[3830] NewEngQP N4GG M/S HP

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Wed May 7 13:59:51 EDT 2014

                    New England QSO Party

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 13
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:     27        
   40:     83        
   20:    111        
   15:     36        
   10:      1        
Total:    258       0  Mults = 61  Total Score = 31,476

Club: South East Contest Club


Started out "casually" seeing what SO2R in three contests at once felt
like.  I don't think I need to try that experiment again.  I'm really sorry for
all the dupes - that's what happened as a result of getting things really
Anyway, by Sunday I had gotten serious and had at it in earnest.  Worked all
but 6 mults without trying at all - thanks to the great participation and
mobiles in NE.  All S&P.  M/S = Op + Packett.  Next year I will look for
the sweep.  The bottom fell out of condx Sunday morning - an X class flare hit
and things got very quiet.  The bands were back within a few hours, although 10
never opened here.  Thanks for a really first rate Q party NE.
FTdx5000/FT1000MP, 2X ACOM 2000A, WRITELOG, Wires in the woods.

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