing to break them.  But I'm substantially
closer to the line, and I've resolved to cross it this year.

DX Phone will be an effort from 4U1ITU, but only for a few hours, as I fly home
on March 1.

73 de Brennan N4QX

Call: N4TOL             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 96,720
Installed the CW filter in my Yaesu FT-817 last week, so it was time to give it
a good test.  I was very pleased with the performance of the radio.

Band conditions were very good for me on 10 and 15.
Worked 61 unique countries at 5 watts, although none were very rare. ZL9, ZL
and CN were best gets.

Lot's of fun being heard with a simple station.

Yaesu FT-817
Buckmaster OCF @ 55 feet
Elecraft T1 Autotuner

Call: N4TZ/9            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,286,326
Yet another photo-finish with N5AW - it's like a Big 10 rivalry game!
It doesn't matter who wins the national champitonship, so long as
you beat your rival. For the past sunspot cycle, Marv and I have had
a number of very close finishes, despite living a thousand miles apart.
This looks to be another.

A couple of times I almost threw in the towel.  Conditions Saturday
evening were brutal, not just from the solar events.  We had about
five inches of blowing snow which made the low bands intollerable
even with my beverages. So, I went to bed very early.  Sunday morning
was better, but not as good as Saturday, when I made 10 meter contacts
well before local sunrise.  Sunday's highlight was having XW0YJY call
in during my afternoon jog on 20 for an all-time new one.  I'll try
to remember that QSO the next time I get discouraged about a slow

Time to go shovel some more snow.


               CONTEST: ARRL-DX-CW
            START DATE: 15-02-14
               LOCATOR: EN70

                  CLUB: Society of Midwest Contesters
                  NAME: Terry Zivney
               ADDRESS: 8843 W County Road 950 N
          ADDRESS-CITY: Middletown
                 EMAIL: N4TZ at ARRL.NET

        OPERATING TIME: 39:49:25
            CQ COUNTER: 4434
            RUN/SEARCH: 1903/728 Qs

              SOFTWARE: TR4W v.4.246 http://www.tr4w.com

  BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points Countries
 160CW         40           39      117        35
  80CW        127          126      378        60
  40CW        324          323      969        75
  20CW        609          604     1812        85
  15CW        692          684     2052        88
  10CW        839          826     2478        78

 Totals      2631         2602     7806       421

    Final Score = 3286326 points.

                           2014 ARRL-DX-CW N4TZ
                                 Continent List

                    160    80    40    20    15    10   ALL
                    ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---
      USA calls =     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
   Canada calls =     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
       NA calls =    18    23    24    22    24    20   131
       SA calls =     6     9    10    25    24    26   100
     Euro calls =    14    86   243   484   554   654  2035
  African calls =     2     2     4     9     8    10    35
    Asian calls =     0     1     8    42    23    17    91
    Japan calls =     0     1    23    12    47   106   189
    Ocean calls =     0     5    12    14    12     6    49

    Total calls =    40   127   324   609   692   839  2631

Unknowns on  20 = MM/VK6FZM

                                 ARRL-DX-CW N4TZ

HR     160       80       40       20       15       10   HR TOT CUM TOTAL
--   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- ------ ---------
 0     ---      3/3     41/24    21/16     7/4     13/6    85/53    85/53
0.014 M
 1     3/3      1/1     77/13    10/4      ---      ---    91/21   176/74
0.039 M
 2    13/13    21/15    12/0      ---      ---      ---    46/28   222/102
0.068 M
 3     8/6     28/10     1/1      ---      ---      ---    37/17   259/119
0.092 M
 4     7/4     15/3      3/0     39/9      ---      ---    64/16   323/135
0.130 M
 5     5/5     20/9     13/3      3/0      ---      ---    41/17   364/152
0.165 M
 6     2/2     11/3     39/5      ---      ---      ---    52/10   416/162
0.201 M
 7     ---      6/2     39/0      2/1      ---      ---    47/3    463/165
0.228 M
 8     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    463/165
0.228 M
 9     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    463/165
0.228 M
10     ---      8/6     34/13     1/0      ---      ---    43/19   506/184
0.278 M
11     ---      5/3      5/2     30/13    15/11     ---    55/29   561/213
0.357 M
12     ---      ---      ---     54/8      1/0     66/32  121/40   682/253
0.516 M
13     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---    139/9   139/9    821/262
0.642 M
14     ---      ---      ---      ---     60/17    55/0   115/17   936/279
0.779 M
15     ---      ---      ---      ---     22/4     66/5    88/9   1024/288
0.880 M
16     ---      ---      ---      ---     73/5     42/0   115/5   1139/293
0.996 M
17     ---      ---      ---      ---      6/0     85/2    91/2   1230/295
1.083 M
18     ---      ---      ---     43/4     45/2      3/0    91/6   1321/301
1.187 M
19     ---      ---      ---     51/0     26/4      3/2    80/6   1401/307
1.281 M
20     ---      ---      ---      8/1     53/3     12/9    73/13  1474/320
1.405 M
21     ---      ---      ---     45/5     18/9      2/1    65/15  1539/335
1.537 M
22     ---      ---      4/0      3/1     23/4     30/4    60/9   1599/344
1.640 M
23     ---      ---      ---     11/5      5/1     47/2    63/8   1662/352
1.745 M
 0     ---      ---      9/2      ---      4/2     37/0    50/4   1712/356
1.817 M
 1     ---      ---      8/2      6/5     22/1      ---    36/8   1748/364
1.895 M
 2     ---      3/0      8/0     21/2      2/0      ---    34/2   1782/366
1.942 M
 3     ---      ---      4/4     12/1      3/0      ---    19/5   1801/371
1.990 M
 4     1/1      ---      7/2      1/0      ---      ---     9/3   1810/374
2.016 M
 5     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1810/374
2.016 M
 6     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1810/374
2.016 M
 7     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1810/374
2.016 M
 8     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1810/374
2.016 M
 9     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1810/374
2.016 M
10     ---      4/3     12/1      6/0      ---      ---    22/4   1832/378
2.063 M
11     1/1      2/2      6/3      7/0      ---      ---    16/6   1848/384
2.114 M
12     ---      ---      ---     26/2     60/6      ---    86/8   1934/392
2.259 M
13     ---      ---      ---      ---    119/7      1/0   120/7   2054/399
2.443 M
14     ---      ---      ---      1/1     38/0     42/1    81/2   2135/401
2.550 M
15     ---      ---      ---      ---      4/0     62/0    66/0   2201/401
2.626 M
16     ---      ---      ---      ---      7/1     73/2    80/3   2281/404
2.740 M
17     ---      ---      ---      ---     19/1     47/2    66/3   2347/407
2.838 M
18     ---      ---      ---     51/3     17/0      2/0    70/3   2417/410
2.943 M
19     ---      ---      ---     43/0     22/2      3/0    68/2   2485/412
3.039 M
20     ---      ---      ---     23/2      9/2      2/0    34/4   2519/416
3.111 M
21     ---      ---      ---     26/0      6/1      2/0    34/1   2553/417
3.158 M
22     ---      ---      ---     43/1      1/1      4/1    48/3   2601/420
3.241 M
23     ---      ---      2/0     22/1      5/0      1/0    30/1   2631/421
3.286 M
D1   38/33   118/55   268/61   321/67   354/64   563/72           1662/352
D2    2/2      9/5     56/14   288/18   338/24   276/6             969/69
TO   40/35   127/60   324/75   609/85   692/88   839/78           2631/421

Call: N4UU              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,475,198
Station is working well. I had a 2 hour power failure Saturday morning right as
10 was opening to Europe. I will install generator ! That was was the longest 2
hours I can remember. Thanks for the q'S.

Call: N4WW              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 357,858
40M was a tail of 2 contest. Fantastic condx first 24 hours but the second 24
was stinko!

Call: N4YDU             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,462,237
After many years of doing this with 100 watts, I ventured into the high power
category this time around. It made for a very enjoyable event.

Conditions were fantastic with the only low point coming for a few hours
shortly after the halfway point when the low bands were a wreck. The nighttime
high-band conditions provided plenty of excitement. It was a pleasant surprise
to get such great conditions to Asia. 10 meters was fantastic to Asia shortly
after sunset.

I was just about to go to bed the second night and decided to take a spin
through 20 meters. That was about 2 in the morning local time. The JA run that
transpired was one like I had never experienced. It felt like a high band
European run. I finally went to bed at 4 in the morning and did not return
until an hour after sunrise. I tried to get up, but as I stood up I realized I
was just too darn tired.

10,15 and 20 were super while 40 was OK. 80 was fine the first night but a bust
the second night. 160 was poor.

What an exciting event �" I think I'll stick to high power in the future
as well.



Radio A: Kenwood 850, SB200
Radio B: Kenwood 850, Ameritron AL 811

10 meters: 2 element wire delta loop at 50 feet fixed NE

15 meters: 4 element Cushcraft yagi at 30 feet fixed NE, 2 element delta loop
fixed NW

20 meters: 3 element Hygain yagi at 30 feet fixed NE, Comtek 4 square,
rectangular loop at 65 feet

Three band dipole for 10/15/20 at 55 feet NW/SE

Hygain TH2 fixed SW at 25 feet

40 meters: Comtek 4 Square

80 meters: 1/4 wave vertical

160M: Inverted L

K9AY RX antenna with Hilltop Phasing Box

Wintest Software

Call: N5AW              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,215,406
My best score ever. High bands were excellent - low bands not terrible but below
normal. For once I acted more like a contester than a DXer. I had four clock
hours above 100 and two of 97. I know that's nothing for the big guys but for
me that was great. My multiplier total is lower than I've had in recent years,
partly because I spent more time running but also there were not as many
available on 160 and 80 this time. No complaints though!

Call: N5DO              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 1,736,667
I made about 100 more contacts this year than last year, but I had fewer mults.
I was able to run a lot more this normal. It was lots of fun to act like a HP
station and run Europe from west Texas!

Call: N5TOO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 69,984
Worked contest from condo at St. Simons Island, GA using FT 897D with 37 foot
long wire hanging out 3rd floor window.  The 897 and FC-40 tuner combination
would not tune 20 meters.  Was a fun part time search and pounce contest.  Got
as many QSO's as possible between walks on the beach and other fun vacation
activities with my wife and granddaughter.

Call: N5XZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 506,499
Fun contest, operated a few hours between yard work and other chores this
weekend. Band conditions were very good.

Rig: K3/P3
Amp: Alpha 78
Ant: 4 el SteppIR @ 75 ft
S/W: N1MM v.14.1.0

Call: N6AR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 865,080
Very little spare time here this weekend, but the bands were sure in great

Call: N6DA              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 511,431
TS-940S + ALPHA 87A
40 INV V @30'
20 INV V @30'
15 40 METER INV V @30'
10 4-EL @ 27'

Fun contest.  10 meters was great.

Call: N6HE              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 237,360
TenTec Omni VII, SB-220, WriteLog; only low wires. 2-el SteppIR next time!

Who the h*** schedules Valentine's Day on a CW DX Contest Weekend?

Had a blast with the great band conditions.

Watch for K6PV/6 from Santa Catalina Island (NA-066) Feb 24 0000Z - Feb 23
2200Z. We'll be in the NAQP RTTY contest, too.

Ray N6HE

Call: N6HI              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 10,200
QRP 5 Watts, 20 Foot End-Fed Wire. Operated on/off about 10-12 hours total.
Finally worked Northern Ireland for Country #150 with a 20 foot wire and 5W.
Fun contest, great condx for my "no antennas" QTH, worked 32
QRP, 18 of them with 1/2Watt.
Hope to have a 'full time' effort next year.  GO ARIZONA OUTLAWS!
73 John N6HI

Call: N6MU              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 401,544
Part time and totally S&P. 73...

John, N6MU                  TS-570 & 5BTV

Call: N6NC              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 46,740
Planned to attend Yuma Hamfest and not do DX CW, but put in a few hrs FRI night
from 0130Z-0730Z on 40m with excursions to 80m to give out Qs.

40m was amazing! Worked 61 countries (EU, OC, AS, AF and SA) in about 5 hrs on
FRI night(and 21 on 80m with a vertical and one radial).

When we returned from Yuma SAT evening I tried 40m again but there was zip,
nada new here. Same thing SUN morning. Glad I got a few hrs in on FRI!

73, Larry N6NC

Call: N6RNO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,079
just a couple of quick sessions around the Olympics...

Call: N6RO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 24,843
Didn't get on until Sunday due to jazz gigs. No CQs, most Qs from the cluster.
Condx seemed quite good, EU stayed in late in our morning.

The Radio Oakley team did not have enough operators to try our usual M/M, so
four of us did SINGLE BAND ASSISTED, a category that ARRL does not recognize.
When will the League modernize?

The four single-banders (SO-U):
WA6O  40m: 990 Qs, 99 Mults, 288K
K6AW  20m: 810 Q, 103 M, 247K;  Amp. failed at 14 hours on time, went home.
K3EST 15m: 1381 Q, 118 M, 488K
N6RO: 10m:  91/91/24K

May do the same thing on SSB.

Call: N6RV              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,131,400
Thanks to everyone I worked! I still can not split my brain so sometimes the
SO2R thing really gets me confused. Great Conditions! I was able to run Europe
and Asia on 40 - 10! 20 Meters Saturday night was the best! A ton of Russian
stations calling! I am still astounded that everyone hears the KX-3 with 12
watts. I worked Europe on 40 with it and the rest of the world off the back of
the beam! I have to say it is the best radio I have ever owned. Now the Flex
5000a only hung up about every 2 hours. It went crazy on 160 and at the end of
the contest it decided to hang up the keyer. I still have to tune very slowly
or the radio freezes up. They say I have to send it back to the factory for a
modification. The DDS which should be termination insensitive is actually very

See everyone in two weeks!

Call: N6WS              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 593,505
Rig : Yaesu FT-1000MP MkV
                    Ameritron AL-1200

         Antennas : Cushcraft X-9 w/X-940 @ 17m
                    80m 1/2 sloper @ 12m

          Soapbox : Had great fun chasing DX!!

Call: N6YEU             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 386,973
Great conditions on all bands but 20m was lousy for me. 15 was the "money
band". My birthday is 15 Feb. so got a nice present!

Call: N7GP              Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 7,326
This one was much poorer than last year.  In 2013 I was able to put in 10 hours
of operating time the first night before getting sick.  That effort yielded 100
Q's and 43 mults for a claimed score of 12,771.  With the sickness, no 2nd night
operation was done.

This year I was available to operate fully both nights but it was not necessary
as the band did not cooperate.  The 8 hours is the sum total of operating time
for both nights.

Under really adverse conditions where some contacts required 5-10 minutes to
receive all the information, the following DX entities were contacted.  The
number indicates if more than 1 station was contacted in that DX entity.

6Y, 9A, 9Y, C6, CN, CT, CT3, EA-5, F-3, G-2, GW, HC, HK-2, HL, J3, JA-12,
KH6-2, KL-2, KP2-3, KP4-2, OM, P4-2, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PY, TI, UA9-2, V2, V3,
VP2E, VP5, VP9, XE-2,YN, ZF-2, ZL-2.

All of the EU contacts were difficult with the exception of TM6M when he was
already in daylight.  You know the Pacific isn't going to do much when HL5IVL
is barely workable.

Thanks for all the Q's and for the tremendous effort of F6BLP and OM7M who hung
with me through dozens of repeats.

Let's all hope for better conditions in the CQ 160 SSB this next weekend.

73 de Milt, N5IA, operator of N7GP

Call: N7IR              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 780,432
Ah, what could have been?  This score is only a few percent less than my all
time high score from 2002.  If the CME had hit 24 hours later this effort would
have produced my highest ARRL DX CW contest score.  I kept pushing the
multiplier total all day on Sunday since I knew the rate wasn't going to be
there.  Even so there were new people to work on every band to the very end.

Non-polar paths were good enough for me to run Asia and Oceania on 10 and 15
meters on Saturday evening.  That hasn't happened here using QRP since the peak
of cycle 23.

This contest was the shake-down cruise of new 5B4AGN TX band-pass filters and
antenna switching hardware.  All of the careful wiring work and testing over
the previous couple of weeks ensured that Mr. Murphy went to visit elsewhere.

Thanks for the contacts and your patience.
Gary, N7IR

Call: N7NM              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,159,539
FT-1000mp KW
43ft Vertical

Great prop and quiet bands make for a lot of fun! Best results
ever in a contest but missed most of Friday evening. Able to
sustain a run to EU for the first time ever Sat morning and as usual
JA accounted for almost half my score!
Thanks to all who worked me.
73, Doug - N7NM

Call: N7RVD             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 244,398
This was only my 3rd time in this contest.  And it was a personal best, which
was a real surprise since I had a pistol match Saturday, so, the whole day was
"shot", and, when I finally fired up the radio, I ran the amplifier
at half power on a quiet, fanless, power supply.

Call: N7XU              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,870,988
Best conditions in years. Saturday was a blast, Sunday was a drag.
Lots of 5 banders and two on 6 bands. What a treat.
I kept gentleman's hours - got at least six hours of sleep each night.
Only a small visit from Murphy: the brake on the top rotor quit Saturday PM. It
was windy and while S&P looking for Eu mults and not working much, then
notice that the beam was off to Africa.
K3 + KPA500. Two tribanders and wires.
Thanks to all who called.

Call: N8BJQ             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,405,400
Score way down from last year.  Low bands were not a good I think.  Quit early
to study for my colonoscopy exam in the AM.

Call: N8HM              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 36,582
Didn't spend as much time in the contest as I did last year, but conditions were
good. Enjoyed giving out DC to as many as I could.

Only had three QSY requests this year, so there was obviously much more DC
activity than last year when nearly every other QSO seemed to generate a QSY

Only one new DXCC this year - 3V

Rig - Yaesu FT-450D
Antenna - MFJ-1786 Magnetic Loop

Call: N8II              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,430,980
Recipe for DX contest nirvana = mostly great conditions, loads of Europeans
seeking out QSO's, decent running skill, and operating from a fairly rare
We had at least 15 inches of snow on Thursday and despite having the large
driveway cleared, I still shoveled quite a few heavy loads of snow Friday. And
my father-in-law's ashes were going to be laid to rest Monday with family
dinner Sunday, so I was not planning on a big effort.

Things started off with excellent conditions on 80 thru 20 M. 20 was open to
EU! Both south EU and north EU were loud with the stations in the middle left
out. AF was booming in as were stations from PJ and south. The northern
Caribbean was spotty. A few JA's and were worked along with a few Russians
mostly far north.
40 was in great shape, even managed a decent run of EU stations, then swept the
band for Q's. Down to 80 and managed to run about 30-35 EU down there and also
S&P'ed my way across the band. The RBN caught me right away almost every
time I changed bands. It was great to have EA6FO, RT3F, R22ALS, and CN2AA call
right off the bat multiple times along with some others.

Saturday morning, I was up way too late. 15 was thumping with S9+ Europeans, so
I found a nice spot easily and started a run with one CQ. The pile up was pretty
intense as it was every time I changed bands when running EU all day long.
Conditions were good to Russia and even worked a couple in central Asia.

EU OPS TAKE NOTE! If there is a pile up on your sought after station, please do
not exactly zero beat unless you know you are so loud you can beat the odds. Do
not call once (don't call more than twice) and stop unless again you are really
loud. The guys off frequency slightly and who call after the mob stops are going
getting terrible on both sides of the Atlantic. JA's are the best ops calling
in a pile up by far! They don't answer unless they know they are being called
making for no rate slow downs.

QRP OPs: As a group, there is a lot of room for operating improvement. Please
don't waste time repeating your call and exchange unless the receiving station
asks you to do so. One HB9 station had his exchange macro programmed to send
his call twice (after I correctly sent his call) and repeat the exchange twice!
He was very good copy on 2 bands, weak on another. Also just send "5"
for 5 watts, sending "W" or "watts" or "QRP" just
makes for confusion. Just because you are running QRP does not mean the
receiving station does often copy you quite well.

It was up to 10 just after 13Z and again the Russians were there in numbers
along with a surprise call from E20 in Thailand and UN. From 12Z until 2030Z,
the callers never really slowed down that much on 15, then 10, then .15, then
20. I noticed the last 10 rate hit 333 once on 10 and best last 100 was 174 at
1346Z. It was pretty intense and more than I could possibly hope for running
low power. At 2030Z, the rate was dropping and it was time to troll for mults
on 10 and 15. 10 was long to the south at 21Z, 15 was open well to OC,
Caribbean/SA, and AF. Around 2145, 15 opened to JA and I was able to run at
around a 90 rate there for about 20 minutes. All JA's were very fluttery on 20
and 15. I went to 10 and it was even better with the northern JA's very
fluttery and more southern ones much less. I had one of the best JA runs ever
on CW from home for about 45 minutes with rates around 120/hr. RT0C and
Sakhalin Is. stations were booming in. I managed to find one Chinese and one DU
station. 20 was in great shape to Asia after 10 died off working BY, DU,
Russians, and a few JA's with booming signals from the Caribbean and south. 40
was very frustrating by the time I made it there with very loud only southern
EU's almost all of which were already in the log and no hope of running. So, it
was back to 20 which had opened farther west as far as UA4 and OH and UN
stations were quite loud. Quite a few new Q's and mults were logged. Despite
the disturbance with very wide fluttery signals, signals were quite strong.

Sunday AM started out with a quick scan of 160. 80, and 40, not much happening
with poor conditions, but worth several mults. I was able to run about 40
stations on 20 before the rate dropped off despite good strength from EU, then
it was up to 15 which was in great shape with not quite as loud signals fro
Russia. At 1250Z, 10 was just opening well to EU with some signals weak. By
1310Z, signals were loud, but not so great from Russia with many fewer callers
than Saturday. UR/UA6 stations were loud. I was called by a UN and two VU2's
one of which was booming in. The rate stayed great thru about 1630Z with just a
few dry spells. When I returned to 15, my runs finally ran out or at least
slowed down significantly and finding a clear spot proved difficult. Signals
were weaker with higher absorption than Saturday which hurt ability to run with
LP. The high absorption was also true of 20 around 18Z, but I was able to run at
a decent Sunday rate for quite a while.
A JW called in and TF as well; TF was well represented with about 4 different
calls logged on various bands. 10 was much better to the Caribbean Sunday
afternoon and even a loud OH was logged. At 21Z 15 was pen to basically every
point on the compass with strong signals from Scandinavia, western EU, and AF
as well as KH2, KL7, KH6 and booming Caribbean signals. Returning to 20 M,
around 22Z, EU from OK and HA to the west and north was booming in and I again
resumed a decent paced run with many QRP stations included. 9V1YC called in
with a near S9 signal. Two ZL's called in LP and VK's were booming in. 40 was
again in poor shape to EU at 23Z when it should be peaking, so I went up to 15
and pounced on JA's at about one a minute and found 3 new mults in the last 20

Many thanks to all who called and especially those stuck at the bottom of the
heap when the pile ups were deep. Many followed me around for Q's on 3 or more
bands. All of the spotting tools used by the DX really helped my rate which
many times went from fairly slow to many callers after spotting. And those
multis and assisted guys working the 2nd radio really helped as well. Some
pretty rare DX found me like EA6, JW, CN, 4O4, 7Z, 4X, VU, and 4K. Next year, I
may actually plan to push myself harder, but I doubt if the ionosphere
cooperates like it did this year. Despite the lower number of contest
expeditions compared to CQWW, the ARRL DX is one of my favorites because is
really fun being sought after rather than just another QSO. Low bands and even
20 M are also much easier without the EU to EU QSO's.

Congrats to N9TZ and N5AW who are not as blessed with great EU openings for
hours like I am here, TZ's breakdown shows a lot of hard work chasing down Q's
on different bands. And I and sure N1UR will have a massive score as usual.

73, Jeff

Call: N8UM              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,705,058
Excellent 10/15 conditions after sunset during all three darkness periods here
in the Southeastern US.  The band recovery after the two increases in the K was
extremely rapid.

Very interesting to hear the great signals on 20 meters at 0800z Sunday morning
(250 Qs between 0800-1000z).  My multiplier count was significantly down from
last year but Qs were a new personal best.

No meters like 10 meters.  My 10 meter antenna is a ground mounted array of
four sticks of aluminum each 7 feet tall, spaced in an 8 ft square.  Best 10
meter rate was 125/hr.

No equipment or software issues!  New wet snow did not effect tuning of the

Verticals on all bands
SAL Loops for 80/160

Call: N8XX              Class: SOSB/10 QRP              Total Score = 26,718
Fun contest.  Was surprised that I could work ANY stations after sundown, but
someone on the QRP reflector said that 10 was open after 0000Z in the Easter
Time Zone (7 p.m.) so I looked, and worked one station from Japan, and an
Alaska Station.  Heard a KH6, but he was being swamped by west coast and High
Power stations farther east, and couldn't squoke through the cacophony/din.
Next morning I found CR2A early - even before sunrise, but he was the only loud
station.  Was going to get 40 winks, but slept through the alarm, didn't get on
until 1530Z (10:30 a.m. EST).  After that, did 60 in 90 minutes - amazing for
my modest setup, all S&P.  A couple highlights - Worked 3 New Zealanders,
including the special event station ZM9ØDX, and two ZL1's!   Also, on Sunday
afternoon I squoke through the cacophony chasing NH2/N2NL - he "popped up
to almost S9 at one point, I threw my call, and, "LO, and BEHOLD!" I
heard N8XX coming back from Guam!  Could have pushed me off the chair with a

Thanks to all who stuck with my weak signal at time, though much of the time I
got through on first call with no fills needed!

As I've often said, I never cease to be amazed at what 5 watts to a wet noodle
antenna can do!

Call: N9CK              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,483,514
That was a lot of fun!  It was sure nice to hear all the activity.

73 to all

Steve  N9CK

Call: N9CO              Class: SOSB/20 LP               Total Score = 240,582
Lots of fun, as always, in this one.  Personal obligations kept me from joining
W0AIH team, so spent as much time as I could on 20m.  Amplifier still on
workbench, waiting to be finished (one of these days...) so jumped in with all
that I have:  FT-1000MP and TS-930S.  Started out using the MP, but switched
over to the 930 sometime on Saturday, just for fun.  It's been awhile since
I've made more than a few QSO's on the 930, mainly to make sure that it still
works, and now I need to try to remember why I moved it to standby rig status.
It has the PIEXX and INRAD roofing filters, and it held up to the pileups very
well.  Signals seemed easy to copy and distinguish from each other.  Going to
have to re-think rig strategy.  Used a single yagi, homebrew, 4el on 26' boom,
at 84' for all qso's.  Rotator got a good workout.

73 es thanks for all the fun,
Charlie  N9CO

Call: N9NC              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 532,980
Wind storms in late November and December took down my high dipole and wire Vee
So I went with 10m single band this time.
Used the 5 element homebrew OWA yagi at 25 feet up on a water pipe mast (with
working rotor).

Single op unassisted, single band, single antenna, single radio, what could
possibly go right?

Conditions were excellent Saturday morning, had 2 back to back 200 hours at
sunrise band opening, with 150/hour avg for the first 6 hours.
Probably my mult total suffered from not tuning at all until 18z, but the freq
was too good to leave.
Never experienced that from here before.  Maybe NH is more rare than I had

Sunday definitely felt the impact of Saturday evening’s light CME.
Although the band was open to Eastern EU & Asia as deep as UA9/UA4/VU, sigs
seemed to be 20-30 dB down from Saturday, although selectively.
Interestingly, Sat eve during the event, JA seemed to have a 2nd peak
relatively late, 0030z-0100z.
Rates Sunday afternoon may only be described as painful. 9/hour, then 5/hour at
22z, nary a Q to be found.  Then in the last 30 min, skew path (~290) to JA
provided an enjoyable final run.

All in all a blast, let's hope the Cycle 24 double peak continues!

Tom  N9NC

Call: N9RV              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,489,453
This contest comes up at a time of year when my job has me very busy.  Getting
home at 0010 UTC after a long week of work and travel is not ideal.  Its even
worse when you see one of your rotating towers freewheeling in the wind (broken
pin bolt) when you arrive.  But its a DX contest with great conditions, so you
can't make excuses.

Ran the contest for a bit on 15/10 as sun was going down.  Took a break to fix
the broken bolt outside, went back to it.  Friday night was super on all bands
but 80/160.  Called many big power EU stations on 80 that never even knew I was

Had some issues that caused me to miss Sat morning, so that was it for a
serious effort.  With the CME event 15/10 were not that good the second day,
but that's all I got.  It was good enough to have fun.

It was fun to have a multiplier tower and antennas for second directions on
20/15/10.  But it took a bit of getting used to.  When I got back on the air on
Sat afternoon I immediately went to 20 to try to hit the EU opening, but I
didn't realize I had switched to the mult antenna (pointed at SA)!  Managed to
have a respectable run, but signals were so weak.  I thought conditions had
absolutely tanked!  When I switched to the run antennas it was so much better.
In fact, 20m on Sat night was really good, as others have noted.

Now I am going to have to figure out how to get a decent Phone SO2R setup going
here, because I need to get a full time contest in!

Congrats to the big scorers, especially N2IC who was flying everywhere.

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0      0      0     20     80    100    100    3.3
0100       0      0      0      5     59     29     93    193    6.3
0200       0      0      0     19    121      0    140    333   10.8
0300       0      0     30     55     33      0    118    451   14.7
0400       2     11     92      5      0      0    110    561   18.2
0500       3      5     61     45      0      0    114    675   22.0
0600       0      8     56      0      0      0     64    739   24.0
0700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    739   24.0
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    739   24.0
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    739   24.0
1000       3     12    120      0      0      0    135    874   28.4
1100       1     47     65      0      0      0    113    987   32.1
1200       0     25     61      0      0      0     86   1073   34.9
1300       4      7     30      2      0      0     43   1116   36.3
1400       1      1      9      0      4      0     15   1131   36.8
1500       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1131   36.8
1600       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1131   36.8
1700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1131   36.8
1800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1131   36.8
1900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1131   36.8
2000       0      0      0     38      8      2     48   1179   38.4
2100       0      0      0     42     34     17     93   1272   41.4
2200       0      0      0     28     13     68    109   1381   44.9
2300       0      0      0     20     53     52    125   1506   49.0
0000       0      0      0      9      9     99    117   1623   52.8
0100       0      0      0      2     37     65    104   1727   56.2
0200       0      0      0     10     34     12     56   1783   58.0
0300       0      0     15      6     51      3     75   1858   60.4
0400       2      1     38     15      6      0     62   1920   62.5
0500       1      1      5     79      0      0     86   2006   65.3
0600       0      0      0     33      0      0     33   2039   66.3
0700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2039   66.3
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2039   66.3
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   2039   66.3
1000       0      2     44      0      0      0     46   2085   67.8
1100       1      1     48      0      0      0     50   2135   69.5
1200       1      2     31      0      0      0     34   2169   70.6
1300       0      3     30      2      0      0     35   2204   71.7
1400       0      0      6      6     27      0     39   2243   73.0
1500       0      0      0      2     31     47     80   2323   75.6
1600       0      0      0      0     46     67    113   2436   79.2
1700       0      0      0      0    131      4    135   2571   83.6
1800       0      0      0      0     88      9     97   2668   86.8
1900       0      0      0    104     15      7    126   2794   90.9
2000       0      0      0     84      6      7     97   2891   94.0
2100       0      0      0     38     23      0     61   2952   96.0
2200       0      0      0     36     12     18     66   3018   98.2
2300       0      0      0     24      9     23     56   3074  100.0
Total     19    126    741    709    870    609   3074

Gross QSOs=3193        Dupes=119        Net QSOs=3074

Unique callsigns worked = 1943

The best 60 minute rate was 154/hour from 0134 to 0233
The best 30 minute rate was 176/hour from 1651 to 1720
The best 10 minute rate was 186/hour from 0222 to 0231

The best 1 minute rates were:
 5 QSOs/minute    5 times.
 4 QSOs/minute   64 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  326 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  604 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  607 times.

