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Sun May 25 21:45:52 EDT 2014
CQWW WPX Contest, CW
Call: YN2GY
Operator(s): K9GY
Station: YN2N
Class: SOAB LP
QTH: EK71au
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Band QSOs
80: 12
40: 417
20: 664
15: 907
10: 420
Total: 2420 Prefixes = 845 Total Score = 5,932,745
Club: Society of Midwest Contesters
Overall fun effort this year. Happy to beat my SOLP 2010 YN record. Was so close
to the 2013 assisted effort 2452 - 854 - 6.1 mil.
Worst part was the cable for sending CW from the MicroHam USB II to the radio
has an issue that could not be resolved before the contest (tried to fix it all
day before the contest started too!). I thought it was a setup issue in either
the USB router or WriteLog but finally determined that it was the cable.
MicroHam provided excellent support on Friday via e-mail (big thank you). Ended
up having to send calls and QSO numbers by hand which is not the fastest method,
hah! Next time need to have a spare cable ready! At least the band data was
working. My apologies for any butchering of the code I did...Thankfully the
keyer sent CQs!
After taking a shower about 30 minutes before the contest, I realize that I
forgot to pack deodorant! Not good in a humid and warm climate, hah! Good thing
it wasn't a multi-op effort!
About QSO # 86 I realized the date/time is wrong and temporarily stop to fix
that....due to daylight saving time and messing with DX Atlas before the
Was treated like a terrorist at Chicago O'Hare TSA security check point. I had
my FCC license on top of the pelican case carry-on but the agent felt compelled
to take it apart to check everything out. Usually don't have much of a problem
but this guy must have had some issues.
I bought my airplane ticket too late this year... so decided to splurge and buy
business/first class. That was nice especially for a tall person like myself.
Even got real food on both legs of the flight! Looks like best airfare is about
90 days out. Note to self for next trip!
Really need to clean up the use of cut numbers! Time to eliminate them!
Conditions on 10 and 15 were better on Day one versus Day two. I was fairly
tired on Day one and that affected my effort that day...especially hurting my
40m effort. Some carry over from not enough sleep during Dayton, hah!
Very happy with the LDG tuner.... worked great! Nothing like buying it at
Dayton and not using it until down here for the contest, hah! Didn't really
need it but since the antennas are tuned more for SSB it was a comfort factor.
If you're interested in operating from Nicaragua then e-mail Octavio YN2N. The
station availability appears pretty good for the rest of the year. Mucho
Gracias to Octavio and Martha for the excellent food served....And no rain,
thunderstorms, or power failures during the contest :-)
Yaesu FT-857D
LDG AT-100 ProII Autotuner
80/40 dipole
40m wire quad
Cushcraft A3S (20/15/10)
Eric YN2GY
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