[3830] NewEngQP W1WBB Single Op QRP

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Thu May 8 00:01:19 EDT 2014

                    New England QSO Party

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: Single Op QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 7.5

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   80:     32        
   40:    113       8
   20:     84        
   10:      1        
Total:    230       8  Mults = 49  Total Score = 22,834

Club: CT RI Contest Group


Modest effort this weekend running QRP -- mix of CQ'n and S&P.  About 5.5
hrs Sat/2+ hrs Sun.  Worked 14 DX mults, many of those in ARI 'test.  Best DX:
JM7OLW Suke w/ usual gud sigs for lone 10m QSO.  Unable to generate any
interest CQ'n on SSB w/ my 5 watts.  Good action/band condx Day 1 w/ ARI &
7QP/INQP/NEQP all going on & lots of available mults.  Missed lots of W0,
W5 and VE area mults this year.  Thanks to all for the Q's -- nice to work many
familiar calls.

IC-706MKIIG @ 5 watts; Hexbeam up @ 32' 10-20m; 88' doublet @ 45' for 40m; OCF
dipole @ 30' on 80m. N1MM Logger.  

Nice to work many familiar calls -- thanks to all for the Q's.

73,  Bill W1WBB

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