There were 784 bandchanges and 387 (12.6%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America      9     20     23     26     25     23    126    4.1
South America      3      6     14     24     25     40    112    3.6
Europe             0     12    272    521    370    119   1294   42.1
Asia               5     78    396    104    402    394   1379   44.9
Africa             0      2      7     14     10      9     42    1.4
Oceania            2      8     29     20     38     23    120    3.9
Total             19    126    741    709    870    609   3074

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3         9
   4       512
   5       877
   6      1599
   8        74
   9         2
  10         1

------------------ C o u n t r y   S u m m a r y ------------------
Country        160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
3V               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
3W               0      0      2      0      1      1      4    0.1
4L               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
4O               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
4X               0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.1
5B               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
6W               0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.1
6Y               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
9A               0      0      8     10      8      3     29    0.9
9L               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
9M6              0      0      2      0      3      1      6    0.2
9V               0      0      2      0      2      3      7    0.2
A9               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
BV               0      0      2      0      1      1      4    0.1
BY               0      1     10      0     16     15     42    1.4
C6               1      2      0      3      0      0      6    0.2
CE               0      0      1      1      1      3      6    0.2
CE9              0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
CM               0      3      2      0      0      0      5    0.2
CN               0      1      1      2      1      1      6    0.2
CT               0      1      0      1      2      0      4    0.1
CT3              0      1      2      1      1      2      7    0.2
CU               0      0      1      1      0      1      3    0.1
CX               0      0      1      1      3      2      7    0.2
DL               0      3     32     65     71     27    198    6.4
DU               0      0      5      1      3      2     11    0.4
E7               0      0      3      2      4      1     10    0.3
EA               0      4      7     21     18      9     59    1.9
EA6              0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
EA8              0      0      0      8      3      5     16    0.5
EI               0      0      0      2      4      0      6    0.2
ER               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
ES               0      0      3      5      3      0     11    0.4
EU               0      0      5      9      1      2     17    0.6
F                0      1      5     18     11      6     41    1.3
FG               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
FP               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
FY               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
G                0      0      3     26     22      4     55    1.8
GI               0      0      0      3      2      1      6    0.2
GM               0      0      0      3      3      0      6    0.2
GW               0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.1
HA               0      0     15     19     14      2     50    1.6
HB               0      0      3      7      7      2     19    0.6
HC               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
HI               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
HK               1      1      2      1      2      1      8    0.3
HL               0      0      6      0      6     10     22    0.7
HS               0      0      2      0      7      3     12    0.4
I                0      0     20     60     46      8    134    4.4
*IT9             0      0      1      3      2      0      6    0.2
J3               1      0      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
JA               4     73    354     52    329    344   1156   37.6
JT               0      0      1      0      2      0      3    0.1
JW               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
K                0      0      1      0      1      1      3    0.1
KH2              0      1      1      1      2      2      7    0.2
KH6              2      3      5      7     11      4     32    1.0
KL               1      2      4      2      8      7     24    0.8
KP2              1      2      3      4      3      3     16    0.5
KP4              0      2      1      3      2      1      9    0.3
LA               0      0      4      3      2      1     10    0.3
LU               0      0      0      2      4     11     17    0.6
LX               0      0      0      0      2      0      2    0.1
LY               0      0      4      3      0      0      7    0.2
LZ               0      0      4     12      6      5     27    0.9
OA               0      1      1      1      1      0      4    0.1
OE               0      0      1      2      4      1      8    0.3
OH               0      0      8     23     13      4     48    1.6
OK               0      0     16     17     16      4     53    1.7
OM               0      0      6      7      5      3     21    0.7
ON               0      0      3      6      7      2     18    0.6
OZ               0      0      2      4      2      0      8    0.3
P4               1      3      2      3      3      3     15    0.5
PA               0      0      3     14     14      6     37    1.2
PJ2              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
PJ4              0      0      2      1      1      1      5    0.2
PJ5              0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
PY               0      0      3     12      9     16     40    1.3
S5               0      0     12      7      9      3     31    1.0
SM               0      1      5     17     12      5     40    1.3
SP               0      1      8     13     18      4     44    1.4
SV               0      0      4      5      1      0     10    0.3
SV9              0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
TF               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
TI               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
UA               0      1     44     75      6      3    129    4.2
UA2              0      0      1      1      1      0      3    0.1
UA9              1      4     15     40     30     14    104    3.4
UK               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
UN               0      0      0      6      6      0     12    0.4
UR               0      0     29     27     11      6     73    2.4
V2               0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
V3               1      1      1      1      0      0      4    0.1
VE               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
VK               0      1      8      7      6      5     27    0.9
VP2E             0      0      0      1      0      1      2    0.1
VP5              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
VP9              0      1      0      1      1      0      3    0.1
VR               0      0      1      0      0      2      3    0.1
VU               0      0      0      0      2      0      2    0.1
XE               1      1      2      0      0      1      5    0.2
XW               0      0      1      0      0      1      2    0.1
YB               0      0      3      0      7      4     14    0.5
YJ               0      1      1      1      1      0      4    0.1
YL               0      0      2      3      4      0      9    0.3
YN               0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
YO               0      0      4     10      7      2     23    0.7
YS               0      1      0      0      0      0      1    0.0
YU               0      0      4     10      6      1     21    0.7
YV               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
Z3               0      0      1      2      1      0      4    0.1
ZF               1      1      2      3      1      1      9    0.3
ZL               0      1      3      3      4      4     15    0.5
ZL9              0      1      1      0      1      1      4    0.1
ZS               0      0      4      2      2      0      8    0.3
Total           19    126    741    709    870    609   3074

------------ M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y ------------
Mult     160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
JA         4     73    354     52    329    344   1156   37.6
DL         0      3     32     65     71     27    198    6.4
I          0      0     20     60     46      8    134    4.4
UA         0      1     44     75      6      3    129    4.2
UA9        1      4     15     40     30     14    104    3.4
UR         0      0     29     27     11      6     73    2.4
EA         0      4      7     21     18      9     59    1.9
G          0      0      3     26     22      4     55    1.8
OK         0      0     16     17     16      4     53    1.7
HA         0      0     15     19     14      2     50    1.6
OH         0      0      8     23     13      4     48    1.6
SP         0      1      8     13     18      4     44    1.4
BY         0      1     10      0     16     15     42    1.4
F          0      1      5     18     11      6     41    1.3
PY         0      0      3     12      9     16     40    1.3
SM         0      1      5     17     12      5     40    1.3
PA         0      0      3     14     14      6     37    1.2
KH6        2      3      5      7     11      4     32    1.0
S5         0      0     12      7      9      3     31    1.0
9A         0      0      8     10      8      3     29    0.9
VK         0      1      8      7      6      5     27    0.9
LZ         0      0      4     12      6      5     27    0.9
KL         1      2      4      2      8      7     24    0.8
YO         0      0      4     10      7      2     23    0.7
HL         0      0      6      0      6     10     22    0.7
YU         0      0      4     10      6      1     21    0.7
OM         0      0      6      7      5      3     21    0.7
HB         0      0      3      7      7      2     19    0.6
ON         0      0      3      6      7      2     18    0.6
LU         0      0      0      2      4     11     17    0.6
EU         0      0      5      9      1      2     17    0.6
KP2        1      2      3      4      3      3     16    0.5
EA8        0      0      0      8      3      5     16    0.5
P4         1      3      2      3      3      3     15    0.5
ZL         0      1      3      3      4      4     15    0.5
YB         0      0      3      0      7      4     14    0.5
HS         0      0      2      0      7      3     12    0.4
UN         0      0      0      6      6      0     12    0.4
DU         0      0      5      1      3      2     11    0.4
ES         0      0      3      5      3      0     11    0.4
LA         0      0      4      3      2      1     10    0.3
E7         0      0      3      2      4      1     10    0.3
SV         0      0      4      5      1      0     10    0.3
KP4        0      2      1      3      2      1      9    0.3
ZF         1      1      2      3      1      1      9    0.3
YL         0      0      2      3      4      0      9    0.3
ZS         0      0      4      2      2      0      8    0.3
OE         0      0      1      2      4      1      8    0.3
OZ         0      0      2      4      2      0      8    0.3
HK         1      1      2      1      2      1      8    0.3
CX         0      0      1      1      3      2      7    0.2
9V         0      0      2      0      2      3      7    0.2
CT3        0      1      2      1      1      2      7    0.2
KH2        0      1      1      1      2      2      7    0.2
LY         0      0      4      3      0      0      7    0.2
6Y         1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
PJ2        1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
CN         0      1      1      2      1      1      6    0.2
VP5        1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.2
C6         1      2      0      3      0      0      6    0.2
*IT9       0      0      1      3      2      0      6    0.2
9M6        0      0      2      0      3      1      6    0.2
GI         0      0      0      3      2      1      6    0.2
CE         0      0      1      1      1      3      6    0.2
EI         0      0      0      2      4      0      6    0.2
GM         0      0      0      3      3      0      6    0.2
PJ4        0      0      2      1      1      1      5    0.2
PJ5        0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
CM         0      3      2      0      0      0      5    0.2
TI         0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
J3         1      0      1      1      1      1      5    0.2
XE         1      1      2      0      0      1      5    0.2
YN         0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
ZL9        0      1      1      0      1      1      4    0.1
V2         0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
CT         0      1      0      1      2      0      4    0.1
BV         0      0      2      0      1      1      4    0.1
OA         0      1      1      1      1      0      4    0.1
EA6        0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.1
Z3         0      0      1      2      1      0      4    0.1
V3         1      1      1      1      0      0      4    0.1
3W         0      0      2      0      1      1      4    0.1
YJ         0      1      1      1      1      0      4    0.1
VR         0      0      1      0      0      2      3    0.1
JT         0      0      1      0      2      0      3    0.1
UA2        0      0      1      1      1      0      3    0.1
K          0      0      1      0      1      1      3    0.1
VP9        0      1      0      1      1      0      3    0.1
CU         0      0      1      1      0      1      3    0.1
GW         0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.1
VU         0      0      0      0      2      0      2    0.1
3V         0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
4X         0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.1
XW         0      0      1      0      0      1      2    0.1
6W         0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.1
TF         0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
VP2E       0      0      0      1      0      1      2    0.1
LX         0      0      0      0      2      0      2    0.1
ER         0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.1
FY         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
UK         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
A9         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
YS         0      1      0      0      0      0      1    0.0
9L         0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
JW         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
???        0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
FG         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
CE9        0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
4L         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
YV         0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
4O         0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
SV9        0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
HC         0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
FP         0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
VE         0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
HI         0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
5B         0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
Total     19    126    741    709    870    609   3074

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1259
2 bands     390
3 bands     185
4 bands      77
5 bands      20
6 bands      12

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

P40L        6Y2T        KH6LC       PJ2T        VP5S        KP2M
JE1ZWT      ZF35A       JA8KSF      HK1NA       RT0F        KL7RA

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0     31    295    355    338    240

Call: N9TF              Class: SOSB/40 LP               Total Score = 23,580
No time for contesting during the day this weekend. 80 was way too noisy here
and was unable to hear any DX, so decided to see what I could do on 40m. 100
watts and rotatable trap dipole at 37'and fixed trap dipole at 35' apex NE/SW.
Ended up using the fixed dipole (DX-LB) for EU as the D4 rotatable was detuning
all of a sudden when it was parallel to the DX-LB. I think the mound of snow on
the roof building under the antennas has something to do with the added
coupling, as I did not have this problem B4. Used the D4 NW/SE which worked
well. Thanks to all the stations that heard my weak signal and hanging in
there. Sorry for some repeats on my end, had an S5 noise floor the whole

73 Gene N9TF

Call: NA0N              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 1,640,964
This was a personal best for me.

73, Pat NA0N

Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 325,518
RIG: K3 100w
ANT: R5 VerticaL (20-15-10)
     160m Inverted "L" (40)
     Franklin (80)

Call: NA8V              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,121,146
About as much fun as one can have, with the exception of the punk + noisy low
band conditions Saturday night and the fact my 160m antenna continues to

I had the best rates I've ever had Saturday morning, with a personal best 15

Made a couple sorta mistakes.  On Saturday night i was both convinced i
couldn't do anything on 20 at night and obsessed with doing something on the
low bands.  I finally got a slow run going on 80 at 06z followed by a couple
reasonable hours on 40 but it would have been nice to have experienced the 20
opening.  Never even listened there for 4 hours.  Went to bed feeling good
about 40/80 and slept a couple hours longer than planned.  All things
considered, it worked out well.


TH6 @ 67', TH3 @ 47'(fixed SE)
40:  Doubleslot, sloping vert, dipole
80:  2x Inv L
160: Inv L
Bev:  2x450' at EU.

HR     160       80       40       20       15       10   HR TOT CUM TOTAL
--   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- ------ ---------
 0     ---      ---      ---     30/22    33/17     ---    63/39    63/39
0.007 M
 1     ---      ---     64/34    21/13     ---      ---    85/47   148/86
0.038 M
 2     1/1     33/20     9/1      6/3      ---      ---    49/25   197/111
0.065 M
 3     6/6      ---      ---     22/7      ---      ---    28/13   225/124
0.083 M
 4     2/2     40/18     ---      ---      ---      ---    42/20   267/144
0.115 M
 5     6/5      ---     32/13     6/0      ---      ---    44/18   311/162
0.150 M
 6     1/1     24/10    27/2      ---      ---      ---    52/13   363/175
0.190 M
 7     1/0      5/2     55/6      8/5      ---      ---    69/13   432/188
0.243 M
 8     ---      5/4     20/7      ---      ---      ---    25/11   457/199
0.272 M
 9     ---      5/2     12/2      3/1      ---      ---    20/5    477/204
0.291 M
10     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---    477/204
0.291 M
11     ---      2/1      ---      ---      ---      ---     2/1    479/205
0.293 M
12     ---      ---      7/5     78/16     3/3      ---    88/24   567/229
0.388 M
13     ---      ---      ---      ---     79/22    62/26  141/48   708/277
0.587 M
14     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---    142/14  142/14   850/291
0.738 M
15     ---      ---      ---      ---     63/3     37/1   100/4    950/295
0.835 M
16     ---      ---      ---      ---     78/8     22/5   100/13  1050/308
0.964 M
17     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     93/10   93/10  1143/318
1.081 M
18     ---      ---      ---      ---     65/10     1/0    66/10  1209/328
1.179 M
19     ---      ---      ---    100/5      ---      ---   100/5   1309/333
1.296 M
20     ---      ---      ---     35/1      ---     34/11   69/12  1378/345
1.412 M
21     ---      ---      1/0     26/1     25/10     ---    52/11  1430/356
1.511 M
22     ---      ---      ---     36/0      ---     30/4    66/4   1496/360
1.599 M
23     ---      ---     25/0     10/3      ---      3/0    38/3   1534/363
1.654 M
 0     ---      ---      ---      3/1     13/0     21/1    37/2   1571/365
1.703 M
 1     ---      1/0     17/2      ---      8/1      ---    26/3   1597/368
1.745 M
 2     ---      ---      ---     20/0      4/1      ---    24/1   1621/369
1.777 M
 3     2/2      2/0     13/0      ---      3/1      ---    20/3   1641/372
1.812 M
 4     1/1      5/1      ---     16/6      ---      ---    22/8   1663/380
1.876 M
 5     1/1      5/0     10/2      ---      ---      ---    16/3   1679/383
1.908 M
 6     ---     47/0      ---      ---      ---      ---    47/0   1726/383
1.962 M
 7     4/3      5/0     61/2      ---      ---      ---    70/5   1796/388
2.068 M
 8     ---      ---     83/2      ---      ---      ---    83/2   1879/390
2.173 M
 9     1/1      3/2      2/1      5/0      ---      ---    11/4   1890/394
2.208 M
10     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1890/394
2.208 M
11     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1890/394
2.208 M
12     ---      ---      ---     10/2      ---      ---    10/2   1900/396
2.231 M
13     ---      ---      ---      ---     85/1      5/0    90/1   1990/397
2.343 M
14     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     63/2    63/2   2053/399
2.426 M
15     ---      ---      ---      ---      1/1     88/1    89/2   2142/401
2.542 M
16     ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     84/0    84/0   2226/401
2.638 M
17     ---      ---      ---      ---    115/2      ---   115/2   2341/403
2.788 M
18     ---      ---      ---     20/0      7/0     16/5    43/5   2384/408
2.875 M
19     ---      ---      ---     18/1     25/0      ---    43/1   2427/409
2.935 M
20     ---      ---      ---      7/0      8/1      8/2    23/3   2450/412
2.984 M
21     ---      ---      ---     10/0      6/3      6/0    22/3   2472/415
3.032 M
22     ---      ---      ---     55/2      ---      ---    55/2   2527/417
3.111 M
23     ---      ---      4/0      6/0     14/2      2/1    26/3   2553/420
3.166 M
D1   17/15   114/57   252/70   381/77   346/73   424/71           1534/363
D2    9/8     68/3    190/9    170/12   289/13   293/12           1019/57
TO   26/23   182/60   442/79   551/89   635/86   717/83           2553/420

Unique callsigns worked = 1525

The best 60 minute rate was 153/hour from 1350 to 1449
The best 30 minute rate was 162/hour from 1345 to 1414
The best 10 minute rate was 186/hour from 1437 to 1446

The best 1 minute rates were:
 4 QSOs/minute   32 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  177 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  478 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  898 times.

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America      9     20     27     30     21     20    127    5.1
South America      4      7     15     28     27     46    127    5.1
Europe            11    144    366    418    514    557   2010   80.0
Asia               0      1     11     42     47     49    150    6.0
Africa             1      3      5     11      9     11     40    1.6
Oceania            1      6     12     16     12     12     59    2.3
Total             26    181    436    545    630    695   2513

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    1000
2 bands     257
3 bands     145
4 bands      63
5 bands      48
6 bands      12

The following stations were worked on 6 bands:

J38XX       PJ4X        KH6LC       TM6M        EC2DX       PJ2T
P40L        CR3L        HK1NA       KP4KE       ZF3HA       NP2P

Call: NB3R              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,098,978
Great fun.  All wires for antennas.

Call: NE0U              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 72,816
I believe that condx Friday night were the best I've ever seen from here in any
contest on 40M.  That was certainly not the case Saturday night.  Very little
activity from SA & the Caribbean.

Call: NE3F              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 4,620,600
Not bad for one runner and one S/P guy .Best score from here ever in a contest
.Station played very well , no smoke and lots of fun. Getting to like cw better
than phone .

Team NE3F

Call: NF8J              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 251,988

Call: NG7A              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 630,900
Had a previous commitment on Saturday in what turned out to be the middle of our
snowstorm.  Did not make it back until midnight.  Luckily the power did not go
out.  Lost the 80 meter loop, reverted to Double-L vertical and hexbeam.

Call: NG7M              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 88,929
Just having fun for a few hours... thanks for the contacts.  I need to do a
serious effort... it's been too long! de Max NG7M

Call: NI7R              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 673,596
My best score to date for this contest. 40 meters was terrific Friday night. As
I was totally S&P, I ran out of stations to work several times Sunday
afternoon. My temporary 10 meter dipole 8 feet off the ground performed well
all weekend.

K3, AL-811H amp, N1MM
temporary verticals, 10 meter dipole

Call: NJ1F              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,342,800
The multi band dipole worked well!

Call: NM2L              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 595,128
FT1000MP MK-V 150 W to 160 meter inverted L & 80 meter loop. Thanks to all
those DX stations that could pull me out of the grass to make a QSO.
Propagation was super. Great fun!  73 de Greg NM2L

Call: NM5M              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 138,336
Played around from home for a bit mostly low power (100w).  Decided to use the
amp while S&P on 40m (about 400w) last night.

Antennas: R5 vertical for 10-20m, and a homebrew base loaded short vertical for
40m.  Rig: Yaesu FT857 (my K3 is in the shop).

Call: NN1N              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,610,352
Condx sounded like the "good 'ol days!  Couldn't put in a real effort --
but fun.

Call: NN3RP             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 407,592
What a blast!   Lots of fun everywhere...  My best score ever!!!

Call: NN3W              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,764,669
My thanks to Mr. John Evans, N3HBX for allowing my return to pilot the
Poolesville station.  Thanks to Rich, NN3W as well.

What a weekend!  This was the week of the big snow storm and I was lucky to
thread-the-needle from Newport Beach, CA to get in on time for this one.  That
said, I started the contest and the first Q hit at :10 after the hour!

I have been coming east for various contests for years and truly enjoy the
rigorous battle to earn my stripes out East.  It is a much slower process than
I anticipated... As of today, 5th USA in the box reflects improvement.

My highlights:

- 2500 Qs at the 24 hour mark

- Fastest Hour: 208/hr on 10M at 1323 - 1422 ZULU

- 300+ 2nd Radio Q's

- Slept 4 hours from 0815-1015 time-frames with one additional CME-induced nap
early in the contest

Lesson Learned: More SO2R

Special note:  This year I tried to run more and hunt less.  Typically, I go
for the higher mults and get caught up in the hunt of rare openings and my Q's

Congrats to N2NT, N2IC, K1ZZ, AA1K and WX0B(AD5Q) who scored very well this

See you in Boston!

73 Jon, KL2A

Call: NN4MM             Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 30,096
Good condx, low noise. Everything woked well.

Thanks for the QSO's.

Call: NP2N              Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 3,393,735
A great time from St. Croix!

It was a rush!  We were surprised that the low band conditions were great the
first night but noisy on Saturday night.

Really nice to work many YCCCers and gave and received many KB's which was
always nice while running the piles.

A wonderful time with great operators.

Jay W1UJ, Bob W1EQ, Ed K1ZE

Call: NP3A              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 295,626
FTDX3000 @ 99W + 103BA at 30FT, Q52 at 30ft
Sunday looked like SS Sundays with endless CQs and 30 Qs/Hr

Thanks all for QSOs

Call: NQ4I              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 676,890
With the NQ4I station not entered in the MM category this year, I was able to
activate a single band entry on 15M while station owner Rick played on 10M.
Fortunately the recent ice storms in the Atlanta area did not damage the 15M
antennas although both the 40M run and mult antennas are now in need of repair.

Saturday had better band conditions than Sunday but the highlight was the
extended opening on Saturday night into Asia.  Amongst the JA's and BA's were
XV's, YB's, JT's, HS's, 9V, XW0 and a bunch of other rare stuff.  The opening
moved to UN and then worked a DF2 before it closed.  Thought the multiplier
would be higher as a result of that opening but ended up missing out on
normally easier mults that never made it into the log.

Rick and XYL Georgann were gracious, accommodating hosts as always which made
for a fun weekend.

Call: NR7Q              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 217,554
Nice to finally have great receiver (Kenwood TS-590s) Antenna low vee beam, wire
antenna ..100 watts. Contesting is now fun!...My Icom IC-746 is now retired to
other purposes...

Call: NS3T              Class: SOSB/160 LP              Total Score = 675
Just wanted to test out my 160 meter antenna for next weekend, but the
conditions seemed really down.  There were times when I could only hear W3LPL
& K3LR CQ'ing, and no DX at all.

The skip from my QTH seemed to be going over zone 8 stations, because it was no
problem getting PJ2T, J3, HK and some others further south.

Hopefully things will be better next weekend for CQ 160 SSB.

Call: NT4H              Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 55,176
This was a very enjoyable part-time effort. I spent about 12 hours playing
radio. With some coaching from Tim AB4B, I decided to do a SOSB Low 10M effort.

Saturday band conditions we excellent with noise about S0. Sunday there was a
little noise, still S0. Both days was S&P for me, CW speed is not were it
should be to run yet, but if I could hear them, I could work them, although I
ran out of stations a few times. 10M Par (now LNR) End-Fedz on a 31' Jackite
pole worked well, best DX was 9M6XRO in East Malaysia, 100 watts into a end-fed
half wave vertical. Most Q's were first or second call, only had a few tough

Thanks for all the Q's and putting up with my slow cw!

Paul - NT4H

Call: NU6S              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 201,747
Nice to hear great conditions 15 meters, but only got on for a bit.

Station: 756 pro, Alpha 76PA, 4 ele at 48'

Tim - NU6S

Call: NW0M              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,001,805
All Search and Pounce.

K3, KPA500, tribander and wires, N1MM

Call: NW3H              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 177,630
Wife was sick since last Thursday so I had the girls all weekend.  No where near
enough time with my wife out of commission.  I have been dealing with colds,
bronchitis and the like this entire wretched winter we have had here in the Mid
Atlantic so I was down myself.  Only had a little over 8 hours.  The station
played well but I do much better during the day.  Unfortunately I was only on
for 3.5 hours of my time during the day on the tribander.  At night once 20
closes I am using wires and my dipoles work ok but when the solar storm hit
Saturday night I just went to bed.  Overall a very disappointing weekend.  The
third time in the last year my wife was sick during a major contest.  I think
"contestitis" is a new strain of disease and one that has killed my
scores most of the last year except for CQWW Phone 2013.  Oh well, praying for
health for everyone going into Phone in two weeks.  Score was down about 50%
over last year's personal best.  This was entirely search and pounce.

Thanks to the DX for the QSOs.  73 de NW3H

Mosley Mini 32a tribander
Carolina Windom (used for 40 meters)
80/40 meter dipole
Logger: N1MM v 13.2.2

Call: NX6T              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 253,890
QSO total includes 17 0 point QSOs from W/VE stations.

NX6T was the site of one of the W1AW/6 Centennial Event operations, and for the
contest, we were allocated only one band, 15 meters, to play on as the
"official" W1AW/6 contest entry. Having two operating positions
available, and not wanting to let a good contest opportunity go by, I decided
to enter NX6T for a 40M SOSB.

When 15M was dead, we filled in that operator station with non-contest W1AW/6
operations, mostly on 80 meters. This turned out to be not so great an idea. We
experienced some interstation interference, either from me being distracted by
hearing the SSB op in the same room or from the other station's transmit noise
floor as the 80 meter antenna and 40M beam were on the same tower. That's my
excuse, anyway!

Other than that, Mr. Murphy must have been visiting other stations, because the
equipment worked flawlessly the entire contest.

After a very fun Friday night, I started up again Saturday afternoon expecting
more of the same. What a difference a day makes! I could only hear the loudest
European stations. Even then, when they were transmitting at high speed, the
auroral flutter made copy extremely difficult. It sometimes took quite a while
to discover that, of course, I'd already worked them. After 5 hours of
S&Ping all I could, and CQing fruitlessly, I decided to take a nap, hoping
to be at least a little bit sharper when the JA opening occurred, which from
here avoids much of the auroral oval.

That worked, and the rest of the contest was great fun with only minor sleep
deprivation symptoms!

Many thanks to Dennis, N6KI, for the use of the station, and to both him and
John, WA2OOB, for help with station prep for both the contest and W1AW/6

ACOM 2000
2 element 40 @ 70'

Call: NY4A              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 10,958,004
What a blast -Friday night and Saturday morning condx seemed exceptional !

K4BAI and K2SX did a super job running the high bands while AA4FU and K4QPL
milked 20M-160M thru the night.

Everything worked perfectly thru Saturday evening;
but then murphy struck and we lost that evenings 10M Asian opening (luckily a
night climb of 10M tower fixed things for the morning opening). That was
closely followed by a winkey problem that caused some 40m downtime. By Sunday
all was again operational.

73, Howie N4AF

Call: OE2S              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,267,648
first "real" contest from new location still somehow field day style,
great condx on saturday especially on the highbands, not so good condx on the
low bands, southern europeans like IR4M and E7DX worked many stations on 160m
that we could not hear, however, we are happy with the result

Call: OG1M              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 249,603
Started this contest as OH1VR on 40 at my summer home on Saturday morning with a
great run and then moved 10 km west to my old home for family reunion. Restarted
contest using my contest call OG1M with IC-7000 mobile rig. A lot of fun with
KT36XA at 42 mtrs and Cushcraft XM-240 at 39 mtrs as antennas. Even some pile
up's time to time. Anyway Low Power is a challenge compared to HP. It was my
lesson to learn.

Call: OG6N              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,266,720
This was a part time operation and I slept both nights. The propagation was very
poor on 160m and 80m all weekend but the first night was quite good on 40m. The
higher bands were better than expected on Saturday but went down on Sunday.
Even on Saturday I was beaten by many stations in central and southern Europe
running 100W although I was running with my stack and the linear. The
propagation was not the best that I have experienced in these latitudes but
good enough to have some fun. I could have made quite a bit more contacts if I
had had the second radio available. Unfortunately my shack needs some more
effort before that is possible.

Call: OH1RX             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 331,080
Another opportunity to meet friends on air. Aurora on Saturday almost killed the
Thanks for QSOs and CUL agn!

Call: OH1VR             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 249,603
One frequency and 2 hrs operation. Excellent Saturday morning opening on 40. My
4-el M2 at 35 mtrs seems to be a killer application :-)

Call: OH4KZM            Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 114
Just testing antennas...
Only inverted L , no rx antenna.
Need to make some rx antennas.
Worked all w stations can heard.

GU43b amp

73 de Jouni OH4KZM

Call: OH5TS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 165,984
K3 + 204BA and various wires. Tnx & 73, Kari

Call: OH5Z              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 483,372
Part time operation between different maintenance jobs at the station. Main idea
was to test receiving performance of low band TX antennas compared to 300m
beverage pointed to US. Well it turned out that the beverage works great but
causes frustration on the operators as we weren't able to work even close to
the number we heard on the beverage. On 160m we heard quite a few big guns on
it but only VY2ZM was worked. He was the only station heard also on the TX
antennas. K3LR, W3LPL and others didn't even give a QRZ? to our calls.

Also on 80m the beverage outperformed the TX antennas hands down which gives us
confidence to put up more beverages during next summer.

The other bands we worked only for fun to give out points to the needing ones.

Juha OH6XX

Call: OH6AC             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 198,360
Nice to operate ARRL DX CW Contest on 15m once again after 12 years.
Equipment: FT DX-5000MP w. 1,5 kW amp, Win-Test, 4-el yagis @55 and 39m.
Tnx for QSOs / 73 de Jyrki OH6CS

Call: OH8L              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 288,840

Call: OK/LZ3SF          Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 1,170
As there is no SOSB 80/LP Assisted, the log goes to SO Unlimited /LP.

Due to unadequate entry category, this will be the last time I am participating
this contest.

Thanks everybody for contacts!
C ya in next contest with adequate entry categories.

de LZ3SF

Call: OK1DO             Class: SO Unlimited QRP         Total Score = 26,703
ant:3el. SteppIR
Thank you for the good ears...

73! Jiri

Call: OK1KUW            Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 35,568
1) because I used the skimmer and DX cluster and broke the rules according to
section 3.3.3, I am sending LOG CHECK only.

