[3830] WPX CW - NX4N SOSB40 HP

Christopher Blake cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Sun May 25 19:42:41 EDT 2014

Hi Friends,

Just a very part time effort:

 Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
     7     228     804  176
    14      24      59    9
 Total     252     863  185
Score: 159,655

2014 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest, CW

             Callsign: NX4N
    Category-Operator: SINGLE-OP
 Category-Transmitter: ONE
        Category-Band: 40M
       Category-Power: HIGH
    Category-Assisted: NON-ASSISTED
     Category-Overlay: TB-WIRES
                 Club: Florida Contest Group
                 Name: Chris Blake
       Postal Address: 19311 Seacove Dr.
          Postal City: Lutz
Postal State/Province: FL
          Postal Code: 33558
       Postal Country: USA
        Reported QSOs: 254
       Confirmation #: 1488979.cq-wpx-cw

Thanks to those who worked me - was at home with out of town family so just
a few hours to operate.
CDX seemed very noisy- lots of repeats both ways.  Had to QRS quite a bit
because of the QRN and rapid QSB. Still probably had my more than fair
share of busted QSO's...
Did work a couple of JA's with my temporary 1/4wave vertical with K3/KPA500

I worked a couple dozen folks on 20m (I am entering 40m SB) just to give
out the NX4 prefix.

Hope everyone had a great time!

vy 73,
Chris, NX4N :-)

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