2)Sorry about the quality of the signal to all stations on Saturday, damaging
the power supply


Inverted Vee at 24m
first night PA with GU81M - destroyed the power supply
second night PA with 3-500Z
beverage 250m

thanks for QSO

Zdeno OK3RM

Call: OK5R              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 183,825
The propagation in Saturday was OK, in Sunday much much worse. But still had

Call: OK8DD             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 272,895
20,15,10: ECO Asay Tribander
80,40: Linear loaded vertical (PA3HBB idea http://www.qsl.net/pa3hbb/ll.htm)

Many thanks for the QSOs

73, Romas - OK8DD

Call: OK8NM             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 228,636
We spent the friday by removing broken 80 m 3 el. Yagi from the tower. We were
happy things went well. So, I could use my new callsign OK8NM in this contest
from Brezina OK1RF/RI QTH for the first time. Nice condx mostly on Sunday.

Thanks a lot I could work all the US states and saw a lot of friends on the

See you soon!

Norbert, OM6NM

Call: OK8WW             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 49,842
QRV less than 2 hours. QRL with family. Nice condx on 10m.

73 de Rich OK8WW / OM2TW

Call: OL7M              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 4,883,424
First time in the  M/M. Nice contest with great fun, new boys in the gang,
couple bottles of „russina wine“ before the contest, sauna  and  totally
relaxed atmosphere during the contest.  Poor CONDX on 160m and 80m, average on
40m and nice on 20m,15m and 10m, where he WAS completed after 4 hours, hi.

Jan OK2ZAW again done an excellent job and ALL the equipment worked perfectly.
We are satisfied with all bands except 80m, where the first night were problems
with the RX and Sunday were CONDX already terrible and the loss was no longer
catch up.

Anyway, wonderful contest, thanks for all QSOs  and new national record.

See you in SSB !

on behalf OL7M team

Pavel, OK1MU

TRX : 3 x IC775, IC-7600, 2 x IC-746PRO

160m �" 42m Vertical + 120 radials
80m �" 4 el. Sloper system
40m �" 10 e. wire Yagi
20m �" stack 5/5 Yagi
15m �" stack 6/6 Yagi
10m �" only  6 el. Yagi

More : http://qrz.com/db/OL7M

Following 65 stations were worked on 6 bands :


Call: OL7O              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 30,060
Just to have fun. Thank for QSOs and see you next time.

Call: OM2VL             Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 226,722
Excellent first night 00:00-08:47Z - 844 QSO, but on second night only 389 QSO
11 + 21 LP QSO's with West Coast + 3x COLORADO !!!
Finished with 95 QSO in last night.
Thank's for the nice QSO's.

Worked States/Provinces

     |  160 |   80 |   40 |   20 |   15 |   10 | TOTAL
CT   |      |      |   33 |      |      |      |    33
MA   |      |      |   51 |      |      |      |    51
ME   |      |      |    9 |      |      |      |     9
NH   |      |      |   26 |      |      |      |    26
RI   |      |      |   11 |      |      |      |    11
VT   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
NJ   |      |      |   48 |      |      |      |    48
NY   |      |      |   70 |      |      |      |    70
DE   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
PA   |      |      |   59 |      |      |      |    59
MD   |      |      |   42 |      |      |      |    42
DC   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
AL   |      |      |   18 |      |      |      |    18
FL   |      |      |   68 |      |      |      |    68
GA   |      |      |   19 |      |      |      |    19
KY   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
NC   |      |      |   46 |      |      |      |    46
SC   |      |      |   13 |      |      |      |    13
TN   |      |      |   39 |      |      |      |    39
VA   |      |      |   62 |      |      |      |    62
AR   |      |      |    5 |      |      |      |     5
LA   |      |      |   12 |      |      |      |    12
MS   |      |      |    9 |      |      |      |     9
NM   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
OK   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
TX   |      |      |   74 |      |      |      |    74
CA   |      |      |   84 |      |      |      |    84
AZ   |      |      |   24 |      |      |      |    24
ID   |      |      |    4 |      |      |      |     4
MT   |      |      |    4 |      |      |      |     4
NV   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
OR   |      |      |   15 |      |      |      |    15
UT   |      |      |    7 |      |      |      |     7
WA   |      |      |   34 |      |      |      |    34
WY   |      |      |    3 |      |      |      |     3
MI   |      |      |   28 |      |      |      |    28
OH   |      |      |   57 |      |      |      |    57
WV   |      |      |    9 |      |      |      |     9
IL   |      |      |   42 |      |      |      |    42
IN   |      |      |   26 |      |      |      |    26
WI   |      |      |   19 |      |      |      |    19
CO   |      |      |   23 |      |      |      |    23
IA   |      |      |   16 |      |      |      |    16
KS   |      |      |   10 |      |      |      |    10
MN   |      |      |   31 |      |      |      |    31
MO   |      |      |   26 |      |      |      |    26
ND   |      |      |      |      |      |      |
NE   |      |      |    4 |      |      |      |     4
SD   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
NB   |      |      |    5 |      |      |      |     5
NS   |      |      |    4 |      |      |      |     4
NF   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
PEI  |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
LB   |      |      |      |      |      |      |
QC   |      |      |   14 |      |      |      |    14
ON   |      |      |   37 |      |      |      |    37
MB   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
SK   |      |      |    1 |      |      |      |     1
AB   |      |      |    2 |      |      |      |     2
BC   |      |      |   13 |      |      |      |    13
NT   |      |      |      |      |      |      |
YT   |      |      |      |      |      |      |
NU   |      |      |      |      |      |      |
     |      |      | 1303 |      |      |      |  1303

Powered by Win-Test 4.10.0       http://www.win-test.com

By band - By mode
QSOs (without dupes) - By time

| Hr |      160 |       80 |       40 |       20 |       15 |       10 |
Total  |
|    |       CW |       CW |       CW |       CW |       CW |       CW |
| 00 |          |          |      115 |          |          |          |
115 |
| 01 |          |          |      126 |          |          |          |
126 |
| 02 |          |          |      129 |          |          |          |
129 |
| 03 |          |          |      137 |          |          |          |
137 |
| 04 |          |          |      117 |          |          |          |
117 |
| 05 |          |          |       98 |          |          |          |
98 |
| 06 |          |          |       60 |          |          |          |
60 |
| 07 |          |          |       26 |          |          |          |
26 |
| 08 |          |          |       15 |          |          |          |
15 |
| 09 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 10 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 11 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 12 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 13 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 14 |          |          |        1 |          |          |          |
1 |
| 15 |          |          |        9 |          |          |          |
9 |
| 16 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 17 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 18 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 19 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 20 |          |          |        6 |          |          |          |
6 |
| 21 |          |          |       14 |          |          |          |
14 |
| 22 |          |          |       19 |          |          |          |
19 |
| 23 |          |          |       34 |          |          |          |
34 |
| 00 |          |          |       27 |          |          |          |
27 |
| 01 |          |          |       70 |          |          |          |
70 |
| 02 |          |          |       47 |          |          |          |
47 |
| 03 |          |          |       35 |          |          |          |
35 |
| 04 |          |          |       26 |          |          |          |
26 |
| 05 |          |          |       45 |          |          |          |
45 |
| 06 |          |          |       22 |          |          |          |
22 |
| 07 |          |          |       10 |          |          |          |
10 |
| 08 |          |          |        8 |          |          |          |
8 |
| 09 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 10 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 11 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 12 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 13 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 14 |          |          |        6 |          |          |          |
6 |
| 15 |          |          |       12 |          |          |          |
12 |
| 16 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 17 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 18 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 19 |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| 20 |          |          |        6 |          |          |          |
6 |
| 21 |          |          |       14 |          |          |          |
14 |
| 22 |          |          |       33 |          |          |          |
33 |
| 23 |          |          |       36 |          |          |          |
36 |
|    |          |          |     1303 |          |          |          |
1303 |

Powered by Win-Test 4.10.0       http://www.win-test.com

73 Laci OM2VL

Call: OM7M              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,631,056
Nice propagation both days on high bands when we reached max. hourly rate around
190 Q/h. On the other hand low bands were a disaster especially second night. We
were making 30-60 Qso/h during night. Even 40m was closed. We spent a lot of
time making QSO's on 40m during the first night with hopes that low bands would
stay at least as good as the previous night. But nothing happened..:-( We lost a
couple of MULTS on 80m.
Thanks for open competition with our rivals IR4M and Braco's team E7DX.
Congrats guys good job.

Thanks for all contacts!!

Call: OM7RU             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,500,000
First note: the total results are real.
Everybody has goals before the contest. My goals was: "It would be nice to
have about 2000 QSOs, 250 mults or 1,5 milions points.". But when all those
numbers has met on scoreboard on Sunday at 23:59:38, I thought about software
fault, hi. So thanks to VE3JM (mult # 250) and N3XL (QSO # 2000). Yes, real
result will be reduced after log checking...

Conditions was interesting. 160m and 80m bands was closed in fact. Fortunately
I was on right time on right place on Sunday morning: 1 hour NA opening on
160m. 80m only a bit better. Only 40m was the place for racing.
High bands was oposite to low bands. 20m and 15m were nice opened. I was able
to run nice pileups on 10m on Saturday, with good rate of mults, but it was
worse on Sunday. I was not able to make effective pileup, so I preferred 15m
and 20m.

This contest I run without setup changes and it resulted to really stable
hardware. I only adjusted some voltages on ACOM 2000A (thanks to Val, LZ1VB
from ACOM) and it works at 100 % all the time.

Just one more SORRY to CT3IB. There was not right time to make simple QSO of 20
WPM in style "both calls + UR RST IS... = MY NAME IS...". Especially
just during ARRL contest, just during K/VE pileup of 150 Q/H. Your signal was
599 +40 dB, so sorry for my QSY after your long minutes of your sloooow

Thanks to all participants!

Used equipments:
 Yaesu FT-1000MP MarkV Field
 ACOM 2000A (1,5 kW OUT)
 MicroHAM microKeyer, MicroHAM StationMaster
 UltraBeam UB ONE rotator

 160m: Vertical (35m tower + 2 elevated radials)
 80m:  OptiBeam OB1-80 rotary dipole @34m
 40m:  InvVee @21m
 20, 15, 10m: Cushcraft A4S 3 el. tribander @31m

Riki, OM7RU


Call: ON7EH             Class: SOSB/80 LP               Total Score = 4,941
Stormy wx prevented any antenna work on Friday evening.
Saturday afternoon, the 160m inv L was successfully transformed into a
quarterwave vertical. (Tx/Rx)
The 18m Spiderpole was guyed at 2 levels and in just 2 directions, hoping the
QTF of the wind to remain constant (SW)... The antenna survived...

TRX: K3 @ 100W+ CG3000 ATU
Logger: SD

Operation was a mix of S&P and CQ. The Sunday sunrise produced some nice
returns from W9. Thank you!
Best DX were TX (N5AW)and W5RU(LA).
A lot of Carribean DX at decent levels were heard working audible US.

We welcome:
-any advice on how to improve the setup to get into the midwest with LP.
-audio recordings of our QSO.

This was our first participation.
We hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.

Call: OP4K              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,318,871
It was not sure up till 2 days before the contest if we will enter M/S or me
just doing an SOSB.
Therefor no goals were planned.

Almost everything has already been said and posted by others and yes
propagation was better on Saturday than Sunday (even in ON-land hi) as a result
of the CME.
But Sunday in the afternoon there was a marvelous opening on 10m till 17h58
UTC. Moved to 15m till 19h10 UTC to go futher to 20m till 22h17 UTC. The rest
of the time was spent on 40m.

Glad to have had Leon (ON5WL) - Christoph (OO7J) and Jim (OP5T) on board.
Heavy winds with gust reaching 53 mph and rain over this location did not stop
us from having big FUN.

Yaesu FTDX-5000MP
Acom 2000A running 1.5kW
Optibeam OB18-6 at 50m / 160-170ft with 7 el on 10m, 4 el on 15 and 20m and 3
el on 40m
Dipole on 80m at 50m / 160-170ft
a non working antenna on 160m
N1MM contest logging program

Thanks to all for the great QSO's of which 88 stations on 5 bands, 117 on 4
bands, 178 on 3 bands, 308 on 2 bands and 901 on 1 band with 20 dupes.

Logs will soon be uploaded to LOTW ans paper QSL will follow via the bureau.

73 Joe OP4K

Call: OQ5M              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 789,600
Part time effort from 1200z Sunday noon to the end. Less than 12h operating.

Once again (!) I needed to let an Atlantic storm depression blow by before
cranking up the tower and loading it with the 80/160 wires Sunday morning.
Bloody windy WX! Enough storms now.

Still I had 12 hours of fun. Hope to be back next year for a full time effort.


Call: OT2A              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,556,987
First of all I want to thank Patrick, OT2A for operating from his wonderful
station! He did some major improvements to it and this showed of in the
results. I did an effort in the ARRL CW contest a few years ago. I see that
competition is getting harder and harder each year! My score has increased but
was not good enough to beat some other Europeans in the same class. Congrats to
all! I have some things to improve in the comming years I see, hihi. Great
bandopenings on 10 and 15! Poor effort on 80 and especially on 160m. Hope to
meet all of you again in SSB or next year in CW!!

Call: OZ0J              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 560,550
IT WAS FUN!! I worked 47 new states spred on 5 bands, mostly on 80 and 40 M. I
had set up an 80 M vertical dipole to NA just for a test and it was working
very well.

The condx was very good on all bands except 160 M where I only worked VY2ZM.

Look forward to see you again in the next ARRL DX CW contest.

Call: OZ4CG             Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 7,656
RIG: Kenwood TS590S (100W)
Ant.: G5RV  up 8m
Software: N1MM Logger V14.1.2

Call: OZ5WQ             Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 13,455
Saturday was best,
all worked with my Butternut and 100w
Rig IC735
73 Peter OZ5WQ

Call: OZ6PI             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 142,956
Hi all!

Thank you very much for a nice test, many years since I worked so many
stateside in one weekend.Many stn on 4 to 5 bands. Mostly active on 6 m during
E season. Been active since 1972. Have always answered all QSL cards received,
so if you need ,just drop a card via the OZ bureau. That also goes for my other
calls : OZ0PI, 5P6PI and 5Q0PI.

Very best to all, see you again.


Call: P40L              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,872,503
This is our fourth time doing this contest as a multi-single and every year
poses different challenges.

This year, despite the excellent high band conditions between NAm and EU/Asia
-- or perhaps because of those conditions -- QSO rates were down significantly
from the outset.  We suspect that during substantial periods NAm stations were
busy taking advantage of the excellent conditions to work EU and Asia stations
and therefore less interested in working us here in the Caribbean.  Nothing we
did, such as more frequent band changes than in the past (with mixed results)
compensated for the fact that arrival rates were simply down by 15-20% relative
to prior years.  Noisy conditions on the low bands during much of the night
hours also contributed to lower QSO totals.

We also had some equipment issues -- both rigs had to be swapped out and worked
on during the contest and the upper leg of the 160 meter antenna came down in
the middle of the first night -- that created some distractions, although they
only had a minor effect, if any, on results as we were able to keep operating

We had lots of fun trying to figure out how to maximize QSO and mult totals
given the conditions, although it was discouraging at times to watch as the gap
between this year's and prior years' results widened throughout the contest!

As always, thanks for all the Q's!



Call: P40LE             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,089,895
Since none of my partners could show up for an planned M/S effort, I found
myself alone at P49V's QTH.
Good condx, huge pileups, and it WAS fun..
Funniest thing: AI6V and AI6YL  both worked me at their QTH from their home in
Nevada, and W1VE was at MY station in  snowy VT (multi-single for 9.8 M pts)
Almost a full circle..TNX for Carl and Sue for the use of their house
Andy K2LE

Call: P40W              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 4,674,000
K3, 99W, Win-Test
160 Vert Dipole
160/80 Inv. V at 60'
80m half square at 50 feet - broadside USA
F12 2 el Delta 240 @ 68'
F12 C31XR @ 62' Never rotated off ~320 degrees.
F12 C3 @ 60' - never used
800' NE, 500' N/S, 500' NW

When band conditions are 'spectacular' in North America....they are much more
subdued in this part of the world.  Add in low band noise from storms off the
east coast, some low to moderate absorption, and an unpleasant CME event which
noticeably 'muffled' signals on the high bands (particularly during the last
six hours on Sunday), you don't have the best recipe for record breaking
scores.  BUT, on the positive side, I missed not having to endure four or five
snow storms back home in NJ this week....so that's more than sufficient reason
to be in "happy dance" mode.

Arrived late Monday afternoon to find only minor problems since my last P40W
visit in November.  The Northwest and North beverages were in need of repair,
the 20m reflector had fallen off my backup F12 C3 on tower #2, and the most
troubling issue were the vines growing up a set of guys on tower #1...they had
become so thick the tower was noticeably pulled over.  Had hoped to work the
FT5ZM expedition on Monday night but just couldn't break the pileups on 80 or
40 meters with just 100w under marginal conditions ... sigh.

Tuesday morning I ran errands.  Stopped in at the local 'FCC' to pick up my
license invoice and then on to the bank to waste an hour making the payment.
Then on to the food store for provisions.  Spent Tuesday afternoon building an
80 meter half-square antenna which was installed at about 50 feet between the
two 60' towers (see the excellent article about this antenna written by Rudy,
N6LF at http://rudys.typepad.com/ant/files/antenna_halfsquare_array.pdf ).
Over the next several days many dozens of rx and tx comparisons of this easy to
build antenna showed it consistently outperformed a reference inverted V @ 60
feet by an easy 3 to 5 db. Not having sufficient height, I bent the two 71 foot
vertical elements into what look like sideways "Vs".  For such a
simple and low antenna, the results were exciting and well worth the time.

With the unusual luxury of "free time" I spent most of Wednesday
goofing off....operated the three CWOPS CWT contests, and even went to the
beach for a few hours....something I haven't done on Aruba in nearly a decade.

Back to work Thursday.  Spent nearly 3 hours cutting away most of the vines
that were on the tower #1 guy set....removing over 100 pounds of vegetation
that had been pulling the tower over and acting like a giant 'sail'.  I can
sleep easier.  Also braved the seasonal high winds late in the day to
re-install the fallen 20m reflector on the C3 @ 60 feet....an exciting hour of
fun in a 30 mph breeze....but at least it was 85F and not 15F like back home.

The day before the contest I try to do something that makes me sufficiently
tired so a three hour afternoon siesta comes easily.  This time I decided to
paint 60' of 25G (tower #2)...this took 2.5 hours using a paint mitt.

OK...now some comments about the next 48 hours.

At the starting bell found 10m wide open.....and rightly or wrongly started
there (instead of 20m) for a quick 20 contacts. The rate dried up...then up to
15m I go, another quick 30 contacts, same thing, rate disappears, then on to
20m.  There was never a time the entire weekend when rates matched those
experienced in 2013.  It felt like someone was holding this "invisible
sponge" over Aruba sucking the RF out of the air....a nightmare that would
reoccur over and over this weekend.

Went to 160m at 02Z....had my best and only real run of the weekend there
(being the first P4 to appear on the band helps).  My plan had been to front
load as much 160 and 80 the first night as possible, knowing full well another
snow storm was going to be off the east coast of the USA on Saturday night.
Good strategy, somewhat poor execution....in retro should have pushed harder to
move more western US/VE mults to 160 on night one.  LOW POWER is definitely a
different ballgame (compared to HP) under what were less than optimal
conditions.  Very happy with myself for NOT deciding to go QRP this weekend, it
would have been much more "challenging" than that I would have

At about the 10 hour point (just before local sunrise), I started to sneeze and
my nose would not stop dripping, my head clogged up....conditions that would
persist for the rest of the weekend.  Went through two boxes of kleenex tissues
over the next 36 hours....just felt terrible.

Between 12z and 16z on both days I should have slept.  No matter how hard I
tried I could not find rate anywhere.  This is normally one of the low points
of all ARRL DX events from here, BUT rarely is it this bad. Then, all of a
sudden, at 1600z a switch is thrown and all hell breaks loose on 10m and then
15m.  Tried real hard to erase the QSO total deficit built up Friday night, but
at the half way point, I ended up about 300 contacts behind the 2013 contest.
This shortfall would continue to grow larger.

Saturday evening presented the predicted QRN on the low bands, and with
elevated absorption, it made 160m almost useless at LP.  The only saving grace
was a lively opening on 20m which provided some good rate, mostly west coast.

About 3 a.m. local time decided I needed a three hour nap....so I set two loud
alarm clocks, literally six inches from my head.  Woke up at 7 a.m. (an hour
late) with them both blaring away incessantly ...I suppose my stuffed up head
(and exhaustion) had something to do with it.  In the process my friends at
P40L tell me that I missed the best 160 opening to the western US/VE all
weekend.  Its always something....

Suffered again through the local morning lull on the high bands....until 16z
when predictably 10 meters became workable with rate.  Actually made some
headway on the QSO total deficit for the next few hours and then BAM....the A
index jumps to 20 and K to 5.  Down here you literally heard the sun 'talking'
and it is not saying good things.  The rate drops on 15m like a stone, I move
to 20, it sounds like someone switched in the 20 db ATT.  Such it was.

Final impression - I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else this
weekend...enjoying a CW contest!  It's always fun to work so many good friends
again....beating the worst of this winter's weather was just icing on the


John, W2GD

Call: PA4A              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 137,808
Rig: FTdx5000MP + PA
Ant: Dipole from A4s

Call: PI4TUE            Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,688,975
2x Orion (interlocked by DL5SE-design slightly modified + 2x 6-band 5B4AGN TXBPF
+ 1xPA)
3 EL SteppIR
40M dipole
80M hor loop
160M vertical sloping down
(all antenna's at about 65M / 213FT) above ground level

Highlights in random order
- Another 48 hours of pure FUN!!!
- Working with 2 transceivers in and out of band for the very first time by
using an interlock design by DL5SE slightly modified and home made high power
- Getting a 6 EL 10M yagi (28OWA6 by EAntenna) in the VHF mast on our roof
which is cramped with obstacles.
- Getting the 50kg 40MDY3 (3 EL 40M yagi by EAntenna) up into the portable
tower at about 4M above the roof; see also low lights.
- 70M beverage by Mark that gave us those needed mults on the low bands despite
the poor propagation.
- Pre-contest dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant.
- Traditional Baklava.
- Clean sweep of US states on 15M thanks to Rens' 6 minute 'contest-QSO' with
Jim-K0VWL in ND at 12WPM... ;-)
- Passion and dedication of our ARRL core-team (Rens, Claudia, Mark and
Aurelio) who spend hours of preparation.
- Many espresso's and cappuccino's freshly prepared by our barista Rens on his
good old Gaggia.
- Competing with OL3Z and OP4K through on-line live score reporting.
- 10M being open both days.
- Exchanging "long rogers" with Dale-N3BNA (IG9Y anecdote).
- Great runs on 20M especially the last hours.
- Last but not least none of the equipment failed on us.

Low lights in random order
- (Very) poor propagation on top band both nights.
- Not being able to use the new 40M Yagi because we could not get it tuned in
time properly. Although the antenna sits literately at the edge of the flat
roof which is about 65M above ground level, it still sees the roof top which is
too close to give reasonable tuning. The radiation pattern should be fine
according to simulations. We will try to bring it up to 12-15M by adding more
tower sections before ARRL SSB so we can at least see how it performs once
before we have to take it down again.
- Not breaking our 2013 all-time record of 3272 QSO's and 2.8M score although
we came close with 3145 and 2.7M (all claimed)

The chances are very slim that PI4TUE will be in ARRL-CW next year since we
need to empty the shack and roof by the end of this year. The University who
now still owns the building will sell it to a real estate company who will
remodel the entire building into a student dorm... There is no room for the
station at the new location that is being build. So we focus on one last great
ARRL SSB weekend in less than two weeks after being on the air since 1991.

... It was fun ...

On behalf of ESRAC Contest Team
-- Aurelio, PC5A

Call: PJ2T              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 9,302,376
This contest started off on a sour note when in the week before the contest word
was received that Geoff, W0CG/PJ2DX, and YL Dorothy's home in Idaho had been
broken into and ransacked. Dorothy's car was also stolen. They left a few days
before the contest to assess the damage and take care of the many things
necessary when this sort of event happens. Fortunately, since then at least the
car has been recovered.

There were a few problems with the operation, none of them that I would
consider major. The 40 meter beam has been stuck on Europe for several months
due to a rusted and frozen thrust bearing. While we had a relatively strong
signal into the states off the side of the beam even with this problem we
probably lost several hundred QSOs due to inability to hear weak stations. The
NA beverage was unusable on 40 due to interference from the 160 station. We
lost an amplifier on the 20 meter station an hour into the contest. It was
quickly replaced. We also were limited to 500 watts on 15 meters Sunday due to
arcing in the amp, probably in the bandswitch. As usual there were problems
with the WinKeyers and LogiKeyers. This tends to be more annoying than

As others in the Caribbean have noted we thought the bands were better the
first day, particularly the low bands. The high bands produced a lot of strong
signals the second day but there seemed to be a lack of activity. The late
afternoon rush never seemed to come.

In spite of trying multiple passes we never could connect with VE4 on 160. We
never heard a trace of VO1, VO2, VE8, VY1, or VY0.

As always it was fun. Thanks to everyone for all the QSOs.

For the PJ2T team


Call: PJ4X              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,533,920
Mother Nature and Sickness cut our M/2 in half so Hans and I decided we'd go M/S
and have fun. Aside from the C31XR (our mainstay antenna at the station) being
dead on arrival, Murphy appeared to stay away otherwise.

Great fun and great companionship for the weekend.


Hans and Marty
PJ4LS  -- W1MD

Call: PJ5W              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,033,925
This was the third DX trip that my dad and I have taken to the Caribbean, but
the first time we have operated a contest together. We decided to go to St

Statia, as the locals call it, is a quiet little island only a short 20 minute
flight from St Maarten. It has a rustic feel, not nearly as developed as other
nearby islands, with no stoplights, no luxury resorts, and where the local
people wave when you pass by. Outside of the main town Oranjestad, you are more
likely to have a traffic jam involving passing goats than vehicles.

We rented a villa located on the foothills of the Quill, the dormant volcano on
the island, a place used previously by other DXpeditions to PJ5. The location
was very quiet, with a nice view of the sea to the west/northwest and towards
the northeast. There was a decent sized fenced yard and also a surrounding
clearing, giving us plenty of room for antennas. The weather was excellent,
warm during the afternoons but with a nice breeze blowing most of the time from
the Atlantic, which made it pleasant to sit outside in the shade even in the
afternoon. Brief rain showers blew in almost daily, and lasted 10 or 15 minutes
before ending as abruptly as they started. How nice it was to get away from the
ice and snow and sub-freezing weather we've had at home for months.

Dad arrived a week before me and set up the Hexbeam and got busy working
pileups. I arrived last Monday bringing more gear and our lowband vertical. The
Hex beam was up about 30 feet on a pushup mast and leaned against the house. We
used a trap vertical for 30-160 meters on a 60 foot Spiderbeam fiberglass mast,
with 2 loading wires at the top for 160. We propped the base of the vertical
against a chain link fence post at the edge of the yard, and we laid about 30
radials of various lengths around the antenna in the yard and in an open
clearing just on the other side of the fence. At the feedpoint of the vertical,
just above the chain link fence, was a remote auto tuner.

We had a few equipment issues to work through. We discovered that the AC power
supply for my laptop was causing high RF noise on all bands, and basically made
either station unusable. Luckily we both had Dell laptops so we could share one
power supply, we just had to swap every couple of hours to charge up the other
PC. We also found that my KPA500 amp would occasionally just power off. We
thought it was something to do with the house power voltage, because it only
seemed to happen when the AC was on. We found a long extension cord and used an
outlet from one of the bedrooms and that seemed to help.

Just before the contest I went outside to take a little walk. There was a
clearing beside the yard that we had run about half the radials through. I
noticed that many of radials were not quite as straight as before. Instead of
stretching out neatly, many of them were now kind of bunched up together near
the antenna. A little puzzled by this at first, I quickly figured out what had
happened. On Statia, there are many cows, goats, and chickens which roam free
throughout the island and graze. There was a nice grassy hill near the house,
and the clearing beside our yard was also a popular grazing spot, and I
reasoned that it must have been the cows that had disturbed the radials. As if
to confirm my hunch I noticed one cow who was munching on grass, who looked up
at me as if to say 'so what are you going to do about it?'. She ambled away
slowly - even the livestock seem to move slower in the Caribbean, I guess they
too live on island time - and whatever fraction of dB was lost by the disturbed
radial field I figured it wasn't worth the effort to try to fix it.

We started the contest on 20 meters, and moved slowly down the bands over the
next few hours, and had about 1000 QSOs after the first 6 hours. The pileups
were ok the first night but not nearly as deep though as they had been outside
of the contest when we could work the whole world. Our operating schedule for
the contest was mostly me operating during the night, my dad early in the
morning, and then switching off during the day.

We had planned to have 2 fully functional stations using 2 K3s, the Elecraft
amp, and an ALS-600 amp, hoping that the other guy could tune around for mults.
But one laptop stopped talking to Winkeyer for some reason, and the other
stopped talking to the K3, and occasionally we forgot to swap the power cord
and the laptop would power off when the battery ran out. So in the end we just
used one station.

It might be old news for those who've operated this contest from the Caribbean
many times, but we were a bit surprised by how poor conditions were in the
mornings to NA. Of course we never noticed this before the contest, because we
had huge pileups to EU and JA and other parts of the world, but by late
Saturday morning we were beginning to wonder if we'd picked the wrong contest
to operate from PJ5. In reading some other 3830 reports, it seems that when
conditions are truly outstanding everywhere else, it might actually hurt the
Caribbean in this contest. We had 8 straight hours on Saturday morning of well
below 100 QSOs per hour, including two consecutive hours of 27 QSOs each at 09Z
and 10Z.

But finally towards noon on Saturday things started to pick up. And in the
early afternoon on 10 meters we finally got to experience those famous high
rate hours that this part of the world is famous for. I had a personal best 236
Q-hour on 10 meters, which was easily the highlight of the whole trip for me.

Our vertical seemed to do pretty well on the low bands, despite the cows
messing up the radials.  We struggled to hear on 160 with the QRN and I
apologize if we were a bit of an alligator. The second night seemed worse than
the first night, although maybe we'd just already worked all of the really loud
stations that were easy to hear. We missed several mults on 160 that we should
have been able to work. Next time I do this I'll be sure to bring some kind of
receive antenna.

Sunday morning was even slower than Saturday, with 10 straight hours below 100
Qs, with a low of 18 at 08Z. But things picked up again in the afternoon, and
we finished with several good hours on 10, 15, and in the last half hour of the
contest on 20.

Overall we are pleased with the effort - not too bad for simple wire antennas,
and despite the few technical difficulties and the cows. My dad held his own
quite well in the pileups, he's come a long way from our first DX trip 3 years
ago to Bonaire when he did all the logging and CW by hand, he's now quite adept
with N1MM and ready for more, just showing that old dogs and old DXers can learn
new tricks, maybe we'll make a contester out of him after all.

QSLs for PJ5W go to K5WE, any contacts with me outside the contest can go to my
address, but you can combine cards with either of us and we'll answer. Logs will
be uploaded to LOTW soon. Good DX to all. We can't wait to do this again.

73, Erik N5WR

Call: PR2W              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 120,042
Very good contest to take part. Thank you all that contact me.


PR2W  -  Paulo

Call: PT5T              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 223,068
Nice Contest with my friend PY2LSM (ZW5B);
Thanks All for contacts and PY5EG - Oms for the opportunity to be in his

Call: PX2F              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 192,096
After more than 10 years I�'m back to single operation from Alto da Serra
Contest Station.
Amazing place and experience!
Thank you guys and I will try to improve my CW skills for the next contest.


Call: PY3OZ             Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 220,932
Although the ARRL DX mono-band category does not have subdivision low power and
high power, for not yet meeting all operating conditions of the bands and has
no power amp, I decided to operate mono-band 10m even with only 100w. I think
it was a good result and all 50 states have been worked. By 1 ° in phase SSB
Yaesu FT-450D
OWA 5 elements to 28MHZ

Call: PY4ZO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 178,176
Rig Yaesu FT-897D 100w
Ant: 20m Rotary Dipole - 15/10m Vertical

Call: RA/KE5JA          Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 406,866
QTH:  Sakhalin Island, Asiatic Russia

Call: S50C              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 193,314
After ice demolished S53MM 7 MHz antenna I
decided to go on 21 MHz this year. I was a bit
short on operating time. Anyway I enjoyed the
contest. TNX Matija for leting me use your station.

73 Sine - S53RM

Call: S52W              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 119,460
800W + 2 x vertical

Part time effort. Missed Saturday and Sunday evening.

73 Damjan S52W

Call: S54O              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 112,518
TS590 kW
3el at 15m

Call: S55O              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 22,125
Run for 1h for fun.
Thx for qso's. log on lotw

Ian S55O

Call: S56A              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 838,584
I intended to let CW robot tun this one commemorating 1991 operation but I did S
& P instead in good condx!  Briefly called K3LR on 160 m and missed second
night on 80 m.  2L40 Moxon does superb job while TH6DXX shows age after summer
repair.  Easy West Coast with 100 W FT-1000MP.  Most of the others run kW so
patience is required after some S50ARX Skimmer spots.  My power estimate of 99
Watts is influenced by W1AW/KG4, Z6 ignorance by ARRL DXCC burocrats and poor
WRTC selection of onsite judges! It was fun again and kudos to good WVE ops.

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

Call: S57AL             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 208,800
CU in next one.

73, Ivo S57AL

Call: S57C              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 97,200
QRV only for short time on Sunday afternoon. Nice signals from West coast.
FT1000MP, A77D, 5 el. Yagi

Call: S57DX             Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 128,250
Thats all what I can do with damaged antenna! Just ten days ago heavy ice
distroyed all antennas. All together 20 antennas are distroyed. I worked with
cripled yagi with bent boom and elements. Who knows what the radiation pattern
is? Anyway I enjoy very much.
73 de Slavko S57DX

Call: S57Z              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 173,053


Call: SK2T              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,168,818
Really nice conditions up in the north except for 160m.
Decided to try some QSOs about 10min before the contest started.
Ended up being in chair at club almost whole weekend due to the good
160m was a one minute band. Worked a strong VY2ZM as first QSO then nothing.
80 and 40 was much better, especially 40m was in a vey good shape first night.
On saturday afternoon some disturbance arrived and made the high bands open for
the rest of the evening and night by Aurora.
Gave up at 0134z (0234 local)on sunday for some sleep after a QSO with W7AYQ on
10m. The low bands were dead. On sunday afternoon and evening the conds were
quite ok from time to time but not as good as on saturday.
Aurora can both be a killer and enhancer for the conditions.
Thanks QSOs 73 /Per SM2LIY

Call: SK3W              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,125,798
Nice and relaxed contest. ARRL DX has great pile-ups and good time periods when
you can rest. Contest started great, but Aurora hit on Saturday evening,
destroyed low band propagation second night. Unfortunately we did not
prioritize 160m the first night.

SM5TXT was operating remotely from home all contest, and the whole crew left
the station 6 hours before the end of the contest and finished from home. The
Remoterig control worked great, and no problems squeezing in the two K3's and
two computers controlled via RDP/Teamviewer on a 600kbps ADSL link.

New claimed Swedish record.

Some photos and comments here:

Call: SM7CIL            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 107,262
Vertical Dipole - 40M,
3 el yagi stuck to South on 20 - 10M

Thanks to everyone who managed to hear my weak sigs

Call: SN2M              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 214,716
IC 765 + PA
4/4el @13/22m 300deg + 3el 330deg @16m

Good contest, nice to see MUCH better propagation than last year.

IR2T - I want to buy your 100hz CW filter!


Call: SP1NY             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 874,800
That was what all of us like most - condx!!!
Both days almost even on upper bands. Low bands were much better Saturday
morning, but unfortunately I oversleep most of the first sunrise catching
up only the end.
As usual a lot of excellent OP's from W/VE.
Thanks to all for QSO - it was a great fun.

73's Mirek SP1NY

FTDX-5000 @ 150W
80m - Inv Vee
40m - "moxon" rotary dipole (Ultrabeam UB-50)
20/15/10 - 3 el. Ultrabeam UB-50

Call: SP2LNW            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,023,876
Tnx fer all Q's.
73 Slaw SP2LNW

Call: SP3GTS            Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 672
It was really strange situation! I didn't hear US stations on my two beverages
175 and 360m. I could only receive some big guns on vertical.
See you next contest.

Call: SP6OJE            Class: SOSB/40 LP               Total Score = 30,492
Due to aurora 100w was not enaugh to make qso from my QTH, however south
Europeans could ... Thanks for nice contest, see You next year

Call: SP9LJD            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,714,500
Tnx fer all QSO's, lost 160m antenna hi.

Call: TI5W              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,995,944
First I want to thank my GF Ana CR7ADN for standing this radio contesting
madness and helping out laying the coaxes and radials :)

Secondly my good friend Kamal N3KS for inviting me to operate as Single Op from
his fantastic station in Bijagua, Costa Rica.

Also need to mention my friend Freddy for all he his done for us during our
stay in Costa Rica, "no pressure" :)

Amazingly we setup the station on Tuesday in just about 5 hours with almost
everything working at first! Only some tuning on the 80m vertical and also some
config with Win-Test and the radio K3 was needed to eliminate the strange CW
sound it is produced at speeds above 36 WPM. BTW if anyone has this issue here
is a good hint (tnx to Bob N6TV it fixed my issue):

Unfortunately I had no SO2R box but I can imagine that the score could be much
much higher with the endeless CQs without answer that I had. Conditions were
very good but just noone called... was a bit stressing.

Tried desperately to move a BC, ND and MT to 160m but it was simple not
possible! Either the VE7 had no 160m or I just couldn't hear both MT stations I
tried to move! Well, I might to call CQ a bit more next time on 160m (Alternate
CQ might help!)

Congratulations to all the SOAB operators, it was really nice competition.

Thanks to all for the QSOs and cu on the next one.

73's Filipe Lopes

Call: UA2F              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 251,187
Just for fun!

Call: V26M              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,876,704

Call: V31TP             Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 5,014,008
We had a fine time once again in San Ignacio, Belize.  Our operation is Field
Day style with a tribander and wires on a nice hill.  We tried some antenna
experiments this year, but none of them panned out so we went with essentially
last year's setup:  A3S, 40/80 inverted vee (with a 40M reflector) and an HF2V
converted into a 160 inverted L.  We again put up a very short beverage but
found the transmit antennas were consistently better.

John's (WC0W) wife Leigh (WC0T) always serves as our spritual advisor.  Her
past experience as a preschool owner/director serves to help the team focus and
remain civil.  But this year, we also pressed her into service on the paddles
where she made a fine batch of Qs.  Way to go Leigh!

Conditions definitely seemed off from last year.  The low bands were reasonably
quiet but 160 never seemed to break open.  There were slow times on the high
bands while they were open to Europe, but they were great when we had our time
in the sun in the afternoons.

Mark (AG9A) was back for his second year and a big help getting the antennas
optimized, following the propagation, and shoveling lots of Qs.

I (K5PI) reprised my role as K3 and N1MM consultant and cranked through plenty
of Qs.

John (WC0W) serves as ringmaster, Belizian cultural attache/culinary consultant
("Rice and beans all around!"), and the iron man on the low bands.

While we didn't manage to top our last year's score, we're very happy with our
results.  We didn't get as muddy as the adventure racers in our hotel, but we
definitely got a workout!  See you next year!

Call: VA2AM             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,363,716
160m band performance was very poor by a solar storm on both nights. Of course
15-10m stayed late after the local sunset.

Call: VA2WA             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 6,103,515
SO1R: Kenwood TS-590S + AL-1200


20-15-10: SteppIr DB-11
40: GP 10m high
80-160: Top loaded vertical 16.5m high
RX: BEV 260m to EU

The 20-15-10m bands were opened all the 24 hours. Those bands conditions were
amazing. The 80m and 40m bands were not bad at all over the first night.

Thanks to all who called me ))





Call: VA3DX             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 515,592
Casual S and P operation

Call: VA3RKM            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 46,176
KX3, 5w, verticals. Great conditions for QRP except for the noisy lower bands.
Thanks for the contacts!

Call: VA7DZ             Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 1,251,516
We tripled last year's claimed score of 400K, maybe because

* We've added a 2-el phased array for 40m and a K2AV FCP Inv-L for 160, so we
now have half-decent antennas for all bands

* We've added 1-push band changing to the station

* We've finally figured out that the Available Mults pane of N1MM is really
helpful [ for chasing mults!]

Condx were FB here on the Wet Coast. We had a 4-hr run into EU on 20m
with our end of the path  in darkness, a new one in my experience.
Thanks to all the great ops and especially the ones who patiently copied

Call: VA7KH             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 25,425
A big thanks to all the excellent ops out there in DX-Land who persevered with
copying my weak signal into their log while often keeping a pile-up at bay (and
holding up their own run-rate). My antenna is only a 44ft doublet in the attic,
so getting the signal through is always special.

See you next year!
73, Steve

Call: VA7KO             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,421,145
First day saw lots of activity. Really felt like a DX contest. Second was rather
slow in comparison. But thanks to all in the log.

See you all again soon. 73,

Koji VA7KO

Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 643,104
Was hoping for something better than my personal-best two years ago, but the
bands were not quite up to the task. Nor was I -- came down with the flu on
Sunday, and it took the wind out of my sails.

Wonderful EU opening from 0600 to 0800z Saturday night (a solid run of 190
stations), and there were other good polar path openings on 20M and 15M.
Managed a few Europeans during a brief opening on 10M Saturday morning, during
the 1800z-hour.

Averaged 47/hour through the 19.5 hours on the air. That's up from 31/hour last
year and 36/hour in 2012.

-- Bud VA7ST

Year   QSOs  Mults   Score
----   ----  -----   -------
2013   928   231     643,104
2012   750   224     504,000
2012   917   245     673,995
2011   658   208     410,592
2010   908   201     547,524 HP
2009   688   163     332,031 HP
2008   504   156     235,872 HP
2007   609   157     286,839 HP
2006   571   176     301,488
2005   444   167     222,444
2004   307   132     121,572
2003   235   122      86,010

Call: VE1RSM            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 907,185
Had lots of fun.  Enjoyed every QSO and look forward to improving next year.


Call: VE1ZA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 349,503
Band    QSOs      Pts  Cty
   3.5      37     111   20
     7     176     528   43
    14     156     468   48
    21     128     384   38
    28     126     378   38
 Total     623    1869  187
Score: 349,503

Call: VE3DQN            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 26,565
My 2nd year in this contest. Tnx for the patience of DX stations with my cw and

Call: VE3GFN            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 942,576
A new personal best for this contest, with 24 hours of ops, using the N1MM
Logger software. A switch to this software, and the purchase of a new P3
panadaptor, have noticeably increased my S&P rates, and my contest scores!

Call: VE3HG             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 169,560
Nice to work Hawaii on 80 using 5 watts and the vertical :) Great conditions on
Friday and late Sunday with a major opening to South America and Europe. Last
half hour of the contest gets too noisy and frantic for 5 watts to be heard.
Had to take sometime out for the Olympics :)

Call: VE3JM             Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 9,097,326
We are dedicating this operation to Don VE3RM, who has become a silent key.

Since Don's funeral was Saturday morning and three out of four operators were
going to the funeral, I was not certain if we should have operated at all. We
have decided to operate since we thought that is what Don would have wanted us
to do.

We had only one station on the air for more than six hours Saturday morning, so
we missed some prime time on high bands.

This time we had Tom VE3CX, who travelled all the way from Thunder Bay to
experience the conditions from Eastern Ontario. It seems that Tom enjoyed
operating from here. While high bands were very good, the numbers on 160 and 80
were way down compared to last year.

It was an emotional weekend, but I am glad we decided to honour our friend Don
by getting on the air.

Vlad VE3JM

Call: VE3KAO            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 457,071

Call: VE3MGY            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 270,087

Call: VE3OI             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,851,888
I wish I could have found more than 24 hours to operate this one,  Conditions
were superb!  It made for a very fun weekend!  Let's hope the upcoming Phone
weekend can be as good.

Call: VE3OSZ            Class: SOSB/80 LP               Total Score = 23,814
A K of 5 on the second evening ruined propagation. For a couple of hours no EU
signals were heard here. In addition, a storm off the East coast created much
QRN. As a result, my score is less than half of last year's.

Call: VE3RSA            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 263,277
I really enjoyed the excellent band conditions , especially on 10M. All S&P
this time. Best moment was finding and working a very weak ZR9C in between the
big signals on 10m- .... beam pointing in wrong direction D'oh!  Obviously
excellent "ears" on the other end !

See you next year.

Tom '3RSA

Call: VE3VV             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 218,286
[log removed from comments]

CLUB: None
NAME: ted hughes
ADDRESS: 968 germain st
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger V14.2.0

Call: VE4VT             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 975,144
Wow hat a difference between Saturday and Sunday. Conditions sure fell through
the floor Sunday while they were excellent for most of Saturday.

Good opening to Asia of friday night on 10 & 15m. Even 40m was free from
the usual auroral distortion. Unfortunately 80 and 160m were horrible from
here. I never heard a single DX station on 160 despite trying many times. For
all the stations that tried to move me to 160, I gave it a shot. A small sloper
and 10 over 9 noise made it impossible.

After European sunrise on Sunday morning, 20m was hopping over the pole. That
was the end of the good conditions. 10m to EU was very weak and skewed all day
Sunday. 15m was better but not great. 20m to EU was horrible!

Using the cluster for this contest was interesting. I managed to find quite a
few mults just by spinning the dial. Worked Maldives for a new DXCC that was
not spotted and not sure it ever was. Same a YJ0OU on 10m for a surprise late
in the contest. On Sunday it seems everyone is chasing the clusters and unless
you are strong, you will be waiting in a lot of lines. Much better rate just
spinning the dial looking for unspotted stations.

this is such a peaceful contest. No real QRM, lots of room and lots of DX.
Somehow the SSB version in a couple weeks will be a tad more hectic.

Hope to see many of you again next week in the BERU event.


Call: VE5KS             Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 39,960
Only could do a part time effort. All I did was S&P, found a lot of mults,
but could not get any runs going.



Call: VE6WQ             Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 501,975
An interesting contest. Normally when the K is 4 or 5 the bands are just dead up
here but this time was different. Overnight Saturday we had a very limited polar
opening with only a few big gun stations from Eu heard. The band started to open
about 1300. On Saturday when the first CME shock hit at 1330 15m remained open
but had to beam SE to work EU. By 1500 things appeared to return to normal and
condx much better then expected with good runs to Eu. By Saturday evening
things fell off and the JA Asian opening was not as good as Friday evening.
Went to get some sleep expecting fairly poor condx on Sunday am. Got up at 1100
to check the band and it was wide open to Eu with excellent signals. This is
much earlier then normal 15m band opening. Had pretty good runs until 1430 when
it just dropped out. Didn't return until around 1600 and stayed open for only a
couple of hours and signals were very weak and fluttery. Heard a lot of western
US stations with typical aurora buzz and flutter when beaming NE. So overall
much better then usual for such disturbed condx.
Equipment was an ICOM IC-7700 & Alpha amp. Antennas were 6/6/6/6 plus
another 6el on another tower. The lower stacks were fixed on JA/east coast/west

As always Don is a great host making the station available and making sure I
had enough to eat and drink.
See you all on SSB

Call: VE7JH             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,293,704
Thanks to station owner Duane, I once again operated the VE7UF M/M contest
station as a single op.
Great conditions on Saturday, I figured I'd catch all the mults on the low
bands on Sunday, but conditions turned.
20m was open to Eastern Europe all night I kept going there and had great fun
working the nighthawks and the early risers. Countries like EW, YL, ES and LY
are not all that common here on the West Coast, I logged 49 of them.
The 65 UR's should help my URDA Award progress.
Great activity from JA and BY, not too much from VK/ZL though. The Caribbean
was less busy than usual, but those great 5 and 6 bander operations there are
certainly appreciated.
Great to see the large number of our Russian friends from both continents and
the many Europeans that came out to play.
Gabor, VE7JH at VE7UF

Call: VE7VR             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 148,404
Fun as usual. Go Orca!

Call: VE7XF             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 992,412
Well, that was fun! Mostly S&P (mult hunting), with a few good runs to JA.
Too noisy to run towards Europe on any band.

Saturday was much better than Sunday, even with the severe Au flutter,
affecting SA this time.
Managed a few 80m Qs and mults in the mornings, after the neighbour's plasma
TVs were turned off. Heard very few DX on 160, and they were very weak, so
couldn't work any.

I don't usually operated 'assisted', but it sure makes working mults easier
Only one dupe - my fault for believing the cluster.

The cluster-generated pileups on the rare ones were horrendous in the last few
hours. Note to Cluster Clickers: learn what QNY means.
For the rest of us: pass it on so others understand it too!
If you don't get it, check with Ward, N0AX.

I'll be hosting VE7TJF and VA7QLT (under their own calls) for the SSB event.
We're hoping for YL-powered pileups - call them if you can.

Ralph, VE7XF

K-line, 3el Steppir (probably worn out now :-) and wires.

Call: VE9AA             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 348,678
Arrl dx cw 10M HP..... (kinda long)
Random thoughts in no particular order de Mike VE9AA (or "Ode to
This was supposed to be a 'serious' single band effort....but quickly turned
into only a fun/semi-serious effort. GOAL=1000 Q's
Alas, Friday night I made only 10 QSO's as it was Valentines Day and we were
watching a movie. (Chocolate may have saved my life)
Lost nearly 2 hours of a EU Run Saturday morning, as got called by work 4
times(remote support), then decided, heck, may as well
 snowblow the driveway now that the precious time is already lost.  No chance
to even come close to a win now.
Where are all the African stations?  ACtivity well above .100 on 10m....nice to
Almost blew a QSO with A65CA....OOPS. I thought it was AB5CA the first time he
called. Thanks for hanging in there.
C4Z - was good to work you Brian. Above the EU callers as usual, hi !
What a super blast to work KH2/N2NL, ears of an elephant to hear me amid the
din. What a beehive. Thanks Dave.  Great fun @ 42wpm.
Put a big ol' smile on my face. :-)  Highlight of contest for me. (big smile)
Why are so many NA stns calling me?
One PA stn has worked me 4 times already in as many hours.  I think his pencil
lead broke and his paper log surely flew out the window!
Had a good afternoon with some decent rates and overall numbers, what with
missing a chunk of time....sigh. Don't think about that Mike I tell myself.

Nice supper with family.  Spent some time watching TV.

WHOA! Just wandered in the shack around 9pm to shut everything off when I
noticed the S-meter moving.
JA's and UA0's over the pole via Aurora Es or F.  The multipath was not unlike
working 6m AU to W1.  Wild.  Some of the bigger
stations were nearly S-9.  100 CQ's produced not a single QSO, but worked a
couple dozen up and down 10m.. Neat :-D
The wx man calling for another 45cm of snow tonight and tmw. Eghads. Not again.
 Third time in a week with ice and snow, wind and rain.
China, in the log. Yessss ! Dark like coal outside.  Good times.
Day 1 ends with 780 Q's in the log. Be lucky to hit 1000 tmw.
Sunday morning. Two cups of coffee in me.  The WX outside is bleak. Snow, snow
and more snow.  Lots of wind. Some freezing rain.
Southerners think this is a rarity, but we deal with it constantly every
winter, all winter long. It is our life.
 Maybe I should build a snowman as a second op to help me tune for mults ?
  Antenna drooping and bobbing around like a drunken sailor down on the
Southern Oceans roaring 40's.
No EU's on 10m yet, but I continue to tune tune tune, sipping warm coffee in a
(ceramic?) Tim Hortons mug.
I hear a couple of the East Coast big (machine) guns  CQing with not much luck.
Sun will be up on 20 mins, but 10m is stubborn sleepyhead lately.  Late riser.
CQing from 7am to 7:30am local and not a single reply. UGH.  THis is gonna be a
long day.  K1LZ steals my QRG.  Tell me you didn't hear me.

 A bit of snow static is killing the weaker callers.
Just scanned the band from 28.0 thru 28.100 and I have already worked every
single CQer.  Gonna be a long day.  I hear a weak groan from
my rate meter which has slipped into stasis. My F1 key is now wore out.  Rates
are into the single digits.  My family advises I would be better
off going out to snowblow the driveway AGAIN, as we got 35cm overnight (a
foot), and I see drifts nearly 3 feet (~a meter) in spots.
SOmething to look forward to post-contest. ...or later when EU goes bye-bye.
 Now folks are using my frequency to tune their amps on.  Not just 1 tuner
either. Oh no; there's two battling it out 50Hz apart!
  Can it get much worse?  I ask you. :-o
The driveway will have to wait.  It's still snowing.
Ok, someone unkinked the hose for a moment or two around 13z. I must have been
spotted. Rate meter gasped, went into cardiac arrest and actually turned
actually turned green for a few minutes.  SOme kind soul must have spotted me.
THANKS to whoever blessed me with that good fortune.
Folks must not tune their VFO's anymore , eh? Only get callers after someone
apparently spots me, or so it sure seems.
Condx fb mid morning. Working lots of 5 watt guys. ( even a few with less
watts!) however keyclicks abound and wipe them out for the most part.
No cluster for single band guys, but you know what - I am less stressed NOT
watching the spots flow by.  'Course, I am sure my mult total will be sadly
lacking.  Can't have it all, eh
Oh oh....here comes a string of dupes. I am sure I am the victim of a bad
cluster spot, even though I am one of those guys that signs after EVERY Q. Oh
well.  Good with the bad,hi
Swore I just heard someone send "5000"...I believe it. They were
W-I-D-E !
Just passed 1000 Q's...that was a loooong morning for 220 Q's.  Part of the
9L1A called in. How cool is that? Made my morning.  I seriously thought it was
9A1A duping me, hi ....
Another string of dupes.  Nobody uses headphones anymore. Just screen shots.
Even more dupes.  HA! Now here's a switch.  A DL called me (with his full call)
and when I went back, he said "SRI, B4 B4"
so I said "no no no " and we made a QSO.  I wonder if he worked a bad
spot previously and now the bad spot was repeated and he thought
he was also working that same busted callsign?  Will be interesting to review
post-test and see if I can suss it out.
I should probably be out looking for mults. My count is too low.
The yard outside my window looks like a big cereal bowl of Fruit loops or rocky
road ice cream with massive whiteness everywhere, but tops of different coloured
objects poking out here and ther
like cars, garbage cans, sheds, etc.  A lot of snow !
I had my hand on the VFO to go S&P after a few futile CQ's when HZ1PS
called me. Hows that for timing?  Thanks man !
Someone pse tell me when a weeeeak stn's (power) number gets lost and I reply
"NR?" They send full calls, signals report and then the number ?
(which of
course is QRMd or QSB-d out again.
Have I mentioned that I really should be looking for mults....?
Where is P3N or D4A?
Sunset in EU....things are screeching to a halt. This is TEN METERS afterall.
The VE9ST Canadian record from 2001 is taunting me but there is no way my arms
are long enough to reach it.  It is out of my grasp once again.
Maybe in 2022 I'll take another crack at it.
Hearing lots from VY2ZM, VA2WA, K2SSS ,N4OX, WO4O, W4SVO, W1UE, K1LZ and
others.  No way to come close with my 600w and weeny yagi. (especially taking
much time off)
Callers have stopped and looks like the snow has too, so out to do a couple
hours of snowblowing.  Back for the Pacific and Far East later !
2 hours of snowblowing and a hot shower and I am back. REsponsibilites suck
sometimes !
A few SA stns is all.  Comb the band 3 times.  HAve already worked 90% of them.
 A couple of KH6's & ZL's already in the log. The band holds nothing
W's calling me.....way too much. >:-(
ARRL DX CW - 2014-02-15 0000Z to 2014-02-17 0000Z - 1216 QSOs
VE9AA Max Rates:

2014-02-15 1149Z - 4.0 per minute  (1 minute(s)), 240 per hour by VE9AA
2014-02-15 1530Z - 2.8 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 168 per hour by VE9AA
2014-02-15 1246Z - 2.3 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 138 per hour by VE9AA

73 de Mike VE9AA, IC7410 ~600w, weeny 5el @ 24', N1MM

Call: VP2EZZ            Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 3,958,719
This was a last minute plan to head to VP2E and we literally took off from LI at
11:30pm Wed night to just miss the big storm in the NE. Heading south we had a
strong head wind of well over 100 knots making the first leg of the trip to
Orlando much longer than we expected. As we quickly climbed to 45k' we passed
lots of snow and a little ice until we popped up over the clouds and the stars
and moon welcomed us to a smooth flight south. With a short rest in W4 and a
refuel we jumped the 1200 miles to VP2E in no time. One exciting event was upon
descending into VP2E the rear cargo bay smoke alarm went off. We quickly made
the call to the tower and the fire brigade crew was waiting for us. Once we
landed we quickly opened the bay door and found nothing but wet cargo.
Descending from -80 deg F to + 80 deg F the condensation tripped the smoke
detector:) We made our way to the rental house which was beautiful and had an
amazing view over the water. We were met by the local communications officer
who handled our license for VP2EZZ and a local ham (one of two) VP2EKG (Keith)
who welcomed us to the island. We headed down with 2 x K3's, 1 Expert 1K-FA
amp, R8 Vertical, 80m OCF Dipole and a TransWorld TW2010 portable antenna. We
ended up using one K3 with the Expert to the OCF at 20' to be used for the
contest and the other K3 100w to the TW2010 antenna to be used during the
contest but on 12,17m. We also brought a spool of wire and made a 160m Inv L
but we could never get it to resonate properly. The SWR would constantly jump
all over the place with both the K3 and the Rig Expert analyzer. The only
conclusion we can come up with is some sort of coupling was happening with the
200kw 1610 transmitter that was about 1 air mile away. We then converted the
80m OCF by doubling its length to handle 160 and we had a perfectly resonate
antenna! That was a good choice since the first night we got in almost 100 q's
and the 2nd night was a complete wash from the flare. The three of us took
shifts and operated basically until we needed a break or some sleep. The WX is
just perfect there, 80 deg, the warm trade winds always blowing and sleeping
with all the windows and doors open was a very nice change coming from the
blistery north. We had no idea what to expect operating from the location. We
would get high QRN coming and going but signals were strong and constant. Crude
calculations showed some nice rates over 150/hr which we are pretty happy with
for a wire antenna 20' off the ground. We ran the amp conservative between
500-800w to keep it cool and to minimize tripping a breaker.

At the end of the test we felt good. I decided to call some CQ on 6m with the
OCF as a joke and immediately was called by LU5FF S9 which then led to running
a number of LU's and CX's! Here is a short video LU5FF took.


One note on the TransWorld antenna, Wed night I had a nice run of JA's and
Asiatic Russians with 100w. We never had a shortage of pileups using that

Condx and WX were great from the Caribbean which exceeded our expectations and
the warm welcome from VP2EKG and VP2ETE was a nice treat. We ended up leaving a
little lighter as we knew the guys in the island have a hard time getting
supplies, so a new R8 and shiny new coax stayed behind which should hopefully
expand the operating capacity from VP2E moving forward.

Thanks to Nada for preparing some unbelievable meals that kept us fueled during
the test.

Thanks to my operating comrades Ray W2RE and Pat N2IEN for another amazing
radio adventure.

There is nothing better than playing radio with your buddies in an exotic land

73 Lee
WW2DX and the VP2EZZ Team.

Video from Ray W2RE at our QTH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3WfM9Z1N9o

Call: VP5S              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 5,435,136
The VP5S team was an effort by members of the Minnesota Wireless Association who
traveled to Jody's place in the Turks & Caicos Islands for the contest.

Team leader Scott, K0MD, was joined by members from last year Fred, K4IU and
Bill, AC0W along with first timer Pat, K0PC.

Station: Icom 7600 + Acom 1010
Antennas: Force 12 XR-5 for 10-20, Force 12 240 Delta for 40 meters and dipoles
for 80 and 160.

The contest is always enjoyable to do from TCI. Conditions were great
world-wide from the Caribbean as they were from the USA. Prior to the contest,
we worked a lot of Asian stations who were very loud into the Caribbean.

I felt that QSO rates were down compared with last year especially during the
daytime. It seemed that NA was looking to Europe and Asia for QSO's given the
spectacular propagation that has been reported.

Pile-ups were intense at times though, especially in the late afternoons and
evenings when all of NA was looking to the Caribbean.

The Low bands were good but not as good as last year. The upper midwest had
more strong signals into VP5 this year than last. We had atmospheric noise on
Saturday morning as there were likely storms in the region. As always, the Icom
7600 is a tremendous Low Band receiver and it allowed us to get 105 multipliers
on 160 and 80.

Appreciation is due to the following:

1. Our families and wives who remained home in the blistery weather while we
traveled to veritable paradise.
2. All of the stations from DC, DE and KY who were active this year making
those multipliers easier to get. We still missed DC on 10 meters so if I work
you in DC next year on Friday, I am asking you to move to 10 regardless!
3. VY2ZM who stopped by on Sunday to ask me if we needed PEI on any other bands
as he was willing to QSY for us. There were several PEI stations this year and
we appreciate the efforts that hams made in PEI to be active.
4. Jody, VP5JM, who allows us to come and use her premiere station even though
she has stopped renting to hams. We really enjoy contesting from TCI and seeing
her and Lizzy her dog.
5. All of the MWA members who worked us on 5 and 6 bands. It is always nice to
hear fellow club members on the air.

Minor issues:
1. We had a computer keyboard that was sticking frequently and cost us at least
100 QSO's we believe. We will rectify this for 2015.
2. Our old Dell XP logging computer was getting slow near the end, perhaps it
is at EOL and we need a new Windows 7/8 machine to contest with.  I sure wish
N1MM would make software for the Mac!
3. EU and JA stations were calling us during the contest which at times
interfered with our ability to copy NA stations. We are not sure how to rectify
this issue.

All of our QSO's were uploaded to LOTW on Sunday night after the contest. If
your QSO is not in LOTW, please contact me via email.

Thanks for a great contest and the memories of working NA from paradise. We
hope to return in 2015 to do it all over again.

Call: VP9/W6PH          Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 3,471,072
IC-7000  Win-Test 11.4.1
160m:    Inv-L (3 radials)
80:      Dipole at 30 feet
40:      KA Dipole at 30 feet
20-10:   A4S at 35 feet

My low band contacts were 800 below last year.  It was brutal on the low bands
and I know that I was an alligator.  But I just could not pull call signs out
of the noise.  Continuous S9 noise.  I threw in the towel early on Saturday
night.  So did a lot of people so I probably didn't miss a lot.

The high bands were pretty good and I had high rates after Europe closed.  The
whole southeast was blacked out on 10 meters.  I missed a bunch of multipliers
down there.  But there was a lot of activity and I had 160 more contacts there
this year.

I hope the low bands are better for ARRL Phone.

73, Kurt W6PH

Call: VU2MUD            Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 1,890
RIG: IC-718



Call: VY2LI             Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 4,785
Limited time=Limited Qs.73,Bill

Call: VY2TT             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,662,440
The first 24 hours were great. Really good conditions and activity. The 2nd 24
hours were a grind. I couldn't seem to find anything to do the entire night, no
responses to CQs, S&Ping only turned up calls already worked, so I slept
more than planned. It didn't help that both my RX antennas were broken and the
low bands were very noisy, really bad Saturday with the snowing and blowing.

73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT

Call: VY2ZM             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 1,055,250
This unusual posting is actually two SINGLE BAND ENTRIES as follows:

160m  302/63 = 57,078 points (Roughly 15 hours of on air time.)

10m  1708/112 = 573,888 points (Roughly 28 hours of on air time.)

Under ARRL rules, only (1) SINGLE BAND ENTRY may be submitted by an individual
station - thus my submission is as indicated above - it is for MONO 10M only.

The 160m single band score is being submitted as a ***CHECK LOG ONLY***- and
not for legitimate scoring/competitive purposes in the contest.


A serious of weather-related disasters kept me scrambling out at the house most
of Wed night and all day Friday. By 3PM Friday (after battling a motor failure
in my oil burner, and a major flood in my basement from melting snow in a lake
outside my shack window, and soot particulate backing up into the basement when
the oil burner flue would not draught properly - I was totally spent.  I tried
to sleep but could not and was in no position to even contemplate a 46/47 hour
SOAB/SO2R all band entry given how I felt - just no way Jose!

I almost bagged the whole contest as I was worse than dead tired at 0000z!

I started out on 160m and was doing poorly (although W4ZV stopped by to report
he had made 34 qso's in 3 hours and was quitting.  (I had about 100 Q's by then
and quit early myself at 0705z that night with something like 195 in the log.  I
decided I would switch over to 10m and begin a single band entry there at

10m was a far better move - condx were good although I knew I had missed all of
Friday night in the process and was sure under good condx that others had done
pretty well there for an hour or so.

The rest is pretty much as reported by others - Sat was excellent with over
1100 qso's logged the first day.  Sunday was not as good but not horrible

Each day at 1930z I worked SO2R on 160m to add to the 160M score.  Saturday
night AFTER 0000Z was almost a TOTAL washout on 160m - I did manage about 20
qso's but quit very early in favor of sleep for the Sunday 10M EU runs.  Each
160m qso was agony with the snow static and hurricane force winds.  I could
hear 9A1A, TM6M and some of the louder stations - but all answers to my CQ's
were a total embarrassment as compared to my normal ability to hear weak
signals.  Stations on the other side probably wondered who the ALLIGATOR OPR
was - but it was beyond noisey.  The S meter just hung AT 20DB over S9 - with
crashes that pinned the meter most of the time.

So rather than continue to look like a JERK, I just turned the radio off and
bailed on Topband leaving it to W3LPL and K3LR to keep the faithful

Although the 160m single band score ended up as a reasonable effort - pls note
again that it is only a checklog - so W8UVZ/W8TOP - if you are reading this
posting - George (or anyone else), please be sure to send in your Mono 160m log
as you may have made the top score.

73 and thanks to all for the qso's.

CU in two weeks on SSB mode


Call: W0AIH             Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 4,672,944
**This is a 3830 resubmit. I had the wrong call in the call used field.  Was
**K0TG, should be W0AIH.

We had a very thin operator list this weekend with some of the regulars at
etc.  So we decided to operate Multi-Two this year.

Ron, KK9K pounded away on 20 most of the weekend.  He just about got it to
Q's too!  15 and 10 were in prime condition.  Solar numbers looked a bit poor
for the 2nd half, but they did not seem to bother things much.  40 and 80
started out kind of noisy Saturday evening, but cleard up as the evening went

I was surprised at how few US Stations called to work us this year.  I thought
that number was way down.  Good to see!

When will everyone get the memo that they can work dupes?? Typo's happen and
then you try to work someone and they say dupe and will not work ya.  Or they
are just plain not in the log.  Well, their loss in that case I guess.

Vlad, N0STL was able to work the first half and Ron, KK9K and I (K0TG) were
able to stay for the whole weekend.  Paul was the default night operator so we
could hit things during the day

Loads of fun at "The Farm"!

For a look at the fabulous hardware we played with: http://www.qth.com/w0aih/

73, John  K0TG

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

Call: W0BH              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 31,500
A really great opening on 10, so I just decided to stay there for the limited
time that I had.  All Qs have been uploaded to LOTW.  Thanks for the fun!

73, Bob, w0bh

Call: W0ETT             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,065,672
Got a new HL-550FX so first time using 450w-500w HP in this test - sure is
different from using LP.  So, have a new personal best 1083 Qs.  Wkd some new
ones for me including XW0YJY, HS0ZKX, YJ0OU, 6W/G4BUE.  Nice to hear many
expeditions out to activate some countries in Africa and the Carribean - thanks
for being there guys!  Probably did about 50% running with HP compared to about
10% with LP.

Enjoyed the condx for the most part - the solar flare and auroral sounds of
stations over the pole made things more challenging!

73 Ken, W0ETT
Parker, CO

Call: W0PAN             Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 18,000
Great Fun - terrific operators and good conditions made my low power and a
vertical work like a charm.

Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 51,684
Really had no intentions of getting into this one, but it was a little boring
just watching the Olympics, so I decided to get in for a while and do a S&P
looking for Multipliers.  I even picked up a couple new ones in the 6 hours I
played.  It was kind of fun busting some big pileup with my 34' tower and 100
watts.  I might enter the SSB version, but SSB isn't my favorite mode.  Thanks
to those who heard my peanut whistle and responded with a call.
Yaesu FT-950
A3s Cushcraft @ 34'
100 Watts

Call: W0UO              Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 256,080
K3-KPA500- 2EL Optibeam at 80ft.

Call: W1AN              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 618,849
Really extraordinary conditions. Just had no energy after a long busy week.
73, John, W1AN

Call: W1AO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 3,402,126
I'm still rebuilding after my tower failure 3 years ago.  This was my first
reasonable effort since then.  Unfortunately, I lost my beverage due to ice a
few weeks ago and was unable to rebuild before the contest.  It would have
helped - a lot!  Conditions here were generally great and 4 hours sleep both
nights helped.  Thanks for the Qs!  Antenna work continues......

IC-7800/PW-1 (a good combination for unlimited class - however, I hope to be
SOAHP/SO2R next time using my 7800/PW-1 and K3/Alpha 89 combination).
Cushcraft X7 @ 40' (eventually will be back up at 75' with 2 el. XM-240)
Windom @ 40' for 40/80/160

Call: W1AW/6            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 168,045
Remarkable weekend of operation on a single band under the world's most
recognizable call. I was honored to log as many as possible and enjoyed
listening to the level of 5 watts from Asia, Europe, and South America.

73, Scot KA3DRR

Call: W1AW/6            Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 350,000
Don't remember exact score as this will be a check log, but it was fun and an
honor to use the W1AW/6 call in the contest. Thanks to VU2TE for calling in
over the top Friday night. Friday and Saturday were great, Sunday a really
tough fight through the disturbed conditions.

Rig: FTdx9000 via Remote Control
Amp: VL-1000, 1100W to 800' lof hardline
Antennas: 7/7/7 element OWAs

73 de Chip, K7JA

Call: W1AW/9            Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 5,183,868

Our representative score for the W1AW/9 operation in Wisconsin.
We each operated at our own stations, like IARU HQ style.
Operating W1AW/9 was a complete thrill, all week long.

160: W0AIH
80: K9GS
40: WW9R (+KA9FOX)
20: KA9FOX (+KB9OWD, WE9V)
15: WE9V (+KB9OWD, W9XT)
10: W9XT (+WE9V)

Chad WE9V

Call: W1EBI             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,463,075
In spite of moderate noise levels on the lower bands, this one surpassed my
personal best in all metrics:  QSO's, mults and points.  I didn't quite manage
DXCC on any band like in 2012 when 10 meters was in the doldrums, but my
collection of dipoles made me feel pretty loud all weekend.  I actually
experienced my first frequency fight (I won!), so that must mean I had some
juice.  But I didn't have the juice to put in the 35 hours I had in mind.
Thanks, everyone, for my 29 hours of contesting fun.

George W1EBI

Call: W1ECH             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 470,000
Enjoyed my few hours.  Surprised to see what 100 watts and my all-band 80M wire
can do.  Busy both evenings so missed a lot of easy ones on the low bands.

Call: W1FJ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,587,222
Spent 6 hrs at W1UE on Saturday,left early due to snow storm operated from home
4 hrs Friday and 11+ hrs between Sat nite and Sunday. Ran most of the time, no
serious multiplier searching. Had 2 hrs at 180 for a personal best averaged
107/hr. Not bad for an old guy with a peanut whistle station. I am always
amazed at what I work with the low 4BTV, use it as a mult ant. Bottom line
leasurely operation and a lot of fun.

INVV at 45',SKYHAWK @ 50',40M ROTARY DIPOLE @ 60' 4BTV @ 10' N1MM

Call: W1GD              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,742,112
Relatively low-key effort using the same temporary antennas I used for CQWW.
Conditions on all bands seemed good.  I decided to run the amp to see how it
affected things in the new house. Only problem was with a couple of the Kidde
CO detectors. I only loaded up to 800-1000 watts except on 10M where I stayed
barefoot. Power company came out last week and fixed two street lights so I was
able to hear on 80 & 160.

K3 + Alpha 78
160M: Inverted-L
 80M: Inverted-L
 40M: Inverted-V
 20M: Dipole
 15M: 40M Inverted-V
 10M: 3-el beam mounted on 6-ft step ladder,

Logs uploaded to LoTW.

Call: W1HIS             Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,532,000
One antenna for all bands: wire, 30 ft (9 m) high and 70 ft (21 m) long.

Call: W1NN              Class: SOSB/80 LP               Total Score = 19,344
Remote from Japan using 100 watts and a dipole at 60 feet back in Ohio.  With
this setup, I can only work the top layer of stations on 80, but it's fun to
see what I can do.  The only mults I heard and could not work were OA4SS, Z35T
and JA8RWU, my friend in Hokkaido where I almost operated for this event.
Sorry I couldn't make it, Akira-san.  You were really loud on 80.

Given the fantastic conditions, I had to operate a little on the other bands,
mostly in the morning my time (evening US time) to work some of my JA friends.
I worked a little over 25 on each 10 and 15, only 1 on 20, and about 7 on 40. We
had a record-breaking snowstorm just before the contest which I think prevented
a couple of the big JA stations from getting on the air.  Too bad, they missed
some really good conditions.

I am submitting a 80M single band log but here is what I did in total:

160  10 10
80  124 52
40  102 51
20   60 42
15   88 35
10   52 15

Tot 436 205  268,140

73, Hal W1NN
Remote in Tokyo

Call: W1OHM             Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 22,275
Ice storm knocked down my back porch antennas, used a 20m dipole inside the

Call: W1TJL             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 89,856
Small effort on Sunday after the snow was plowed, the bags unpacked from c^ and
the honey-do list completed!

Fun as always!

73, Tom

Call: W1UE              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 14,088,420
Wow!  What a fun weekend!  Condx on the high bands just never seemed to quit.
Between the geomagnetic storm and the raging nor'easter we had (10+" of
snow from 3pm to 11pm Sat local time) putting a crimp on the low bands, the
high bands were fantastic!

The W1KM station suffered a lot of damage in the Feb 2013 Nor'easter storm; its
taken most of the year to get it back in shape.  We are still limited to one
antenna on several bands, but they all seemed to play this weekend.  We set up
as a 4 xmitter MM; we could have done it as 6 xmit, but with only 3 full time
ops it seemed the way to go (we never did have more than 5 ops available at one
time, and then only 3 bands were open).

20M never really closed the first night, and 15M opened to Europe and was
runnable both days at 1020Z.  Pileups were never deep; it was a steady stream
of 1, 2, or 3 stations that would respond to a CQ.  I can't remember a CQ that
ever resulted in a pileup with more than 3 stations. What the pileups lacked in
depth they made up for in longevity.

Biggest surprise of the contest for me was the BA and HS that called in on 40M
during the last hour of the contest- and neither of them was a mult at that

As always, thanks to Greg W1KM for making the station available so we could
have some fun.

Dennis W1UE

Call: W1VE              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 9,338,118
The plan was to generate a lot of points and have some fun... both were
accomplished.   FUN conditions!

Many thanks to Andy, P40LE aka K2LE, for the use of his snow-bound Vermont QTH!

Call: W1WEF             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,065,932
>From the start I knew I didnt feel like a serious effort. Condx were
appropriately great in celebration of  this ARRL Centennial year, maybe the
best I can remember ever.Had fun without knocking myself out.    JACK

Call: W1XX              Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 39,471
The storm wiped out any chance to hear the EU 100-watters the second night.

Call: W2BC              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 3,691,980
Wasn't sure I was going to spend much time in this one, but a GREAT opening to
the Far East on 15 the first hour got my juices flowing.  Thanks to 6-hour and
9-hour sleep breaks, my multiplier totals suffered, but the entire weekend was
a fun outing, except for one thing:

This 100th anniversary of ARRL is an appropriate time to call forth The Old Man
and his Wouff-Hong and Rettyxnitch to go after all the rotten signals (key
clicks, phase noise, hum modulation, etc.) from those who should know better.
It's long past time to start penalizing or DQing entries from stations with
trashy signals.

Call: W2CS              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,527,750
K3, Acom 2000A, 160 mtr dipole fed with OWL and tuned on all bands.

This was my 2000A's maiden voyage.  It operated perfectly.  *Much* quieter than
my Alpha 9500 and its noisy relays.

Call: W2EJG             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 89,997
Lotsa fun. Good condx for EU

Call: W2GDJ             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,150,200
Great condx on Saturday and not as good on Sunday in the Albany,NY area. 10
Meters never made it back for this cycle here. Oh well maybe next one.

Call: W2NO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,022,085
Part time effort between snow removal trips.

Call: W2TF              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 422,730
first halfway serious cw contest and now see why many 'old hands' prefer CW over
SSB contests

if I was able to keep the copied incorrectly and other typo's to under 15%,
I'll call it a win

Call: W2UP              Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 24,570
Was out of town most of the week and didn't get home until late Saturday night.
Got on using W0DLE's remote on Sunday morning.  Being fresh meat on Sunday
morning, a huge pileup was generated almost instantly, after my first CQ, about
1500Z on 15m.  Chuck's TH7 stack with a steep drop-off towards EU sure works
well.  Only problem was all the point and clickers were exactly zero beat with
each other...

After about an hour, I went to 10m and signals were poor.  Made a few QSOs
there and then I experienced several losses of internet connectivity to the
station (wind shaking the terrestrial microwave dish?), so I called it a day.
Just wasn't in the mood for this one.

Worked G3SXW, running 5W, on both 10 and 15 - very nice signal, Roger.
Submitting log as a SB 15 log (with the 10m QSOs included).

Call: W2VJN             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,098,548
That was fun.  Thanks for all the Qs.  Ten was good  Friday evening and Saturday
morning then went down a bit.    My new 3 stack of C31XRs had a good work out.
The pattern may be too good as when running JAs people try to take my

K3, Alpha 91B, big tower/small tower

Call: W2XL              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,455,200
Conditions on the low bands not as good as last year, but 15 & 10 were
great. Hoped to put in more time , but too many hours behind snowblower past
week wore me out !!

Call: W2YC              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 6,419,880
Power numbers used were crazy. Worst was:
..... ----. ----.  .---- ..... ----- -----

Call: W3EP              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 364,206
Ten-meter conditions were probably the best since the begining of the new year,
at least on Saturday. Auroral conditions on Sunday were interesting (many
state-side stations booming on pure aurora), but did not add much to my score
and certainly depressed the run rate. Still picked up another dozen
multipliers, including TA, 3V, 9K, A6, and VU in the morning.

Highlights included some LP on Saturday morning. I was half expecting some
Asians, but was still surprised when BV1EK called through the Europeans at
1323, quickly followed by JA1BPA and E20AE.  I did not dare leave my nice run
frequency to look for others and had a nagging feeling that I should have
looked south earlier.

Had a nice run of JAs Saturday evening with a much muted run Sunday. Heard a
lone BG among the JAs, but he was weak with AU flutter and soon attracted a
west coast pileup I had no chance of breaking.

Was also surprised I could hold a frequency low in the bad for several hours
and the number of 5W stations logged, both from Europe and Japan. Some were
astonishingly loud.

All-in-all a very interesting time on ten meters.

W3EP: K3, ACOM 1000, 5-ele at 60 feet

Call: W3FA              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 10,098
Software : TLF 1.2 + N1MM Logger V14.2.0
 Rig : Ten Tec Delta ll
 Antennas : HyGain 14AVQ, 80 inv V @ 50', 160 inv L @ 50'

          Soapbox : Friday and Saturday busy, Saturday night software issues so
I was disapointed just listening to the openings on 10 and 15 while trying to
fix software issue. Sunday, logged into another machine and was on the air.

Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,009,700
Well I started out good. The band gods were with us. Then work called$#^%$# That
was pretty much what I said. Had to go in and help plow snow. Stinking snow.
Anyway had good time and see all in SSB...

Call: W3LPL             Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 17,939,040
Congratulations to the K3LR team for another great winning score.

This was our 35th consecutive multi-multi entry in the ARRL CW
DX Contest since 1980, completing more than 196,000 QSOs as
documented on the pages of QST.

We enjoyed using our new 110 meter diameter W8JI/W5ZN/N4HY
fully steerable 8-circle 160 meter receiving array located
300 meters south of the 4-square transmitting array.  We used
a similar four element broadside-endfire receiving array on
80 meters for Europe only. Both antennas were big improvements
over our ten Beverage antennas. We will have more vertical
receiving arrays and many fewer Beverages next year.

BAND   QSOs   DXCC    Operators
 160    146    59     AC6WI NE3K  K1DQV
  80    815    90     NI1N  N3OC
  40   1740   117     KD4D  K4ZW  K1DQV
  20   2358   132     K1DQV K3IT  K3KU  K3RA  WR3Z
  15   2284   136     W3LPL K3WI  N3OC  K4ZW
  10   1660   131     W3UR  K4ZA
TOTAL  9003   665

TOTAL SCORE : 17 939 040

----------------- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y -----------------
                 160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
North America     23     38     47     60     54     49    271    3.0
South America      9     15     35     61     59     83    262    2.9
Europe           108    718   1398   1786   1673   1243   6926   76.9
Asia               0     17    212    378    446    233   1286   14.3
Africa             3     11     17     23     22     29    105    1.2
Oceania            3     16     31     50     30     23    153    1.7
Total            146    815   1740   2358   2284   1660   9003

Special thanks to the 93 stations who worked us on 6 bands:

3V8BB     6Y2T    9A1A     9A8M     C6AKQ    CN2AA     CR3L
CS2C      DK5QN   DL1A     DL7ON    DL7URH   E7DX      EA5RS
EC2DX     ED1R    ED7P     EF5F     ES5Q     F6HKA     G3SYM
HG7T      HK1NA   I3EVK    IK4ZGO   IO5O     IR1Y      IR2C
IR4M      J38XX   KH6LC    KH7XX    KL7RA    KP2B      KP2M
KP4KE     LY2XW   LZ9W     M3W      NP2N     NP2P      NP4Z
OE2S      OK2W    OL3Z     OL5Y     OL7M     OM7M      OM7RU
OT2A      OZ1ADL  P40L     P40W     PA0O     PI4TUE    PJ2T
PJ4X      PJ5W    PT2CM    R22ALS   S54W     SK3W      SM6CMU
SN7Q      SO9Q    SV1DPJ   TI5W     TM6M     TM6X      UV5U
UW2M      UX4U    UY0ZG    V26M     V31TP    VP2EZZ    VP5S
VP9/W6PH  WL7E    YN2NC    YO3APJ   YT3A     YU5R      YU9CF
ZF35A     ZM90DX

Multi-band QSOs
1 band     1969
2 bands     713
3 bands     553
4 bands     439
5 bands     327
6 bands      93

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs     30    133    337    565    510    394

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000      27    102    210     76     87     39    541    541    6.0
0100      12     62     91     48     93      4    310    851    9.5
0200       9     47     71     74     52      0    253   1104   12.3
0300      15     52     78     62      0      0    207   1311   14.6
0400      12     73     78     56      0      0    219   1530   17.0
0500      18     64     90     34      0      0    206   1736   19.3
0600       4     52     93     71      0      0    220   1956   21.7
0700       1     33     98     95      0      0    227   2183   24.2
0800       0      8     57    116      0      0    181   2364   26.3
0900       3      3     59    124      0      0    189   2553   28.4
1000       1      5     37    104     23      0    170   2723   30.2
1100       1      6     44    108    161     56    376   3099   34.4
1200       0      7     11     77    186    163    444   3543   39.4
1300       0      0      1     54    169    145    369   3912   43.5
1400       0      0      0     47    135    126    308   4220   46.9
1500       0      0      0     34    119    105    258   4478   49.7
1600       0      0      0     29     91    111    231   4709   52.3
1700       0      0      0     65     93    106    264   4973   55.2
1800       0      0      1     71     75     50    197   5170   57.4
1900       0      0      8     83     55     31    177   5347   59.4
2000       0      0     43     74     58     10    185   5532   61.4
2100       0      2     85     53     40     14    194   5726   63.6
2200       2     18     60     39     57     71    247   5973   66.3
2300       2     29     71     33     55     67    257   6230   69.2
0000       0      7     15     10     33     26     91   6321   70.2
0100       1     12     26     16     14      0     69   6390   71.0
0200       3     10     18     28      1      0     60   6450   71.6
0300       7     18     22     21      2      0     70   6520   72.4
0400      11     26     30     27      4      0     98   6618   73.5
0500      10     54     33     33      0      0    130   6748   75.0
0600       2     44     38     37      0      0    121   6869   76.3
0700       2     16     51     18      0      0     87   6956   77.3
0800       0      3     59     17      0      0     79   7035   78.1
0900       0      3     26     18      0      0     47   7082   78.7
1000       0      1     10     41      0      0     52   7134   79.2
1100       0      0      1     58     80      5    144   7278   80.8
1200       0      0      2     64    119     99    284   7562   84.0
1300       0      0      1     41     97     97    236   7798   86.6
1400       0      0      0     19     67     76    162   7960   88.4
1500       0      0      1     16     66    100    183   8143   90.4
1600       0      0      0     30     55     62    147   8290   92.1
1700       0      0      0     30     63     51    144   8434   93.7
1800       0      0      0     28     58     20    106   8540   94.9
1900       0      0      0     41     29      7     77   8617   95.7
2000       0      0     22     54     12      3     91   8708   96.7
2100       0      0     41     44      8      5     98   8806   97.8
2200       0     19     37     26     17      7    106   8912   99.0
2300       3     39     21     14     10      4     91   9003  100.0
Total    146    815   1740   2358   2284   1660   9003

------------------ C o u n t r y   S u m m a r y ------------------
Country        160     80     40     20     15     10  Total    Pct
3A               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
3B8              0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.0
3B9              0      0      1      1      0      0      2    0.0
3V               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
3W               0      0      0      2      0      0      2    0.0
4J               0      1      3      4      3      2     13    0.1
4L               0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
4O               0      0      0      0      1      2      3    0.0
4X               0      0      3      6      5      4     18    0.2
5B               0      1      2      2      2      4     11    0.1
6W               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
6Y               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
8P               0      0      1      1      0      0      2    0.0
8Q               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.0
9A               2      9     26     19     21     15     92    1.0
9H               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.1
9J               0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.0
9K               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
9L               0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
9M2              0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
9M6              0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
9V               0      0      1      1      1      0      3    0.0
9Y               1      1      1      0      1      1      5    0.1
A6               0      0      1      2      2      1      6    0.1
A9               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
BV               0      0      1      2      3      1      7    0.1
BY               0      0      3     10     14      1     28    0.3
C6               1      2      2      3      1      2     11    0.1
CE               0      1      3      3      3      6     16    0.2
CE9              0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
CM               0      3      5      3      4      0     15    0.2
CN               1      1      1      2      1      1      7    0.1
CP               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
CT               1      1      2      3      4      3     14    0.2
CT3              1      1      1      2      2      3     10    0.1
CU               0      0      1      2      1      1      5    0.1
CX               0      1      3      3      4      4     15    0.2
D4               0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
DL               8    129    245    277    285    223   1167   13.0
DU               0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.0
E7               1      1      8     10      7      5     32    0.4
EA               6     22     42     54     56     45    225    2.5
EA6              0      1      2      3      2      3     11    0.1
EA8              0      6      7     10      9      9     41    0.5
EA9              0      0      1      0      1      1      3    0.0
EI               0      6     12     11     14      9     52    0.6
EK               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.0
ER               0      1      2      1      1      2      7    0.1
ES               1      3      6      7      7      5     29    0.3
EU               0     15     21     22     25     11     94    1.0
EX               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.0
F                5     34     38     61     60     46    244    2.7
FG               0      2      3      4      2      3     14    0.2
FK               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
FM               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
FO               0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
FP               1      1      1      1      1      0      5    0.1
FR               0      1      0      0      0      1      2    0.0
FY               0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.0
G               14     50     82    105     96     93    440    4.9
GD               0      0      1      1      0      1      3    0.0
GI               1      2      3      3      4      7     20    0.2
GJ               0      0      1      0      1      0      2    0.0
GM               2     10     12     25     21     14     84    0.9
GU               0      0      0      1      2      4      7    0.1
GW               1      3      5      5      4      4     22    0.2
HA               5     25     40     54     43     32    199    2.2
HB               2     10     19     22     25     11     89    1.0
HC               1      0      1      1      0      1      4    0.0
HI               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.1
HK               2      1      3      4      4      2     16    0.2
HL               0      0      3      4      8      1     16    0.2
HP               0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.0
HS               0      0      2      8      3      1     14    0.2
HZ               0      0      1      1      2      2      6    0.1
I                9     43    125    164    134    107    582    6.5
IS               0      3      5      5      4      2     19    0.2
*IT9             0      0      6      5      9      5     25    0.3
J2               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
J3               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
J8               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
JA               0     12    155    228    325    185    905   10.1
JD/o             0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
JT               0      0      1      1      2      0      4    0.0
JW               0      1      2      3      1      1      8    0.1
JY               0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.0
K                1      1      1      4      1      1      9    0.1
KH2              0      1      2      2      3      3     11    0.1
KH6              2      5      6     10      8      7     38    0.4
KL               2      4      4      9      9      8     36    0.4
KP2              4      5      5      5      5      5     29    0.3
KP4              2      3      4      4      5      4     22    0.2
LA               0      8     15     19     17     12     71    0.8
LU               0      0      3      7      7     20     37    0.4
LX               0      3      1      2      3      3     12    0.1
LY               4     10     14     22     17     13     80    0.9
LZ               2      8     26     24     29     27    116    1.3
OA               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.1
OE               1      5     14     14     14      4     52    0.6
OH               1     23     34     52     46     32    188    2.1
OK               7     54     79     90     86     55    371    4.1
OM               5     17     19     36     26     16    119    1.3
ON               1     12     25     30     26     20    114    1.3
OX               0      0      1      1      2      2      6    0.1
OY               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
OZ               1      8     14     17     15     20     75    0.8
P4               2      3      3      3      3      3     17    0.2
PA               3     24     62     78     72     63    302    3.4
PJ2              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
PJ4              1      2      2      2      2      2     11    0.1
PJ5              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
PJ7              0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
PY               1      3     13     30     27     36    110    1.2
PZ               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
S0               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
S5               2     18     36     37     37     24    154    1.7
SM               4     20     44     57     46     35    206    2.3
SP               3     31     51     54     65     53    257    2.9
SU               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
SV               3      4      8      8      6      7     36    0.4
SV9              0      1      2      3      3      1     10    0.1
T7               0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.0
TA               0      0      1      3      4      1      9    0.1
*TA1             0      0      1      1      1      1      4    0.0
TF               0      0      1      2      3      2      8    0.1
TG               0      0      0      1      0      0      1    0.0
TI               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
TK               0      0      0      2      2      2      6    0.1
UA               2     29     96    186    148     76    537    6.0
UA2              0      2      3      4      3      3     15    0.2
UA9              0      3     30     79     50     19    181    2.0
UK               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.0
UN               0      0      3     14     11      4     32    0.4
UR               5     40     95    106     99     68    413    4.6
V2               1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
V3               2      1      1      2      2      3     11    0.1
V7               0      0      0      0      1      0      1    0.0
VK               0      6     14     21      8      4     53    0.6
VP2E             1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
VP5              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
VP8              0      0      0      0      1      1      2    0.0
VP9              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
VR               0      0      0      1      1      1      3    0.0
VU               0      0      1      2      3      2      8    0.1
XE               0      1      3      5      4      3     16    0.2
XW               0      0      0      1      1      0      2    0.0
YB               0      0      0      4      3      0      7    0.1
YJ               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.1
YL               0      5      9     10     13      9     46    0.5
YN               1      1      2      2      2      2     10    0.1
YO               1     14     23     36     41     25    140    1.6
YS               0      1      1      1      1      1      5    0.1
YU               5     11     15     23     19     14     87    1.0
*Z6              0      0      1      0      0      0      1    0.0
YV               0      1      0      2      1      1      5    0.1
Z3               0      1      3      9      5      3     21    0.2
ZB               0      0      0      0      0      1      1    0.0
ZF               1      4      4      4      4      3     20    0.2
ZL               0      2      4      9      3      5     23    0.3
ZL9              1      1      1      1      1      1      6    0.1
ZP               0      0      0      2      1      1      4    0.0
ZS               0      1      3      3      3      7     17    0.2
Total          146    815   1740   2358   2284   1660   9003

Call: W4BQF             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 856,344
Very good conditions, especially on 10m. Almost impossible to pick out a call
when the 100w/dipole guys piled up, but I appreciate their efforts.
Enjoyable contest! Thanks for the Q's and 73,

Tom - W4BQF

K3/P3 - Alpha 9500 - N1MM Logger - OptiBeam 40m thru 10m at 80'

Call: W4DXX             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,453,100
Part time but addicting.  Enjoyed wonderful 15m opening at midnight to SE Asia
& the world on Sunday morning.  Reminded me of conditions many years ago.
10m was great also and stayed open later than usual.
Nice to see more activity from SE Asia.  CW DX when the bands are open to the
world is always a thrill like no other.
Thanks go to everyone for the calls and the Q's.
Eric / W4DXX

Call: W4EE              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 135,000
TS-440S es G5RV
N1MM logger
Tnx for the Q's
73, Jim

Call: W4GV              Class: SOSB/10 QRP              Total Score = 1,710
Just a 1 hour effort.  Decided to make it interesting w/ QRP.  Not a lot of QSOs
but interesting anyway.
Station - FTDX9000D, Mosley Pro67B, microHam DigiKeyer II, Heil ProSet Elite.

Call: W4KZ              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 293,568
I ended up playing around and not a serious effort. Friday night, I took the
wife out for Valentine's Dinner and missed a good opening to Asia. Saturday I
had a few obligations also and missed a little of the EU opening. Saturday
night we had to attend a function for our grand-daughter and missed more of the
Asia opening. The station played well, and conditions were amazing! I have never
worked so many UA9's, UN's, EK's and other juicy deep Asia contacts on 10m! The
band to EU was wall to wall, all the way above 28100. The signals from PJ4X and
PJ2T during the daytime pinned my Orion S-Meter and I had to tap on the radio
case to get the S-Meter to fall back!! Now it will be time to start repairs to
the antennas destroyed in our recent Ice Storm. The next major contest from
NQ4I will be WPX SSB. Look for us in that one. 73 and as always QSL via LOTW.
Thanks for the qso's de Rick NQ4I ( W4KZ is the Dixie Dx'ers Contest Call)

Call: W4NZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,577,340
Mostly S&P. Had fun!

73, Ted W4NZ

Call: W4QNW             Class: SOSB/80 HP               Total Score = 22,500
wonderful conditions..low noise..but no prop to south america/asia from s.c.
murphy took out amp. early sat morning..had to wing it with 150w & dipole.
DX RULES !!  73

Call: W4QO              Class: SO Unlimited QRP         Total Score = 41,292
OK, my goal was not to run up the score but to see how many countries
I could work at 5 watts.  I thought that I could not dedicate much time
to the event, so was really just testing things.  Well, the more I
got into just finding new countries the more time I found to play.

I did it! Finally got 101 unique countries at QRP level.  It required
me to find new ways to find new ways to find new countries.  Never
got so tired of watching spots, bandmaps, etc!  :)  Wkg Condx: KX3 (5 watts),
tribander at 60' and 80M loop at 75' for 80 and 40.

This was the first time I have broken 100 at QRP level! WooHoo!

Call: W4RM              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 11,482,239
Thanks again to Bill and Lori for hosting the gang during the weekend.  Bill
(W4RM) and Stu (W7IY) have worked on the station's antenna switching and now
with the STUPAC App on the screen any radio can get to any antenna.  It worked
very well.

Conditions were excellent and having 4 stations manned most of the time was a
challenge with 6 people but we made sure to be on when 4 bands were open at
once.  Thanks for the Qs and we'll see you in 2 weeks for the phone contest.

73, Jack W4NF

Call: W4SVO             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 275,076
Murphy visited.Woke up Sat. morning and amp wouldn't come on. Fuse had let go.
Had to replace it with a larger fuse, 20a. instead of 15a. All I had. Rotor got
stuck @270 degs. on Sat. had to shake top guy wire to break it free. Several
times lost keying with computer and wintest. Didn't operate Fri nite and quit
sat nite @ 7:30. The band was still open to asia. I started at 21:30 working
Ja's and by the time I quit had 108 in the log!! I have never work 108 on any
band ever! There is going to be a lot of big scores on 10. Cu next wkend CQ WW
160 Phone. Mark W4SVO

Call: W4VIC             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 102,582
ICOM IC-756 PRO III, MicroKeyer II, ACOM 2000A, N1MM, SteppIR DB-18 @50'

Got a very late start.  Worked a little on 15 M but band was gone.  Came back
to 15M on Sunday mid-morning and RF into the shack really scrambled N1MM ESM
functioning.  it matters where the beam is pointed on 15M!  Abandoned 15M!

8.25 hours wasn't much of an effort for this event -- but with computer issues
and an antenna mast rotated in the mast mount -- too much to compensate for.

I'm really developing hard feelings for those ops who run and seldom give their
call signs.  Maybe they have 'a following' and can run faster if nobody but
somebody who heard them give a call sign 10 minutes ago knows who they are, but
for the most part, I gave up after two or three Qs completed and no call sign.
I don't like to call blind -- really try not to do it, but I may have to do
that and encounter the dupes as they happen.  I'm not waiting around to make a
Q when the band is full of good signals. And I don't like being held up.  On a
good band I can maintain a pretty decent rate.  Yeah, I'm a S & P'er.

Thanks for the Qs.  Vic, W4VIC

Call: W4XO              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 159,960
One of my favorite CW contests and operated a few hours Friday PM and Sun PM due
to work obligations. Thanks to all the DX ops for a fun contest.  73..Lex..w4xo

Call: W4YY              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 3,353,805
This was a difficult weekend.  It started with a major and crippling snow storm.
 We could not drive up to the shack.  Two of our ROs (Remote Operators--one in
NH and the other in NC), who would have contributed in a major way by remote
operation had to give up after only a few QSO because of a crippling Internet
problem.  Last week, things were spectacular for the remote ops but this week,
something changed.  The IT guys are on the case and hope to find the cause and
a solution, soon.

In-Shack operators (ISOs)racked experienced wonderful band conditions and great
performance by the station (Jack Hammett's K4VV).  Thanks to Tom-K6CT for the
use of the wonderful W4YY call sign.

All this took place during and immediately after the crippling snow storm.
W4NA, W3UL and W0YR trudged through 24"-deep snow to get to the shack.

Everything worked fine (except the Internet connection).

Big thanks to the support team of N4PD, AI1V, W5ODJ, W4GOV and others who put
in long hours to make things work.

Thanks for all the Qs.

Call: W5JR              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 767,151
New location, needs more wires.  New bugs to work out under HF high power.
First night was pretty low noise on 80/160 but not many DX stations on 160.
Second night was very noisy here.  Really surprised by 15m Q's as I don't have
a 15m antenna but the tuner handled the OCF.  Highlight was hearing my new
friend Kent / KH6CJJ on 20m for a brief Q.

More Q's than last year but fewer countries, especially on 80 & 160 and
slightly lower score.  Next year I'll be operating from KH6 something for this

IC-756ProII, wires in the woods - OCF @ 60', 160m Inv L, power by Alpha, N1MM,
W4AX skimmer

Call: W5KB              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 11,766
First effort by myself.  Carolina Windom in tree and limited time to operate.
Still had a great time
Keith W5KB

Call: W5RU              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 6,694,650
First of all, my thanks to W5RY (Greg), NO5W (Chuck) and Bill (K5YG) for
traveling to the QTH for the contest.  Also, my thanks to my neighbor K1DW
(Dallas) for his continued support and encouragement.

Overall great conditions on 20/15/10 led to an all-time high QSO count for us
in this contest.  With the rising K index on Saturday night, 160 and 80 were
very challenging.  Thankfully 20 was open almost all night for us. So our
normal amount of time spent on 160 and 80 was cut in half.

We had one minor glitch with one of the computers/N1MM and lost about 30
minutes of operating time on both stations.  Other than that, no other
equipment failures - well maybe some Op failures, but that is to be expected.
At least no one fell asleep during the graveyard shift.  This year we missed
one of our regular Ops, Joe W3GW, who couldn't make it this weekend. Joe would
normally work the graveyard shift with me.

Our mult count was down as compared to last year as we concentrated on running
and hoped the mults would eventually show up.  We're not set up to have an
interlocked run and mult station paired on each band and struggle to have
enough operators anyway.

But for each contest and each year that passes, we get a little better and find
things we can change and/or improve for the next time.  And even as far south as
we are, the weather the last couple of months has not permitted us to do any
antenna work.  Normally we are between 40F and 60F most days and lots of sun.
Not this year. It has been cold and rainy.. Ideal duck hunting weather..

We were really surprised how long 10M stayed open for us.  At least an hour
past our sunset, we were still running JAs and deep Asia Qs.  I think we stayed
on 15M at least 2-3 hours past sunset.  Hope these conditions exist two weeks
from now for the Phone contest.

Speaking of which, that is the weekend before Mardi-Gras.  If you like
contesting and want to go to Mardi-Gras, let me know.  I'm not liking phone
contesting too much these days, but I'll offer the station for multi-op use
should there be enough interest.

Otherwise, thanks to all of you (the DX) for being there and all of the Qs.  We
hope that we gave you a mult that you needed. So until the next contest,

Ted KN5O

for the W5RU Team:
KN5O (Ted), K1DW (Dallas), W5RY (Greg), NO5W (Chuck) and K5YG (Bill)

Call: W5WMU             Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 300,144

Call: W6JTI             Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 634,392
That was fun (most of the time). This was my 2nd highest score since the century
began. It amazes me that sometimes the kw stns are barely copyable, and they
come right back without a question. Other times I can't get an S9 station to
hear me. Ah, the vagaries of propagation. My mountain top received a lot of
wind Saturday night, but no antennas (or trees) fell. Of course I didn't fly a
He balloon.

Call: W6KC              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 53,628
I enjoyed 3 hours of DX fun during the contest. I also made another 250+ QSOs as
W1AW/6 on 15M SSB and 40M CW outside of the contest. Lots of good hamming this

Elecraft K3, AL80B Amp & N1MM
TA33jr @ 30 Ft
40/80 Trap Inverted-V @ 30 Ft

73, Jim W6KC

Call: W6NF              Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 135
Indoor bent dipole running 50 watts. The fact stations like UA0ZAM, HK1NA and
EA8AH worked me is a testament to the quality of their stations/operators.
Worked both 15 and 10 but submitting SOSB/15.

Call: W6QU              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 300,237

Elecraft K-2 (5 Watts)


10-15-20, 3 el SteppIR up 32 feet (10 Meters)
40-80, HF-2V Butternut Vertical with 3 radials

Conditions were outstanding.

Coming after the CQ WPX RTTY and two weeks before the ARRL DX Phone, I decided
to put in only about 20 hours and carefully choose the hours I would operate.
So I picked those times that always provide the best DX here at the highest
rate. That is the first couple of hours of the contest when the bands are open
to Asia and Oceania and that same time the second evening. Then the first few
hours after sunrise on both days when 15 and 10 are open to Europe. Also the
last couple hours of the contest.

Using this strategy, I wound up with 19.5 hours of operating time. Amazingly,
it seems that I scored about as well as I would with a full effort.

The most interesting Qs I got in this contest were getting Worked all
Continents (WAC)on 40 Meters in 9 minutes.  The Qs were CR2X, CE1/K7CA, KH6LC,
RT0C, CR3L, and KL2R. My previous best time for WAC was 13 minutes some 20
years ago on 15 M SSB.

The conditions on 40 were amazing. I usually am lucky to work one European on
40 in a contest, and often work none. But I was able to work 7 including CR2,
I, 3 EAs, F, and OM.

On the second evening, 20 opened over the North pole and I was able to add a
number of Europeans to the log including three UNs and other eastern European
countries that I usually can't get on 20 Meters.

10 Meters was open to Europe from shortly after sunrise for about three hours
and 15 Meters was open for about four hours.

I worked 83 DXCC countries and 27 Zones which is about average. I did not CQ in
this contest because I was able to achieve good rates with S & P.  Since I
only operated 19.5 hours there were always stations around that I had not
worked! 47% of my Qs were in Europe, a very high percent for me, and a good
measure of how good condx were.

Once again, thanks to the many ops who listened extra hard for my QRP signal.
The vast majority of Qs go off quickly without a hitch. But there are times
where there can be a real struggle to complete the Q.  Thanks to those ops who
really stick in there!

73, and C U in the ARRL Phone!    ....Bill   W8QZA - W6QU

Call: W6SX              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 146,832
K3, ACOM 2000A, wire antenna at 46 feet with Matchboxes, N1MM.

Call: W6SZN             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 42,432
If you need another sob story of why each of us should read the rules, even if
you've been around for awhile, here it is:  decided to do Single Band 10 while
10 is still working and used the cluster for Friday nite and Saturday morning,
only to discover belatedly that SB entrants in the ARRL DX cannot do so.  So I
became a SO AB HP Unlimited entrant.  What a dope!

Call: W7FI              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 595,944

Call: W7OLY             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 126,636
3L SteppIR @ 50'
N1MM Logger V13.12.0

Call: W7RN              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 7,373,730
The top 80M beam was destroyed in a 40 hour wind storm. Tough sledding on 80 and

Call: W7VJ              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 831,792
The return of decent conditions after what seems like forever since the CQ WW CW
in late November.  The EU runs were tremendous, again giving us a taste of what
it is like in the east coast.  Asia was also very active and most grateful for
the many JA ops on all bands.

A fun only effort, but great fun for the time I had available to operate.

Thank you for those who I worked and congratulations to the winners.



Call: W7WA              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 483,753
Good conditions until Saturday afternoon, followed by not so good conditions on
Sunday. Despite a 160 solar flux Europe did not open direct path until about
1600z both days although some European stations could be worked skew path up to
an hour earlier.

Call: W7WHY             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 175,230
Total S&P on 1 radio here.  I've developed a power line noise in the last
month that makes it just impossible to CQ and not hear the stations answering.
Gets very frustrating.  Hard digging the calls out of the noise!!

Bands did seem to be in pretty good shape and was pleased with what I did get.
Only think of what could have been with no noise :-)  73

Radio 1  TS-450SAT + AL-811H ~ 600 watts

180 foot center fed zepp for 80 and other bands

40 meter delta loop + zepp
20 meter HB 2 el  monobander at 30 feet
15 meter vertical dipole + zepp
10 meter HB 2 el monobander

N1MM Logger

Call: W7YAQ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 399,168
Bands seemed in great shape during my limited operating time.  My first entry
from stateside after operating since 2006 from Pacific islands.  Enjoyed making
5 QSOs with buddies N7OU and NE7D at YJ0OU.  6-banders with 6Y2T, HK1NA, KH6LC,
KL7RA, PJ2T, and TI5W.


Call: W8KNO             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 50,796
Part time effort all search and pounce.  Used the experience to value the
improvement of my cw skills.

Call: W8KTQ             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 510,840
Unfortunately, rotor stuck in NW position which hindered operation (good for
JA's though!). Headphones decided to fail intermittently so that was annoying
too! Still had a blast!

Call: W8OHT             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 70,551
Used about 10 hours, but just estimated this without the usual log check.  I
felt snowbound all week prior until it occurred to me that I had kept the
walker I had purchased back in 2004.  Unused since then, I put it to good use
last Friday to reach the chain link fence at the rear of my back yard.  I used
it strategically by setting it ahead of me and then walking forward until
inside the four corner supports.  I was able to remove the errant components of
my receive antennas and bring them inside for maintenance!  Hurray!

Call: W8TOP             Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 7,440
Worst conditions for a 160 M contest, ever! And the second nite was even worse
than the first.

Call: W9IIX             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 291,060
Aftter the usual learning curve on the softwear things got rolling, good

Call: W9JP              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 7,148,484
We operated from W9RE's station using the Indianapolis Radio Club's call, W9JP.
We decided to use the club call as it is celebrating its 100th anniversary this
year and is the oldest continuously meeting Amateur Radio Club in the United
States.  Had an interesting time convincing people to believe the call sign was
right as they were not seeing it in their Check Windows.  The club call has not
been in too many contests recently :)  We had a great time and exceeded our

Call: W9OP              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 711,360
Fun Test.  Amazing what 3 watts can do.  Thanks to all with great ears.

Call: W9PA              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 597,376
K3, P3, 135-ft Center fed Doublet, Software - DXLog by 9A5K (www.dxlog.net)

Call: W9SZ              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 76,818
Fun contest! Wish I'd had more time in it.

Call: W9WI              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 1,078,491
23 dupes due to stations failing to ID.  Two people are going to get a NIL
because even after listening to three more QSOs they still wouldn't ID.  (of
course, they were probably dupes so they won't notice:) )

I suppose I could refuse to call anyone who isn't IDing -- but then I would
have missed ten valid QSOs and two multipliers...

Didn't do as well on 80 as last year.


OK, that's the bad.

The good: Excellent conditions Saturday, pretty good conditions Sunday.

Any contest in which one can work Thailand, China, and *two* Antarctica
stations from Tennessee -- while running QRP -- is a good contest!

The Golden Ears award -- for being able to copy my puny signal on 80 meters
from a location across the Atlantic Ocean -- goes to two operators this year.
One, the 80m operator at TM6M; the other, the 80m op at CN2AA.  While the path
to Hawaii doesn't (usually) cross the Atlantic, KH6LC's 80m op deserves a
Golden Ears as well.

While I've made a smattering of run QSOs with QRP in the past, this is the
first year running has actually contributed significantly to the score.

Enjoyed it!


Don't know that there was any "ugly".  Maybe a few disjointed QSOs
when I forgot to close the shack door & the cat decided to sit on the

See you all next year!

Call: WA1FCN            Class: SOSB/15 LP               Total Score = 190,608
My plan was to operate SB 40 then Valentines day forced a change
in plans. XYL has the priority !! I wish to be around for the next one
if you know what I mean.

Call: WA1Z              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,351,080
Limited time, but did have fun with some really nice runs at points during the
weekend, dropping in on a random band and being fresh meat running higher power
(500w with a new KPA500) than my usual LP efforts from home.

Highlight of the weekend was after enjoying a nice breakfast and coffee with my
XYL Saturday morning, I said to her, "OK, time to go move Kurt [VP9/W6PH]
to 10!" and within 2 minutes, it was done. :-)

Hoping to do a full effort in ARRL SSB.

Call: WA3F              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,186,875
What a weekend. Great bands Sat, So-So Sun
Bad cold, sucking down NyQuil like it was smooth gin (got a Molson Canadian,
160 ants shot by snow & ice. 3 RX down, Tx SWR = 5+
Computer crash nearly did me in at the half way point. Got past that
Lot's of sleep & snow blower time mixed in
All of this was S&P. I love it
Worked some delicious DX. Nice Pacific openings

Call: WA3OFC            Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 588,804
Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty
         3.5      27      81   24
           7      92     276   51
          14     233     699   73
          21     169     507   65
          28     185     555   65
       Total     706    2118  278

            Score : 588,804

Call: WA5RML            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 23,760
FlexRadio 1500 @5wts to G5RV (40M) and Cushcraft MA5V (20M-10M).  Once again, I
was very impressed with the Flex 1500 - especially it's receiver.

Enjoyed the activity and worked some new countries.  Very nice to have 10M
open!  If you worked me, you have (1) Great "ears" and (2) good
signals into North Texas!

I seem to have a pipeline to Hawaii - I imagine that about 10% of my QSOs were
with stations in Hawaii!

See you in the next one!
Andy - WA5RML

Call: WA6O              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 287,793
Many thanks to Ken, N6RO, for hosting three single op operations for the

Call: WA6URY            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 134,724
Band conditions were good on all bands (especially 10m). Tnx for the Qs ! 73,
Dan -remote in Tokyo

Call: WA7LNW            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 177,660
Limited effort this year....but still a bunch of fun!

Call: WA8HSB            Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 52,470
Did not expect to work much in this one due to other commitments.  40m on Friday
night was really good; not so much on Saturday night.  Was able to work several
JAs and UA9s on Friday night on 40m - not bad with an attic inverted vee.
Saturday night (1-3am local) found 20m working fairly well over the Polar Cap
to JA, UA, UA9, and Eastern Europe with some flutter.

Little to no time on Sunday...thanks to all who persisted in pulling my signal
out of the noise level.  It was sometimes surprising that a weak KW signal
would come right back with solid copy while a strong station could not hear me
at all - some strange conditions!

TS-850s @ 5 watts to attic antennas.

73, John

Call: WB4OMM            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 363
Yaesu FT-2000, Heil ProSetPlus, Vibroplex Iambic Key, Speed-X Straight Key,
AT-1000Pro, WinKeyer USB, HP Compaq dc7800 MiniTower dual core; A3S Beam with
10M/15M/20M/40M at 38', Yaesu G-450A Rotator; 280' 40M/80M loop at 35'; 160M
Sloper. N1MM contest software, LOGic Logging Software.
Worked Friday, out-of-town wedding on Saturday, sick Mom and honey-dos on
Sunday....only got an hour in Saturday night (but better than none!).
Seemed to be pretty good contditions, worked 80M for some new band slots.....
my meager contribution for the good of the cause!  Hope everyone had fun!
73!  Steve WB4OMM

Call: WB6JJJ            Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 56,430
Just a few hours Saturday night and Sunday afternoon to play radio.
Much fun... I'm glad that the propagation gods were kind to us.

Call: WB8JUI            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 684,804
I got way too much sleep Friday and Saturday night to post a decent score this
year.  Also took some time off Sunday morning to drive down to the Mansfield
(Ohio) hamfest.

6 Banders: 9A1A, HK1NA, KP2M, KP4KE, PJ2T, TM6M, V31TP, VP5S.  Never heard
KH6LC on 160 (usually a given).

Germany 7.2% of QSO total.  Japan and Italy at 6.6% followed by Hungary and
Spain at 3.5%.

73 - Rick WB8JUI
Elecraft K3
160 Meter Inverted L @ 50'
40 Meter vertical
Hustler 5BTV Ground mounted

Call: WB8K              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 71,208
Part time effort. Search & pray mode. Only able to operate bits &
of 6 hours. Antenna handicap! Wire antennas laying on the ground
(in the snow) and tribander pointed west - unable to rotate.

Cushcraft A3S @ 50'

Call: WB9JPS            Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 239,760
Rig: TS-590, KPA500 turned down to 150. Low dipoles (15 ft), vertical for 10m.
N1MM logging.

Ran low power to avoid killing the UVerse modem. No amount of ferrite seems to
keep the darned thing on line. My all-time best for this contest. If nobody
else enters my class, maybe I'll win EB low-power assisted again. Only 1 new
DXCC, guess I've worked all the easy ones by now. Suffered thru too many hours
of listening to plasma TV buzz on 20m. I'm about to buy all my neighbors new
LCD sets.

Oddest propagation experience: 0000-0030 2/16 UTC, midwest stations sounded
like they were having sound card problems, the most bizarre sounding signals
I've ever heard.

Award for keying macro failure goes to KP4EJ, "sentrstcut att pr nr?"
 Time to learn about the N1MM editor...

Call: WC1M              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 408,366
It’s been a long time since I’ve done an all-out SOAB effort and I’d hoped
to do one in this contest. But too much is going on in my work life and I just
wasn’t mentally or physically prepared for 40+ hours of contesting.

I did have enough in me to do about half a contest, so I opted for SOSB/10 HP.
In addition to this category allowing plenty of nighttime sleep hours, I love
10 meters (who doesn’t?), and I wanted to see how effective my antennas are
on that band near the peak of the sunspot cycle:

- 3-stack of 4-el SteppIRs on TIC rings at 95’/64’/34’
- Force-12 6-el monobander at 115’ (rotatable)
- C3E at 48’ on a rotator but usually fixed South

I’m pretty sure the second director on the bottom SteppIR isn’t working,
but the antenna seems to perform well as a 3-el, and adding it to the stack
made enough of a difference that I used all three antennas most of the time.

My intention was to try to win, but several mistakes, a work interruption and a
family medical emergency combined to put victory far out of reach.

I was able to run about 20 JAs and a UA0 during the opening hour before the
band shut down. I had to run on the monobander at 115’ because the middle TIC
ring in the stack was stuck at 50-degrees due to the low temperature. Probably
water incursion caused the motor grease to freeze up. It freed up in the
morning and was fine for the rest of the contest.

I set the alarm clock for 7:30am EST (1230z), which was my first mistake. Based
on recent experience, I thought the band wouldn’t open for running until
1300z. I don’t know when it did open, but by the time I got to the radio the
band was in full swing. I’m not sure how much I missed, but it was at least
half an hour of high rate, and that probably cost me about 75 QSOs �"
maybe more.

Nevertheless, I had four good hours of high rate, which netted about 600 Qs.
The rate was decent (134, 166, 149, 147), but it wasn’t the highest I’ve
seen on 10. It was tough to get the 10-minute rate meter over 200 for any
length of time, except for one 30-minute stretch during the 1400z hour. My
sense was that conditions were quite good on 10, but not spectacular. It
wasn’t that “magic band” feeling where every part of the world sounds
like next-door and even the 5W QRP stations boom in. It seemed more like 20 or
15 on a good day -- just not as crowded. Even so, it was lots of fun.

Once EU faded out, I spent the rest of the daylight hours S&Ping for mults,
going from 51 at the end of the morning runs to 88 by the time the band shut
down. I ran almost 100 JAs during the last couple of hours, with a few UA0s, a
few Alaskans and a 9M6 thrown in for good measure.

Somewhere along the line I checked the online scores and saw that K2SSS was
about 100K points ahead of me. I did some figuring and realized that I
couldn’t catch him. My not getting to the radio early enough was one reason,
but I probably didn’t manage the pileups as efficiently as Zee did.

When the contest was over I saw that Zee had 17 more mults, and while I missed
quite a bit of mult hunting on the second day, his report indicates that he had
most of his mult lead on the first day. Not sure why I missed so many. I was
able to listen on the second radio with my C3E pointed south, which is 200’
away from the stack and monobander, but I didn’t work any mults while running
because generally the rate was too high. It was almost entirely an SO1R affair
for me.

Sunday I got up at 6:30am EST (11:30z), and that turned out to be perfect.
Plenty of time to make a cup of coffee and get ready for the morning pileups.
When I sat down at the radio at about 1200z, I was able to work only loud
stations, and some of them needed fills on my call. So they band wasn’t
really open yet. Minutes later the band opened so suddenly that it was like
someone flipped a switch (I was watching on the band scope, and it was
something to see.)

The runs on the second day were more modest, which I think was partly due to
slightly disturbed conditions (I believe the K-index was 5 at one point and I
know it was at 3 most of the morning.) The other cause of the lower rates was
the usual attrition in ARRL DX on the second day. Still, I was able to add
around 550 more Qs to the total.

When EU closed, I took an hour break for lunch and rest (did that the first
day, too), and then an unexpected work demand came up and I had to spend a
couple of hours dealing with it (roughly 1900z-2000z). So my one hour break
turned into a three hour break.

I sat back down at the radio at 2000z to see if I could boost the mult total,
but a quick trip through the band netted only eight Qs and one mult. I had most
of the easy stuff to the South, so I hoped maybe I could find a few Pacific
mults. I figured in four hours I should be able to find at least two more mults
to get my total over 100! I also hoped a few JAs might play hookey from work on
Monday and play radio during the last two hours or so of the contest, helping
me to get that QSO total up a bit.

But at that moment my phone rang. It was my wife, who informed me she had taken
a nasty fall on the ice at the local pond and had hit her head. She was advised
by bystanders not to drive home, so I jumped in the car to pick her up. Once I
got the full story, and heard that she had some difficulty speaking after the
accident, I decided we should take the precaution of visiting the ER. There she
was diagnosed with a concussion, but the CAT scan was clear of any internal
bleeding �" thank goodness. We didn’t leave the ER until well after

So I ended up missing the last 6 ½ hours of the contest. I doubt that I could
have caught K2SSS or N4PN even had I been on the air, but might have been able
to put up a more respectable score. But I’ll take a negative CAT scan over a
contest score any day!

See you in WPX.

73, Dick WC1M

Call: WC7Q              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 17,808
Computer down until Sunday and could only work for a short while.

No problems from the wind storm although pwr went out for a very short while
Fri. eve but the comp. was down so caused no problems for me.

Sam WC7Q

Call: WC7S              Class: SOAB QRP                 Total Score = 115,935
Great band conditions, and even better ops all over the world, thank you for
pulling my qrp signal out for us. It was a lot of fun to watch the band shift
and seemingly only get better. It was also fun and rewarding to hear the other
station stop long enough to say TU - WY.. Hearing the huge pileups, towards the
end, was awesome, and best of all, meeting and hearing friends all over, with
the BowTie antenna.
Thank you all.

Call: WD0GTY            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 105,600
Had a great time. Recently moved so only have Alpha Delta antenna up about 6
feet. Conditions not bad most of the contest.

73, Jeff

Call: WD5COV            Class: SOSB/160 HP              Total Score = 3,150
Had a bowling tournament all day Saturday and Sunday so only managed to sneek in
a couple hours on Top Band.

Call: WD5K              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,947,456
Elecraft K3 -> Amp
TH7DX @ 50'
40m sloping dipole
80m Inv V
160m Inv L

Call: WD8RYC            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 100,062
Had a wonderful time.  Thanks to all.

Call: WE3C              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 16,116,480
Good high band conditions and our teams huge efforts led to a new station record
score for this contest.

Thank you to all the callers, our dedicated team and to the sponsors of this
great contest.

The WE3C Team

Call: WH7DX             Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 351
This was my first CW Contest.  Spent about an hour looking for good DX mostly.
Too much non-ham stuff going on right now.

Call: WI7N              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,109,889
Good conditions and a fun contest. Thanks for the Qs.

73, WI7N

Call: WJ9B              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,042,748
...low A index the first day sure made a difference!
73, wj9b

Call: WL7BDO            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 64,020
S&P only, some nice conditions.

Call: WL7E              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 2,539,116
I remapped some keys and was only going to play this weekend and try other
combinations too. You know the rest of the story.

I got a bit of a late start and by 1800z I had 8.5 hrs of off time. I didn’t
pay enough attention to 80/160 Friday night as my noise level was higher than
usual. Saturday night most of the activity was already gone for me.

In retrospect I wish I had put in a serious effort as the high bands from up
here were pretty darn good. Being Unlimited did me virtually no good as I only
made perhaps a dozen qsos off the cluster and absolutely no mults. It wasn’t
necessary as all mults seemed to call me. It was useful however to find a
frequency between all the stations spotted to sit and park.

Tnx to all who called and it was an exciting weekend from up here. I look
forward to ARRL SSB. I have always wanted to shoot the rooster on my cell
alarm. Strange that this weekend I found myself setting two different times on
the cell and now that has become plural.

Joe WL7E

Call: WN4AFP            Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 30,888
My first ARRL CW DX contest... part-time effort. 73's Dave WN4AFP

Call: WN6K              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 468,666
Valentine's Day Dinner on the start of the contest... so you can say my 'heart
wasn't in this'...

Best hour was 10m on Sat. morning.- went high and band was good (98) at
1500UTC... On Sunday, band was not all that good and it was work hearing some
of the weak ones.

Went "Assisted" but mostly found that not much was posted new for the
band I was on at the time... think in my station/style setup, assisted is for
helping me get in and out of my chair.

WN6K, Paul

Call: WO1N              Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 560,835
Station: 1/2 FT1000D, C3-SS at 38', 40MDipole, 80M Vert C

 Soapbox :

 Limited operation with FT1K up on its side, covers off to troubleshoot
intermitent sub-receiver (well, now totally dead). Otherwise conditions pretty
stellar and was able to play DX'er without feeling guilty. One
all time new country (Laos) on 20M about 1100 local. Very nice.


Call: WP3R              Class: SOSB/20 HP               Total Score = 26,649
Casual effort. Part time along with NBA weekend Slam Dunk etc.. 95% S&P.
Intermittent paddle cable at end made for "funny" and a few long

Call: WQ5L              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,247,220
Spent more time in this than I expected. Time flies when you're having fun...

10 and 15 were in rare form for cycle 24. 20 meters at night sounded like
summertime, chock full of warbly over-the-pole signals. The second night it was
still rockin' when I went to sleep at 2am local. 40 was it's reliable self.
Signals weren't great on 80 (as usual when 10/15 are hot) but noise was low.

160 was just flat the first night, but popped open for EU sunrise the second.
Had fun chasing signals on the greyline. I love Top Band in ARRL DX since the
DX are listening toward W/VE and the band isn't obliterated by S9+ stateside
runners like in the 160 tests. I didn't work anything to the west except KL7RA,
though. Never heard Hawaii or anything else in AS/OC, but I probably slept
through any openings in that direction.

6 band sweeps: E7DX,EC2DX,HK1NA,KP2M,PJ2T,TM6M.  73,

-- Ray WQ5L

Call: WR3R              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 157,680
Condx great on 15 and 10.  Sure helped when running low power with 60 year old
gear and dipoles in trees.  Thanks for the fun...sorry I couldn't be on

Call: WS7L              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 1,020
Spent most of my op time at K2PO and had a blast there driving the big aluminum.
Thought I'd show up and cause some trouble in the last half hour from my home

K-Line + R-6000 vertical
73, Carl WS7L

Call: WX0B              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 4,395,972
With higher flux numbers than last year, I was very much looking forward to this
contest - especially the longer 10M openings and nighttime propagation on 20
(which usually doesn't occur in CQWW due to seasonally lower nighttime MUF's).
The predicted solar storm threw a wet blanket on these hopes, and I didn't know
what to expect.

I stayed on 40 most of the first night. 80 & 160 weren't very productive
(either night). The 40M JA's were good, but usually their rates build as
sunrise approaches. They dropped, but I was able to start running EU's on 20
over 90 minutes before local sunrise. Very nice.

The morning runs were steady, but difficult due to the "zero beat
problem" with the EU packet mob. This happens on all bands. With part of a
callsign copied, way too many call out of turn when digging out the complete
call. Still, rates were good all morning and I was still running on 10 at
1845z, then 15 until 2030z. Very nice.

So on the 2nd night 20 started to open over the pole. Sigs were weak and watery
at first, so I went to 80/160 to dig out a few mults. On return, 20 was wide
open. Even the QRP guys were loud. Most of the rest of the night was spent on
20, with mult sweeps on other bands and a 30 minute 40M run. I finally took my
first break at 1100z but was back up for the sunrise propagation.

The 10/15 openings on day 2 weren't as lengthy, but the EU runs seemed faster
because the pileups had thinned. Mults are down overall from last year (I'm not
alone), but I made a decision to tune the 2nd radio LESS during the big runs in
order to let the rates unwind. I may have overdone it, but the main thing I
need to do is learn to enjoy pouncing. I've written software to analyze
EVERYBODY'S CQWW logs, and that's what it's telling me regarding needed
strategy adjustments.

Roy -- AD5Q

Call: WX3B              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 481,344
There is something special about cherry picking GREAT TIMES to be on the

I had hoped 10 meters was going to be WIDE OPEN this weekend...and I was
pleased with the band openings both mornings.  Plenty of 5 watt entries in my
log, a loud VU station calling in Sunday, and a first hour pileup that made me
feel like I was on a DX-pedition.  As you can see from my score, most of my
time was spent on 10.

The SURPRISE of the contest for me was as Fred K3ZO mentioned in his write-up,
the never ending 20 meter opening.  I observed 20 meters remaining open to EU
most of Friday night...and Saturday at 2:00am I decided to try CQing.  I had
quite the run of JAs, with a few other Asians calling in....all mixed in with
loud EUs that were coming in right over the north pole...and yet there was
almost an absolute zero noise floor, permitting me to hear the weakest of the
callers with ease.

The fun per hour invested in this contest was incredible!!


Jim   WX3B

Call: WX4G              Class: SO Unlimited HP          Total Score = 933,933
Hard to hit it again after last W/E CQWPXRTY contest...but had fun.

Call: XQ1CR             Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 393,120
Es lo

Call: XR2V              Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 2,444,253
A relaxed fun weekend with Oliver W6NV who is visiting Chile. The disturbed
condx made running more difficult than usual but still busy enough to be fun.
Packet pile-ups continue to be challenging at times but moving our tx frequency
a few hertz did seem to help us cope. Thanks Oliver for the tip. Unfortunately
my low band antennas are poor and thus our numbers there are the same. Wine
tasting in Chile continues to be a good diversion from serious contesting.

Elecraft K3
Acom 1000
3 element SteppIR

QSL via N7RO

Call: YJ0OU             Class: M/S LP                   Total Score = 1,234,008
I was privileged to stand in for Bob (W7YAQ) when he was unable to accompany his
usual traveling partner, Bill (N7OU), this year to the South Pacific. Bill and I
operated most of the contest, taking a few hours off in the dead of night to be
DX on other bands when there was no answer to our CQ's.

Our operation from Vanuatu was with a K3 and vertical antennas on the beach at
water's edge.  Outside the contest we each ran a K3+KPA500 to two HF9V's and
Bill's homebrew Spiderpole 160M vertical, Bill as YJ0OU and Rocky as YJ0ZZ.

Tnx to those who occasionally turned their beams in our direction and to
everyone who gave us a contact.
Rocky YJ0ZZ (NE7D)

Call: YN2NC             Class: SO Unlimited LP          Total Score = 4,508,220
Nice to get away from the snow and ice back home to enjoy some warm weather and
play radio in Central America. Except for customs problems that shouldn't have
been in Managua, the trip has been excellent. Enjoying the hospitality of
Octavio, YN2N and his wife, Martha. She is trying to fatten me up with her
great cooking.

Conditions were almost too good for the contest. When the bands are this good,
Central America and and the Caribbean are not the greatest location because
everyone in the states is beaming Europe well into the hours of darkness. It
was hard as a low power op to find a run frequency on 10 and 15m, with a wall
of signals over 100 Khz wide on each band. Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun
and I didn't kill myself from lack of sleep. Got over 4 hours each night, so it
was a semi-serious effort I guess. The station played well except for 160 where
the low horizontal dipole ran out of horsepower and I missed some easy mults
because I wasn't heard well in the midwest and west.

73 and thanks for the Qs,


Call: YO5AJR            Class: SOSB/40 HP               Total Score = 58,374
Great and fine contest. The propagation in 40m so good.

Call: YO8RHM            Class: SOSB/10 LP               Total Score = 21,840
Good conditions here in the first day but very poor in the second.
Condtions: IC7200, 100W, ant. yagi 4 el up ~6m
Thank everybody for qso!

Call: YR8D              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 1,335,936
First time as SOAB in ARRL...It was pretty fun except second night when conx
terrible...this was the reason why I went to sleep.
It's frustrating to have water in 160 m balun and 4 square for 80 broken to
Anyway, 10 meters was again a big surprise :)
Hats off for the guys from YU5R which did and amazing score!!!

Trx: Icom 756 Pro III
Ant: 160 -
      80 - Inverted Vee
      40 - 4 Square
      20 - 3 el at tribander
      15 - 3 el at tribander
      10 - 4 el at tribander
Amp: ACOM 1000

Tnx again to YO8CLN for his hospitality and use him fine station.

Thank's to all US stations for calling me. CU in next contest!

73's Sasha YO8TTT

Call: YS1YS             Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 2,629,809
16m long wire ICOM AH-4

Thanks for El Salvador Radio club
permissions using YS1YS.

Call: YT7Z              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 180,000
drake tr7
5+5 yagi
cu in next one
73 zeljko

Call: YU0T              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 2,597,211
TS 930s,1,5kw
20,15,10m   4el.quad 24m up
40m         2el.loop 24m up
80m         vertical moxon
160m        1/8 sloper.

West Serbia Contest Club

Call: YU5R              Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 3,452,085
Contest is over,what to say...
We have a guest YT2AAA Ivan who easily adapted in our contest crew.
We missed Goran YT7AW this time, but in next one we will be in full formation.
Thanks to every single us and ve station!We had so much fun from YU5R,and we
broke YU ARRL M2 record.This is maximum number of qso that we made from here.
Last year we made 3009 qso, but we are stronger for ACOM.Antennas are the
same,beverages worked excellent!Rigs are FT 1000 MP and FT 950.Thanks once
again to Lui YT3PL who always is a great host,he was in HB9 this time,but we
expect to work ARRL SSB all together.
Best wishes from Serbia and once again thanks to all!
73 from Zik YT1HA Ivan YT2AAA Alex YU6DX Zoki YU9DX

Call: Z36W              Class: SOAB LP                  Total Score = 411,768
Z37M Contest team !

Nice fun from home, thanks to all for qso's !
Best 73 and see you in the next contests !

73 Venco Z36W

Call: ZF35A             Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 5,518,737
Yea, I know, I said last year was it forever as a single op.  Two days with 3
hours of sleep - NEVER again!

I had big plans for a major M/S effort this year, but as it turned out none of
my regular M/S crew guys from CQWW was available so it was either single band
(not as much fun) or SOAB again (painful).  So I went with painful.

Conditions were excellent!  10 stayed open to the entire country til after
dark.  Even the hard to get close-in southern states were easy to snag.  Sigs
on 160 and 80 were loud both nights with very low loise levels on all bands.


What happened to all the activity?  Rates were way down especially Friday
night.  Friday night....  Wait wasn't there some sort of conflict that night?

Oh yea, it was Valentines day!  OK guys, you're excused for banking some
brownie points with the YL instead of working DX.  We'll take a rain check til
next year.  But that still doesn't explain Saturday and Sunday.

Now about that call sign.  All the hams here in ZF are celebrating 35 years of
active operation by using the ZF35 prefix.  I thought it would be fitting and
respectful to do the same seeing as I was at the big flagship club station.
Hey, maybe there are still a few guys who need a never before used prefix.

Great idea.....except in a high speed CW contest.  Seemed like everybody
insisted on the call being ZF3HA.  There were plenty of busted spots to prove
it.  So I ended up wasting a lot of your and my time woking 500 dupes!!!!  May
end up costing the contest, not to mention all the lost mults for anyone who
didn't catch the busted call.

Anyway, thanks to all you rare mults who QSYed.  Only nissed VE4 and SD on 160
after several tries and never cought back up with VO1SA on the high bands.

And as always thanks to Andrew and the gang at the CARS for the hospitality.

See you next weekend as ZF2AM in the 160 SSB and than at PJ2T with G4XUM in a
(thank God) multi-single in the ARRL SSB.

QSL ZF35A to K6AM direct, the W6 QSL buro or LOTW

73, John  K6AM/ZF2AM

Call: ZM1A              Class: M/M HP                   Total Score = 3,495,525
Most of the action for us was in the first 24 hours.
After that, it was hard work.  <G>

73, Ken ZL1AIH

Call: ZM4G              Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 490,575
Didn't mean to enter but good HF condx sucked me in.  LP fun on 20 + 15m in our
mornings.  Tnx QSOs.

Call: ZM90DX            Class: M/2 HP                   Total Score = 3,582,030
First time with 2 stations in parallel from that QTH. The antennas we got ready
by Friday but only 1 hour before the contest we had the pc network installed
and were ready to go. using our own compuetrs had challenges for the operators
as we had to be able to switch between German & English keyboards. Gary,
ZL2IFB helped out for 2 hours. Wes and I had practically 40 hours in the

Holger, ZL3IO

Call: ZW5B              Class: SOSB/10 HP               Total Score = 291,624
Thanks Mr. Oms PY5EG


Call: ZY5M              Class: SOSB/15 HP               Total Score = 272,484
My first ARRL International DX contest from this QTH.
I dit enjoy it a lot.
Unfortunately the propagation did not help alot, especially the second day
(1073 QSO'S the 1st day and 494 the the 2nd).
During the morning time the signals from NA where loud but was very hard to
break the EU wall.
Anyway, very nice contest.

After long time I had the opportunity to use the old Yaesu FT-1000D.
Ofcourse I know about the enormus technical progress of the modern rigs, but
the audio of the FT-1000D is so relaxing and so rich that I can compare it like
listening to classical music tuned with the reference A at 432Hz (insted of 440
or even higer like in DL), like in the Giuseppe Verdi time.
I wish we could go back to use 432Hz as reference A.
Even with the CW filter was really an absolutely nice audio.
But at the afternoon of second day a problem surged and had to use the backup
My Elecraft K2 had a problem aswell, not sure if it was RF or something else,
but the transmitted CW tone was very bad.
So, had to change radio again, and used an FT-900 to the end of the contest.

I want to express my gratitude to all of you for the qso�'s and once again to
Sergio PP5JR for giving me the opportunity to operate his great station.
Many thanks to Walter PP5WG and Rodrigo for the great logistic support.

See you in the ARRL SSB again as ZY5M maybee on 20m or 40m.

73�'s de Simone IV3NVN

Call: ZZ80MT            Class: SOAB HP                  Total Score = 263,127
Dear Friends

Thanks to all the contacts.
I operated almost exclusively on Sunday afternoon, but it was a great party.
I used ZZ80MT special callsign to celebrate 80 Years of LABRE, exclusive
callsign to operate in the state of Mato Grosso - my state PY9 section.

73! Luiz Pedro

Call: ZZ80SP            Class: M/S HP                   Total Score = 1,945,317
ZZ80SP is a special call to celebrate 80 years of Labre foundation. Only to
remember, Labre is our amateur radio league.

Before the contest begin a lightning hit the station and blow our 3 rotors.
Also our Kenwood TS-850S was strange with no more than 50 watts output...

Near at the end we had a sad information: "In TAS memory" - our
little and young dog - died in an accident inside our farm station. Because
this fact, we stopped the operation before the contest end.

Running: Yaesu FT-2000 + Acom 1010 (600 watts)
Multiplier: Kenwood TS-850S + Hallicrafters HT-33B (not used this station at

10m - 5 el. Yagi
15m - TH7DX
20m - TH7DX
40m - 2 el. Yagi
80m - Dipole

Operators: PY2NA - Mark, PY2NDX - Rafael and PY2YU - Tom.

Index of Calls
Call: 3V8BB             Class: SOAB HP
Call: 4K6FO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: 6W/G3TXF          Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: 6Y2T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: 8S0DX             Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: 9A1AA             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: 9A1UN             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: 9A2AJ             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: 9A2NA             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: 9A4WY             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: 9A5Y              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: 9A6XX             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: 9A8M              Class: M/S HP
Call: 9A8WW             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: 9L1A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: 9M6XRO            Class: SOAB HP
Call: 9V1YC             Class: SOAB HP
Call: A65BD             Class: SOAB HP
Call: A65CA             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA1K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AA2A              Class: M/M HP
Call: AA2ZW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AA3B              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA3K              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA4CF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA4GA             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: AA4KD             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AA4LR             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: AA5AU             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: AA6PW             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA7A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA7V              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AA7XT             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: AA8R              Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: AA9A              Class: M/S HP
Call: AB1J              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: AB2E              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AB3CX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AB4B              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AB7R              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AC0C              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AC3SS             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: AC4CA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AC4G              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AD1C              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: AD4EB             Class: SOAB HP
Call: AE1T              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: AE4O              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AE7DW             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: AF6GA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AF6O              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AF9T              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: AG2AA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AG4W              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: AI4UN             Class: SOAB LP
Call: AI6II             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: AJ1E              Class: SOAB LP
Call: AK2MA             Class: SOSB/15 QRP
Call: AL1G              Class: SOAB HP
Call: AL9A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: C6AKQ             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: C6AZZ             Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: CN2AA             Class: M/2 HP
Call: CN8KD             Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: CO6CAC            Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: CO8CY             Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: CO8ZZ             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: CR2A              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: CR2X              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: CR3L              Class: M/2 HP
Call: CS2C              Class: SOAB HP
Call: CT1AOZ            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: CT3DZ             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: CT9/R9DX          Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: CX2BR             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: CX2DK             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: CX9AU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DF1LX             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: DF3FS             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: DF4PD             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DF5RF             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: DH8BQA            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DJ8OG             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DK0ALC            Class: M/S HP
Call: DK2CX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DK6XZ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DK8EY             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL1A              Class: M/2 HP
Call: DL1II             Class: SOAB HP
Call: DL1NX             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DL2MDU            Class: SOAB HP
Call: DL2SAX            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DL3FCG            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: DL4CW             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: DL5ME             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DL5ZBA            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DL6FBL            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DL6KVA            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: DL7BY             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: DL8SCG            Class: SOAB HP
Call: DL8ZAW            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: DO4DXA            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: DO9ST             Class: SOAB LP
Call: DP1POL            Class: SOAB HP
Call: E20AE             Class: SOAB LP
Call: E71A              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: E7DX              Class: M/S HP
Call: EA1WX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EA2RY             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: EA5DFV            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EA5KV             Class: SOAB HP
Call: EA5WU             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EA6FO             Class: M/S HP
Call: EA8AH             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: EC2DX             Class: M/M HP
Call: EC4TA             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: ED1R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: ED4T              Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: ED7P              Class: M/2 HP
Call: EF5F              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EF8O              Class: SOAB LP
Call: EF8USA            Class: SOAB LP
Call: ES5Q              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EU1A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: EW2A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: EW7SM             Class: SOAB HP
Call: F/E73CQ           Class: SOAB QRP
Call: F1IWH             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: F5CQ              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: F5IN              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: F5IYJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: F5PAL             Class: SOAB LP
Call: F6ARC             Class: SOAB LP
Call: F8AAN             Class: SOAB HP
Call: F8CRS             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: FY5KE             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: G0IBN             Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: G0ORH             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: G3R               Class: SOAB LP
Call: G3SXW             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: G3Y               Class: SOAB LP
Call: G4BUO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: G4IIY             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: GI0RQK            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: GM4X              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: GW4J              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: HA1ZZ             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: HA3NU             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: HA3OU             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: HA3UU             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: HA5JI             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: HA6OA             Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: HA7GN             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: HA8FM             Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: HA8JV             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: HA8LLK            Class: SOAB LP
Call: HB9ARF            Class: SOAB LP
Call: HB9FAP            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: HC2AO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: HG0A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: HG1A              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: HG7T              Class: M/S HP
Call: HI3LFE            Class: SOAB LP
Call: HK1NA             Class: M/2 HP
Call: HL1VAU            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: HL5YI             Class: SOAB HP
Call: HS0ZKX            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: IB9T              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: IC8FBU            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: IK2CIO            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: IK2CLB            Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: IK3ORD            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: IK4ZGO            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: IK7JWY            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: IR1Y              Class: M/2 HP
Call: IR2C              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: IR3C              Class: SOAB HP
Call: IR4B              Class: SOAB LP
Call: IR4M              Class: M/S HP
Call: IV3BCA            Class: SOAB LP
Call: IV3KKW            Class: SOAB LP
Call: IW3IFJ            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: J38XX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: JA1BJI            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: JA1BPA            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: JA6GCE            Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: JH3PRR            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K0AD              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K0AP              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0ARY             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K0CN              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0DQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K0EJ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0EU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0IO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0KX              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K0LUZ             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: K0MPH             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K0NM              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K0OU              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K0PK              Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: K0RF              Class: M/2 HP
Call: K0RI              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K0TT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0TV              Class: M/M HP
Call: K0UK              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K0VBU             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K0VG              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K0VXU             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0ZR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K0ZX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1AR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1EO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1ESE             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1GG              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1GI              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K1GQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1GU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1HI              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1HTV             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K1JB              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1KI              Class: M/M HP
Call: K1KNQ             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K1KP              Class: M/M HP
Call: K1LT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1LZ              Class: M/S HP
Call: K1NYK             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K1PQS             Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: K1PT              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K1RM              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1RO              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K1RV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1RX              Class: M/2 HP
Call: K1SE              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1SM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1TH              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K1TN              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1TO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K1TR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K1VSJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K1ZZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K2AX              Class: M/2 HP
Call: K2CYE             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K2DB              Class: M/S LP
Call: K2DM              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2NV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K2PO              Class: M/S LP
Call: K2PS              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: K2QB              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2QMF             Class: M/S HP
Call: K2QO              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K2QPN             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K2RB              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K2RD              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K2SSS             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K2TE              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K2TTM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K2UR              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: K2WK              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K2YR              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: K2ZC              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K2ZR/4            Class: SOAB LP
Call: K3AJ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K3CR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3DCW             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: K3EL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3EST             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3IE              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3IT              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3IU              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3JT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K3LR              Class: M/M HP
Call: K3MD              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3ND              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3OO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3OQ              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K3PA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3PH              Class: M/S LP
Call: K3PP              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3STX             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: K3SWZ             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: K3TN              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3TUF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3WA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3WW              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K3ZO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4AB              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4EU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4FJ              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: K4FTO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K4GM              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4GMH             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K4HAL             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K4IKM             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K4LM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K4LO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4MM              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: K4ORD             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K4RO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K4WI              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: K4WW              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: K4XS              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: K4YCR             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K5AUP             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K5BG              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K5FP              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K5GN              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K5JX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K5KG              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K5KU              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K5NA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K5NZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K5QR              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K5RT              Class: M/S HP
Call: K5UV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K5XR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K5YAA             Class: M/S HP
Call: K5ZD              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6AW              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: K6CSL             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6GHA             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K6III             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6JEB             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6KR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6KYJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6LE              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6LL              Class: M/S HP
Call: K6LRN             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6MM              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K6NR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6NV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6RIM             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6RM              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K6SRZ             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6ST              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K6WSC             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K6XX              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K6YK              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7ABV             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7BV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K7BX              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K7DR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K7DSE             Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7EG              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K7FA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K7HBN             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K7HP              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K7IA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K7JQ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K7KU              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: K7MY              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K7RF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K7SV              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K7ULS             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K8AJS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K8AZ              Class: M/2 HP
Call: K8BTU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: K8BZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K8CN              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K8GL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K8GT              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K8GU              Class: SOAB LP
Call: K8IA              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K8MR              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: K8PP              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K8ZT              Class: SOSB/10 QRP
Call: K9BGL             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: K9DR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K9DU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K9FY              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: K9IA              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K9MA              Class: SOAB HP
Call: K9MMS             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K9NR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K9NW              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K9OM              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K9OR              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K9RS              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: K9XD              Class: M/S LP
Call: K9XE              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: K9XR/M            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: KA2D              Class: M/S HP
Call: KA2KON            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KA2MGE            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KA4OTB            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KA6JLT            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KA7T              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: KA8HDE            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KB0EO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: KB1EFS            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KB1H              Class: M/2 HP
Call: KB3LIX            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KB7V              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KB9NW             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KC0DEB            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KC0VKN            Class: SOAB HP
Call: KC3WX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KC4TEO            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KC5WA             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KC7V              Class: SOAB HP
Call: KC9QQ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KD0FW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KD2BGM            Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: KD2MX             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KD2RD             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: KD3TB             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KD5J              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KD7MSC            Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: KD7VFC            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: KD9MS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KE2VB             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KE3X              Class: M/S HP
Call: KE7X              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KE8M              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: KG4CUY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KG4IGC            Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: KG7H              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KG9Z              Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: KH2/N2NL          Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KH6CJJ            Class: SOAB LP
Call: KH6LC             Class: M/M HP
Call: KH7M              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KI0I              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KI1G              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KI1U              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: KI7Y              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KK1W              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KK4DZP            Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: KK4EIR            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KK8D              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KL2R              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KL7RA             Class: M/S HP
Call: KM4HI             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: KM4JA             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KN0A              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: KN0V              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KN3A              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KN4QD             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KN4Y              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: KO7AA             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KP2B              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KP2DX             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KP2M              Class: M/S HP
Call: KP4KE             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KQ2RP             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KR4F              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KR7C              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KR8V              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KS2G              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KS4L              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KS4X              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KT0A              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: KT8K              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KU1T              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KU2C              Class: M/2 HP
Call: KU2M              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: KU7T              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KU7Y              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: KU8E              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KV4QS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: KV8Q              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KW7Q              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KX7L              Class: SOAB LP
Call: KY7M              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: KZ2V              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: KZ5OM             Class: SOAB HP
Call: LA3BO             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: LA3S              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: LI8W              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: LJ1GB             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: LU1FAM            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: LU7HZ             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: LW5HR             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: LX7I              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: LX9DX             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: LY2EN             Class: SOAB LP
Call: LY3H              Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: LY5W              Class: SOAB LP
Call: LY6A              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: LZ1YE             Class: SOAB HP
Call: LZ2HA             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: LZ2PS             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: LZ5K              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: LZ6K              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: LZ7A              Class: M/S LP
Call: LZ8E              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: LZ9W              Class: M/M HP
Call: M/SQ6MS           Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: M3W               Class: SOAB HP
Call: M5E               Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: M5O               Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: M5Z               Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: MW5A              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: MX0OXE            Class: SOAB HP
Call: N0AC              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: N0BUI             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N0HJZ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N0IJ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N0MA              Class: M/2 HP
Call: N0NI              Class: M/2 HP
Call: N0TA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N0VD              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: N1CC              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N1DC              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N1DN              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N1EN              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N1EU              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N1IBM             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N1IX              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N1LN              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: N1RR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N1RU              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N1SZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N1TM              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N1UR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N21FF             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N2BJ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2CQ              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N2FF              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N2GC              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2IC              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N2MM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2NF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N2NS              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2NT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N2SO              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N2SQW             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N2SR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2UN              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N2VW              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2WK              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: N2WKS             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N2WQ/VE3          Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: N3BB              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N3BNA             Class: M/S HP
Call: N3CZ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N3EN              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N3KCJ             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3KCJ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N3ND              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N3QE              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3RC              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N3RR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3RS              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3XL              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3ZA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N3ZZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4CF              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N4CR              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4CW              Class: M/S HP
Call: N4DJ              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N4DU              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: N4DW              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4DXI             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4FP              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4JF              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: N4KG              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4KH              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N4LF              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N4LZ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4MM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4NA              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4NX              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4OGW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4OX              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N4PD              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4PN              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N4QX              Class: SO Unlimited QRP
Call: N4TB              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: N4TL              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N4TOL             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N4TZ/9            Class: SOAB LP
Call: N4UA              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: N4UU              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4UW              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N4VV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N4WW              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: N4YDU             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N4ZZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N5AW              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N5DO              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: N5KF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N5TOO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N5UI              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N5XZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N6AR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N6DA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N6DZR             Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: N6HE              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N6HI              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N6MU              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N6NC              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: N6RNO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N6RO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N6RV              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N6WS              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N6YEU             Class: SOAB LP
Call: N6ZFO             Class: SOSB/160 LP
Call: N7BT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N7CW              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: N7DD              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: N7GP              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: N7IR              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: N7NM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N7PR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N7RK              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: N7RO              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N7RVD             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N7TR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N7XU              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N7ZN              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8AGU             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: N8BJQ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: N8EA              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: N8HM              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8II              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8RA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N8TR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N8UM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N8VV              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N8XX              Class: SOSB/10 QRP
Call: N9CK              Class: SOAB LP
Call: N9CO              Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: N9NA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: N9NC              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: N9RV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: N9TF              Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: N9XX              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: NA0N              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NA1DX             Class: SOAB LP
Call: NA2M              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NA4K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NA8V              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NB3R              Class: SOAB HP
Call: ND8L              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NE0U              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: NE3F              Class: M/M HP
Call: NE6I              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NF8J              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NF8M              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NG7A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NG7M              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NI7R              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NJ1F              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NK3Y              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NK6A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NM2L              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NM5M              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NN1N              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NN3RP             Class: SOAB HP
Call: NN3W              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NN4MM             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: NN7NN             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NN7ZZ             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: NP2N              Class: M/S LP
Call: NP2P              Class: SOAB HP
Call: NP3A              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: NQ4I              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: NQ7R              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: NR7Q              Class: SOAB LP
Call: NS3T              Class: SOSB/160 LP
Call: NT4H              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: NT4TS             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: NU6S              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: NW0M              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NW3H              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: NX6T              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: NY4A              Class: M/2 HP
Call: NY6DX             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: OE2S              Class: M/S HP
Call: OG1M              Class: SOAB LP
Call: OG6N              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: OG8N              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: OH1F              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OH1RX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: OH1VR             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: OH2KM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: OH2XX             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: OH4KZM            Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OH5TS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: OH5Z              Class: M/2 HP
Call: OH6AC             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: OH6MW             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: OH8L              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: OK/LZ3SF          Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: OK1DO             Class: SO Unlimited QRP
Call: OK1KUW            Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OK2BFN            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: OK2SFP            Class: SOAB HP
Call: OK2W              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OK5D              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: OK5R              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: OK8DD             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: OK8NM             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: OK8WW             Class: SOAB HP
Call: OL3Z              Class: M/S HP
Call: OL7M              Class: M/M HP
Call: OL7O              Class: SOAB LP
Call: OM1II             Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: OM2VL             Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: OM7M              Class: M/S HP
Call: OM7RU             Class: SOAB HP
Call: ON7EH             Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: OP4K              Class: M/S HP
Call: OQ5M              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: OT2A              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: OZ0J              Class: SOAB HP
Call: OZ4CG             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: OZ4FF             Class: SOAB LP
Call: OZ5WQ             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: OZ6PI             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: P40L              Class: M/S HP
Call: P40LE             Class: SOAB HP
Call: P40W              Class: SOAB LP
Call: PA4A              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: PI4TUE            Class: M/S HP
Call: PJ2T              Class: M/M HP
Call: PJ4X              Class: M/S HP
Call: PJ5W              Class: M/S HP
Call: PR2W              Class: SOAB LP
Call: PT2CM             Class: M/2 HP
Call: PT5T              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: PX2F              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: PY2EX             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: PY2KC             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: PY3OZ             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: PY4ZO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: R22ALS            Class: M/2 HP
Call: R9DA              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: RA/KE5JA          Class: SOAB HP
Call: RT0C              Class: M/2 HP
Call: RT0F              Class: M/S HP
Call: RT4F              Class: SOAB HP
Call: RU4AA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: S50BCC            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: S50C              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S51TA             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S51V              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: S52AW             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: S52W              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: S53F              Class: SOAB LP
Call: S53O              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: S54O              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: S54W              Class: M/2 HP
Call: S55O              Class: SOAB HP
Call: S56A              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: S57AL             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S57C              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: S57DX             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: S57Z              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: S59AA             Class: SOAB HP
Call: SK2T              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: SK3W              Class: M/2 HP
Call: SM0Y              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: SM6Y              Class: SOAB LP
Call: SM7CIL            Class: SOAB LP
Call: SN2M              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: SN3X              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: SN7O              Class: SOAB HP
Call: SN7Q              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: SN8B              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: SN8W              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: SO9Q              Class: M/2 HP
Call: SP1GZF            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: SP1NY             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: SP2LNW            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: SP3GTS            Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: SP6OJE            Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: SP8LBK            Class: SOAB LP
Call: SP8R              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: SP9LJD            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: TI5W              Class: SOAB HP
Call: UA2F              Class: M/S HP
Call: UA6LCN            Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: UR5IFB            Class: SOAB HP
Call: UR5MM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: UT8IM             Class: SOAB LP
Call: UV5U              Class: SOAB HP
Call: UW1M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: V26M              Class: SOAB HP
Call: V31TP             Class: M/S LP
Call: VA2AM             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VA2SG             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: VA2WA             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VA3ATT            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA3DX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VA3EC             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VA3GUY            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: VA3RKM            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: VA7DZ             Class: M/S LP
Call: VA7KH             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: VA7KO             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VA7ST             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE1OP             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE1RSM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE1ZA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE2BZO            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE2FK             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE3CR             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: VE3DQN            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: VE3FU             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE3GFN            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3HG             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: VE3IAE            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE3JAQ            Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: VE3JI             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE3JM             Class: M/2 HP
Call: VE3KAO            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE3MGY            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE3MIS            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3OI             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE3OSZ            Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: VE3RCN            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3RSA            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3TA             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE3TW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3VSM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE3VV             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE3XAT            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE3YAA            Class: M/S HP
Call: VE4VT             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE5KS             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: VE5UF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE6BMX            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: VE6RST            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE6WQ             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: VE7BC             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: VE7DS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: VE7IO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE7JH             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE7VR             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VE7XF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE9AA             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: VE9HF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: VE9ML             Class: M/S LP
Call: VP2EZZ            Class: M/S HP
Call: VP5S              Class: M/S HP
Call: VP9/W6PH          Class: SOAB LP
Call: VU2MUD            Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: VY2LI             Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: VY2TT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: VY2ZM             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W0AIH             Class: M/2 HP
Call: W0BH              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W0BR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W0ERP             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W0ETT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W0PAN             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: W0RAA             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W0RX              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W0UO              Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: W1AN              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1AO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1AW/6            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1AW/6            Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W1AW/9            Class: M/M HP
Call: W1CSM             Class: M/M HP
Call: W1EBI             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1ECH             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1FJ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W1FV              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1GD              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W1HIS             Class: M/S HP
Call: W1IZL             Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: W1JQ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1MAW             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1MSW             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W1NN              Class: SOSB/80 LP
Call: W1OHM             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: W1RH              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1RM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1SRD             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W1TJL             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W1UE              Class: M/M HP
Call: W1VE              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W1WEF             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W1XX              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: W1ZK              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: W2BC              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W2CS              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2DXE             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2DZ              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W2EJG             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2FU              Class: M/S HP
Call: W2GDJ             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2GN              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W2GR              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2JU              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2LE              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2NO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2RD              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W2TF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W2UP              Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: W2VJN             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W2XL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W2YC              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W2YK              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W3DAD             Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: W3EP              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W3FA              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W3FIZ             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3IQ              Class: SOSB/20 LP
Call: W3KB              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W3KL              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W3LJ              Class: M/S HP
Call: W3LPL             Class: M/M HP
Call: W3SFG             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W3YY              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4BK              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4BQF             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4DXX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4EE              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W4GDG             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W4GV              Class: SOSB/10 QRP
Call: W4KZ              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W4NZ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4OC              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4PM              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4QN              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4QNW             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: W4QO              Class: SO Unlimited QRP
Call: W4RM              Class: M/M HP
Call: W4SVO             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W4UAT             Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: W4UT              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4VIC             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W4XO              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W4YY              Class: M/M HP
Call: W5GN              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W5JBO             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W5JR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W5KB              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W5RU              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W5UE              Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: W5WMU             Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: W6AAN             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W6DR              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W6JTI             Class: SOAB QRP
Call: W6KC              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W6NF              Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: W6OAT             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W6QU              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: W6RLL             Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: W6SX              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W6SZN             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W6TK              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W7CT              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W7FI              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W7OLY             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W7RN              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W7VJ              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W7VXS             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W7WA              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: W7WHY             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W7YAQ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W7ZR              Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: W8KNO             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W8KTQ             Class: SOAB LP
Call: W8MJ              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: W8OHT             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W8TA              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: W8TOP             Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: W9AV              Class: SOAB HP
Call: W9CF              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W9IIX             Class: SOAB HP
Call: W9ILY             Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: W9JA              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W9JP              Class: M/2 HP
Call: W9OP              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: W9PA              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: W9SZ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W9VQ              Class: SOAB LP
Call: W9WI              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WA1DRQ            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WA1FCN            Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: WA1Z              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WA3AFS            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA3F              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA3OFC            Class: M/S LP
Call: WA4EUL            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WA4ZXV            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA5RML            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WA6JRZ            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WA6O              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WA6URY            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WA7LNW            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WA8HSB            Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WB2ZAB            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WB4OMM            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB4TDH            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: WB5EIN            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB5TKI            Class: SOAB HP
Call: WB6JJJ            Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WB8BZK            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: WB8JUI            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB8K              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WB8YYY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WB9JPS            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WC1M              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: WC3O              Class: SOSB/15 LP
Call: WC7Q              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WC7S              Class: SOAB QRP
Call: WD0GTY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WD4AHZ            Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WD5COV            Class: SOSB/160 HP
Call: WD5K              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WD8RYC            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WE3C              Class: M/M HP
Call: WH7DX             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WI7N              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WJ9B              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WL7BDO            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WL7E              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WN4AFP            Class: SOAB LP
Call: WN6K              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WO1N              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WO7R              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WP3R              Class: SOSB/20 HP
Call: WQ5L              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WR3R              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WS7L              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WS7V              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WT9U              Class: SOAB LP
Call: WU9D              Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: WW4B              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WX0B              Class: SOAB HP
Call: WX3B              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: WX4G              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: XE2S              Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: XQ1CR             Class: M/S LP
Call: XR2V              Class: M/S HP
Call: XW0YJY            Class: SOAB LP
Call: YJ0OU             Class: M/S LP
Call: YL4U              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: YL5T              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: YN2NC             Class: SO Unlimited LP
Call: YO5AJR            Class: SOSB/40 HP
Call: YO8RHM            Class: SOSB/10 LP
Call: YO9HP             Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: YR5N              Class: SO Unlimited HP
Call: YR8D              Class: SOAB HP
Call: YS1YS             Class: SOAB LP
Call: YT3A              Class: M/S HP
Call: YT4A              Class: SOSB/80 HP
Call: YT7Z              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: YU0T              Class: SOAB HP
Call: YU2A              Class: SOSB/40 LP
Call: YU5R              Class: M/2 HP
Call: Z35F              Class: SOAB LP
Call: Z36W              Class: SOAB LP
Call: Z39A              Class: SOAB HP
Call: ZF35A             Class: SOAB HP
Call: ZM1A              Class: M/M HP
Call: ZM4G              Class: SOAB HP
Call: ZM90DX            Class: M/2 HP
Call: ZW5B              Class: SOSB/10 HP
Call: ZW8T              Class: M/S LP
Call: ZY5M              Class: SOSB/15 HP
Call: ZZ80MT            Class: SOAB HP
Call: ZZ80PI            Class: M/S HP
Call: ZZ80SP            Class: M/S HP

Index of Calls organized by Class

Class: M/2 HP
         Call: CN2AA
         Call: CR3L
         Call: DL1A
         Call: ED7P
         Call: HK1NA
         Call: IR1Y
         Call: K0RF
         Call: K1RX
         Call: K2AX
         Call: K8AZ
         Call: KB1H
         Call: KU2C
         Call: N0MA
         Call: N0NI
         Call: NY4A
         Call: OH5Z
         Call: PT2CM
         Call: R22ALS
         Call: RT0C
         Call: S54W
         Call: SK3W
         Call: SO9Q
         Call: VE3JM
         Call: W0AIH
         Call: W1VE
         Call: W2YC
         Call: W5RU
         Call: W7RN
         Call: W9JP
         Call: YU5R
         Call: ZM90DX

Class: M/M HP
         Call: AA2A
         Call: EC2DX
         Call: K0TV
         Call: K1KI
         Call: K1KP
         Call: K3LR
         Call: KH6LC
         Call: LZ9W
         Call: NE3F
         Call: OL7M
         Call: PJ2T
         Call: W1AW/9
         Call: W1CSM
         Call: W1UE
         Call: W3LPL
         Call: W4RM
         Call: W4YY
         Call: WE3C
         Call: ZM1A

Class: M/S HP
         Call: 9A8M
         Call: AA9A
         Call: DK0ALC
         Call: E7DX
         Call: EA6FO
         Call: HG7T
         Call: IR4M
         Call: K1LZ
         Call: K2QMF
         Call: K5RT
         Call: K5YAA
         Call: K6LL
         Call: KA2D
         Call: KE3X
         Call: KL7RA
         Call: KP2M
         Call: N3BNA
         Call: N4CW
         Call: OE2S
         Call: OL3Z
         Call: OM7M
         Call: OP4K
         Call: P40L
         Call: PI4TUE
         Call: PJ4X
         Call: PJ5W
         Call: RT0F
         Call: UA2F
         Call: VE3YAA
         Call: VP2EZZ
         Call: VP5S
         Call: W1HIS
         Call: W2FU
         Call: W3LJ
         Call: XR2V
         Call: YT3A
         Call: ZZ80PI
         Call: ZZ80SP

Class: M/S LP
         Call: K2DB
         Call: K2PO
         Call: K3PH
         Call: K9XD
         Call: LZ7A
         Call: NP2N
         Call: V31TP
         Call: VA7DZ
         Call: VE9ML
         Call: WA3OFC
         Call: XQ1CR
         Call: YJ0OU
         Call: ZW8T

Class: SO Unlimited HP
         Call: A65CA
         Call: AA3B
         Call: AA3K
         Call: AA4CF
         Call: AA6PW
         Call: AA7A
         Call: AA7V
         Call: AB2E
         Call: AB3CX
         Call: AB4B
         Call: AB7R
         Call: AI6II
         Call: AL9A
         Call: DF4PD
         Call: DH8BQA
         Call: DJ8OG
         Call: DK2CX
         Call: DL2SAX
         Call: DL5ME
         Call: DL5ZBA
         Call: DL6FBL
         Call: DL8ZAW
         Call: EA1WX
         Call: EA5DFV
         Call: EA5WU
         Call: EF5F
         Call: ES5Q
         Call: EW2A
         Call: F8CRS
         Call: HB9FAP
         Call: HG0A
         Call: HS0ZKX
         Call: IB9T
         Call: IK2CIO
         Call: IK4ZGO
         Call: IR2C
         Call: K0ARY
         Call: K0DQ
         Call: K0KX
         Call: K0VG
         Call: K1AR
         Call: K1EO
         Call: K1ESE
         Call: K1GG
         Call: K1GQ
         Call: K1HI
         Call: K1JB
         Call: K1RV
         Call: K1SM
         Call: K1TH
         Call: K2CYE
         Call: K2RB
         Call: K2RD
         Call: K2WK
         Call: K2ZC
         Call: K3EST
         Call: K3IT
         Call: K3IU
         Call: K3MD
         Call: K3ND
         Call: K3OO
         Call: K3PA
         Call: K3PP
         Call: K3TN
         Call: K3TUF
         Call: K3WA
         Call: K3WW
         Call: K4GMH
         Call: K4HAL
         Call: K4IKM
         Call: K4LM
         Call: K5KG
         Call: K5NA
         Call: K5NZ
         Call: K5UV
         Call: K5XR
         Call: K5ZD
         Call: K6JEB
         Call: K6KR
         Call: K6NV
         Call: K6RIM
         Call: K6SRZ
         Call: K6ST
         Call: K7BV
         Call: K7FA
         Call: K7HP
         Call: K7IA
         Call: K7JQ
         Call: K9DR
         Call: K9MMS
         Call: K9NR
         Call: K9NW
         Call: K9RS
         Call: KB1EFS
         Call: KB7V
         Call: KC3WX
         Call: KD3TB
         Call: KE2VB
         Call: KG7H
         Call: KH2/N2NL
         Call: KI1G
         Call: KI7Y
         Call: KK1W
         Call: KK4EIR
         Call: KK8D
         Call: KL2R
         Call: KO7AA
         Call: KR4F
         Call: KU1T
         Call: KU7T
         Call: KY7M
         Call: LZ6K
         Call: LZ8E
         Call: N0IJ
         Call: N0TA
         Call: N1EU
         Call: N1RR
         Call: N1SZ
         Call: N2BJ
         Call: N2GC
         Call: N2MM
         Call: N2NS
         Call: N2SR
         Call: N2VW
         Call: N2WKS
         Call: N3KCJ
         Call: N3QE
         Call: N3RR
         Call: N3RS
         Call: N3XL
         Call: N3ZA
         Call: N4DW
         Call: N4DXI
         Call: N4KG
         Call: N4MM
         Call: N4NX
         Call: N4PD
         Call: N4VV
         Call: N4ZZ
         Call: N5UI
         Call: N5XZ
         Call: N6AR
         Call: N6DA
         Call: N6RO
         Call: N6WS
         Call: N7NM
         Call: N7PR
         Call: N7TR
         Call: N7XU
         Call: N8RA
         Call: N8TR
         Call: N8UM
         Call: N9NA
         Call: ND8L
         Call: NE6I
         Call: NG7M
         Call: NI7R
         Call: NJ1F
         Call: NK6A
         Call: NM5M
         Call: NN7NN
         Call: NW0M
         Call: NW3H
         Call: OG6N
         Call: OH6MW
         Call: OQ5M
         Call: OT2A
         Call: OZ6PI
         Call: R9DA
         Call: SK2T
         Call: SN7Q
         Call: SP2LNW
         Call: SP9LJD
         Call: VA2WA
         Call: VA3DX
         Call: VA7KO
         Call: VE1OP
         Call: VE2FK
         Call: VE3FU
         Call: VE3TA
         Call: VE3VV
         Call: VE4VT
         Call: VE5UF
         Call: VE6RST
         Call: VE7XF
         Call: VE9HF
         Call: W0BR
         Call: W0ERP
         Call: W0RX
         Call: W1AN
         Call: W1AO
         Call: W1AW/6
         Call: W1EBI
         Call: W1FV
         Call: W1RH
         Call: W1RM
         Call: W1SRD
         Call: W2CS
         Call: W2GDJ
         Call: W2JU
         Call: W2LE
         Call: W2NO
         Call: W2RD
         Call: W3SFG
         Call: W3YY
         Call: W4BQF
         Call: W4DXX
         Call: W4NZ
         Call: W4OC
         Call: W4PM
         Call: W4XO
         Call: W5GN
         Call: W5JR
         Call: W6DR
         Call: W6KC
         Call: W6OAT
         Call: W6SX
         Call: W6SZN
         Call: W6TK
         Call: W7CT
         Call: W7OLY
         Call: W8MJ
         Call: WA1Z
         Call: WA6JRZ
         Call: WA6O
         Call: WA7LNW
         Call: WB2ZAB
         Call: WB6JJJ
         Call: WH7DX
         Call: WI7N
         Call: WL7E
         Call: WO7R
         Call: WS7L
         Call: WW4B
         Call: WX3B
         Call: WX4G
         Call: YL4U
         Call: YL5T
         Call: YO9HP
         Call: YR5N

Class: SO Unlimited LP
         Call: 9A1AA
         Call: AA4LR
         Call: AB1J
         Call: AD1C
         Call: AE1T
         Call: DF1LX
         Call: DF3FS
         Call: DL6KVA
         Call: DO4DXA
         Call: EA2RY
         Call: EC4TA
         Call: GI0RQK
         Call: IK3ORD
         Call: IW3IFJ
         Call: JA1BJI
         Call: K0AD
         Call: K0MPH
         Call: K0UK
         Call: K0VBU
         Call: K1HTV
         Call: K1KNQ
         Call: K1NYK
         Call: K2QPN
         Call: K3OQ
         Call: K6MM
         Call: K6WSC
         Call: K7ULS
         Call: K8GT
         Call: K8PP
         Call: K9IA
         Call: K9OM
         Call: K9OR
         Call: K9XE
         Call: KA2KON
         Call: KB9NW
         Call: KC0DEB
         Call: KD2MX
         Call: KE7X
         Call: KM4JA
         Call: KN3A
         Call: KN4QD
         Call: KS2G
         Call: KZ2V
         Call: LU7HZ
         Call: M/SQ6MS
         Call: N1EN
         Call: N21FF
         Call: N2CQ
         Call: N2FF
         Call: N2SO
         Call: N2SQW
         Call: N3EN
         Call: N3RC
         Call: N4DJ
         Call: N4LF
         Call: N4TL
         Call: N4UW
         Call: N5DO
         Call: NQ7R
         Call: OK/LZ3SF
         Call: OK2BFN
         Call: OK8DD
         Call: PY2KC
         Call: S50BCC
         Call: S56A
         Call: SP1NY
         Call: VE2BZO
         Call: VE3IAE
         Call: VE3JI
         Call: VE3KAO
         Call: VE3MGY
         Call: VE3XAT
         Call: VE7BC
         Call: W1MSW
         Call: W2DZ
         Call: W2GN
         Call: W3KB
         Call: W4EE
         Call: W6AAN
         Call: W7VXS
         Call: W9PA
         Call: WA1DRQ
         Call: WB8K
         Call: WB9JPS
         Call: WD4AHZ
         Call: WN6K
         Call: WO1N
         Call: WU9D
         Call: YN2NC

Class: SO Unlimited QRP
         Call: N4QX
         Call: OK1DO
         Call: W4QO

Class: SOAB HP
         Call: 3V8BB
         Call: 6Y2T
         Call: 9L1A
         Call: 9M6XRO
         Call: 9V1YC
         Call: A65BD
         Call: AA1K
         Call: AC0C
         Call: AC4CA
         Call: AC4G
         Call: AD4EB
         Call: AF6O
         Call: AL1G
         Call: CS2C
         Call: DL1II
         Call: DL2MDU
         Call: DL8SCG
         Call: DP1POL
         Call: EA5KV
         Call: ED1R
         Call: EU1A
         Call: EW7SM
         Call: F8AAN
         Call: HL5YI
         Call: IR3C
         Call: J38XX
         Call: K0AP
         Call: K0CN
         Call: K0EJ
         Call: K0EU
         Call: K0IO
         Call: K0TT
         Call: K0VXU
         Call: K0ZR
         Call: K0ZX
         Call: K1GU
         Call: K1LT
         Call: K1RM
         Call: K1SE
         Call: K1TN
         Call: K1TO
         Call: K1ZZ
         Call: K2NV
         Call: K2TE
         Call: K3CR
         Call: K3EL
         Call: K3IE
         Call: K3JT
         Call: K3ZO
         Call: K4AB
         Call: K4EU
         Call: K4GM
         Call: K4LO
         Call: K4RO
         Call: K5AUP
         Call: K5BG
         Call: K5FP
         Call: K5JX
         Call: K6III
         Call: K6LRN
         Call: K6NR
         Call: K6XX
         Call: K6YK
         Call: K7ABV
         Call: K7DSE
         Call: K7EG
         Call: K8BZ
         Call: K8GL
         Call: K9DU
         Call: K9MA
         Call: KA4OTB
         Call: KB0EO
         Call: KC0VKN
         Call: KC7V
         Call: KZ5OM
         Call: LZ1YE
         Call: M3W
         Call: MX0OXE
         Call: N0BUI
         Call: N1IBM
         Call: N2IC
         Call: N2NT
         Call: N2UN
         Call: N3BB
         Call: N3ND
         Call: N3ZZ
         Call: N4CR
         Call: N4FP
         Call: N4LZ
         Call: N4NA
         Call: N4OGW
         Call: N4UU
         Call: N4YDU
         Call: N6HE
         Call: N7BT
         Call: N7RO
         Call: N7RVD
         Call: N8BJQ
         Call: N9RV
         Call: NA4K
         Call: NB3R
         Call: NF8J
         Call: NG7A
         Call: NK3Y
         Call: NN1N
         Call: NN3RP
         Call: NN3W
         Call: NP2P
         Call: OH1F
         Call: OH1RX
         Call: OK2SFP
         Call: OK2W
         Call: OK8WW
         Call: OM7RU
         Call: OZ0J
         Call: P40LE
         Call: RA/KE5JA
         Call: RT4F
         Call: S55O
         Call: S59AA
         Call: SN7O
         Call: TI5W
         Call: UR5IFB
         Call: UV5U
         Call: UW1M
         Call: V26M
         Call: VA2AM
         Call: VE3OI
         Call: VE7IO
         Call: VE7JH
         Call: VE7VR
         Call: VY2TT
         Call: W0ETT
         Call: W1FJ
         Call: W1GD
         Call: W1WEF
         Call: W2BC
         Call: W2VJN
         Call: W2XL
         Call: W3FIZ
         Call: W3KL
         Call: W4QN
         Call: W4UT
         Call: W4VIC
         Call: W5JBO
         Call: W7FI
         Call: W7VJ
         Call: W7WHY
         Call: W8OHT
         Call: W9AV
         Call: W9IIX
         Call: WA3AFS
         Call: WA3F
         Call: WA4ZXV
         Call: WA6URY
         Call: WB5TKI
         Call: WD5K
         Call: WQ5L
         Call: WX0B
         Call: YR8D
         Call: YU0T
         Call: Z39A
         Call: ZF35A
         Call: ZM4G
         Call: ZZ80MT

Class: SOAB LP
         Call: 4K6FO
         Call: AA2ZW
         Call: AA4KD
         Call: AE4O
         Call: AF6GA
         Call: AG2AA
         Call: AI4UN
         Call: AJ1E
         Call: CX9AU
         Call: DK6XZ
         Call: DK8EY
         Call: DL1NX
         Call: DO9ST
         Call: E20AE
         Call: EF8O
         Call: EF8USA
         Call: F5IYJ
         Call: F5PAL
         Call: F6ARC
         Call: G3R
         Call: G3Y
         Call: G4BUO
         Call: HA8LLK
         Call: HB9ARF
         Call: HC2AO
         Call: HI3LFE
         Call: IR4B
         Call: IV3BCA
         Call: IV3KKW
         Call: K0RI
         Call: K1GI
         Call: K1RO
         Call: K1TR
         Call: K1VSJ
         Call: K2DM
         Call: K2QB
         Call: K2TTM
         Call: K2ZR/4
         Call: K3AJ
         Call: K4FTO
         Call: K4ORD
         Call: K4YCR
         Call: K5GN
         Call: K5KU
         Call: K6CSL
         Call: K6KYJ
         Call: K6LE
         Call: K6RM
         Call: K7BX
         Call: K7DR
         Call: K7MY
         Call: K7RF
         Call: K7SV
         Call: K8AJS
         Call: K8BTU
         Call: K8GU
         Call: KA2MGE
         Call: KA6JLT
         Call: KA8HDE
         Call: KB3LIX
         Call: KC4TEO
         Call: KC9QQ
         Call: KD0FW
         Call: KD5J
         Call: KD9MS
         Call: KG4CUY
         Call: KH6CJJ
         Call: KI0I
         Call: KN0V
         Call: KP2B
         Call: KP2DX
         Call: KP4KE
         Call: KR7C
         Call: KR8V
         Call: KS4L
         Call: KU8E
         Call: KV4QS
         Call: KV8Q
         Call: KW7Q
         Call: KX7L
         Call: LY2EN
         Call: LY5W
         Call: N0HJZ
         Call: N1CC
         Call: N1DC
         Call: N1DN
         Call: N1UR
         Call: N2NF
         Call: N3CZ
         Call: N3KCJ
         Call: N4KH
         Call: N4TZ/9
         Call: N5AW
         Call: N5KF
         Call: N5TOO
         Call: N6MU
         Call: N6RNO
         Call: N6RV
         Call: N6YEU
         Call: N7ZN
         Call: N8HM
         Call: N8II
         Call: N8VV
         Call: N9CK
         Call: NA0N
         Call: NA1DX
         Call: NA2M
         Call: NA8V
         Call: NF8M
         Call: NM2L
         Call: NR7Q
         Call: OG1M
         Call: OH2KM
         Call: OH5TS
         Call: OL7O
         Call: OZ4FF
         Call: P40W
         Call: PR2W
         Call: PY4ZO
         Call: RU4AA
         Call: S53F
         Call: SM6Y
         Call: SM7CIL
         Call: SP8LBK
         Call: UR5MM
         Call: UT8IM
         Call: VA3ATT
         Call: VA3EC
         Call: VA7ST
         Call: VE1RSM
         Call: VE1ZA
         Call: VE3GFN
         Call: VE3MIS
         Call: VE3RCN
         Call: VE3RSA
         Call: VE3TW
         Call: VE3VSM
         Call: VE7DS
         Call: VP9/W6PH
         Call: W0RAA
         Call: W1ECH
         Call: W1JQ
         Call: W1MAW
         Call: W1TJL
         Call: W2DXE
         Call: W2EJG
         Call: W2GR
         Call: W2TF
         Call: W2YK
         Call: W3FA
         Call: W4BK
         Call: W4GDG
         Call: W5KB
         Call: W7YAQ
         Call: W8KNO
         Call: W8KTQ
         Call: W9CF
         Call: W9JA
         Call: W9SZ
         Call: W9VQ
         Call: WA4EUL
         Call: WB4OMM
         Call: WB5EIN
         Call: WB8JUI
         Call: WB8YYY
         Call: WC7Q
         Call: WD0GTY
         Call: WD8RYC
         Call: WJ9B
         Call: WL7BDO
         Call: WN4AFP
         Call: WR3R
         Call: WS7V
         Call: WT9U
         Call: XW0YJY
         Call: YS1YS
         Call: Z35F
         Call: Z36W

         Call: AA4GA
         Call: AC3SS
         Call: DF5RF
         Call: DL4CW
         Call: F/E73CQ
         Call: G3SXW
         Call: HA3OU
         Call: HL1VAU
         Call: K0OU
         Call: K2QO
         Call: K6GHA
         Call: K7HBN
         Call: K8CN
         Call: K8MR
         Call: KC5WA
         Call: KH7M
         Call: KQ2RP
         Call: KS4X
         Call: KT8K
         Call: KU7Y
         Call: N1IX
         Call: N1RU
         Call: N1TM
         Call: N4CF
         Call: N4TOL
         Call: N6HI
         Call: N7IR
         Call: NT4TS
         Call: VA2SG
         Call: VA3RKM
         Call: VA7KH
         Call: VE3DQN
         Call: VE3HG
         Call: W6JTI
         Call: W6QU
         Call: W9OP
         Call: W9WI
         Call: WA5RML
         Call: WA8HSB
         Call: WC7S

Class: SOSB/10 HP
         Call: 6W/G3TXF
         Call: 9A4WY
         Call: 9A8WW
         Call: AA5AU
         Call: AA7XT
         Call: CR2A
         Call: CT9/R9DX
         Call: DL3FCG
         Call: DL7BY
         Call: EA8AH
         Call: G0ORH
         Call: GW4J
         Call: HA3NU
         Call: IK7JWY
         Call: JA1BPA
         Call: JH3PRR
         Call: K0NM
         Call: K1PT
         Call: K2SSS
         Call: K5QR
         Call: K8IA
         Call: K9BGL
         Call: KD7VFC
         Call: KI1U
         Call: KM4HI
         Call: KT0A
         Call: LA3S
         Call: LJ1GB
         Call: LU1FAM
         Call: LY6A
         Call: M5Z
         Call: MW5A
         Call: N4OX
         Call: N4PN
         Call: N9NC
         Call: NN7ZZ
         Call: OH2XX
         Call: OK5R
         Call: PA4A
         Call: PY2EX
         Call: S53O
         Call: S54O
         Call: SN8W
         Call: SP1GZF
         Call: VE6BMX
         Call: VE9AA
         Call: VY2ZM
         Call: W0BH
         Call: W1AW/6
         Call: W3EP
         Call: W4KZ
         Call: W4SVO
         Call: W5WMU
         Call: WC1M
         Call: ZW5B

Class: SOSB/10 LP
         Call: AE7DW
         Call: AF9T
         Call: CT1AOZ
         Call: CX2BR
         Call: GM4X
         Call: IC8FBU
         Call: K2PS
         Call: K3DCW
         Call: K3SWZ
         Call: K4WI
         Call: K9XR/M
         Call: KA7T
         Call: KN0A
         Call: KN4Y
         Call: LZ2PS
         Call: N0AC
         Call: N2WK
         Call: N4JF
         Call: N9XX
         Call: NP3A
         Call: NT4H
         Call: OZ4CG
         Call: OZ5WQ
         Call: PY3OZ
         Call: SM0Y
         Call: VA3GUY
         Call: W0PAN
         Call: W1ZK
         Call: W3DAD
         Call: W5UE
         Call: WB4TDH
         Call: WB8BZK
         Call: YO8RHM

Class: SOSB/10 QRP
         Call: K8ZT
         Call: N8XX
         Call: W4GV

Class: SOSB/15 HP
         Call: 9A1UN
         Call: 9A5Y
         Call: CX2DK
         Call: E71A
         Call: F5IN
         Call: HG1A
         Call: K0LUZ
         Call: K2YR
         Call: K4MM
         Call: K4WW
         Call: KE8M
         Call: KU2M
         Call: LA3BO
         Call: LW5HR
         Call: LX7I
         Call: N0VD
         Call: N1LN
         Call: N2WQ/VE3
         Call: N7DD
         Call: NQ4I
         Call: NU6S
         Call: OH6AC
         Call: OK8NM
         Call: S50C
         Call: S51TA
         Call: S57AL
         Call: S57C
         Call: SN2M
         Call: SN3X
         Call: SN8B
         Call: SP8R
         Call: VE6WQ
         Call: W4UAT
         Call: W7WA
         Call: YT7Z
         Call: ZY5M

Class: SOSB/15 LP
         Call: F1IWH
         Call: HA3UU
         Call: KD7MSC
         Call: LZ2HA
         Call: NY6DX
         Call: VE5KS
         Call: VU2MUD
         Call: VY2LI
         Call: W2UP
         Call: W6NF
         Call: WA1FCN
         Call: WC3O

Class: SOSB/15 QRP
         Call: AK2MA

Class: SOSB/160 HP
         Call: 8S0DX
         Call: AG4W
         Call: HA8FM
         Call: K2UR
         Call: M5E
         Call: M5O
         Call: N7GP
         Call: N8EA
         Call: S51V
         Call: SP3GTS
         Call: W1IZL
         Call: W7ZR
         Call: W8TOP
         Call: WD5COV

Class: SOSB/160 LP
         Call: N6ZFO
         Call: NS3T

Class: SOSB/20 HP
         Call: 9A2NA
         Call: CT3DZ
         Call: FY5KE
         Call: HA7GN
         Call: K4XS
         Call: K6AW
         Call: K7KU
         Call: N8AGU
         Call: OG8N
         Call: OH8L
         Call: PT5T
         Call: PX2F
         Call: S57DX
         Call: VE3CR
         Call: W1OHM
         Call: W8TA
         Call: W9ILY
         Call: WP3R

Class: SOSB/20 LP
         Call: C6AZZ
         Call: CN8KD
         Call: G0IBN
         Call: HA6OA
         Call: K0PK
         Call: KG4IGC
         Call: KG9Z
         Call: LY3H
         Call: N9CO
         Call: OM1II
         Call: VE3JAQ
         Call: W3IQ

Class: SOSB/40 HP
         Call: 9A2AJ
         Call: 9A6XX
         Call: CO8ZZ
         Call: CR2X
         Call: G4IIY
         Call: HA1ZZ
         Call: HA8JV
         Call: K3STX
         Call: KD2BGM
         Call: KD2RD
         Call: LI8W
         Call: LZ5K
         Call: N4UA
         Call: N4WW
         Call: N6NC
         Call: N7CW
         Call: NE0U
         Call: NX6T
         Call: OH1VR
         Call: OM2VL
         Call: S52W
         Call: S57Z
         Call: UA6LCN
         Call: W0UO
         Call: YO5AJR

Class: SOSB/40 LP
         Call: AA8R
         Call: CO8CY
         Call: ED4T
         Call: N6DZR
         Call: N9TF
         Call: SP6OJE
         Call: XE2S
         Call: YU2A

Class: SOSB/80 HP
         Call: C6AKQ
         Call: F5CQ
         Call: HA5JI
         Call: IK2CLB
         Call: JA6GCE
         Call: K4FJ
         Call: K9FY
         Call: KK4DZP
         Call: LX9DX
         Call: N4DU
         Call: N4TB
         Call: N7RK
         Call: NN4MM
         Call: OH4KZM
         Call: OK1KUW
         Call: OK5D
         Call: S52AW
         Call: W1XX
         Call: W4QNW
         Call: W6RLL
         Call: YT4A

Class: SOSB/80 LP
         Call: CO6CAC
         Call: K1PQS
         Call: ON7EH
         Call: VE3OSZ
         Call: W1NN

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